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{{Map infobox
{{Map infobox
| game-type=Control Point
  | map-status                = official
| file-name=cp_gorge
  | map-game-type             = Control Point
| map-image=Cp_gorge.jpg
  | map-file-name             = cp_gorge
| map-environment = 山地 / 工业
  | map-image                 = Cp_gorge.jpg
| map-setting = 白昼, 晴天
  | map-released              = {{Patch name|12|17|2009}}
| map-health-pickups-small = 2
  | map-released-major        = WAR! Update
| map-health-pickups-medium = 11
  | map-environment           = 山地 / 工业
| map-ammo-pickups-medium = 10
  | map-setting               = 白昼, 晴天
| map-ammo-pickups-large = 4
  | map-pickups-health-small = 2
| map-bots = 1
  | map-pickups-health-medium = 11
  | map-pickups-ammo-medium   = 10
  | map-pickups-ammo-large   = 4
  | map-has-bots             = yes
{{Quotation|[http://www.teamfortress.com/war/maps/ 战争!更新]|
Cp_gorge 是一个绝密的高山设施,恶魔般地伪装成完全不相关的东西:在这张地图里,一个伪装成无辜净水厂的险恶武器工厂,以及一个不足以满足美国地质调查局峡谷标准的大洞,伪装成一个符合标准的、完全不可疑的峡谷。
Cp_gorge 是一张只有两个控制点的 进攻/防御 模式的地图,专门设计为更快速,疯狂的游戏回合。它比以前的控制点地图具有更多的横向空间,有更多的路径选择。}}
{{Quotation|[https://www.teamfortress.com/war/maps/ 战争!更新]|
{{Map Variant}}
Cp_gorge 是一座绝密的高山设施,恶魔般地伪装成完全不相关的东西:在这张地图里是一个伪装成无辜净水厂的邪恶武器工厂,以及一个不足以满足美国地质调查局峡谷标准的大坑,伪装成一个符合标准的、完全不可疑的峡谷。
'''Gorge''' is a single-stage [[Control Point (game mode)#Attack/Defend|Attack/Defend Control Point]] map. It was released with the [[December 17, 2009 Patch | WAR! Update]] as an official map. While similar to Attack/Defend style maps like [[Dustbowl]] and [[Egypt]], Gorge features a single large stage, as opposed to three smaller stages. Gorge was the first official Attack/Defend map with a moving [[BLU]] spawn point. The map's layout allows for more attacking choices for BLU and fewer high-traffic choke points.
Like all Attack/Defend maps, BLU plays the attackers while RED plays the defenders. The goal of the attackers ([[BLU]]) is to capture both control points in sequence. The goal of the defenders ([[RED]]) is to defend these points until the time limit is reached. The timer is increased if BLU captures the first point; once this point is captured, it is locked and cannot be retaken by the defenders.
Cp_gorge 是一张只有两个控制点的 进攻/防御模式的地图,专门设计为更快速,疯狂的游戏回合。它与以往的控制点地图比具有更多的横向空间,有更多的路径选择。}}
A [[Gorge Event|Halloween version]] of the map was released in the [[Scream Fortress 2015]] update.
'''Gorge''' 是一张单阶段[[Control Point (game mode)/zh-hans#Attack/Defend|进攻/防御模式]]地图。于[[December 17, 2009 Patch/zh-hans|战争!更新]]中作为官方地图被添加入游戏。与其他进攻/防御模式地图(如:{{map link|Dustbowl}},{{map link|Egypt}})分为多个阶段不同,Gorge只有一个阶段。Gorge也是第一张有随阶段改变的出生点的进攻/防御模式地图。地图的布局为蓝队提供了更多的攻击选择,减少了高流量的咽喉处。
== Locations ==
该地图的[[Gorge Event/zh-hans|万圣节版本]]在{{update link|Scream Fortress 2015}}更新中被添加入游戏。
'''Note''': If you're having trouble with finding the locations listed here, you can scroll down to the ''[[#Helpful overview|Helpful overview]]'' section to see their exact position marked on the map.
Directions are described from BLU's (attacking) perspective.
== {{common string|Locations}} ==
=== BLU Spawn ===
* '''Entrance Yard''': The entrance yard is located outside of BLU's initial spawn area. It is entered by BLU from three different exits that are all respectively located at the far left, right, and center of the BLU spawn mountain wall. The entrance yard is mostly open without any cover except for the toll booth and a small wall on one side.
* '''Toll Booth''': The toll booth is the small building to one side of the entrance yard. Inside is a large ammo pack, and the roof can be accessed by a ladder leaning on it. [[Engineer]]s often like to camp here and place [[Sentry Gun]]s, especially on the roof of the booth.
* '''Checkpoint Building''': The checkpoint building is the large building separating the gorge area and the entrance yard. From the front, it has one main entrance walled off leaving entrance from two sides. The building's interior is mostly empty except for a few barrels and water tanks lined up on the walls. There are two exits on the far walls each of which exits out to the far sides of the gorge. The main exit is atop a twin staircase that exits out in front of Control Point A. The main room is a common location for Engineer nests, usually under or near the twin staircase.
* '''Upper Deck''': A second-floor route with two rooms and staircases at each end gives defensive battlements to RED and a flank to the gorge to BLU.
=== Control Point A ===
=== 蓝队出生点 ===
* '''Bridge''': Control Point A is located on a level bridge over the map's titular gorge. The gorge landmark itself is accessible from various entrances from all directions. The outcrop of the main building sports a peephole that can serve as an effective Sentry Gun or [[Sniper]] nest.
* '''入口庭院''':入口庭院位于蓝队出生点外。蓝队可以由三个出生点出口进入入口庭院,三个出口分别位于偏左侧,右侧和蓝队出生点岩墙中部。蓝队出生点出口基本上没有任何掩护除了庭院中的小屋和边上的一处矮墙。
* '''Gorge''': The gorge runs through the entire capture point area, from wall to wall and under the bridge. There is a large health kit underneath the bridge in the gorge. BLU's side of the gorge generally slopes to the water while the RED side has some defensive walls that block classes that cannot jump.
* '''小屋''':小屋是位于入口庭院侧边的一栋小型建筑。里面有一个大弹药箱和一个中医疗包,小屋旁有一个木梯可以用它走到小屋的屋顶上。{{cl|Engineer}}经常在此处安营扎寨并建造[[Sentry Gun/zh-hans|步哨枪]],尤其是在小屋屋顶处。
* '''BLU Forward Spawn''': Once BLU captures Control Point A, their spawn room moves to the top of the building overlooking the Gorge and the main building.
* '''检查点建筑''': 检查点建筑是分隔入口庭院和峡谷地区的大型建筑。从前方看,它有一个被墙体包围的大入口,使其分为两个小入口。建筑内部大部分是空的,只有几个沿着墙分布的木桶和水箱。在侧边有两处出口通往峡谷地区的偏远处。主出口位于双楼梯地形上方,出去就是控制点A。工程师经常在双楼梯地形下方建造建筑。
* '''上层平台''':一段位于检查点建筑二层的路线,旁边有一处楼梯可以进入,路线上包括两个房间。可以在红队防守入口庭院时作为防守地形,也可以在蓝队进攻控制点A作为进攻峡谷地区侧路的手段。
=== 控制点A ===
* '''大桥''': 控制点A位于架在基本上没有深度的峡谷上的水平大桥上。 峡谷地区本身可以从各个方向的各个入口进入。主楼的塔楼有一个窥视孔,是布置步哨枪和{{cl|sniper}}狙击的好点位。
* '''峡谷''': 峡谷地形横穿整个控制点区域,从地图左侧到右侧地图右侧,中间在大桥下方穿过。在大桥下方有一个大医疗包。蓝队方向的峡谷入口处几乎没有掩体,而红队方向有一些可供掩护的墙体,可以阻挡不能爆炸跳的兵种。
* '''蓝队前线出生点''':蓝队在占领控制点A后,蓝队的出生点移至检查点建筑上方,面向峡谷和主体建筑。
<gallery widths=150px heights=90px>
<gallery widths=150px heights=90px>
File:Go01.jpg|Area outside BLU spawn
File:CP Gorge Main Room2.PNG|Main room before point A
File:CP Gorge Main Room2.png|检查点建筑内
File:CP Gorge CapturePoint A.PNG|Capture point A
File:CP Gorge CapturePoint A.png|控制点A
=== RED Base ===
=== 红队基地 ===
*'''Main Hallway''': The main hallway is the long hallway connected to the main entrance nearest the bridge. It runs through the building from the entrance to the choke room. It is connected to the flank hallway and has a set of stairs at the end that leads up to platforms above the hallway and choke room.
*'''Flank Hallway''': The flank hallway runs through the building nearer the entrance perpendicular to the main hallway. It connects near the entrance of the main hallway, and to the side entrance to the building. There is a staircase at its far end that leads to the second floor.
*'''Second Floor''': The second floor runs all through the hallways and choke room. It is accessible from a set of stairs at the end of the main hallway and a set at the end of the flank hallway. It runs above the flank and main hallway. From the flank, it leads to a drop-down to the choke.
*'''Choke''': The choke is the room before the final point, which is often heavily contested. The walls are lined with barrels. Above the barrels is the second-floor balcony. The small far corner room on the balcony is a common forward BLU Engineer nest location. Most of the fighting just before capture the final point will go on in this room; this room must be controlled before the final defense of the second point can be attacked. There are six entrances/exits: one from the main hallway, one above that from the second floor (closed until the first point is captured), two from the second-floor flank, and two exits to the final point room.
*'''Flank Room''': This far flank between the choke and the final room is closed off until the first point is captured.
=== 最终控制点 ===
* '''控制点房间''':地图的最后一个大房间,分为两层,中部的下层空间内有最终控制点。围绕下层的是连通上下两层的楼梯。
=== Control Point B ===
* '''红队出生点''':红队出生点位于控制点房间右侧。
* '''Final Room''': The final room is marked by a lower floor in the center where the point is located. Surrounding the lower floor are walkways on the walls that curve around the area.
* '''出生点侧路''':从红队出生点出发,在侧路有一条走廊环绕整个控制点区,并且有一系列点位可以向控制点内和咽喉房内输出。
* '''RED Spawn''': RED spawn is located to the right of the final room.
* '''控制点''': 该地图的最终控制点位于红队基地建筑的中心。控制点位于下层,令蓝队在占领时会有一定的地形劣势。在平台悬空处是常见的工程师点位,工程师经常在此建造步哨枪,毕竟在此处只有进入点中或者从红队出生点旁的过道可以攻击到此处。
* '''Spawn Flank''': From RED Spawn, a flanking hallway runs all of the way around the control point, left and right, and has a number of locations from which to fire into on the control point and into the choke.
* '''Control Point''': The final capture point of the map is situated in the heart of the main building. The point itself is set deep in a lower open floor, putting BLU at a height disadvantage when attempting to capture. In one corner of the room is the RED spawn room, and in the other is a similar overlook to the point. Beneath the overhanging ledge within the lower floor is a popular place for RED Sentry Guns, as it can only be attacked from within the lower floor itself or from the far walkways.
<gallery widths=150px heights=90px>
<gallery widths=150px heights=90px>
File:CP Gorge Hallway.PNG|Hallway that leads to point B
File:CP Gorge Hallway.png|通往最终控制点的走廊
File:Go03.jpg|Main room before point B
File:Gorge point B.png|Capture point B
File:Go04.jpg|Capture point B
==Helpful overview==
=={{common string|Helpful overview}}==
[[Image:Gorge overview with lines.png|left|Gorge's locations|350px]]
[[Image:Gorge overview with lines.png|left|Gorge's locations|350px]]
  <big>1.Entrance Yard
  2.Toll Booth
  3.Upper Deck
  4.Checkpoint Building
  5.Gorge (Valley)
  6.Flank Hallway
  7.Main Hallway
  8.Second Floor
  9.Flank Room
  Red/blue diagonal lines: Red/Blu first spawn
  Red/blue double diagonal lines: Red/Blu second spawn
  Green circle: First control point
  Yellow circles: Second/final control point</big>
  黄色圆圈:第二/最终控制点 </big>
== Strategy ==
== {{common string|Strategy}}==
{{main|Community Gorge strategy}}
{{map strategy link|Gorge|main=yes|stub=yes}}
{{community strategy stub link}}
== Control Point timing ==
== 控制点时间 ==
{{Control Point Timing/Official Map | ROWS = 5}}
{{Control Point Timing/Official Map | ROWS = 5}}
== Update history ==
== {{common string|Update history}}==
{{update history|
{{update history|
'''{{Patch name|12|17|2009}}''' ([[WAR! Update]])
'''{{Patch name|12|17|2009}}''' ({{update link|WAR! Update}})
* Added Gorge to the game.
* Gorge被添加入游戏。
'''{{Patch name|1|27|2010}}'''
'''{{Patch name|1|27|2010}}'''
* Updated CP_Gorge
* 更新了 CP_Gorge
** Added more cover outside of the initial BLU spawn area.
** 在蓝队第一出生点外加了更多掩体。
** Added a forward spawn for the BLU team after Cap1 is captured.
** 蓝队在占领第一控制点后会将出生点移动到第一控制点附近。
** Added another access point to the upper level from the front of the RED base.
** 新添了一处从红队基地通往二层的道路。
** Added more cover in the room just before Cap2.
** 在咽喉房内增加了更多掩体。
** Decreased RED team's respawn time while they own Cap1.
** 减少了红队在拥有第一控制点时的重生时间。
** Fixed a few areas where players would sometimes become stuck.
** 修复一些玩家可能卡住的点位。
'''{{Patch name|5|20|2010}}''' ([[Second Community Contribution Update]])
'''{{Patch name|5|20|2010}}''' ({{update link|Second Community Contribution Update}})
* Updated CP_Gorge
* 更新了CP_Gorge
** Added nobuilds to the awnings outside BLU's forward spawn to preventing players building up there.
** 在蓝队第二重生点屋檐处设置了禁止建造区域,以阻止某些玩家在此建造建筑。
** More clip work and model collision work based on community feedback.
** 在模型和碰撞箱上根据社区反映进行了修改。
** Fixed BLU forward spawn door appearing through roof.
** 修复了蓝队第二出生点卷帘门穿模到屋顶上的问题。
'''{{Patch name|10|13|2011}}''' ([[Manniversary Update & Sale]])
'''{{Patch name|10|13|2011}}''' ({{update link|Manniversary Update & Sale}})
* Added team-specific {{code|func_nobuild}} brushes in elevated forward spawn areas.
'''{{Patch name|7|10|2013}}'''
'''{{Patch name|7|10|2013}}'''
* Players can no longer build in Blu's first spawn room.
* 现在玩家无法在蓝队第一重生点内建造建筑了。
* 修改了水的纹理比例。
'''{{Patch name|12|6|2013}}'''
'''{{Patch name|12|6|2013}}'''
* Improved [[bots|bot]] navigation.
* 优化[[bots/zh-hans|人机玩家]]的寻路系统。
'''{{Patch name|12|20|2013}}'''
'''{{Patch name|12|20|2013}}'''
* Improved [[bots|bot]] navigation.
* 优化[[bots/zh-hans|人机玩家]]的寻路系统。
== Bugs ==
== {{common string|Bugs}}==
* Demomen can place stickybombs on the exterior side of the setup gates, causing them to float in midair after the gates have opened.
* 爆破手可以在出生点大门未开启时在边缘处部署黏弹,使得这些黏弹在开门后浮在空中。
* After the first point is captured, BLU bots will not leave the spawn room.
* 在控制第一控制点后,蓝队人机玩家将不会走出出生点。
* RED Engineers are still able to build on the forward spawn ledge if they stand on an outcropping below the ledge while doing so.
* 红队工程师仍可以在蓝队第二出生点前建造建筑,只需要他们站在遮阳棚下方突起处即可。
* If a teleporter is placed on the balcony to the right and down the hallway from RED's spawn, BLU bots will use said teleporter and be unable to escape it as their path finding AI directs them all into a corner. Note that this balcony is only accessible via sentry jump, sticky jump, or rocket jump.
* 如果将一个传送装置部署在红队出生点右侧的一个阳台上,蓝队人机玩家会试图使用它但是会因为无法抵达这个位置而困在一个角落。因为这个阳台只能靠步哨跳,火箭跳,黏弹跳来抵达。
== Trivia ==
== {{common string|Trivia}} ==
*''"Gorge Herald"'' was the title of the newspaper seen in [http://www.teamfortress.com/war/part6/ The end is near] part of the [[WAR! Update]], as well as the map being featured in both the Soldier and Demoman update pages before the map was officially revealed in the update.
*“峡谷先驱报”是在[http://www.teamfortress.com/war/part6/ The end is near]报纸上的标题,同时也是{{update link|WAR! Update}}的一部分,这张地图在士兵和爆破手更新页中有透露,尽管那时Gorge还没有正式作为更新内容的一部分。
== Gallery ==
== {{common string|Gallery}} ==
<gallery perrow="5">
<gallery perrow="5">
File:Gorgeoverview.jpg|Overview of the map.
File:Go01.jpg|BLU Respawn.
File:CP Gorge Main Room2.PNG|Room before the cotrol point A.
File:CP Gorge Main Room2.PNG|第一控制点前的房间
File:CP Gorge CapturePoint A.PNG|Control Point A.
File:CP Gorge CapturePoint A.PNG|第一控制点
File:CP Gorge Hallway.PNG|Hallway leading to point B.
File:CP Gorge Hallway.PNG|通往最终控制点的走廊
File:Go03.jpg|Room before the cotrol point B.
File:Go04.jpg|Control Point B.
File:Gorge conceptart1.jpg|Concept art of Gorge.
File:Gorge conceptart1.jpg|Gorge的概念图
File:Gorge conceptart2.jpg|Concept art of Gorge.
File:Gorge conceptart2.jpg|Gorge的概念图
File:Gorge conceptart3.jpg|Concept art of Gorge.
File:Gorge conceptart3.jpg|Gorge的概念图
File:Gorge conceptart4.jpg|Concept art of Gorge.
File:Gorge conceptart4.jpg|Gorge的概念图
File:Gorge conceptart5.jpg|Concept art of Gorge.
File:Gorge conceptart5.jpg|Gorge的概念图
File:Gorge conceptart6.jpg|Early version of Gorge.
File:Gorge conceptart6.jpg|早期版本的Gorge
File:Gorge conceptart7.jpg|Early version of Gorge.
File:Gorge conceptart7.jpg|早期版本的Gorge
File:Gorge conceptart8.jpg|Early version of Gorge.
File:Gorge conceptart8.jpg|早期版本的Gorge
== See also ==
== {{common string|See also}} ==
* [[Gorge Event]]
* {{map link|Gorge Event}}
== External links ==
== {{common string|External links}}==
*[http://www.teamfortress.com/war/maps/ ''WAR! Update'': VI Day - New maps]
*[http://www.teamfortress.com/war/maps/ ''战争!更新'':第四天 - 新地图]
{{Maps nav}}
{{Maps nav}}
[[Category:Quickplay maps]]
[[Category:Quickplay maps/zh-hans]]

Latest revision as of 10:47, 6 June 2024

Cp gorge.jpg
种类: 控制点
文件名: cp_gorge
发布时间: 2009年12月17日补丁
地图变种: 5Gorge, 曼恩之力万圣节系列
开发者: Valve
环境: 山地 / 工业
设定: 白昼, 晴天
Healthico.png 医疗包: Smallhealth.png ×2  •  Mediumhealth.png ×11
Ammoico.png 弹药盒: Mediumammo.png ×10   •  
Largeammo.png ×4
Loading screen photos.
Gorge overview.png
Cp_gorge 是一座绝密的高山设施,恶魔般地伪装成完全不相关的东西:在这张地图里是一个伪装成无辜净水厂的邪恶武器工厂,以及一个不足以满足美国地质调查局峡谷标准的大坑,伪装成一个符合标准的、完全不可疑的峡谷。 Cp_gorge 是一张只有两个控制点的 进攻/防御模式的地图,专门设计为更快速,疯狂的游戏回合。它与以往的控制点地图比具有更多的横向空间,有更多的路径选择。

Gorge 是一张单阶段进攻/防御模式地图。于战争!更新中作为官方地图被添加入游戏。与其他进攻/防御模式地图(如:DustbowlEgypt)分为多个阶段不同,Gorge只有一个阶段。Gorge也是第一张有随阶段改变的出生点的进攻/防御模式地图。地图的布局为蓝队提供了更多的攻击选择,减少了高流量的咽喉处。

该地图的万圣节版本尖叫要塞 2015更新中被添加入游戏。





  • 入口庭院:入口庭院位于蓝队出生点外。蓝队可以由三个出生点出口进入入口庭院,三个出口分别位于偏左侧,右侧和蓝队出生点岩墙中部。蓝队出生点出口基本上没有任何掩护除了庭院中的小屋和边上的一处矮墙。
  • 小屋:小屋是位于入口庭院侧边的一栋小型建筑。里面有一个大弹药箱和一个中医疗包,小屋旁有一个木梯可以用它走到小屋的屋顶上。工程师经常在此处安营扎寨并建造步哨枪,尤其是在小屋屋顶处。
  • 检查点建筑: 检查点建筑是分隔入口庭院和峡谷地区的大型建筑。从前方看,它有一个被墙体包围的大入口,使其分为两个小入口。建筑内部大部分是空的,只有几个沿着墙分布的木桶和水箱。在侧边有两处出口通往峡谷地区的偏远处。主出口位于双楼梯地形上方,出去就是控制点A。工程师经常在双楼梯地形下方建造建筑。
  • 上层平台:一段位于检查点建筑二层的路线,旁边有一处楼梯可以进入,路线上包括两个房间。可以在红队防守入口庭院时作为防守地形,也可以在蓝队进攻控制点A作为进攻峡谷地区侧路的手段。


  • 大桥: 控制点A位于架在基本上没有深度的峡谷上的水平大桥上。 峡谷地区本身可以从各个方向的各个入口进入。主楼的塔楼有一个窥视孔,是布置步哨枪和狙击手狙击的好点位。
  • 峡谷: 峡谷地形横穿整个控制点区域,从地图左侧到右侧地图右侧,中间在大桥下方穿过。在大桥下方有一个大医疗包。蓝队方向的峡谷入口处几乎没有掩体,而红队方向有一些可供掩护的墙体,可以阻挡不能爆炸跳的兵种。
  • 蓝队前线出生点:蓝队在占领控制点A后,蓝队的出生点移至检查点建筑上方,面向峡谷和主体建筑。


  • 主廊道:主廊道的入口是距离大桥最近的红队基地建筑入口。它横穿整栋建筑,连接着建筑入口和咽喉房。同时它还与侧翼廊道相连,并且还有一条通向咽喉房二层的楼梯。
  • 二层:整个廊道和咽喉房都有二层结构。可以由两处楼梯进入,一处位于侧翼廊道,一处位于主廊道。在控制点B处可以由侧翼直接进入控制点。
  • 咽喉房:咽喉房是最终控制点前的一个房间,平时会有激烈冲突。墙体前有箱子和桶作为掩体。在此之上是二层阳台。一处位于二层的小建筑,一般会有工程师在此安营扎寨。在成功占领最终控制点前,大部分战斗都是在咽喉房发生;蓝队如果想继续推进入最终控制点就必须占领此处。咽喉房有六个入口,主廊道一个,二层一个(如果第一控制点没有被占领会关闭),二层侧翼有两个,还有两个通往最终控制点。
  • 侧路:侧路连接着咽喉房和最终控制点,直到控制点A被占领前不会开启。


  • 控制点房间:地图的最后一个大房间,分为两层,中部的下层空间内有最终控制点。围绕下层的是连通上下两层的楼梯。
  • 红队出生点:红队出生点位于控制点房间右侧。
  • 出生点侧路:从红队出生点出发,在侧路有一条走廊环绕整个控制点区,并且有一系列点位可以向控制点内和咽喉房内输出。
  • 控制点: 该地图的最终控制点位于红队基地建筑的中心。控制点位于下层,令蓝队在占领时会有一定的地形劣势。在平台悬空处是常见的工程师点位,工程师经常在此建造步哨枪,毕竟在此处只有进入点中或者从红队出生点旁的过道可以攻击到此处。


Gorge's locations


主条目: 社区 Gorge 战术


控制点 玩家人数
控制点 1 ×1
60 .000
40 .000
32 .727
28 .800
26 .277
控制点 2 ×1
12 .000
8 .000
6 .545
5 .760
5 .255


  • Gorge被添加入游戏。


  • 更新了 CP_Gorge
    • 在蓝队第一出生点外加了更多掩体。
    • 蓝队在占领第一控制点后会将出生点移动到第一控制点附近。
    • 新添了一处从红队基地通往二层的道路。
    • 在咽喉房内增加了更多掩体。
    • 减少了红队在拥有第一控制点时的重生时间。
    • 修复一些玩家可能卡住的点位。


  • 更新了CP_Gorge
    • 在蓝队第二重生点屋檐处设置了禁止建造区域,以阻止某些玩家在此建造建筑。
    • 在模型和碰撞箱上根据社区反映进行了修改。
    • 修复了蓝队第二出生点卷帘门穿模到屋顶上的问题。


  • 在蓝队第二出生点前增加了限定队伍的func_nobuild


  • 现在玩家无法在蓝队第一重生点内建造建筑了。
  • 修改了水的纹理比例。




  • 爆破手可以在出生点大门未开启时在边缘处部署黏弹,使得这些黏弹在开门后浮在空中。
  • 在控制第一控制点后,蓝队人机玩家将不会走出出生点。
  • 红队工程师仍可以在蓝队第二出生点前建造建筑,只需要他们站在遮阳棚下方突起处即可。
  • 如果将一个传送装置部署在红队出生点右侧的一个阳台上,蓝队人机玩家会试图使用它但是会因为无法抵达这个位置而困在一个角落。因为这个阳台只能靠步哨跳,火箭跳,黏弹跳来抵达。


  • “峡谷先驱报”是在The end is near报纸上的标题,同时也是战争!更新的一部分,这张地图在士兵和爆破手更新页中有透露,尽管那时Gorge还没有正式作为更新内容的一部分。


