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(Created page with "{{DISPLAYTITLE:Gorge(夺旗)}} {{Map infobox | game-type = Capture the Flag | file-name = ctf_gorge | map-image = Ctf_g...")
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{{Map infobox
{{Map infobox
   | game-type                = Capture the Flag
   | game-type                = Capture the Flag

Revision as of 00:55, 18 April 2023

Gorge (Capture the Flag)
Ctf gorge.jpg
地图变种: 山峡水厂(5Gorge), 攻防型万圣节系列
开发者: 未知
环境: 高山,工业
设定: 白天,晴天
Gorge (Capture the Flag) overview.png
地图Gorge还拥有其它版本,其中包括山峡水厂(5Gorge), 攻防型万圣节系列

Gorge(夺旗) 是一张添加于圣诞节 2014曼恩之力地图。是一张缩水版的5Gorge,删除了中央区域,移除了地图上的控制点,并用情报箱代替最终控制点。部分区域和模型边界进行了修改来优化钩爪的使用体验。



  • Spawning Rooms: Behind the Intelligence is the respective team's spawn room. There are three entrances into the spawn room: One in the right of the center containers, and one on both sides of the walls.
  • Supply Shack: A small shack-like structure rests to the left of the Intelligence. The structure has a ladder onto the roof, and the inside houses a medium health kit and large ammo kit.


On both sides of the map are drainage ditches between the main center structure, and the structure guarding the outside Intelligence Platform. The surrounding area has multiple possible paths on both foot and by Grappling Hook.

  • Forward Structure: A building lays in front of the Intelligence Platform. From here there are multiple ways through it and around it, all of which can be used to the player's advantage.
  • Interior: The interior is small, yet has multiple entrances around it. It can be used for bring the fight to a close quarters environment or to sneak by.
  • Roof: Rooftop access is achieved through the Grappling Hook. Snipers can use the roof to their advantage, and other players can use the roof to quickly get past the building.
  • Pathways: There are two concrete pathways through the ditch. One is on the side, and the other is on the bridge in the center. Both have the possibility of spawning a Powerup.


The Central Facility is a two floor structure littered with Powerups. Both teams cannot grapple over the building and must pass through the interior to get to the other side.

  • Entrances: On both sides of the main facility are two entryways, one on the right, and a dual entrance on the left.
  • Stairways: On the sides and center hallways, there are stairways to the upper floor. The hallways and stairs may also have Powerups on them.
  • Central Area: The room where the RED and BLU sides cross. The room is filled with possible Powerup spawns on the lower floor, and upper catwalks. There are also side rooms on the second floor containing medium health and ammo kits that can only be accessed by Grappling Hook.


主条目: Community Gorge (Capture the Flag) strategy


2014年12月22日补丁 (Smissmas 2014)

  • Added ctf_gorge to the game.


  • Updated ctf_gorge to fix lighting issues.


  • Added enemy team func_nobuild volumes to the capture zone areas in ctf_gorge to prevent spawn-camping sentries.
  • Fixed players being able to get outside of the map.
  • Opened access to the flat rooftop by the capture zone area.

2015年2月11日补丁 #1

  • Reduced capture trigger size to match capture area on CTF_Gorge.

2015年10月28日补丁 (Scream Fortress 2015)

  • No longer in Beta.

2020年10月1日补丁 (Scream Fortress 2020)

  • Flag return time increased from 15 to 30 seconds.
