Difference between revisions of "Coldfront"

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| game-type=Control Point
| game-type=Control Point
| file-name=cp_coldfront
| file-name=cp_coldfront
| map-image=Cp_coldfront0010.jpg
| map-image=Coldfront5.png
| developer=[http://steamcommunity.com/id/icaruswong Eric "Icarus" Wong] <br>[http://steamcommunity.com/id/selentic David "Selentic" Simon] <br>[http://steamcommunity.com/id/thevoidskull Aeon "Void" Bollig] <br>[http://steamcommunity.com/id/Y_M Tim "YM" Johnson]
| developer=[http://steamcommunity.com/id/icaruswong Eric "Icarus" Wong] <br>[http://steamcommunity.com/id/selentic David "Selentic" Simon] <br>[http://steamcommunity.com/id/thevoidskull Aeon "Void" Bollig] <br>[http://steamcommunity.com/id/Y_M Tim "YM" Johnson]
| map-environment = Alpine
| map-environment = Alpine

Revision as of 08:07, 2 March 2011

Basic Information
Developer(s): Unknown
Map Info
Environment: Alpine
Setting: Daylight, snowy
Map Photos
Loading screen photos.
Map Overview
Coldfront overview.png
Prepare for a Cold War
— cp_coldfront

Coldfront is a standard Control Point map. It was included in the Engineer Update as an official community map due to its outstanding quality.

The objective is to capture all five Control points. Each team starts with their second and final Control points locked, leaving only the middle point available.

Introduction video


Each area of the map provides ample opportunity for certain classes to utilize their abilities in order to overcome their enemies. Scouts, Soldiers and Demomen are able to traverse the cliffs and main house, while the slope of the terrain and sharp corners allows ambush classes such as the Pyro, Engineer and Heavy to take down attackers. In addition, various open spaces indoors allow Medics and Spies to move freely to advantageous positions while Snipers lay down suppressive shots.

Control Point 3 (Decrepit Cabin)

Map overview

The central control point rests comfortably within the wreckage of the cabin.

  • Entrances: Each team has three paths to the house area. Two paths enter from the ground, going uphill as you get closer to the house, and an upper path among the one of the high cliffs.
  • High Cliff: One of the passageways into the area from yard. Normally a one-way drop-down, but Scouts and Soldiers can climb up, too. Common Sniper perch.
  • House: The worn down cabin which holds the CP. Soldiers and demos can rocket jump on top for a better view of the area.
  • Behind the Rocks: A small safe haven for Medics and Engineers, especially due to the close proximity to medium health and ammo packs.
  • Yard: Each side has a large, open intermediate area in between CP2 and the CP3 cabin. Separated into two halves by a pipe-bridge.

Control Points 2 & 4 (Warehouse Caves)

The intermediate control points are set in the centre of the elevated concrete road.

  • Entrances from Yard: Teams most commonly enter in through the main central path (building), but the side route (pipes) and the ramp room (forward respawn) are there as alternatives.
  • Garage: The location of the first forward resupply. An effective but risky flank to topple defenders on the platform.
  • Platform: A large elevated platform near the control point. Teams should base their defenses around this platform, but beware of flanks through the ramp room.

Control Points 1 & 5 (Headquarters)

The final control points are locked into the centre of the circular final chamber.

  • Entrances from CP 2/4: Three small but separated doorways are used to enter the final chamber. Far left (through silo), center, and far right.
  • Silo: Otherwise known as the far left flank, this passage is most commonly used to sneak an assault on the final CP, but can become dangerous if you're caught in this narrow passage.
  • Outer Ring: The upper ring surrounding the central chamber that all teams must pass through if entering/exiting the area. The slight height advantage and plenty of cover makes it significant location to control for both attackers and defenders. The support beams spanning across the ceiling do not have collision detection and players can pass right through them.
  • Central Chamber: The open space in the center of the room. Its lower elevation makes this a no-man's land if the attackers succeed in taking the Outer Ring. Good for hiding Sentry Guns.
  • The Back: The elevated area behind the final control point. A stable but not most ideal point of defense for a team making a last-ditch or makeshift defense. Health and ammo packs area available in the back, and an easy drop-down to the control point itself.

Control Point Timing

Control Point Multiplier Seconds
Control Point 1 and 5 ×1
3 .000
2 .000
1 .636
1 .440
Control Point 2 and 4 ×1
12 .000
8 .000
6 .545
5 .760
Control Point 3 ×1
24 .000
16 .000
13 .091
11 .520

Update history

August 17, 2010 Patch

  • Added missing Mac intro movie for cp_coldfront.

July 13, 2010 Patch

  • Updated CP_Coldfront
    • Added map to the default mapcycle and motd files.
    • Fixed a server crash issue related to increased maxplayer servers.
    • Fixed a couple Engineer building exploits.

October 27, 2010 Patch

  • Updated cp_coldfront with the latest changes from the community creator (Icarus):
    • Improved visibility on last CP.
    • Moved second CP slightly closer to the attacker's side.
    • Added cover for players queuing up the health pack on the second CP.
    • Improved clipping on the zig-zag ramp to middle CP.
    • Teams that capture the middle CP are now awarded with faster spawn times.


The BLU Pyro in the video wearing Bill's Hat
  • Stormfront was the original name of the map, but was changed to its present name because the name "Stormfront" was already taken by another map.
    • The skybox for Coldfront still bears the filename sky_stormfront_01.
  • The first and last capture points were created for a TF2Maps.net Control point detailing mini-contest (in which it won 1st and 3rd place, respectively.)
  • Both teams' main spawn rooms were inspired by the war room from the 1964 film Template:W.
  • On the introductory video for Coldfront, the BLU Pyro appears to be sporting a Bill's Hat.

External links