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Revision as of 11:08, 26 March 2012

Tueur de Sang Froid
« »

Le Sniper est une classe de support de longue portée qui peut tuer très précisément des cibles clés. Le Sniper est l'une des deux classes capables de faire des tirs en pleine tête aux ennemis (l'autre étant le Spy).Les tirs en pleine tête sont des coups critiques garantis, et résultent souvent à une mort instantanée.


  • Les ennemis peuvent voir votre pointeur laser. Cachez-le afin qu'ils ne soient pas au courant de votre présence, cela vous permettra de surprendre plus facilement vos adversaires.
  • Le Sniper est plus vulnérable face aux Spies et aux autres Snipers. Equipez-vous du Razorback pour vous protéger des Spies. Si les autres Snipers ne s'occupent pas de vous, ou ne vous ont pas remarqué, ne les tuez pas, l'écran de mort leur donnera votre position.
  • Trop de Snipers ou de Spies peut nuire à la viabilité d'une équipe. Essayez de ne pas prendre ces classes si elles sont déjà plébiscitées ! Si vous ne faites pas de victimes en tant que Sniper, vous ne contribuez pas à votre équipe - prenez en considération le fait de changer de classes jusqu'à ce qu'il y ait moins de Snipers.


Mettez votre pointeur sur on objet proche ou un autre endroit du décor pour que les joueurs ennemis ne soient pas au courant de votre présence.
  • The Sniper Rifle's laser dot is visible to enemies

Allowing your Sniper Rifle's laser dot to be seen may cost you the element of surprise. This can be avoided by aiming your dot out of sight on a nearby wall or object. Alternatively, you can use it to discourage enemy advances; most classes will not willingly go into a Sniper's line of fire, and will instead take another route. This tactic does not always work with Scouts, who are faster than a lot of Snipers can aim. Note that the enemy can only see the laser when facing an object in the same direction you're facing.

  • Don't stick to one spot

The freezecam will give your position away after a single kill; you should switch to a new location often, especially after killing another Sniper. This can be avoided by moving to an unfamiliar location upon making a kill, and may give you another shot opportunity if the enemy can't discern your location. This tactic is far less effective if you're firing from a well-known Sniper nest.

  • Pick your targets

As a support class it's always important to help your team out in the most efficient way possible. So look out for high value targets on the battlefield such as Medics, Heavies, and such. By picking and killing targets that would otherwise inflict heavy damage or negatively impact your team you are being a great support to your entire team.

  • Stopping re-zoom

Some Snipers prefer to not use the automatic re-zoom of the Sniper Rifle's scope after every shot. To prevent the re-zoom, either press the zoom button again after firing a shot, or turn off the automatic re-zoom in the Advanced Options on the main menu.

A fully-charged shot can instantly destroy any Level 1 Building and do major damage to others. Put pressure on enemy Engineers by standing outside the range of their equipment and hitting them with charged shots. Working in conjunction with a friendly Soldier can easily overwhelm the Engineer's repair capabilities.

  • Crouching tactics

Crouching shifts your vision downwards while making you a much smaller target (albeit a slower one). This can be useful for getting a better shot on your enemies. Crouching may also throw off enemy Snipers going for a headshot, especially if you have just fired a shot and are retreating.

  • Respawning

Pay attention to respawn timers, especially when facing many enemy Snipers. On defense, you may only have 5-10 seconds to focus on other targets between spawns.

  • Manipuler les Medics

Des tirs rapides dans le corps ou dans la tête du patient d'un Medic (ou du Medic lui-même) peuvent forcer le Medic à déployer son Übercharge plus tôt.

  • Close combat

You have two options: retreat and attempt a quick headshot or bodyshot, or fight with your secondary weapon and melee. A quick headshot is rarely a viable option unless you know you can make the shot. It's generally more advisable to retreat while firing your SMG/throwing your Jarate (unless you have the Razorback or Darwin's Danger Shield equipped). Rushing in with your melee weapon has different results depending on the weapon. The Kukri is reliable for this tactic, the Tribalman's Shiv is better suited to surprise attacks, the Bushwacka works really well with a rush if you use Jarate, and the Shahanshah was more or less designed around making a melee rush more effective.

  • Use Your Environment

When sniping, it's very common for there to be one or two Spies out to backstab you. You can use walls to protect your back while you snipe if you don't use the Razorback, but still be cautious because a Spy can kill you just as easily with their Revolver.

Spécifique par arme

Armes Principales

Fusil de Sniper/Fusil de Sniper Festif

Arme Icône de Frag Munitions Dégâts
Chargées Transportées Charge à 0% Charge à 100% Critique à 0% Critique à 100%
Sniper Rifle
Fusil de sniper
Killicon sniper rifle.png 1 25 43-57 128-172 150 450
Killicon sniperriflehs.png 1 25 150 450 450 450
Festive Sniper Rifle
A déballer
Fusil de sniper festif
Killicon sniper rifle.png 1 25 43-57 128-172 150 450
Killicon sniperriflehs.png 1 25 150 450 450 450
  • Visez la tête. Un tir dans la tête sera toujours un tir critique, et un tir complètement chargé dans la tête est une des seules attaques, avec le backstab, capables de tuer un Heavy Overhealé en un seul coup.
  • N'oubliez pas qu'un tir complètement chargé dans le corps peut tuer 5 des 9 classes du jeu si elles ne sont pas Overhealées. Ces classes sont le Scout, l'Engineer, le Medic, les autres Snipers et les Spies.
  • Se mettre dos contre un mur pendant que vous zoomez peut vous protéger d'un backstab, mais vous devrez toujours faire attention aux Spies. D'un autre côté, vous mettre dos contre un mur vous rendra plus ouvert aux dégâts de zone de roquettes.
    • Noter que les Spies peuvent aussi viser le côté d'un modèle de joueur of a player model et réussir un backstab.
  • Les unscopes (tirs sans lunette) font environ 50 dégâts. Vous pouvez affaiblir la plupart des attaquants à un degré significatif de cette façon si vous visez suffisament bien.
  • Le Fusil de sniper ne peut pas faire de critiques aléatoires; en dehors des headshots, seuls le Kritzkrieg, et les boosts de critiques pendant l'humiliation et les captures des documents peuvent vous permettre de faire des tirs critiques.
  • Ne pas bouger pendant que vous utilisez la lunette fait de vous une cible facile pour les Snipers et les Spies. Bougez souvent et Spy-checkez vos co-équipiers, en particulier si l'un d'eux à un comportement étrange.
  • Ne soyez pas constament en tain d'utiliser la lunette : avec cotre champ de vision rétréci, vous pourriez facilement manquer un ennemi qui va droit vers vous.
  • Positioning is key; you should look for high vantage points to get a good view of the battlefield, or positions where you can easily cover multiple enemy routes. Ideally, you want to maximize your threat to your enemies while minimizing their threat to you.
  • Changing the cl_interp variable to 0.034 can help increase the likelihood of hitting a fast moving enemy.
  • Firing through small holes in walls minimizes the space enemies can shoot through. This makes you a minuscule target, but this also limits the area you can cover.

The table below lists the percentage charge needed to kill enemies with a bodyshot/headshot. Percentages greater than 100 mean you cannot kill enemies with one shot in this fashion.

Note: If random damage spread is not disabled, body shot percentages will vary. All classes but the Soldier have gear that can increase or lower their total health so only use this table as a guide. The Soldier may use the Battalion's Backup, reducing your damage against them.


Weapon Kill Icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried 0% Charge 100% Charge Critical at 0% Critical at 100%
Killicon huntsman.png 1 12 44-58 103-137 150 360
Killicon huntsmanhs.png 1 12 150 360 360 360
Killicon flaming huntsman.png Killicon flaming huntsman afterburn.png 1 12 104-118 153-187 210 420
  • The Huntsman fires relatively slow-moving projectiles: lead your target unless they're headed straight for you; arrows will always hit to the lower right corner of the crosshair.
    • Arrows arc downwards when fired; the greater the charge, the straighter and faster your shot will fly.
  • When under fire, don't stick around to see if your shots hit their mark; duck behind cover! A distinct sound will always play upon a hit, no matter how far away you are.
  • Occasionally take shots at areas enemies are likely to appear from, even if you don't see anyone there at the moment. By the time your arrow reaches its destination, an enemy may have appeared. This is mostly useful when aiming at common Sniper nests and choke points.
  • A Sniper using the standard Sniper Rifle has an advantage over you, thanks to his hitscan weapon. Avoid engaging them at medium/long range unless they are under fire or plainly unaware of your presence.
    • If a Sniper using the standard Sniper Rifle is taking a shot and ducking behind cover in a very predictable pattern, it's possible to time your shots in order to hit him as he peeks out again.
  • Huntsman Snipers have higher mobility and no scope to restrict their field of view. They are also capable of landing near-instant headshots, and have an easier time defending themselves with their primary.
  • Arrows fire from shoulder height, even if you're crouching. This can be used to effectively fire behind cover. This is a bug.
  • The SMG goes well with the Huntsman; it allows you to finish of an enemy faster if you miss a headshot and instead bodyshot them. In addition, if you run out of arrows you will have a secondary damage source.
    • If you equip a secondary other than the SMG, keep an eye on the amount of ammunition available. If you run out of arrows, you will only be able to use your melee weapon for direct damage.
  • Before going around a corner, have your Huntsman fully drawn to be ready for approaching enemies. Alternately, jump around a corner while charging a shot to surprise your attackers.
    • Be aware however, that you can not fire the Huntsman while in the air.
  • Be sure not to hold the Huntsman too long when you charge it. Holding it drawn back for more than 5 seconds will result in an inaccurate shot that can not score a headshot.
    • Always try to use alt-fire (default Mouse2) to gently release drawn arrows; this conserves your small ammo pool and avoids giving away your position.
  • Avoid fighting in wide-open areas, where enemies can easily dodge your arrows; stick to narrow spaces or mid-range combat whenever possible.
  • Fired arrows have a team-colored trail; beware, as this will give away your position when firing.
  • Always attempt to ambush enemies; catching them off-guard will give them no time to dodge your arrows.
  • A friendly Pyro with any Flamethrower or a Soldier with the Righteous Bison can light your arrows on fire, even if they're not drawn; lit arrows have the added bonus of setting your enemies on fire. Switching weapons will cause a lit arrow to go out. The torches in DeGroot Keep can also light your arrows on fire.
  • Since the Huntsman does similar damage to the Rifle while firing faster, you can use it to put pressure on enemy Medics and Engineers. Team up with a friendly Soldier or Sniper to quickly take down buildings or force a Medic to deploy an ÜberCharge.
  • The Huntsman can do a maximum of 360 damage with a fully-charged headshot. This means you cannot kill an overhealed Heavy without using multiple arrows.

The table below lists the percentage charge needed to kill enemies with a bodyshot/headshot. Percentages greater than 100 mean you cannot kill enemies with one shot in this fashion.

Note: If random damage spread is not disabled, body shot percentages will vary. Demomen, Scouts, Engineers, Snipers, Heavies, and Medics all have gear that can increase or lower their total health so only use this table as a guide.

Icône de frag Armes Dégâts Durée Details
Killicon arrow stab.png Huntsman 500/Mort Instantanée 4 secondes Le Sniper prend une flèche de son arc, la fait tourner derrière lui, et la plante violement dans l'adversaire avant de la retirer.
  • Cette raillerie d'attaque est la plus rapide du jeu, elle prend 4 seconde pour tuer. Le premier mouvement paralyse les ennemis, puis, la flèche tue l'ennemi une fois retirée.
    • Vous pouvez paralyser (mais pas tuer) les ennemis Überchargés avec l'Embrochage, leur faisant perdre de précieuses secondes.
  • Being such a fast taunt, you can use it to kill distracted enemies or enemies that you suspect are charging towards your position.
    • Be careful though, as after you initiate the taunt, you are suspectable to an enemy killing you, but not for long due to the taunt's fast 4 second time window.

Sydney Sleeper

Weapon Kill Icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried 0% Charge 100% Charge Critical at 0% Critical at 100%
Sydney Sleeper
Sarbacane de Sydney
Killicon sydney sleeper.png 1 25 43-57 128-172 150 450
  • Support-oriented Snipers should use The Sydney Sleeper. It applies Jarate to enemies hit with at least a half-charged shot.
  • In a heated firefight, you should focus on hitting heavier classes with charged shots to aid your teammates. Coated enemies take Mini-Crits which deal 35% more damage.
  • The Sleeper only applies Jarate to one target per shot; you must select your targets carefully for maximum effectiveness.
  • If a coated enemy advances on your position, an unscoped body shot will do 68 damage; you may be able to finish off your attacker with 1-2 well-placed shots.
  • The Jarate effect is an excellent deterrent; coated enemies will think twice before engaging your teammates.
  • Work with your teammates to eliminate threats! Applying the Jarate effect to an enemy is useless unless there is a teammate there to help finish the job.
  • Although you can't score headshots with the Sydney Sleeper, a fully charged bodyshot still does significant damage and can kill lighter classes, while applying the Jarate effect to heavier ones.
  • When playing maps that take place at night use the Sydney Sleeper to highlight Targets that are hidden in the shadows waiting to ambush you or your teammates.
  • When using the Sydney Sleeper, it's also helpful to equip the SMG. The high fire-rate and large magazine of the SMG works well with Mini-Crits against your enemies doused with Jarate shots.
  • Specifically aim for Spies if you find one because the Jarate effect will distinguish them from your teammates.

Bazaar Bargain

Weapon Kill Icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried 0% Charge 100% Charge Critical at 0% Critical at 100%
Bazaar Bargain
Pétoire du bazar
Killicon bazaar bargain.png 1 25 43-57 128-172 135 450
Killicon sniperriflehs.png 1 25 150 450 450 450
  • The Bazaar Bargain is a craftable Sniper Rifle for the Sniper. It starts out with a 20% slower charge rate when scoped in. A headshot caused by the Bazaar Bargain will increase the charge rate by 10%, maxing out at 30% faster-than-normal charging. This is represented by a "Head" counter on the HUD, with one head equaling 10% charge. Five consecutive headshots (Five heads) are needed to achieve the 30% faster charge rate. A bodyshot or a miss will reduce the charge rate by 10% (Removes one head from the counter).
    • Note that no-scope shots do not affect the charge rate or Head counter one way or the other.
  • This is a weapon meant for advanced Snipers, as it takes three consecutive headshots to begin getting any benefit from the weapon. Do not use this weapon if you are unsure of your aim.
  • Do not shoot a Building while scoped in with a charge boost. The game will count this as a "Miss" and will take a head out of your collected bonus. Rather, use the scope to get your dot on the Building, lower your scope, and fire at the Building. Alternatively, shoot at the Building when you have no charge boost.
  • No-scope shots are highly recommended when you are not actively sniping with this weapon. It's very easy to miss or bodyshot when the enemy is close to you and any scoped-in shot other than a headshot will decrease your charge rate bonus.
  • Remember that non-lethal headshots still add to the headshot counter. A Heavy-Medic pair can be used to boost your rifle up a few heads in a small amount of time, provided you don't kill them too quickly.


Weapon Kill Icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried 0% Charge 100% Charge Critical at 0% Critical at 100%
Killicon machina.png 1 25 43-57 147-197 150 517
Killicon sniperriflehs.png 1 25 150 517 150 517
Killicon machina penetrate.png 1 25 N/A 147-197 N/A 517
Killicon machina penetratehs.png 1 25 N/A 517 N/A 517
  • The Machina is a promotional weapon for the Sniper. It's an extremely powerful Sniper Rifle that boasts improved power at full charge and piercing capability but at the cost of generating considerably more noise per shot, being unable to fire un-scoped, and leaving a highly-distinctive smoke-trail behind the shot, alerting others to the Sniper's position when firing.
  • The Machina is best in long corridors and entryway sniping, where the Machina's piercing attribute allows it to hit multiple foes at once. The BLU team entrances on Payload maps, the tunnel and alleyway on Badwater Basin, and maps that funnel enemies down specific routes are where the Machina truly excels. The Machina can kill both a Heavy and his Medic behind him with a well-placed, fully-charged shot.
  • This weapon all but necessitates taking the SMG along with it, as the Machina cannot fire unscoped, making it woefully unsuitable for close-combat. While it can work with the Darwin's Danger Shield, Razorback, or Jarate in that slot, you will be forced to rely on melee combat for dealing with enemies that manage to get close.
  • It is critical to note that the Machina will give away your position with each and every shot you fire; the distinctive smoke-trail it has will allow foes to determine the general direction you're firing from (though rarely will it let them pick out your actual location unless you're relatively close). It's also far louder than the Sniper Rifle, giving a general indication to all nearby players when fired.
  • This weapon generally trades power for stealth and self-protection, if you are in an open map and away from your teammates, it's not recommended to use this weapon until you get to your teammates as it will tell your position to everyone around you.

Armes Secondaires


Arme Icône de frag Munitions Dégâts
Chargées Transportées À bout portant À moyenne portée À longue portée Critique
Submachine Gun
Killicon SMG.png 25 75 8-12 4-6 4-5 24
  • Si vous êtes attaqué, repliez-vous rapidement en utilisant la mitraillette car elle est plus adaptée pour le combat rapproché que votre arme principale.
  • En raison des faibles dégâts qu'elle cause, il est important de bien viser. Essayez de toujours garder votre viseur sur l'ennemi plutôt que de compter sur la dispersion des balles.
  • La Mitraillette est utile dans les espaces vastes pour dévoiler ou éliminer des Spies qui tentent de se cacher. Si vous savez qu'il y a un Spy dans les environs, tirez là ou il est susceptible de se cacher et observez bien les giclures de sang et sa silhouette. Quand vous l'aurez trouvé, n'arrêtez pas de lui tirer dessus.
  • Quand vous avez le Huntsman équipé, la Mitraillette est parfaite comme arme de finition.
  • Combiner la Mitraillette et le saignement du Couteau Aborigène peut être particulièrement éfficace. Frappez vos adversaires avec le Couteau Aborigène, restez à mi-portée et commencez à tirer avec la Mitraillette. Avoir deux sources de dégâts de constants peut rapidement vider la barre de vie des ennemis, mais le taux de réussite peut varier; utiliser cette méthode sur des classes comme les Soldiers ou les Heavies n'est pas une bonne idée et ne doit être utiliser que dans les pires circonstances.
  • La Mitraillette combinée avec la Sarbacane de Sydney font un combo mortel. La cadence de tir élevée de la Mitraillette couplée avec le Mini-Crits sont dévastateurs. Cette stratégie peut aussi marcher si vous avec un collègue Sniper équipé du Jaraté.


Arme Munitions Effet
Chargées Transportées Effet Passif
A Débloquer
1 0 Protège d'une tentative de poignardage dans le dos. Si un Spy réalise un poignardage dans le dos, le Spy ne pourra ni attaquer, ni se rendre invisible, ni changer d'arme pendant 2 secondes. Le joueur sera immédiatement alerté par un bruit électrique.
Le Razorback se casse après un poignardage dans le dos réussi.
  • Only use the Razorback if you know the enemy has Spies on their team and/or those Spies are actively impeding your sniping. The SMG is very advantageous in hunting down Spies in your area or taking down nearby weak enemies. The other secondary item, Jarate, is excellent for keeping already-discovered Spies visible to your team or making enemies easier to kill due to its Mini-Crit effects.
  • With the Razorback you make an excellent 'rear guard' on maps with tight corridors or Payload maps. If you hang at the very back of the group, a Spy who would normally get quite a few backstabs from sneaking up behind will instead have to either alert you by breaking your shield, alert everyone by using their Revolver, or try and go around you to get unshielded friendlies in-front of you.
  • The only way to get a Razorback once it's been used is to get another one from a resupply cabinet. Remember to do this every time you have the chance to avoid getting backstabbed by another Spy.
  • Even with the Razorback equipped the Sniper is still vulnerable to Spies, since the Sniper cannot see his immediate surroundings when zoomed in. Two to four shots from any of the Spy's Primaries will kill a Sniper quickly; check for Spies periodically and stay alert for the Spy's decloaking sound to survive. For this Razorback wearing Snipers should hang up close to fellow Engineer nests or Pyros, preferably both of them.
  • Consider equipping the Razorback if you're being harassed by Spies using Your Eternal Reward. Since a Spy using this knife cannot disguise at will and has to land a backstab to do so, his only options for killing you will be breaking your Razorback (potentially alerting you to his presence) or foregoing his disguise by shooting you with his Revolver. Either method puts an attacking Spy at a considerable disadvantage.


Arme Munitons Effet
Chargées Transportées Effet sur les ennemis Effet sur les co-équipiers Durée de l'effet Temps de rechargement
A débloquer
1 Les dégâts subis sont des Mini-Crits. Rend l'invisibilité inutile. Peut être enlevé en plongeant dans l'eau ou en se faisant soigner par un Medic. Eteint les flammes sur vous-même et vos co-équipiers. 10 secondes 20 secondes
  • Les Mini-Crits du Jaraté ne s'additionnent pas avec les Coups Critiques, ce qui signifie que vous pouvez faire uniquement, soit, des Mini-Crits, soit, des coups critiques.
  • Try to throw it at a Spy as soon as you spot him so that he can't Cloak and escape. Jarate renders the Spy's Cloak almost useless, lightly displaying his team color and showing dripping Jarate particles. If you suspect a Spy is in the vicinity do not be afraid to use your Jarate to spycheck.
  • You can use Jarate to extinguish a player in case they are in desperate need of it and there's no Medic or medkit around.
  • Be aware that Jarate cannot be thrown through friendly players. Try to avoid having it hit a player who is not on fire that is in the way. This tends to happen in tight areas and hallways, when you can't throw past the friendlies in front of you.
  • Throwing Jarate near your feet will extinguish yourself and friendlies around you. This tactic is also handy for revealing nearby Spies.
  • Alongside with Pyros, Demomen and Soldiers can also make good Jarate buddies, since they have powerful area-of-effect attacks with a similar range to Jarate. This means they have a better chance of hitting the coated enemy and dealing more damage to them.
    • In particular, Soldiers with the Buff Banner are especially useful, as your Mini-Crits will charge their rage, so that they can grant further Mini-Crits.
  • Sometimes you'll find yourself in the fray alongside a few members of your team. If you spot an allied Heavy walking into a group, toss your Jarate at them. The spread of his bullets will put Mini-Crits into all enemies in the area, leaving your team victorious in the skirmish.
  • If the enemy is close to capturing a control point, toss your Jarate on them. The enemies will either be killed quickly by teammates or flee from the fear of it occurring, saving your team's point.
  • The Jarate is more or less necessary to make the Bushwacka effective due to being the most reliable form of scoring Mini-Crits that the Bushwacka turns into full Crits.

Bouclier du Risque Darwinien

Arme Effet
Effet Passif
Darwin's Danger Shield
Bouclier du risque Darwinien
Santé max. +25.
  • Ce bouclier augmente votre santé maximale à 150 PV au prix de la perte de votre arme secondaire. Cela permet au Sniper d'être plus audacieux lors dans les combats en raison de la survie augmentée. Envisagez d'utiliser le Huntsman en conjonction avec cette option pour pouvoir aller plus près du front.
  • Le bouclier est un choix assez pauvre en conjonction avec l'un des fusils de Sniper, comme vous n'avez souvent pas besoin de santé supplémentaire lorsque vous êtes sur les lignes arrières, et l'absence d'une arme secondaire va vous forcer à vous engager au combat au corps à corps contre les Spies, une entreprise plutôt risquée.
  • Il ne protège pas d'un backstap, malgré le fait qu'il se mette sur le dos. Ne l'utilisez pas s'il y a beaucoup de Spies dans l'équipe adverse.

Cozy Camper

Weapon Effect
Passive Effect
Cozy Camper
Campeur Aisé
No flinching while scoped. Knockback reduced by 20% while scoped. -60% slower movement speed while aiming.
  • The Cozy Camper is a good secondary if you often stick to one spot while sniping.
    • The weapon is less effective if you move often while scoped. As a result, this is a poor choice with the Huntsman.
  • Be sure to take note of when you are actually taking damage since you no longer have an obvious visual indicator of the scope moving.
    • With damaging effects that take place over time (such as afterburn and bleeding) you can fire at least one shot before needing to find a health source.
    • Remember Pyros sniping at you with the Flare Gun or the Detonator can take you out in two or three direct hits.
  • Aim before scoping to avoid wasting time while strafing.
    • While scoped, you may not be able to strafe your way out of danger quickly enough against other Snipers.
  • Although you suffer less knockback while scoped, you will be forced to unscope while in the air and are subject to aerials.
  • It is extremely easy to become complacent while aiming. Be aware of your surroundings lest someone take you out at close range or with the occasional Kill taunt.

Armes de mêlée

Kukri/Saxxy/Objecteur de Consciences

Arme Icône de frag Intervalle d'attaque Dégâts
A bout portant Critique
Killicon kukri.png 0.8 secondes 65 195
Killicon saxxy.png
Conscientious Objector
Objecteur de conscience
Killicon conscientious objector.png
  • Essayez d'utiliser le Kukri en combat rapproché. Toutes les armes de mêlée ont un taux de Coups Critiques accru, vous pouvez donc tuer vos ennemis plus rapidement.
  • L'utilisation du Kukri avec le Jaraté est une stratégie efficace contres les Spies car elle rend leur fuite beaucoup moins facile.

Couteau Arborigène

Arme Icône de frag Intervalle d'attaque Dégâts
A bout portant Critique
Tribalman's Shiv
Couteau Aborigène
Killicon tribalman's shiv.png 0.8 secondes 33 98
Saignement Killicon bleed.png 48 points de dégâts pendant 6 secondes N/A N/A
  • Utiliser le Jaraté en combinaison avec le Couteau Arborigène fera que les dégâts de saignement seront des Mini-Crits. Cela fait presque autant de dégats qu'un coup normal avec le Kukri et laisse les classes avec 125 points de vie, ou moins, comme les Scouts, les Spies, les Snipers ou les Engineers pratiquement morts. Cette combinaison est également utile pour éliminer des classes plus lourdes, et s'il le faut, pour provoquer des dégâts supplémentaires avec votre arme principale.
  • Globalement, le Couteau Arborigène provoque plus de dégâts que le Kukri, mais sur une plus longue durée.
  • En raison de la période de post-dégâts, deux coups avec le Couteau Arborigène sur des classes avec peu de santé (comme le Scout, le Spy, le Sniper et l'Engineer) suffisent pour les tuer avec le saignement, à moins qu'ils ne trouvent un moyen de se guérir en moins 6 secondes.
  • Les Spies invisibles deviennent semi-visibles quand ils saignent en raison de l'effet du sang et de la brillance de leur silhouette.
  • Les Spies utilisant la Dead Ringer ne brilleront avec le saignement, mais auront toujours l'effet du sang révélant leur localisation.
  • En raison du fait que les saignements ne se cumulent pas, cela peut être une bonne idée de frapper une fois chaque adversaire lors d'un combat avec plusieurs ennemis, puis de frapper à nouveau chacun d'eux au lieu de se concentrer sur un seul et même ennemi.
  • Un coup critique contre un ennemi avec une santé modérée peut être dévastateur. Si vous marquez un Coup Critique contre un ennemi, vous pouvez vous enfuir et le saignement va probablement l'achever.


Arme Icône de grag Intervalle d'attaque Dégâts
A bout portant Critique
Killicon bushwacka.png 0.8 secondes 65 195
  • Cette arme peut être très efficace lorsqu'il est utilisé avec le Jaraté, en raison de sa capacité à transformer les Mini-Crits en Coups Critiques.
  • Le Jaraté fonctionne bien pour compenser la vulnérabilité au feu accrue par le Bushwacka, comme vous pouvez éteindre les flammes facilement et éventuellement recouvrir les Pyros de Jaraté.
  • Si vos ennemis ont l'habitude de battre en retraite après avoir été touché par la Sarbacane de Sydney ou le Jaraté, cette arme peut être excellente pour les contrer.
  • Sauf si l'équipe adverse compte un ou plusieurs Pyros agressifs, le Bushwacka devrait être utilisé à la place du Kukri si vous n'utilisez pas le Couteau Aborigène ou le Shahanshah.
  • Les Mini-Crits transformés en Coups Critiques sont applicables à toute source de Mini-Crits (Drapeau Buff, Scout sous les effets du Crit-a-Cola, etc.)
  • Rappelez-vous que le Bushwacka peut toujours effectuer des Coups Critiques aléatoires, en plus de son effet.
  • Le Bushwacka est idéal pour éliminer des Spies qui ont activé leur Dead Ringer. Aspergez-les de Jaraté et frappez-les quelques coups pour les tuer rapidement.
  • Même si vous préférez rester derrière les lignes du front pour apporter un soutien, soyez conscient de votre vulnérabilité au feu. Les Pyros peuvent être des proies faciles, mais une poussée agressive peut vous causer beaucoup de dégâts, vous rendant plus facile à éliminer pour les autres ennemis.
  • En combinaison avec un Jaraté bien utilisé, le Bushwacka peut facilement éliminer la plupart des ennemis, même les Heavies overhealés.


Arme Icône de frag Intervalle d'attaque Dégâts
A faible santé A pleine santé Critique à faible santé Critique à pleine santé
Killicon shahanshah.png 0.8 secondes 81 49 244 146
  • Le Shahanshah est une arme de mêlée fabriquable pour le Sniper. Elle fait des dégâts 25% plus faibles que le Kukri quand le Sniper est à plus de 50% de sa santé, mais fait des dégâts 25% plus élevés quand sa santé est en dessous de 50%.
  • Le Shahanshah est idéal pour combattre les Spies. Comme les Spies se battent, généralement, à bout portant contre les Snipers, vous devriez subir assez de dégâts pour pouvoir utiliser le bonus de dégâts de l'arme.
  • Le Shahanshah marche très bien avec le Razorback. Le Razorback obligera les Spies à utiliser leur Revolver plutôt que leur Couteau. Être touché par leur Revolver fera facilement descendre votre santé en-dessous de 50% et vous permettra de combattre les Spies plus facilement en les poursuivant.
  • Le Shahanshah marche également bien avec le Bouclier du risque Darwinien. Bien que vous devrez prendre plus de dégâts pour que votre santé descende en-dessous de 50%, vous pourrez conservez plus de santé tout en profitant de son bonus de dégâts, vous rendant ainsi plus redoutable dans les duels à un-contre-un.
  • Le Shahanshah est peu efficace pour les embuscades, si cette situation se pose. Par exemple, si vous êtes seul aux alentours et qu'il faut absolument arrêter une capture ennemie, vous devrez prendre vos ennemis en embuscade, ce qui est moins efficace avec cette arme.

Ensembles d'objets

Le Kit Crocostyle

Article principal : Ensembles d'objets
Backpack The Croc-o-Style Kit Bundle.png

Laisse une Carte de Visite sur vos victimes

  • The main perk of this set (immunity to death by headshots) is great when fighting predictable enemy Snipers. Upon being hit with a headshot that would normally kill you, you will be left at 1 HP instead.
  • Despite this tempting quality, bodyshots will do the same amount of damage as usual, are easier to execute, and unless you are overhealed, a fully charged bodyshot will kill you regardless of your 25 health buff.
  • Bear in mind that you will be unable to easily kill heavier classes on your own unless you can successfully fire off two higher charged shots on them in quick succession, or cover them in Jarate and proceed to hit them with the Bushwacka.
  • Snipers that see you have Ol' Snaggletooth equipped may assume you are using the full set, and take a split second to readjust their aim to your body. Don't give the chance, and kill them quickly!
  • An overhealed 225 HP Croc-o-Style Sniper is a great counter to distant enemy Snipers, as there is no way for them to take him down fast enough, unless they are overhealed as well.
  • You can also aim for quick bodyshots. A fully charged bodyshot is still normally enough to kill a Sniper with the Darwin Danger Shield equipped.
  • Croc-o-style Snipers are not immune to fully charged Huntsman headshots. However, you will survive uncharged headshots.

Lawrence d'Australie

Article principal : Ensembles d'objets
Lawrence d'Australie
Item icon Timbuk-Tuesday Bundle.png

Aucun effet

  • Cet ensemble est idéal pour un Sniper qui joue offensivement :
    • La Pétoire du bazar est une arme adaptée pour les Snipers qui visent bien. Plus vous obtenez de tirs en pleine tête, plus le fusil sera chargé rapidement, vous permettant de faire des tirs en pleine tête à la chaîne très rapidement.
    • Le Shahanshah est une parfaite arme d'évasion quand vous êtes blessé. Lorsque vous êtes en dessous de la moitié de votre santé, deux ou trois coups avec cette arme suffisent pour tuer toute menace.
  • Rappelez-vous que cet ensemble vous permet de choisir librement votre arme secondaire, vous permettant d'ajuster cette configuration à votre style de jeu.

Combinaisons d'armes

Combinaisons qui peuvent être utilisées avec le Huntsman:

  • The SMG boosts your damage output and acts as a backup weapon if you ever run out of arrows.
  • Showering enemies in Jarate allows you to kill Scouts, Engineers, and all Support classes with a single fully-charged arrow. It can also put out fires and reveal cloaked/disguised Spies.
  • Using the Razorback is generally not recommended, as your increased mobility and field of view make it much easier to detect Spies, while the Darwin's Danger Shield will give you more survivability.
  • The Bushwacka is also a viable choice if you also have Jarate; showering four people and then hacking away will more often than not grant you at least two kills. You must be more wary of Pyros, however.

Combinaisons qui peuvent être utilisées avec la Sarbacane de Sydney:

  • Your SMG can be extremely useful for eliminating coated enemies who are advancing on your position.
  • The Bushwacka is extremely effective against coated enemies and provides excellent synergy with the Sleeper's bonus effect.

Cibles en priorité

Les priorités varient et dépendent de la situation en même temps. The following list should often, but not always, be used in order to specify which target is the first to take down. But if there is an easier shot to take, you should take the time to kill that target first. For example, if you have a large number of teammates battling a nearby Medic with a Heavy, sometimes taking out the Heavy first is the better choice since your teammates will be able to quickly control the area and kill the isolated Medic. If you shoot the Medic first, the Heavy might hold his ground by himself long enough for reinforcements to arrive, but it will only prevent them from using an ÜberCharge.

Ces 4 classes en priorité:

  1. Les Snipers
  2. Les Medics
  3. Les Heavies
  4. Les Engineers

Ces autres classes en priorité relative:

  • Snipers are on the top of the list because they deny your teammates the ability to cross an open space freely and present the biggest threat to you as another Sniper.
  • Medics are next because they are have the ability to heal and activate an ÜberCharge. They can also assist the enemy forces by providing overheals in order to survive the brutal fight with your teammates. The Medics are a higher priority when they have an ÜberCharge ready.
  • Heavies are important targets because of their high damage output, and they can deal a significant amount of damage at close to medium range. They are tough enemies who can hold down points, and with their high health, this makes them very difficult for your allies to take down. When you are taking out a Heavy, fully charge your Sniper Rifle because their large amounts of health could survive your headshot.
  • Engineers are essential to kill because their Sentry Guns can eliminate your whole team. Once he is down, your teammates would not have to worry about the Sentry Gun being repaired. If you can, try to take out at least the Sentry Gun from the distance after you have eliminated the Engineer in order to save your teammates some time and effort.
  • Soldiers can be a dangerous threat if they take notice of your presence - they can strafe and fire rockets at you to prevent a clean shot; Direct Hit Soldiers are especially dangerous. Taking them down will essentially save your teammates the possibility of being wiped out by the Soldier's rockets.
  • Pyros and their awkward shaped heads make it easier to kill them. They have the attribute to destroy your team in close combat, so they must be taken down quickly and prior to their onslaught; Pyros equipped with the Flare Gun can set you aflame at range and greatly hinder your ability to snipe.
  • Demomen are next in the priority list because their Stickybombs can hold down an area really well, but their location is most likely reclusive in their territories. Once they die, their stickies will disappear which would allow your team to move forward.
  • Spies are usually cloaked or disguised. If you see one, shoot him before he causes any trouble, but they will become hard to find as time goes on. Thus, you probably should not worry about them though if you spot a Spy and did not see him die, call out his presence to your team and watch your back. Most of the time, he should not be a sniping priority.
  • Scouts move too fast in most cases for sniping, and you would be wasting your time and ammo trying to snipe Scouts. In fact, the only times you should even attempt to snipe a Scout is when he is capturing an objective (Intelligence, Point), or there are no other larger threats to kill. If you must snipe a Scout, charge a scoped shot and wait until he is in midair and has used his double-jump, then bodyshot him for an instant kill.

See also