Meet the Scout

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Meet the Scout
Meet the Scout Titlecard
Video Info
Released: April 19, 2008
Run time: 1:35

"Meet the Scout" Video Transcript


  • The title card displays "COPYRIGHT LOLOLOL" on the bottom right corner, a recurring joke throughout the "Meet the Team" videos.
  • At the beginning of the video, the members of the RED team appear to be coming out of the BLU base on Well. A similar thing happens in Meet the Demoman, as the RED team members once again come out of the BLU spawn area on Gravel Pit.
  • There is a Level 1 BLU Sentry Gun at 0:16 that fires at the Scout. But in 0:18, what appears to be the Heavy firing his Minigun in the same spot is present.
  • When the Heavy is eating the Sandvich, he is also seen with a Shotgun. In game, this would be impossible as they are both in the secondary slot.
  • The Sandvich in the video was later released as an unlockable item for the Heavy.
  • When the Scout pokes the camera during the line, "...and brother, I hurt people," he leaves a fingerprint on the lens, which remains visible throughout the rest of the video.
  • The Scout's line about himself is a homage to the boxing champion Template:W. He once said, "It's just a job. Grass grows, birds fly, waves pound the sand. I beat people up."
  • At the end, the Scout is eating the Heavy's Sandvich. This was later referenced in the achievements "Dodgers 1, Giants 0" and "Don't Touch Sandvich."
  • While the Scout is eating the Sandvich, the Heavy's fingers twitch, suggesting he is only unconscious.
  • When the Heavy and his Sandvich first appear, the control point is displayed as being captured by BLU. At the end of the video when the Scout is eating the Heavy's Sandvich, the point is displayed as being captured by RED.
  • During his battle with the Heavy, the Scout's microphone is turned down. However, while he is being held in a headlock by the Heavy, it's turned up. He probably pushed it up to get it out of the way of him eating the sandvich.

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