![]() | «Yo creé esto.» Esta página contiene información acerca de un mapa personalizado que no es oficial de Team Fortress 2. Todos los mapas oficiales creados por Valve o por la comunidad para TF2 pueden encontrarse en la lista de mapas. |
Alpen | |
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Información básica | |
Desarrollado por: | Desconocido |
Información del mapa | |
Entorno: | Alpino |
Escenario: | De dia, soleado |
Peligros: | Pozo |
Vista general | |
Alpen es un mapa de Carga Explosiva con una sola fase, creado por Bloodhound.
Punto de Control A
El principio del viaje de la vagoneta empieze afuera de la base de BLU y se gira a la derecha hacia una estructura de almacenamiento en medio de structuras de madera, despues sigue adelante hacia un puente arriba de un pequeño rio
- Base de BLU: La base de BLU es una estrucutra de dos pisos con tres salidas: Una en el centro donde se encuentra la vagoneta, Una a la izquierda, y una en el segundo piso a la derecha de las pasarelas.
- Estructura de Almacenamiento Pequeña: A la derecha de los railes hay una estructura de almacenamiento pequeña por un conjunto de escaleras. Adentro hay un botiquin mediano y una caja de municion pequeña.
- Estructuras de Madera: En los dos lados del giro hay 2 estructuras de madera. La de la izquierda de los railes tiene un botiquin pequeño y una caja de municion pequeña y un balcon para usar como ventaja. La de la izquierda tiene un botiquin pequeño y mediano y una caja de municion, y un techo accesible para saltos cohete/saltos con bombas de lapa. El techo tiene un botiquin pequeño y una escotilla que lleva hacia adentro
- Torre de Madera: Al otro lado de las pasarelas de la estructura de madera pequeña, hay una pequeña torre de madera. La torre puede utilizarse com un punto de vista y tiene un botiquin pequeña y una caja de municion.
- Pozo: Atras de la torre de madera hay un pozo con dos troncos conectando a una roca. En la roca hay un botiquin grande.
- Puente: La localizacion del Punto de Control A. En el techo del puente hay un botiquin pequeño and y abajo del puente, en el agua hay un botiquin mediano.
Punto de Control B
Past the bridge the cart proceeds through a small gate where it will zigzag in-between two grain silos.
- Gate: Past the bridge is a gate with two pathways on the side. The gate has a balcony with a small health and ammo kit on top.
- RED Spawn: Behind the gate is a building with a RED team logo on a billboard. The building is used as a RED spawn/resupply. It has a front and two side exits on the bottom floor, and the same on the second floor.
- Grain Silos: The giant grain silos surrounding the second checkpoint. The rightmost silo has a catwalk with a medium health and ammo kit connecting to the gate.
- Wood Storage Structures: Past the grain silos are several structures that can be used as vantage points. In the center one is a small health and ammo kit.
Punto de Control C
From the grain silos the cart continues down a narrow path towards another right turn by a shed and lumber platform. From there it'll move uphill into a large RED team structure where the third checkpoint lays.
- Sawmill: By the checkpoint is a shortcut through a sawmill. There is a lone entrance on the bottom for each side, and on the second floor an open window to the checkpoint.
- Shack: By the turn is a small shack containing a medium health and ammo kit.
- RED Spawn: Next to the checkpoint. Has a raised exit in the front, a bottom left exit, and a catwalk right exit.
- Checkpoint Structure: The building is open from all three sides. The second floor contains a small health and ammo kit, and a stairway to the roof. The rooftop contains a max ammo and medium health kit.
Punto de Control D
Out the other side, the cart will pass underneath a large wooden structure and go by a run down train platform. Past the platform, the cart will continue forward towards it's destination: the hatch in front of RED Base.
- Wood Towers: The twin towers that tower over the track. Inside are multiple windows to fight from, and well as several different health and ammo kits.
- Train Platform: The platform has a medium ammo kit on it, and a small health kit on the roof. Through the platform it can be used as a flanking route to the RED Base.
- RED Base: The final checkpoint. The base has five different exits, all surrounding the central hatch.
Historial de Actualización
- Public Release on TF2M (Beta1)
01/08/2012 - Beta2
- Fixed serval (Sniper-)sightlines
- Replaced the building near CP3
- Minor track modifications to fit the new buildings
- General disadvantage for red (balance)
- Many minor bugs
- Oneway spawngate in red´s first spawn can now opened from outside
01/09/2012 - Beta2a
- No geometry changes
- Fixed some gameplay breaking bugs
- Small tweaks and balance changes
02/16/2012 - Beta3 (just released to some servers)
- Balance changes
03/25/2012 - Beta4c
- Optimization (finally)
- New spawn for red (segment 2 and 3)
- More detail
- Changed final a bit
07/12/2012 - RC1
- Much fps optimization (thanks eerieone)
- Much more detail
- File size optimization (55mb->46mb)
- Fixed that CPs wasn't capped after the cart passed
- Made the area around final a bit wider
- Valance changes on CP1/3/4
- The name "Alpen" means "Alps" in German.
- Inside the BLU base in a closed off room to the right of the front door, there is a RED briefcase on top of some computers.
Enlaces Externos