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Cp gorge.jpg
地图变种: 5Gorge, 曼恩之力万圣节系列
开发者: 未知
环境: 山地 / 工业
设定: 白昼, 晴天
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Gorge overview.png
Cp_gorge 是一个绝密的高山设施,恶魔般地伪装成完全不相关的东西:在这张地图里,一个伪装成无辜净水厂的险恶武器工厂,以及一个不足以满足美国地质调查局峡谷标准的大洞,伪装成一个符合标准的、完全不可疑的峡谷。 Cp_gorge 是一张只有两个控制点的 进攻/防御 模式的地图,专门设计为更快速,疯狂的游戏回合。它比以前的控制点地图具有更多的横向空间,有更多的路径选择。
地图Gorge还拥有其它版本,其中包括5Gorge, 曼恩之力万圣节系列

Gorge 是一张单阶段进攻/防御模式地图。在 战争!更新中作为官方地图被添加入游戏。与其他进攻/防御模式地图有多个阶段不同,如:DustbowlEgypt。Gorge只有一个阶段,而不是三个阶段。Gorge也是第一张有随阶段改变的出生点的进攻/防御模式地图。地图的布局为蓝队提供了更多的攻击选择,减少了高流量的咽喉处。




: 如果你在寻找特点地点时遇到困难,你可以滑倒 Helpful overview来查看特定地点。



  • 入口庭院:入口庭院位于蓝队出生点外。蓝队可以由三个出生点出口进入入口庭院,三个出口分别位于偏左侧,右侧和蓝队出生点岩墙中部。蓝队出生点出口基本上没有任何掩护除了庭院中的小屋和边上的一处矮墙。
  • 小屋:小屋是位于入口庭院侧边的一栋小型建筑。里面有一个大弹药箱和一个中医疗包,小屋旁有一个木梯可以用它走到小屋的屋顶上。工程师经常在此处安营扎寨并建造步哨枪,尤其是在小屋屋顶处。
  • 检查站: 检查站是分隔入口庭院和峡谷地区的大型建筑。从前方看,它有一个被墙体包围的大入口,使其分为两个小入口。建筑内部大部分是空的,只有几个沿着墙分布的木桶和水箱。在侧边有两处出口通往峡谷地区的偏远处。主出口位于双楼梯地形上方,出去就是控制点A。工程师经常在双楼梯地形下方建造建筑。
  • 上层平台:一段位于检查站二层的路线,旁边有一处楼梯可以进入,路线上包括两个房间。可以在红队防守入口庭院时作为防守地形,也可以在蓝队进攻控制点A作为进攻峡谷地区侧路的手段。


  • 大桥: 控制点 A 位于架在基本上没有深度的峡谷上的水平大桥上。 峡谷地区本身可以从各个方向的各个入口进入。主楼的塔楼有一个窥视孔,可以作为有效的步哨枪或狙击手点位。
  • 峡谷: 峡谷地形横穿整个控制点区域,从地图左侧到右侧地图右侧,中间在大桥下方穿过。在大桥下方有一个大医疗包。蓝队方向的峡谷入口处几乎没有掩体,而红队方向有一些可供掩护的墙体,可以阻挡不能爆炸跳的职业。
  • 蓝队前线出生点:蓝队在占领控制点A后,蓝队的出生点移至检查站上方,面向峡谷和主体建筑。


  • 主廊道:主廊道 The main hallway is the long hallway connected to the main entrance nearest the bridge. It runs through the building from the entrance to the choke room. It is connected to the flank hallway and has a set of stairs at the end that leads up to platforms above the hallway and choke room.
  • Flank Hallway: The flank hallway runs through the building nearer the entrance perpendicular to the main hallway. It connects near the entrance of the main hallway, and to the side entrance to the building. There is a staircase at its far end that leads to the second floor.
  • Second Floor: The second floor runs all through the hallways and choke room. It is accessible from a set of stairs at the end of the main hallway and a set at the end of the flank hallway. It runs above the flank and main hallway. From the flank, it leads to a drop-down to the choke.
  • Choke: The choke is the room before the final point, which is often heavily contested. The walls are lined with barrels. Above the barrels is the second-floor balcony. The small far corner room on the balcony is a common forward BLU Engineer nest location. Most of the fighting just before capture the final point will go on in this room; this room must be controlled before the final defense of the second point can be attacked. There are six entrances/exits: one from the main hallway, one above that from the second floor (closed until the first point is captured), two from the second-floor flank, and two exits to the final point room.
  • Flank Room: This far flank between the choke and the final room is closed off until the first point is captured.

Control Point B

  • Final Room: The final room is marked by a lower floor in the center where the point is located. Surrounding the lower floor are walkways on the walls that curve around the area.
  • RED Spawn: RED spawn is located to the right of the final room.
  • Spawn Flank: From RED Spawn, a flanking hallway runs all of the way around the control point, left and right, and has a number of locations from which to fire into on the control point and into the choke.
  • Control Point: The final capture point of the map is situated in the heart of the main building. The point itself is set deep in a lower open floor, putting BLU at a height disadvantage when attempting to capture. In one corner of the room is the RED spawn room, and in the other is a similar overlook to the point. Beneath the overhanging ledge within the lower floor is a popular place for RED Sentry Guns, as it can only be attacked from within the lower floor itself or from the far walkways.

Helpful overview

Gorge's locations
1.Entrance Yard
2.Toll Booth
3.Upper Deck
4.Checkpoint Building
5.Gorge (Valley)
6.Flank Hallway
7.Main Hallway
8.Second Floor
9.Flank Room
Red/blue diagonal lines: Red/Blu first spawn
Red/blue double diagonal lines: Red/Blu second spawn
Green circle: First control point
Yellow circles: Second/final control point


主条目: Community Gorge strategy

Control Point timing

控制点 玩家人数
控制点 1 ×1
60 .000
40 .000
32 .727
28 .800
26 .277
控制点 2 ×1
12 .000
8 .000
6 .545
5 .760
5 .255

Update history

2009年12月17日补丁 (WAR! Update)
  • Added Gorge to the game.


  • Updated CP_Gorge
    • Added more cover outside of the initial BLU spawn area.
    • Added a forward spawn for the BLU team after Cap1 is captured.
    • Added another access point to the upper level from the front of the RED base.
    • Added more cover in the room just before Cap2.
    • Decreased RED team's respawn time while they own Cap1.
    • Fixed a few areas where players would sometimes become stuck.

2010年5月20日补丁 (Second Community Contribution Update)

  • Updated CP_Gorge
    • Added nobuilds to the awnings outside BLU's forward spawn to preventing players building up there.
    • More clip work and model collision work based on community feedback.
    • Fixed BLU forward spawn door appearing through roof.

2011年10月13日补丁 (Manniversary Update & Sale)

  • Added team-specific func_nobuild brushes in elevated forward spawn areas.


  • Players can no longer build in Blu's first spawn room.


  • Improved bot navigation.


  • Improved bot navigation.


  • Demomen can place stickybombs on the exterior side of the setup gates, causing them to float in midair after the gates have opened.
  • After the first point is captured, BLU bots will not leave the spawn room.
  • RED Engineers are still able to build on the forward spawn ledge if they stand on an outcropping below the ledge while doing so.
  • If a teleporter is placed on the balcony to the right and down the hallway from RED's spawn, BLU bots will use said teleporter and be unable to escape it as their path finding AI directs them all into a corner. Note that this balcony is only accessible via sentry jump, sticky jump, or rocket jump.


  • "Gorge Herald" was the title of the newspaper seen in The end is near part of the WAR! Update, as well as the map being featured in both the Soldier and Demoman update pages before the map was officially revealed in the update.


See also

External links