Public Enemy

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The Public Enemy
Public Enemy article img.png
Basic Information
Used by: Scout
Released: Pyromania Update
Items: Baby Face's Blaster, Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol, Fed-Fightin' Fedora, Dillinger's Duffel
Effect: None
Menace to society raids local banks; intercepts hat shipments
Public Enemy publicity blurb
Main article: Item sets
The Public Enemy
Item icon Public Enemy Bundle.png

No effect

The Public Enemy is an item set for the Scout. It was contributed and added to the game in the Pyromania Update.

The set includes the following items:


Weapon Kill icon Ammo
Damage Range Notes / Special Abilities
Baby Face's Blaster
Baby Face's Blaster
Killicon baby face's blaster.png 4 32 Base: 60

Crit: 180
[6 damage × 10 pellets]

Pictogram info.png Equipping the Baby Face's Blaster will slow the Scout down from 133% of normal speed to 120% of normal speed while the weapon is equipped. A boost meter is placed on the HUD when the Baby Face's Blaster is equipped. Dealing damage regardless of weapon used while equipping the Baby Face's Blaster builds up the boost meter, increasing the Scout's speed to 173% of normal speed. The boost meter maxes at 100 points of damage dealt.
Pictogram minus.png 34% clip size.
Pictogram minus.png 10% slower movement speed on wearer.
Pictogram minus.png Boost resets 1/4 on double or force jump.

Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol
Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol
Killicon pretty boy's pocket pistol.png 12 36 Base: 15

Crit: 45

[4.7 rounds / sec.]

Pictogram plus.png +15 max health on wearer.
Pictogram plus.png Wearer never takes falling damage.
Pictogram minus.png 25% slower firing speed.
Pictogram minus.png 50% fire damage vulnerability on wearer.
