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CTF Turbine Center.png
Variants: Turbine Center
製作者 未知
環境 工業地帯
時間帯・天気: 室内
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Turbine overview.png

Turbine is an official Capture the Flag map. It was released with the Pyro Update. Turbine and Fastlane became the first community created maps to be added to Team Fortress 2 by Valve as official maps due to their outstanding quality.



  • Turbine Room: The main area that links RED and BLU bases. It is a large room with three turbines in the middle, and a shipping container on either side. Two staircases near the base exits lead up to a balcony spanning the width of the opposite side of the room, leading to the other team's vents. To the side of the base exits is the main hallway, leading to the Intelligence room. The containers and turbines provide good cover for players, even from people standing on the balconies.
  • Alcove: A small alcove at the foot of each staircase contains a medium Health pack.
  • Balcony: A balcony that spans the width of the room connects each team's vents to the Turbine Room. Most of the floor of the room can be seen from the balconies, making them an ideal location for Snipers.
  • Balcony Observation Room: A small windowed, doorless room lies at the center of the balcony. It opens on both sides to the rest of the balcony. The room provides some cover from players attacking from the floor of the Turbine Room. The outside of the room can be used to place sticky traps.


  • Intelligence Room: The Intelligence room is a rectangular room with railings partially bordering the lower area. The Intelligence is located in the corner of the room.
  • Entrances: There are three entrances to the Intelligence room.
    • A set of stairs leads down from spawn to the Intelligence room.
    • Players can drop through a hole in the ceiling, connecting from the vent system.
    • Two large entrances connect to the main hallway that connects to the Turbine Room.


  • Main Hallway: A hallway connects the Turbine Room to the Intelligence room. The hallway makes two right-angle turns, providing some cover for players and the opportunity to set up sticky traps and sentry nests.
  • Raised Platform: There is a raised platform along the corridor that leads directly into the Intelligence room with a medium health pack. The platform is too high to jump on top of normally, being accessible by either crouch-jumping, explosive jumping or using a jump-boosting weapon. For other classes, there is a small cart next to the platform you can crouch-jump on in order to get on top, but the cart is located right next to the entrances to the Intelligence room, making platform access dangerous for enemy players.


  • Resupply Area: The resupply room is L-shaped, and the hallway it leads out to is L-shaped as well. One end of the hallway leads to a staircase that descends to the Turbine Room, and the other end of the hallway leads to a staircase that descends to the Intelligence room.
  • Vent Access: The vent system can be reached at the top of the stairs leading to the Turbine Room.
  • Vents: Small vent tunnels provide passages from the Turbine Room to the resupply areas and to the Intelligence room through a hole in the ceiling of the room. The Vents are broken into two sections, joining at the Resupply Area entrance.



もっと詳しく: Turbineの高度な戦術


2008年6月19日 パッチ (Pyro アップデート)
  • Turbineがゲームに追加された。

2014年4月24日 パッチ

  • ctf_turbineの更新
    • スポーンドアの衝突を修正した。
    • プレイヤーが上がったプラットフォームにジャンプするのを楽にするためのプロップを追加し囲んでいる衝突を修正した。
    • 中央の部屋の階段の下の衝突を修正した。
    • 雑多なプロップの衝突を修正した。
    • 中央の部屋の標識の衝突を修正した。
    • 旗部屋の垂木のクリッピングを修正した。
    • エリアポータルの追加でパフォーマンスを増加させた。
    • 弾薬とヘルスパックの下にデカールを追加した。
    • ダクトの中の幾何学をスムーズにした。
    • スポーンドア周辺に建てれないようになった。
    • REDとBLUのゲート1戸口の上に明るいプロップを追加した。

2016年2月29日 パッチ

2016年10月21日 パッチ (スクリームフォートレス 2016)

  • ctf_turbineをコンペティティブマップのリストに追加した。

2016年10月25日 パッチ

  • ctf_turbineをコンペティティブマップのリストから削除した。
