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< PASS Time
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Pass brickyard.png
— 宣传广告

手球时刻(PASS Time)是由Bad Robot,Escalation Studios,和Valve合作开发的游戏模式。手球时刻模式首次发布于2015年8月18日,随后成为Beta版本仓库的地图,后来变成Brickyard地图,最后手球时刻是在2016年7月7日在“棋逢对手更新”中作为正式模式更新。










当手球携带者扔出手球,准星附近没有任何可见的队友时,手球将会仅仅被扔出一小段距离,该距离由扔球者的职业决定。三种"进攻型"职业 — 侦察兵士兵火焰兵 — 都比其他职业有着更弱的扔球效果。其中,侦察兵的扔球效果是最弱的,而士兵只比其他职业稍弱了,火焰兵的扔球效果则在侦察兵和士兵的中间。而其他所有的职业抛出手球的距离和效果都大概一致。


手球时刻地图上的双方都有着三个不同的目标: 触地得分(Run-In Goal), 进球得分(Throw-In Goal), 灌篮得分(Bonus Goal)。队伍的球门位于地图上该队的那一侧,并且貌似只能被敌队玩家进球才有可能得分;换句话来说,红队队员将球射进自家球门并不一定会得分。

触底得分区域(Run-In Goal)指地图两端最远处的开阔区域。与名字暗示的相同,玩家需要携带手球进入该区域来得分,此时尝试将手球扔进球门将会使手球弹开并且不得任何分数。相应,手球可能需要被传给已经站在球门附近的玩家来进球得分。

进球得分球门(Throw-In Goal)指的是触底得分区域和地图中心之间某处的墙上的团队色洞口。为进球得分需要将手球扔进该球门(洞)中。

灌篮得分球门(Bonus Goal),与进球得分球门类似,该球门也是一种必须将手球扔进内部才能得分的团队色球洞。实际上,该奖励球门在相当高的位置,并且通常情况下需要借助平台来够到。但是,与进球得分不同的是,该球门进球将直接获得三分,并且无法在手球之力未充满时进球。

为方便理解,可以将Run-In Goal理解为"触底得分",Throw-In Goal为"球门",而Bonus Goal为"球框"。







  • 子弹可在武器射击范围内通过玩家射击来将手球远离射击者。短路发生器也会在效果范围内起效。其他少数的投射物(例如,侦察兵的投掷物)也会在击中手球时产生类似的效果,但有些则无效。
  • 爆炸物可使手球远离爆炸物,火箭,手榴弹,粘弹,或短路发生器右键飞行物的位置。玩家可以通过控制爆炸来操控手球。
    • 只有这些爆炸飞行物会在世界范围(地图)内直接撞到手球时爆炸(例如,短路发生器)。
  • 压缩气爆吹开手球;但是,手球跟随的是瞄准的位置,与爆炸物相反。
  • 如果投掷武器直接击中手球也可以让手球滚远。







  • 嘲讽状态下的玩家无法捡起手球。.
  • 携带手球下禁止与某些武器相关(例如, 神风特工队世界末日)的嘲讽,其他嘲讽则被允许。
  • 手球携带者嘲讽时,手球会直接掉落。
  • 玩家可以在使用康茄舞的情况下踢动手球。


主条目: 手球时刻战术


主条目: 地图列表


手球时刻有三个兼容的前缀,其中包含 pass_ 前缀;社区映射用斜体字体标识。

Name Picture File name
Brickyard Pass brickyard.png pass_brickyard
District Pass district.jpg pass_district
Timbertown Pass timberlodge center.jpeg pass_timbertown


另见: 手球时刻成就


在手球时刻模式中赢得 10 场。

奖励: 民用级手球帽


奖励: 军用级手球帽, 迷你型半个手球


2015年8月18日补丁 #1
  • 于TF2 Beta版中添加'手球时刻(PASS Time)'。


  • Fixed a client crash related to the HUD.
  • Fixed the Short Circuit being used to remove the JACK from the game.
  • Fixed players being able to pick-up the Jack while they have weapons deployed that cannot be holstered.


  • Fixed a PASS Time sound bug related to carrying the JACK.


  • Fixed disguised Spies not having a shield drawn for them in the HUD
  • Fixed players being able to carry the JACK while taunting (fixes an exploit with The Eureka Effect)
  • Fixed being able to 'inspect' the JACK while players are carrying it.
  • Fixed capturing the JACK not incrementing Scout contract points


  • Fixed scoring in your own goal if you change teams while the JACK is in flight.
  • Fixed disguised and cloaked enemy Spies having a shield drawn for them in the HUD.
  • Fixed players sometimes not being able to throw the jack.
  • Fixed another case where players could teleport the jack with The Eureka Effect.
  • Fixed The Dead Ringer making it impossible to throw the JACK or deactivate the Dead Ringer.
  • All global special abilities that are activated with alt-fire are now available while carrying the jack, unless you're actively aiming the JACK.
  • Unlocked console variables for community servers to experiment with without requiring sv_cheats.
  • Fixed Scouts being able to pick up the JACK while drinking.
  • Fixed disguised Spies being able to carry the JACK in some situations.
  • Made weapon switch faster after throwing the JACK.
  • Fixed not getting a speed boost if you score and then get the JACK after it respawns.
  • Fixed a crash if mp_tournament was enabled and someone scored during pre-game.
  • Improved the way blocking works.
  • Fixed being able to cancel enemy taunts by hitting them with the ball.
  • Fixed seeing a phantom JACK in your hand if you threw the JACK and couldn't switch back to your previous weapon (jars, cleavers, etc.)


  • If the JACK is neutral for too long, it will automatically respawn.
  • If a player holds the JACK for too long, teammates can steal the JACK from that player.
  • Catching and intercepting a tossed JACK is slightly easier.
  • Demoman can no longer charge or detonate while holding the JACK.
  • Enabled melee-only for sudden death mode.


  • Rounds will continue after the timer expires until the JACK becomes neutral or someone scores.
  • The JACK will heal its carrier to full health.
  • Added tf_passtime_unstable for testing unstable features.
  • Unstable features.
    • Attack, defense, and support classes have different throwing arcs (tf_passtime_throwspeed, tf_passtime_throwarc).
    • The JACK inherits some of the thrower's velocity (tf_passtime_throwspeed_velocity).
  • Added an alternate version of pass_warehouse: pass_warehouse_goal2.
    • Instead of scoring by throwing the JACK into the goal, players need to carry the JACK into the goal.


  • Trying out some new sounds.
  • Catching and intercepting a tossed JACK is slightly easier.
  • Added convar tf_passtime_ball_model.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented disguised Spies from receiving a pass from enemies.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed overloadable weapons to continue reloading while carrying the JACK.
  • Fixed an issue that awarded a point to the wrong team during team switch.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented automatic JACK respawn from working in some cases.
  • Fixed a wrong texture on goal visualizers.
  • Fixed pass lock sound not playing for the targeted player.
  • The announcer now says "overtime" at the appropriate time.
  • Updated pass_warehouse and pass_warehouse_goal2.
    • Removed jump pads from the second floor of the warehouse.
    • Added more spectator cameras.
    • Added lateral jump pads to the middle arena.

2015年10月28日补丁 (Scream Fortress 2015)

  • Fixed viewmodel/worldmodel when tf_passtime_ball_model is set
  • Added convar: tf_passtime_ball_sphere_collision
  • Added entity: tf_logic_on_holiday


  • Updated PASS Time to fix not seeing the Halloween version of the JACK while it's being carried by a player.


  • Each class now has slightly different throwing power and arc.
  • During Overtime, the round doesn't end until the JACK has been neutral for a few seconds (tf_passtime_overtime_idle_sec) .
  • All available enemy goals will show a reticle on the HUD while carrying the JACK.
  • Added max pass range parameter to passtime_logic.
  • The JACK won't automatically respawn unless it's been picked up at least once.
  • New map: pass_pinewood.


  • Fixed a dedicated server crash related to dropped weapons and the JACK in PASS Time mode.


  • Experimenting with new HUD elements and art.
  • Experimenting with new viewmodel animations.
  • New testing feature 'tf_passtime_team_bonuses' that shares pass, steal, and intercept bonuses with the whole team.


  • Fixed workshop maps not loading correctly.
  • Fixed being able to get inside jump pads.
  • Removed Sandman long-distance steal.
  • Added experimental cvars for playtesting.

2016年6月22日补丁 #2

  • Fixed PASS Time game mode showing up in the wrong quickplay UI categories.

2016年7月7日补丁 #1 (Meet Your Match Update)

  • PASS Time update.
    • No longer in Beta!
    • New Items Available.
      • An Early Participation Pin will be awarded to everyone who played PASS Time during beta
      • Two new achievements with item rewards.
        • Tune Merasmus's Multi-Dimensional Television.
        • Jackpot!
    • Map Changes
    • Game Mode Changes
      • Changed the score limit from 3 to 5
      • Tweaked various JACK throwing parameters
      • Pack Running
        • The JACK no longer heals the player carrying it
        • A player carrying the JACK with no nearby teammates is marked for death
        • Teammates near a player holding the JACK will be slowly healed, and can run as fast as the fastest nearby teammate
      • JACK Power
        • Passing the JACK increases a power meter
        • The power meter will decay over time
        • Filling the power meter unlocks a special goal worth extra points
    • Art Changes
      • New view model animations
      • The HUD provides more information about goal type and status
      • Player pips for Spies will reflect cloak and disguise status
    • Misc Details
      • Added cvar tf_passtime_scores_per_round
      • Added tf_glow entity that can be used to enable the glow effect on any entity
      • Updated trigger_passtime_ball FGD entry to hide unimplemented features, temporarily
      • Spawnflag added to func_passtime_goal to indicate to the HUD that a goal is unlocked by JACK power.


  • Fixed the Jackpot! PASS Time achievement not tracking wins.

2016年7月14日补丁 #1

  • Updated several HUD materials to support mat_picmip
  • Fixed seeing the wrong cap limit in the win panel


  • Fixed achievement items (e.g. Civilian Grade JACK Hat) not cloaking with the Spy.
  • Tweaks and fixes for all maps.
  • Fix pack speed not being updated sometimes.
  • Aiming players will no longer receive pack speed bonus.
  • Some adjustments to reduce average round length.
    • Overtime will end immediately if the winning team touches the ball.
    • Overtime won't happen if it's impossible for the losing team to win.



  • Fixed players being able to pick-up the PASS Time JACK while they are stunned.


  • Fixed PASS Time exploit related to bonus points.



  • 当玩家拿到手球时,有一个非常小的几率会触发检视动画。每个兵种都有自己的独特动画

