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Granary (Control Point)
TF2 Granary Map.jpg
地图变种: 竞技场
开发者: 未知
环境: 农田
设定: 白昼, 晴天
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Granary (Control Point) overview.png




控制点 1 & 5


  • 指挥总部(重生点):重生点和补给区为是一个导弹发射井,两边各有两个出口,通向最终控制点所在的院子;就在大楼外面。补给柜位于重生室两个出口的后墙上。
  • 庭院:位于补给大楼的正外面。在控制点后面,一条小楼梯和坡道连接着院子里的一条被称为“低管道”或“窄桥”的大管道,通向包含第二/第四个控制点的建筑的第二层楼。第二条管道,也被称为“高管道”,延伸到低管道的右侧,可以从上述建筑的第二层进入,或从最终控制点的那一侧通过爆炸跳跃进入。
  • 房屋:在穿过区域中心的管道的尽头是第二/第四个控制点二楼的一座小房子,它都通过一个直接的入口与较低的管道相连,而较高的管道则紧挨着落入庭院的窗户开口。

控制点 2 & 4

控制点 2 和 4 位于中心区域和最终控制点之间的主要粮仓磨煤机内。这是地图 Granary 内唯一封闭在建筑物内的控制点。由于有着来自各个方向的七个狭窄的入口,这座建筑很可能会变得相当拥挤,且成为激烈的交火地点。

  • 左院区:越过第二个控制点后的院区,或称作“推进院区”。院区的左边有两个入口,玩家可以通过左边短且小的舷梯室或室内的舷梯进入中央控制点。院子左边的一个小棚屋可以让玩家获得一些高度优势。
  • 右院区:院区右边的板条箱后面为一块通往舷梯室的小区域。院区的两侧均可以从第二个控制点和中央控制点进入。
  • “Z 型通道”:经过第二/第四个控制点上的队伍一般都会选择左侧的通往左院区的主入口,或是选择“Z 型通道”,即主入口对面的一条小走廊。
  • 车库;“Z 型通道”的右边是一个“车库”,它连接着院区最右边的区域,而且可以在二楼通过此处绕道敌人后方:第一层沿着地板,通向控制点后面的房间区域,就在连接最后一个盖子院子的右门前面;此外也可以经过一段小楼梯到达第二层的一条俯瞰整个控制点的走道;这一层也是除了使用爆炸跳跃外唯一一个可以进入两个房间并通往最终控制点的路线。
  • 谷物滑槽:楼梯还通向一个封闭的通道,其入口位于楼梯顶端的右边的一个小口,该滑槽的尽头有一个小洞,玩家可以直接到达舷梯室前面。
  • 第一推进重生点:第一个推进重生室也位于第二个控制点附近,即控制点所在建筑左侧的第二层,只有一个入口通向院区,只有当团队占领了中央控制点时,该房间才会启用。

控制点 3

控制点 3(或中央控制点)位于地图的中心。作为大多数战斗的中心和主要焦点,中央位置有一个略微抬升的大型控制区。控制区周围堆放着两堆具有高度优势的集装箱。在院区的两边各有一个中型医疗包包,集装箱的顶部各有两个小型医疗包,以及在院区的两边的地面上有四个小型弹药盒。

  • Garage: The main entrance to the mid area is the Garage, which leads out directly to the point. Inside the garage is a set of ramps which lead up to the catwalks. The ramps also lead to a small entrance to Control Point 2/4's Right Yard.
  • Catwalks: The catwalks are at the top of the Garage ramps. There is a set on each side which overlook the point area. The catwalks are useful for any class wishing to reach the top of the crates.
  • Crates: Surrounding the point are stacked large metal crates which are largely used for their height advantage and cover.
  • Choke: The smaller entrance to mid is known as the choke for its tight area, often spammed by explosives. It exits out directly from the crates and is across from the enemy's garage entrance.


主条目: 社区Granary(CP)战术


控制点 玩家人数
控制点 1 和 5 ×1
4 .000
2 .667
2 .182
1 .920
控制点 2 和 4 ×1
12 .000
8 .000
6 .545
5 .760
控制点 3 ×1
24 .000
16 .000
13 .091
11 .520


Achieved.png 一般

2FortDustbowlGranaryGravel PitHydroWell (CP) 上玩完整的一局。


  • Cover changes to the first capture points of both teams. Reduces some of the sight lines for defenders, and should make the area easier to capture.
  • Teams that are holding more points will receive a greater spawn time bonus (spawn timer reduced for the winning team). This should help attacking teams build momentum.
  • Minor visual tweaks to the BLU side between capture points 2 and 3.
  • Clipped off a super high (demo pipe jump) perch in the middle area.
  • Increased base round timer to 10 minutes.
  • Added windows overlooking the final cap from the capture point 2 building (via new room next to conveyor route).
  • Minor changes to lighting in the middle area.
  • Moved the middle spawn points farther forward (saves 6-7 seconds off a Heavy's run from this spawn to enemy capture point 2).
  • Reduced spawn advantage/penalty to a total of -/+ 6 seconds when on the final cap (from 10 seconds).
  • Fixed material alignment and model interpenetration issues in home spawn rocket rooms.


  • Reduced Granary spawn advantage for capping the middle point.


  • Removed spawn timing advantage from the middle (from -3 to 0).
  • Fixed several model perch exploits (red, blue cp1 gate and blue cp2 gate pipe).
  • Fixed a few places where players could get stuck between containers and silos.
  • Adjusted playerclips on red container that made it appear like players were floating.

2008年4月29日补丁 (淘金热更新)

  • Added setup time logic, and gates to the middle.
  • Fixed an overlay alignment bug on one of blue's gate signs.


  • Updated Granary with several exploit fixes.
  • Updated Granary to remove the setup time and gates.


  • Made a few changes to improve balance based on competitive community feedback.


  • Tweaks to the new platforms by the ramproom:
    • Extended the length of the platforms
    • Made the light models above the platforms symmetrical for RED/BLU
    • Made the height of the BLU woodpile near the new platform the same height as RED (for Scouts)
  • More playerclips to ease snagging on trim geometry


  • Added a new entrance to the mid Red/Blue ramp rooms.
  • Clipping, lighting and perf improvements.



  • Fixed improper orientation on arrow signs.
  • Fixed players getting above red forward spawn.
  • Fixed players building on cargo containers inside spawn room.
  • Fixed holes in skybox geometry.
  • Removed collision from hanging lamp over Red spawn.
  • Removed collision from security cameras above Red and Blue spawns.
  • Mirrored fence alcove from Blu final cap arena to Red side.
  • Balanced collision of rocks in final capture arenas.
  • Re-ordered spawns in the first spawn room to be consistent between Red and Blu.


  • Added nobuild and clipping to fix exploits above the forward spawns.
  • Adjusted player shadows to reduce shadows casting through walls.
  • Skybox rendering fixes.


  • Removed collision from lights and small props protruding from walls
  • Fixed collision on fences
  • Fixed the tire props near Blu's forward spawn so players may no longer jump up to the spawn door platform
  • Fixed players shooting through gaps around forward spawn doors
  • Fixed door protruding through roof on Red's forward spawn
  • Fixed a collision bug that gave players access to the roof above Red's spawn door
  • Prevented players from building inside spawn room doors
  • Adjusted area portals to improve rendering and performance


  • [未记载] Added saucers and posters to Granary.


  • [未记载] Removed Saucers and Posters from all maps.


2016年7月7日补丁 #1 (棋逢对手更新)

  • Added new ammo pack locations in final and yard areas.
  • Clips and blockbullets added to stairs.

2016年10月21日补丁 (尖叫要塞 2016)

  • Removed cp_granary from the Competitive maps list.


  • 《拜见士兵》的拍摄地点就是修改版的 Granary 中。影片中,红队完全绕过了连接了第一和第二个控制点的建筑,进入了原本会被阻隔无法通行的区域。
  • Granary 也是游戏《百战天虫:重装上阵》中的堡垒之一。
  • 出现在主菜单背景中的地图 Gravel Pit 背景图实际上应该是地图 Granary 的。
