Estrategia de la comunidad para 2Fort

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Community 2Fort strategy
Ctf 2fort bridge ss.png
Información básica
Desarrollado por: Desconocido
Información del mapa
Entorno: Granja
Escenario: Diruno, verano
Imágenes del mapa
Imágenes de la pantalla de carga.

Este articulo trata sobre la estrategia de la comunidad para 2Fort.

Nota: Es recomendable leer el artículo principal de 2Fort para familiarizarse con los nombres de las ubicaciones clave usadas en este artículo.

Estrategias multiclase


Artículo principal: Retroceso

  • El retroceso tiene poca utilidad aquí, pero puede ayudar a tirar a los Snipers de los balcones para que no puedan apuntar.
  • El retroceso también puede usarse para separar al Medic del resto de sus pacientes, o incluso para tirarlo del puente y que caiga al agua.
  • El retroceso también puede ser útil para tirar a los Pyros al agua, haciendo que no puedan usar su arma principal y alguna de sus armas secundarias.


Artículo principal: Supercarga

Los buenos momentos de usar una Supercarga son:

  • El patio enemigo: Suele estar plagado de armas centinela y es crucial para la captura de la inteligencia.
  • Las alcantarillas enemigas: Si el equipo enemigo está acampado en las alcantarillas, no debería ser difícil destruirlos con una Supercarga.
  • Recuerda que si usas el ¡Bonk!, podrás activarlo mientras llevas la inteligencia. Si olvidas esto y pasas por un nido de armas centinela, morirás dejando allí la inteligencia, haciendo extremadamente difícil su recogida.
  • En consonancia con lo de arriba, al activar la Supercarga solo se aplicará al Medic, quien podrá seguir curando al portador del maletín pero no lo hará invulnerable.
    • Esto no significa que el Medic no pueda bloquear los disparos para que el portador del maletín pueda huir, pero es un complicado trabajo.


Artículos principales: Supercarga y ¡Bonk! La Bebida Salvavidas

  • La entrada a las alcantarillas puede tener varios puntos ciegos, en particular en la zona de las escaleras, cerca de la entrada. También es posible saltar a las alcantarillas desde fuera.
  • Dejar de atacar y vigilar el puente también es una buena forma de emboscar al enemigo.
  • La entrada de la base a las alcantarillas también son buenos puntos de emboscada desde el lado RED. La base RED tiene unas cajas apiladas a la salida, que pueden usarse como escondite.
  • La fachada del edificio también permite hacer emboscadas. Si un Engineer logra construir ahí su nido le complicará temporalmente la salida al equipo contrario.
  • Como Scout con la Refrescopeta o Soldier con cualquier Lanzacohetes, es posible saltar por el desagüe e ir directo a la sala del maletín.

Atajos útiles

  • Si el patio enemigo está bloqueado por armas centinela, intenta ir por la parte frontal y entrar directamente por la rampa hacia la sala del maletín.
  • El tercer punto de reaparición se encuentra en las escaleras que llevan a la sala del maletín. No se suele usar pero es muy útil para los Engineer, que pueden reabastecer su metal ahí.
  • Si el patio principal está lleno de armas centinela, intenta hacer doble salto desde el puente con el Scout, podrás acceder desde la parte superior de la base enemiga hasta la sala del maletín.
  • Los enemigos intentarán penetrar en las bases enemigas por las puertas principales. Cuando lo intenten has de estar atento, puede que sea el momento de hacer tu lo mismo.

Estrategia de equipo

Avances indivudales

Avance del Scout

Esto suele funcionar solo para la primera captura de la partida. Divide tu equipo en dos Scouts referidos como «Grupo A» y «Grupo B».

  • Primero, ambos grupos saltan al techo del puente de medio. Grupo A debe saltar al balcón enemigo y llegar al patio. Esto acaba con Grupo B en la sala del maletín, cogiéndolo y dando media vuelta. A la vuelta se regresa por el mismo camino, por la parte superior del puente de medio. Grupo B se tira al agua y continua por las alcantarillas. Al final de las alcantarillas se avanza hasta el patio. Grupo B continúa desde las escaleras hasta la sala del maletín. Cuando Grupo A captura el que había recogido, Grupo B captura el segundo, que debe ir escoltado por los aliados suficientes para asegurar su huída de la base enemiga. Repetir esta maniobra te permitirá capturar rápidamente el maletín, pero también puede ser detectada por los enemigos y que pongan medidas para bloquearla.
  • La ventaja de este avance del Scout coordinado es que al principio de la partida el equipo enemigo no tendrá ninguna defensa consolidada. El equipo contrario tendrá poco tiempo para colocar sus defensas.
  • Cuando llegues a la sala del maletín para entregarlo, debes asegurarte de que hay otro Scout de tu equipo (o dos) listos para capturar el siguiente maletín.

Avance del Engineer

Esto funcionará para mantener a tus enemigos en su base. Aquí es apropiado usar el Forajido con la miniarma centinela. Hay que dividir el equipo en tres equipos de Engineers. Referidos como «Grupo A», «Grupo B» y «Grupo C».

  • Primer, el Grupo A debe ir a la sala del maletín y montar sus armas centinela. Se necesita una en cada esquina de la sala. Además , es útil tener una centinela en el sótano, justo al salir de la sala del maletín. El Grupo B debe atacar en el puente y hacer de barrera. Esto mantendrá a los enemigos a raya. Finalmente el Grupo C debe atacar por los alcantarillados y dividirse. Una mitad se queda en los alcantarillados y la otra se infiltra en la base para montar ahí su nido.
    • La ventaja de este avance del Engineer coordinado es que al principio de la partida el equipo enemigo no sabrá la técnica y se sentirá confuso.
      • Si lográis entrar en la base enemiga y que la sala del maletín esté sin protección, sería ideal construir un teleportador en el lado derecho del escritorio, para que el enemigo no lo vea a simple vista.

Empujes multiclase

Controlando las alcantarillas

  • Primero, el equipo que intente esta técnica debe tener la alcantarilla enemiga despejada. Tras eso, un Engineer debe construir un dispensador y un arma centinela en la esquina interna que conecta ambos conductos. Luego será necesario construir un teleportador junto al dispensador, para tener un acceso rápido para todos los aliados.
  • Esta estrategia ayudará a tus aliados a entrar en la base enemiga rápidamente. Como medida de precaución, asegúrate de que el arma centinela no está a la vista desde lejos, para evitar que la destruyan.
  • Los Snipers pueden estar al final del túnel, en lo alto de las escaleras o junto al arma centinela para avisar del avistamiento de enemigos. Esto ayuadrá a detener a la gente que se aproximae con intención de destruir las armas centinela.

Invasión por las alcantarillas

  • Si el equipo enemigo deja la entrada por las alcantarillas al descubierto, el mejor paso para invadirlos es convertirlas en tu territorio. Para empezar, avanzamos a través de las alcantarillas hasta las escaleras. Subimos por ellas y colocamos un dispensador en la ruta izquierda que lleva al patio interior del enemigo. Después colocamos una centinela que apunte a la puerta principal. Un arma centinela mejorada en este punto puede detener efectivamente el acceso de cualquier enemigo a su propia base. Posteriormente un teleportador de salida que permita el acceso de los aliados a la base enemiga. El único punto débil de esta técnica es que un Demoman lance granadas por las escaleras; la forma de combatirlo sería con un Pyro.
  • Esta configuración es casi impenetrable sin una Supercarga.

Invasión de la sala del maletín

  • Una estrategia es colocar distintas defensas y teleportadores en la sala del maletín del enemigo. Esto es dificil de conseguir, ya que el Engineer puede colarse en la base enemiga y llegar hasta la sal del maletín, pero es extremadamente vulnerable y puede ser abatido con facilidad.
  • Para empezar, se debe llevar a cabo un avance coordenado con otros aliados. No hay que avanzar en solitario, ya que el enemigo podrá ser letal. Si el enemigo tiene armas centinela en la entrada, puedes realizar un avance suicida o ir como Spy para reducir el riesgo de morir. Cuando te hagas una idea de cómo es us base, puedes volver a cambiar a Engineer y poner un teleportador de entrada y empezar tu cruzada por las alcantarillas. Cuidado con los enemigos, las alcantarillas deben estar vacías para hacer esto. Al llegar a la sala de la rampa, asegúrate de cubrir la entrada más segura a la sala del maletín, que es la de las escaleras. Generalmente cuando los jugadores aparecen salen de la base sin echar un vistazo a estas zonas. No uses el acceso en espiral, porque ahí si puedes encontrar enemigos. Cuandoe stés en la sala del maletín, coloca una centinela en primer lugar. Esta será tu mejor defensa. Después coloca un dispensador para reabastecer tus necesidades de munición y metal. Cuando hayas mejorado la centinela al máximo, coloca el teleportador de salida. También puedes colocar el teleportador de salida primero, para que tus aliados lleguen y te protejan mientras construyes el resto de cosas.
  • Si todo sale bien tendréis una excelente base infiltrada dentro de la base del enemigo. Podréis coger con facilidad el maletín enemigo y salir de la base sin ser capturados. Solo queda cubrir bien las espaldas y combatir los posibles ataques con Supercarga y Demoman del enemigo, y mucho ojo con los Spies.

Empuje por el puente

  • Nuestra estrateja es crear una segunda base, mientras invadimos y defendemos la nuestra.
  • Intenta mirar si existe la posibilidad de usar el Arreo o llegar de alguna forma a la parte superior del puente. Cuando estés ahí crea un dispensador para conseguir metal y que los Heavies y Pyros te protejan. Ahora es el momento de crear un arma centinela de nivel 3.
  • Si todo sale bien, ahora estarás protegido contra todas las claes, excepto contra los Soldiers y Demoman. Es vital tener a un Pyro para que devuelva sus proyectiles.
  • Un Heavy puede acabar con el equipo enemigo si está siendo asistido por Medics. Tres o cuatro Heavies con Medics pueden ser una combinación de poder de disparo imparable. El único peligro pueden ser los Spies.

Estrategia de cada clase

Leaderboard class scout.png Scout

  • Usa el techo del puente para hacer un doble salto hacia las terrazas enemigas.
  • Usa las rampillas en la entrada de cualquier base para hacer un salto forzado hacia las terrazas enemigas. Esto sorprenderá a los Snipers enemigos que apuntan hacia el puente, el techo del puente, y las terrazas enemigas.
  • Utilizar el techo del puente es una buena forma de colocarse y atacar a una fuerza ofensiva por detrás. Esto es especialmente efectivo para ir tras los Medics enemigos.
  • Al iniciar una ronda, en vez de realizar un predecible doble salto hacia las terrazas enemigas, dirígete desde tu punto inicial hacia las cloacas del oponente. Si esto se hace en su tiempo debido, no veras ninguna resistencia o defensa en la base oponente debido a que están atacando por los niveles superiores, y cualquier Arma Centinela que se encuentre en la sección de la rampa será solamente de nivel 1.
  • Puedes llegar al otro lado del puente de otra forma haciendo un doble salto por encima del agua mientras usas el rebote de la Dispensadora de Caña para impulsarte, o también puedes usar el Atomizador para realizar un tercer salto. La mayor parte de los enemigos pensaran que has caído al agua y por tanto te ignoraran.
  • Si la inteligencia es soltada en la sección de la rejilla y se encuentra cerca del hoyo para bajar, el Scout puede usar un doble salto y el rebote de la Dispensadora de Caña para recuperarla.
  • El Scout puede acceder fácilmente a la escalera en espiral haciendo un salto forzado hacia la sección de la rejilla del enemigo. Esta sección por lo general es ignorada a menos que el equipo contrario defienda. El área de arriba siempre está vigilada por lo general, comúnmente con un Dispensador en la escalera en espiral y por lo menos un Arma Centinela. Destruir el dispensador de la sección de la rejilla te permitirá pasar por alto el Arma Centinela antes de que pueda disparar (Usualmente el Arma Centinela estará apuntando hacia el patio), pero podría alarmar al adversario y sin duda alertara al Engineer. Puede que esta técnica de resultado en algunas ocasiones hasta que el Engineer u otra persona se canse y cambien de estrategia defensiva para prevenir una entrada tan fácil.
  • Usa el Somnífero como herramienta defensiva mientras te quedas en tu base. Lanza bolas de béisbol desde el campamento de Snipers o la entrada baja hacia enemigos que se aproximen desde el puente. Esto puede aturdir al atacante haciéndolo más vulnerable a los ataques. Recarga tu bola rápidamente retirándote hacia tu punto de inicio más cercano.
  • Cuando defiendas desde tu base, usa el Dispensadora de Caña para realizar un salto forzado hacia un punto inicial cercano a tu campamento de Snipers. Esto es favorable para escapar de tus oponentes o recargar tu Somnífero rápidamente.
  • Usa una combinación de Paratenseco con una Criticola para defender tu base. Cuando estés cerca de la rejilla en la sección de la Rejilla, agáchate, bebe y dispara a los enemigos que intenten infiltrarse por las entradas principales de tu base. Este método te da acceso rápido para coger munición, botiquines, y una habitación de reabastecimiento para recargar tu bebida.
  • La velocidad de él Scout es increíblemente útil para hacer una Búsqueda de Spies (En especial para encontrar Spies que usen el Embozador). Usa el bate, el Somnífero, o el Arenque Sagrado constantemente mientras corras por la base para toparte y eliminar Spies enemigos.
  • El túnel largo de las cloacas de cada base es bueno para usar la bola del Somnífero. Los confines estrechos del túnel dificultan la posibilidad de esquivar la bola y hace más fácil el recuperar la bola después de un golpe exitoso.
  • La manera más rápida de capturar la Inteligencia (suponiendo que inicias en el área del patio) es realizar un salto doble por las plataformas, recorriendo el patio del oponente, pasando por las escaleras adjuntas, bajando por las escaleras de metal, pasando por la habitación de la Inteligencia y sucesivamente girando a mano derecha hacia la Inteligencia. Después repite la misma ruta de regreso. Ten cuidado, ya que esta ruta es muy arriesgada y tiene muy pocos lugares seguros. Pero para realizar una captura inicial, es la más rápida y eficiente.
    • De otra forma, cuando regreses por el patio del oponente, usa la entrada de la rejilla para acceder al puente o las cloacas, que son más seguras. Esto previene el tener que pasar por el tráfico que se pueda encontrar a la salida del punto inicial contrario y las terrazas. Ya que son áreas muy concurridas, el equipo contrario puede acorralarte fácilmente.

Leaderboard class soldier.png Soldier

  • Una de las estrategias que uno puede utilizar es esconderse en la esquina de la cubierta más baja, permitiéndole a saltar de la esquina, disparar un par de cohetes a la cubierta enemiga para Snipers o almena mas abajo , y luego saltar de nuevo a la cubierta.

Saltos de cohete

  • Mientras que usted está cargando la Inteligencia, recuerde que saltar con cohetes puede ayudarlo a llegar a su propia base más rápido y evitar el fuego enemigo. Por ejemplo, usted puede saltar con cohetes a través de la rejilla en la entrada de su base, o a su propia almenas.
  • Con un poco de apuntes precisos, se puede hacer salto de cohete a través del agua por pedaleando para atrás por el borde mientras saltas, y después realizar un salto de cohetes. Usando este método, puede realizar rápidamente un segundo salto con cohete para llegar a las almenas enemigas mientras mantener la mitad de su salud.
  • Cuando te encuentres en el foso entre ambas bases tienes la capacidad de salir de ahí rápidamente si te acercas a las entradas de las alcantarillas y realizas un salto de cohete. El suelo del foso debería de tener una elevación lo suficientemente alta como para permitir que el daño de salpicadura te impulse hacia arriba. Esto puede ser usado para sorprender enemigos cruzando el puente si logras caer en el lado del equipo enemigo.
  • El mejor ataque sorpresa es ir a través del puente y hacer un salto de cohete sobre las almenas enemigas. Esto sorprenderá a todos los Snipers enemigos y lograrás conseguir un buen puñado de asesinatos en poco tiempo.

Leaderboard class pyro.png Pyro

  • El área de la rejilla que da a la entrada principal también es un buen punto de emboscada. Sin embargo, asegúrate de llevar otra arma aparte del Lanzallamas equipada, ya que su boquilla es particularmente notable en este punto.
  • Las esquinas interiores de las entradas a la base son buenos puntos de emboscada también, ya que los jugadores a menudo se olvidan de revisar las esquinas antes de seguirse adentrando al interior. Sin embargo, asegúrate de no ser visto mientras navegas estos lugares, ya que los Snipers pueden encontrar fácilmente a los jugadores a través del mapa y avisarles a sus compañeros o simplemente asesinarlos.
  • El Demoledor es una excelente opción para un arma cuerpo a cuerpo para jugadores con una mentalidad más centrada en la defensa, ya que puede usarse para romper los Zapadores colocados en las Centinelas de tus compañeros de equipo mientras sea necesario.
    • El Tuestalomos es mas útil para realizar emboscadas, ya que los Impactos críticos garantizados de ataques de flanqueo pueden ser usados para parar empujes ofensivos muy rápido. Sin embargo, usando el Lanzallamas o el Desengrasador también es posible parar Supercargas en camino usando la explosiones de aire comprimido más fácil.
  • Cuando luches en medio, trata de usar la cubierta del soporte del puente para protegerte contra el fuego enemigo, y el mismo toldo para protegerte de los Snipers. Como la mayoría fuego desciende en el eje del puente, esto crea un pasillo en el que la explosión de aire comprimido y la Pistola de Bengalas pueden utilizarse eficazmente.
  • Un Pyro supercargado puede limpiar una zona bloqueada con centinelas con facilidad. Debido a la naturaleza dentro de las bases, las esquinas se pueden explotar con gran efecto para acercarse fácilmente Armas Centinela sin preocuparse demasiado por derribo. Usando el aire comprimido, los jugadores pueden quemar a el Engineer y dañar la centinela al mismo tiempo con facilidad.
  • En las almenas, un Pyro experimentado puede usar el aire comprimido para reflejar las flechas, cohetes y otros explosivos que te pueden alcanzar. También puedes encender en llamas y empujar a los Soldiers y Demoman que saltan con explosivos, así como a los Scouts que van saltando a través de la cubierta del puente.
  • 2Fort tiene un pozo central de agua en la que algunos enemigos saltarán desesperados si están en llamas. Ataques coordinados pueden ser usados para encender y forzar jugadores al agua mientras que tus compañeros de equipo los emboscan por debajo.
  • Se debe tener mucho cuidado al usar las alcantarillas para ingresar a la base enemiga. Recuerda que el arma primario del Pyro no funciona mientras estás bajo el agua, y que los enemigos pueden apagarse las llamas fácilmente. Sin embargo, las alcantarillas también proveen una gran cobertura de los Snipers enemigos, lo que permite que los Pyros realicen emboscadas con más facilidad.
  • Un Pyro con la Pistola de bengalas puede tomar ventaja de la naturaleza cerrada de las alcantarillas y hacer que le lluevan las bengalas al enemigo a una buena distancia. Especialmente en el tramo largo, un Pyro con buena puntería puede acertar bengalas críticas y retrasar el avance por una cantidad significativa de tiempo.
  • Si te encuentras en el foso central, tu Escopeta es una mejor opción para defenderte. Si estás empuñando una Pistola de bengalas, es mejor que lleves tu hacha para enfrentarte a tus enemigos; si tienes poca salud lo mejor es huir.
  • Recuerda comprobar si hay Spies cerca, ya que es probable que se escondan en ciertos puntos (ver a continuación) para recargar su invisibilidad o vigilar a tu equipo.

Leaderboard class demoman.png Demoman

  • Si el enemigo logra obtener tu Inteligencia, coloca bombas lapa en la parte superior de las escaleras largas y en la entrada al espiral. Al posicionarte en la sala de heno y concentrarte en la brújula de la Inteligencia, puedes lograr predecir precisamente cuando y por cual salida el enemigo irá a salir.
  • Cuando la inteligencia es soltada, el enemigo irá apresurado a recuperarla antes de que el temporizador se reinicie. Coloca bombas lapa alrededor de la Inteligencia expuesta y espera. A menudo, incluso las bombas lapa visibles serán ignoradas por los Scouts que se apresuran en recoger la Inteligencia. Detónalas y repite. Si estás bajo fuego, muévete fuera de vista y escucha la alerta o mira la brújula de la Inteligencia para saber cuándo la Inteligencia está siendo recogida.
  • Pararse en la rejilla al lado del pajar te permite hacer que lluevan las granadas y colocar bombas lapa en el área que se encuentra debajo lo que brinda algo de protección del fuego enemigo que venga.
  • En la sala de la Inteligencia, coloca bombas lapa de modo que parezcan estar dentro de la Inteligencia, ocultas a la vista, y quédate en la sala para detonarlas cuando un Scout se atreva a tomarla. Cuidado, porque las bombas lapa críticas pueden arruinar esta táctica, ya que su brillo puede ser visible, lo que hará que el Scout te persiga o le dispare al escritorio antes de llevarse la Inteligencia.
  • Puedes lanzar granadas o bombas lapa sobre las almenas enemigas para despejarlas de Snipers, Soldiers y otros jugadores con armas de largo alcance. Con el Lanzagranadas, tendrás que usar el puente como cobertura. Con esa área despejada de enemigos, tus compañeros de equipo pueden pasearse por tus almenas con seguridad o ir por la entrada principal enemiga sin preocuparse de ser disparados desde las almenas.
  • Si vas a la defensiva, considera equipar una espada y el Targe de Carga o el Escudo Espléndido. Hay muchos pasillos angostos en 2Fort, y en estos pasillos, los enemigos la verán muy difícil esquivando a un Demoman que los embiste. De esta manera igual podrás atrapar a aquel que porte la Inteligencia. Este equipamiento también es efectivo de manera ofensiva, siempre y cuando no entres a en un área defendida por una Arma Centinela. Es casi imposible destruir una Centinela nivel 3 y puedes terminar siendo acorralado por los compañeros de equipo del Engineer enemigo si no eres cuidadoso.

Saltos con bombas lapa

  • It's possible to stickyjump onto the battlements, a particularly effective strategy, in combination with the Eyelander or any other sword, to surprise any Snipers.
  • You can jump up through the grate with a single sticky, a useful strategy if you need the Intelligence.
  • If necessary, you can stickyjump out of the water to surprise enemies at either base's entrance.

Trampas con bombas lapa

  • All enemies entering your base will have to pass through the courtyard to access the Intelligence, with the exception of Soldiers, Scouts, Engineers, and other Demomen. This makes it an ideal spot for a Demoman to set up Stickybomb traps. Good spots are above each of the two ground-floor doorways, and on the wall between those doorways, since these are hard to spot. Enemies entering the room generally stick close to the wall to avoid Sentry Gun fire from above. Scouts can sometimes slip in before you see them, but Stickybombs on the wall between the doors will still stand a good chance of taking them out. Another place for stickies is on the tiny wall in the short hall that opens to a small room
  • The roof of the bridge is capped on each end by a triangle-shaped piece of wood. This area cannot be seen by approaching enemies. By placing Stickybombs here, you can eliminate open travel across the bridge (eight Stickybombs in this position will kill a fully healed Heavy/Medic combo).
  • A Demoman on defense can essentially cut off enemy advances into his team’s fort by placing sticky bombs on the top of his team's grate. Sticky bombs placed atop the grate are able to splash damage enemies passing underneath the grate. It is difficult for enemies to destroy or move the bombs from this position, and if enemies attempt to do so, they will often leave themselves open to attack from your pipe bombs. Typically, 4-6 well placed stickies (you'll want an even spread, leaving you a somewhat predictable kill zone) can take out most enemies passing under the grate, but why not use all 8? Just be sure to keep your sticky launcher loaded. If you only use 4-6 stickies on the grate, that will leave you a couple stickies that you can place at the doorway at the top of the spiral stairs, essentially cutting off that path for Scouts, Demomen, or Soldiers trying to enter from the Sniper deck. You can monitor all of these stickies by standing in the corner just behind the grate (protecting your back from Spies). You can also lob grenades through the grate opening out the two front doors of your base from the grate.
  • If your opponents wise up to your strategy, then try standing on the front side (water side) of the grate. This makes it practically impossible for you to monitor the stickies around the doorway at the top of the spiral stairs, but it allows you to put stickies at the corner of the grate nearest the sewer stairs, cutting off that path. Camping the grate allows you to defend several enemy attacks. For example, if enemy Engineers try building on the bridge, you can go to the Sniper deck and spam the bridge with grenades (be careful to stay out of enemy Sniper scopes). Say some opponents entered your base and start attacking the Engineers who have setup Sentry Guns in the courtyard; you're only a few feet away, so you can easily help them (remember that stickies are very useful for defending ÜberCharges by 'bouncing' the Übered players around, possibly breaking the Über connection). If opponents are pouring out of the sewer, just drop through the grate and spam the sewer stairs with grenades for a few easy kills.
  • While camping the grate, it is important to take out the high priority targets like Medics (who may have a charged Über). If the Medics eventually learn that they can't get past you without using their Über, then they are forced to use it early, negating their ability to destroy Engineer defenses in the courtyard. Other high priority targets are Demomen and Soldiers, because they pose the most threat to you. Either one of these classes can fire bombs/rockets through the grate, making your life difficult. If you do need to retreat, you can still fire pipe bombs or stickies onto the grate to splash damage players passing under the grate (probably the same players who just chased you off).
La primera ubicación de trampa con bombas lapa.
  • A way to defend the basement: First, place three Sticky bombs on the first left wall of the left Intelligence room corridor, near the entrance, as shown. These three bombs should not be seen by enemies coming from the spiral, but should be able to kill anyone that enters the corridor. Next, place another three Stickybombs on the left wall of the right Intelligence room corridor, near the corner, as shown. As with the first bomb spot, they should be placed so they are not visible to enemy attackers until they turn the corner. Finally, place the remaining 2 Sticky bombs near the Intelligence, in the middle of the basement, or around the corner of the L-shaft left exit. You are unlikely to actually use these, but their mere presence can make attackers hesitate before making their move, giving you more time to react. Since three Stickybombs is enough to trap each corridor, these two remaining bombs are basically free-form, but remember that placing them too far forward may alarm enemies and make them wary of other traps. When the Stickybombs have been placed, position yourself with your back to the basement resupply room, so you can see enemies coming from either of the basement entrances, and keep your Grenade Launcher ready to use.
    • Alternatively place 4-5 stickies at the top of each corner leading directly into the Intelligence room and sit on the Intelligence looking directly down both corridors. The height of the sticky bombs will deceive enemies into thinking there is no threat, leaving you to detonate them when they come around the corner.
La segunda ubicación de trampa con bombas lapa.
Desde aquí, el defensor del sótano puede ver a los enemigos acceder desde ambas entradas.
  • If you know an enemy is heading towards the Intelligence room through the courtyard, you can lay a sticky trap on the L-shaft stairs near the doorway. Moving players cannot see down the stairs until they are on them. Similarly, if there are enemies entering the base from the sewer, they probably will not slow down while traversing the stairs. Therefore, stickies placed on the bit of ground by the top of the stairs can gib enemies, or at least make them step back.

Leaderboard class heavy.png Heavy

  • The areas inside of each respective base are ideal for Heavy play. The tight quarters prevent enemy players from being able to escape your fire except at longer ranges, and the enclosed corridors and multiple corners allow for many ambush opportunities.
  • If attacking the enemy base, beware of being ambushed from behind, especially when under the grate. The enemy has access to multiple avenues with which to attack you from, and your slow speed can prevent you from escaping in a timely manner if things go bad.
  • Beware of Sentry Guns that enemy Engineers may place in their courtyards. These are often placed at angles where you cannot attack without exposing yourself, so your best bet is often to leave them to other classes.
  • Due to the wide-open area between the two bases, spinning up your gun is only recommended if you can get under the cover of the bridge awning, as Snipers can easily pick you off otherwise.
  • The sewers provide an ideal way to enter the enemy base without the risk of being killed by Snipers. The enclosed corridors prevent enemies from dodging your fire, and the water under the bridge can be used to ambush any enemies that try to jump down.
  • Capturing the enemy team's Intelligence should not be your first priority, as even with the GRU you are not as fast as most other classes. Instead, try to use your firepower to cover your teammates as they attempt to capture it. Your mere presence can be used to attract enemy attention and give your teammates a chance at a successful capture.

Leaderboard class engineer.png Engineer

The following locations should be considered when constructing a Sentry Gun:

  • On the ledge in the courtyard. It is important to place it no further out that the middle of the ledge (if you place it at the corner the Sentry Gun can be shot from the battlements without triggering it) and as close to the edge as possible, not at the corner, otherwise it cannot see down to the ground to fire upon incoming hostiles. By being up on the ledge, you cover the entire room, and there is only one way to destroy it without putting the attacker in range of the Sentry Gun. To destroy it, the attacker must come up from under it and use splash damage from below, or clip the corner of the Sentry Gun with their weapon. If the Sentry Gun is placed at the junction of the right side ramp and the top ramp, then it blocks the movement of enemy Spies into the hay room and has a shorter arc to turn in, to lock onto enemies.
    • Note: On the Xbox 360 and PS3 version, Soldiers can use their rockets from below to damage the Sentry Gun on top. This is an exploit, although it still must be warned against as many a Soldier who knows the Sentry Gun's position can simply blow it up from the bottom of the courtyard.
    • If you have the Pomson 6000 equipped and your buildings are in the courtyard, you can defend the area fairly easily by shooting at enemies in the hallways. The only way to the Intelligence room for Spies and Medics is through those hallways, and you can Spy-check and render an ÜberCharge push ineffective with this weapon's properties.
  • Across from the Respawn area in the corner of the hay room. Place a Dispenser in the corner against the wall separating the grate doorway and the room. Then place the Sentry Gun against the wall (use alternate fire to rotate it) by the Dispenser facing the doorway to the spiral. This Sentry Gun covers the grate and battlements, which if the previous Sentry Gun was placed, not only protects the hay room, but also prevents access to the only other entrance to the Intelligence.
  • In front of the fire extinguisher on the spiral. This is very important if you want to eliminate Scouts coming from the second floor trying to grab the Intelligence, then using the spiral. Since you're placing the Sentry Gun in front of the fire extinguisher, this is the midpoint of the spiral. This spot isn't visible from the entrance of the spiral. Build a Dispenser sideways on either side, then place the Sentry Gun in front of the fire extinguisher wall. This is an uncommon yet good way of taking out opposing Scouts. Soldiers and Demoman who rocket/sticky jump to the top floor and enter from the spiral will also be surprised.
  • The 'mid' point in the sewers. It's very important that you build it facing the short pipe, and not the long stretch. Don't build it in the corner facing both pipes (it can be splash damaged there). Instead you want to build a Dispenser against the wall in the corner (facing the long pipe) and then build the Sentry Gun in front of the Dispenser (angled so it is facing the short pipe). What you end up with is a Dispenser flat against the wall with the long pipe in it, and the Sentry Gun up against the Dispenser, but facing the short pipe. There is no way to get enough splash damage on the Sentry Gun from this position to blow it up easily, and it locks down the sewers. This can also be used offensively by building it in the enemy base. Of course, you must still watch out for Spies, who over such a short distance will be fully cloaked and be able to come right up to you before decloaking. If your back is visible, they will be able to backstab you with surprise. The Sentry Gun will then kill them, but without its Engineer, it is much more vulnerable.
  • In your Intelligence room, in the 'short' corner (the corner between the two doorways). The placement of this Sentry Gun is very tricky to get perfect, but if you do, it's very hard to take down. To place this Sentry Gun correctly you should to put it as far into the corner as possible (use alternate fire) and at a 45 degree angle. Next you want to place your Dispenser in front of the Sentry Gun, but rotate it so that the short side of the Dispenser is what block's the Sentry Gun's field of view. The Dispenser should be placed just off center, so as to not block the line of sight to the Intelligence or either doorway. An alternative is to place the Dispenser out of sight behind the desk it is much more vulnerable but often goes unnoticed.
  • Under the enemy grate. This is a very unlikely position to attain and hold. However, if you can get a gun built here, it is possible to jump onto your gun and then jump up to place a Teleporter exit on their grate. If you end up in a game where the enemy is turtling in their courtyard or Intelligence room but otherwise letting you walk in their front door, you could utilize this strategy to surprise them.
  • Under your grate, while your Dispenser goes in the nook between the entrance and the courtyard. If you can get your Sentry set up here, it will surprise enemies coming through the entrance and up from the sewers.
  • Rather than a permanent location, the spiral or the short staircase from the courtyard to box your enemy in once they have your intelligence. Drop a Sentry Gun at the end of one escape route (a Mini-Sentry is best-suited for this!) and take the other route yourself to box the escaping enemy in the basement. A flag-carrying opponent will more likely try to avoid combat with you or the Sentry Gun, and focus on escaping with the briefcase.
  • The center of the Intelligence room facing into the corner between the two entrances. Placing it here maximizes the response time of the Sentry which has a direct line of sight down both corridors. This can be effective against classes with relatively short range weaponry and will suffer minimal damage. However, the Sentry is slightly more vulnerable to long ranged weaponry in this position.
  • On the ledge between the hay room and courtyard, especially at the beginning of a round. This allows the Sentry to shoot at careless enemies who try to run through the hay room and courtyard, and it gives you easy access to metal to upgrade. It's easy to defeat a Sentry in this position, so once you're sure the other team isn't rushing into the base, move it to another spot.
  • In a different area from a teammate's Sentry Gun. For example, if he chooses the main entrance, build in the hay room or elsewhere. That way, if invulnerable or buffed enemies destroy or evade one gun, the other could still stop them or slow them down and give the owner of the destroyed Sentry time to rebuild.
  • In a different place from where it was a few minutes ago. During a lull or if your teammates are covering defense well, move your Sentry to another spot, like from one corner of the courtyard to another, or even to a different room altogether. Enemies who have seen it will assume it's in the same place and will have to organize another strategy to avoid or destroy it.

Acampar en la sala del maletín

This strategy is rather simple to execute and very efficient to enforce. It comprises building a Sentry Gun on top of or directly next to the Intelligence briefcase, and a Dispenser directly behind the Engineer. A Teleporter exit should be placed in the Intelligence room as well, so that teammates can speedily access it (to support the Engineer). The Engineer will sit on the table between his Sentry Gun and his Dispenser and simply wait for an enemy to enter the room.

The ideal placement of Buildings for this strategy is: having the Dispenser to the side of the desk nearest the window but with space behind for the Engineer to stand, and having the Sentry Gun be positioned to cover both entrances and as much of the room as possible. The Engineer can then sit in the Sentry Gun nest with his back covered.

As an Engineer, you could also consider placing Teleporters near to the Intelligence room. Many Spies will be unable to resist Sapping these on their way to the Intelligence room, giving you an advance warning of their approach, even if the Spy has activated his Cloak afterward.

The most common methods for fighting against this form of Engineer-stacking defense are:

  • An ÜberCharged Soldier, Pyro, Heavy or Demoman.
  • Two Spies; one Spy will try to sap the Sentry Gun and the other to take the Intelligence.
  • A Demoman firing Stickies or Grenades from a safe position.
  • A Soldier firing rockets at the Engineer (and not his Sentry Gun) from a safe position.

If you are having trouble dealing with enemies using this method, one tactic is to fire at enemies from the hallways that lead to the Basement with either your Shotgun or Pistol. Once an enemy spots you, run quickly back to the Intelligence room, as if you were fleeing in fear. By doing this, you may lure an unsuspecting player into hunting you to the Intelligence room, and having the player meet his demise in the form of your Sentry Gun.

Booby-Trap the Moat

If the opposing team is abusing the Sewers of your team, you can stop them quite easily.

First build a Sentry Gun in the water-filled moat directly under the bridge or in one of the corners which are closest to the enemy side of the Sewers. This is quite useful for you (and your team), both for scoring easy kills and playing mind games with your opponents. This works especially well for the BLU team as their buildings blend in slightly with the water. However make sure that you are not found by an enemy whilst erecting your Sentry Gun, for you are an especially easy target for during this time. Engineers will often abstain from upgrading their Sentry Gun to level 3 as long as possible in the water, as the rocket module has just enough height to poke above the surface of the moat, grabbing the attention of Soldiers, Snipers, and Demomen.

The best Sentry Gun placement by far is underneath the bridge at the entrance to the pipes for the enemy team. This is extremely efficient and effective at gaining kills and restrictions. By placing the Sentry there, upgrading it to level 3 and letting it simply run by itself will block off access for the enemy team to either pipe, kill anyone on the enemy team who is in the water and most importantly, let your team abuse the sewer line, something which the enemy often doesn't have time to counter, as most pushes are done on the bridge and in the battlements.

Forward Base in the Water

Build a Teleporter exit in the small room that connects the sewers to the stairway leading up into the enemy base. This area can then be controlled by building a Dispenser (usually at the bottom of the stairs) and a Sentry Gun. This forward Teleporter allows newly-spawned players to quickly proceed deep into the enemy base without having to fight their way over the bridge or through the sewers.

The largest downside of this strategy is that all of your buildings may be taken down with ease by a skillful Soldier, Demoman, or a small group of enemies who are working together. One way to help prevent your base from being destroyed with ease is to have an Engineer place a Sentry Gun in the water under the bridge. As it is underwater, enemies will not notice it at first and will therefore be harder to attack. If you have some teammates in the sewers with you helping defend your buildings and hold the territory, then your base will be very hard to take down short of an enemy ÜberCharge.

Forward Base in the Enemy Front Door

Build in that doorway

Build a Dispenser and a Sentry Gun in the right-side entrance of the enemy base. For maximum effect, there should be two Engineers there to keep the Sentry Gun intact, and one or two Pyros to root out Spies who come to sabotage the operation. This surprisingly defensible position makes it difficult for enemies to enter and exit their base. The common configuration is to place the Dispenser in the corner of the room, sandwiching the Engineers between it and the Sentry Gun. However, this plan is rather quickly defeated by a single Demoman laying eight Sticky bombs into the area via the grate room. From there, he can lay the Sticky bombs with impunity, and detonate them, possible destroying the entire base and getting a few kills in a single blow.

Flanqueo de Engineer

Place your Sentry Gun against the Intelligence, either on top of it, or in the corner against the glass. This way, when enemy Soldiers, Heavies, and Demomen come around the corner, they immediately get shot and back away. After the enemy has retreated and cannot see you, immediately go into the alternative corridor and flank the opponent. This also works well with a Medic and Medic buddy pair; flank the pair while they are concentrating on trying to take down your Sentry Gun, kill the Medic and retreat back to your Sentry Gun to repair it. The short corridors in the basement are perfect for trapping your opponents between your Sentry Gun and your weapons fire, and as such this can be a very deadly form of attack for an Engineer.

Leaderboard class medic.png Medic

  • In general, always try to venture out onto the bridge area only when there is already a friendly presence there. Enemy Snipers will rarely pass up the chance to kill a Medic.
  • The Crusader's Crossbow is a useful weapon for countering or suppressing enemy Snipers firing from their team's battlements. While the odds of getting a kill are fairly low, simply preventing a Sniper from getting a clean shot is often enough to succeed.
  • As a Medic, you have several options to ÜberCharge or be a team player.
    • Tag along in a group of three or more, while pocketing them only. This builds ÜberCharge very fast, and has a high success rate of securing the Intelligence when timed correctly. If solo, consider pocketing a Demoman or Heavy on this map, as their high damage intake and out take is enough to break through almost any defense with a nicely timed ÜberCharge and will take so much that your ÜberCharge rate will build faster.
    • Stay at the courtyard or on the first floor and heal anyone who needs it. Do not pocket heal anyone, no matter how tempting. This will be very rewarding for your team and all general combat, but it doesn't unlock the full potential of the Medic. Consider then going back to the first strategy listed when you have your ÜberCharge ready. After breaking through their defenses, go back to your earlier area and keep healing everyone.
    • Circle the basement floor with someone else and have an ÜberCharge ready. It's nearly impossible to escape an ÜberCharge against someone, especially a Soldier, Demoman or Heavy in particular. When the Intelligence is stolen, pop nearby and wait until he comes out. Try organising a Pyro to continually Spy-check the surroundings while you pocket him. This is the most reliable and safe way to use the Medic, but limits its' potential even further.

Leaderboard class sniper.png Sniper

  • Sniping from the ground floor in the dark areas near the base exits gives a relatively safe view of the upper tier.
  • Shooting from the water can take out the opposition on the bridge or the far bank.
  • 2Fort is an excellent Sniper's map, but as the common strategy reads, you need to switch locations. An example would be to start on the supply room side of the Sniper deck. Put your back against the corner, this gives you a clear view of the opposing team's supply room side, and helps you resist Spies. The only way Spies can really get you is though shooting or stabbing your front side which, by the time you notice, you can heal up, then kill the Spy. After a few kills, it's best to move down to the lower side, any users that may switch to Sniper will expect you to be on the Sniper deck, going down on the lower deck can really give you the advantage. Going outside and to either corner is good because this gives you the top and bottom decks of whichever side you chose, and the bridge. If you chose the left corner, you can take out any foes on the right lower deck, but is rather difficult to get good aim. Finally, going back up on the Sniper deck and sniping though the windows is a good option. The enemy will fear using the bridge, and will most likely take the water; the windows on the Sniper deck give a good view of the water. Enemy Snipers might try and corner you with each Sniper at opposite ends, it's best to take them out one by one, but the Sniper deck windows gives you a clear vantage point for the attempted counter.
  • Jarate is an excellent choice here. Even blind Jarate tosses can potentially coat an entire bridge push. It is also possible to hit across the bridge with Jarate from a jumping high arc throw from the battlements; this can be good if a just missed Spy that cloaked got away, and you have an approximation to his location, leaving him vulnerable to kills or forcing him to the water.
  • Scouts are also a problem for Snipers here, almost more so than a fellow Sniper. It's a common tactic for Scouts to rush your battlements by hopping from theirs and running the top of the bridge. Though, a quick, well timed shot at the zenith of their jump can knock them out of the sky or at worst send them off course and into the ground or water. If a Scout actually makes it across, it's for the better to fall back to resupply and plan an ambush, or let someone better at close quarters handle the situation. However, you can make them rethink their decision by a quickly thrown Jarate, which will usually make a Scout turn tail.

Leaderboard class spy.png Spy

Por las alcantarillas.
  • There are four main tasks for a Spy on 2Fort:
    • Killing Snipers on the battlements.
    • Destroying Sentry Guns.
    • Killing enemy players as they cross the bridge.
    • Getting hold of the enemy Intelligence.
  • The best way to get into the enemy base is to run from the spawn over the Sniper deck and into the water. Cloak before you come out onto the Sniper deck, so that you are fully invisible as you step out and fall down into the water. It is also possible to jump across the poles on the outside of the bridge. This is effective at avoiding and getting around Spy checking but looks highly suspicious when decloaked. Once you're under the bridge and so well shielded from above, uncloak. Don't forget to get your Revolver out - you're running towards the enemy in a narrow passage, so the Knife isn't useful. Run through the sewers and up the stairs into the enemy base. Once you get to the top of the stairs you then have a choice; you can take the left passage, if you want to go for the Intelligence, or you can go straight on, if you wish to attack enemy Snipers on the Sniper deck.
  • If you go left, the ten seconds of Cloak is just the right amount to let you be fully cloaked as you turn into the longer passageway leading to the open air area, and remain cloaked right up until you're far enough down the back stairs to the basement that you won't be seen. You then continue down into the basement, dealing with whatever is down there and then taking the Intelligence.
  • If you go straight on, Cloak as late as possible before coming into the open air area and running up the main stairs. Then cross over into the Sniper deck and kill the Snipers there. Once you've done this, don't stay on the deck; when they respawn, they'll be looking for you. Either drop back down to your own base for a quick break, or better, run into the Grate room and disguise as a Demoman. You're out of sight, and if someone does come in, there's a chance they may think you're holding a Stickybomb trap from that position.
  • Although it is a bit tricky, it is possible to crouch on the edge of the bridge and walk along it to the other base. Such tactic will save you from random spam going on the bridge and if you get ignited by a Pyro there is always a chance to drop in water. Naturally, this is best done with Cloak and Dagger.
  • If there is more than one Sniper on the deck (And there usually is) They might notice you backstabbing their buddies. As the Sniper decks are fairly cramped, they'll usually pull out their Kukri and charge you. To circumvent this, the best strategy is to run around the structure in the middle of the Sniper deck, Cloak, and then crouch-walk onto the tiny ledge that surrounds said structure. You can then laugh as the Sniper runs around, swinging his Kukri at everyone and everything. This also gives your OWN Snipers a good giggle, and an easy target. Snipers will catch onto this strategy eventually, and try to get onto the ledge as well...all the more fun for your own Snipers. Just remember: This ledge can save your life.
  • If however you simply want to get kills, a good place to wait is up against the front of the opposing fort. Enemy players
    This corner by the ramp is a good place to both wait for cloak to recharge and backstab enemies that are jumping down.
    generally spawn and then run to the Sniper deck and fall off to the area in front of the bridge; very few players actually exit via the ground floor. As such, a Spy waiting up against the front of the fort isn't seen and is behind the enemy players as they run down the narrow, straight bridge.
  • A good spot to recharge your Cloak in the enemy base is behind the boxes/barrels near the entrance to the enemy's sewers while crouched. This area is hardly checked, and if your team is attacking from the enemy sewers, this serves as a good chance to backstab any enemies running past you.
  • The best Cloak recharge spots are usually in blind spots or corners. Popular and well tested recharge spots include:
    • The front wall of the opposing enemy fort.
    • The corner in the water right next to the staircase in the sewers.
    • The corner at the upper level exit of the spawnpoint that has multiple exits.
    • Under the stairs in the Courtyard directly under the Spawn Room.
    • The corner of the narrow staircase entrance to the Intelligence room.
    • There are a lot more to try out, but these spots are generally the most effective for both recharge purposes but also the element of surprise and as a result backstabs.
  • The Cloak and Dagger can work wonders when trying to take out Sentry Gun's in the enemy Intelligence room, as it will allow you to remain infinitely cloaked, so you can time when to strike. If the Engineer is in a spot where he cannot be back-stabbed, the Ambassador can work as a great alternative, as 1 Headshot and 1 bodyshot can kill the Engineer. Make sure to be hiding out of the Sentry Gun's range when attempting this.