Frostcliff | |
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Информация | |
Автор(-ы): | Неизвестно |
Информация о карте | |
Окружение: | Шмождество, альпийский, снежный |
Условия: | Ночь |
Снимки карты | |
Вид на карту сверху | |
Frostcliff — это созданная сообществом карта Сопровождения, добавленная в обновлении «Шмождество 2022». Это зимняя версия пользовательской карты Ноктюрн.
Frostcliff был представлен в Мастерской Steam.
Контрольно-пропускной пункт A — Белый иней
- Captain Dan's Wood Pulp: To the right of BLU's first spawn is a path that leads to the side of the Payload track to checkpoint A, as well as the bridge in front of the spawn.
- Pinkerpaw Packaging: A small flank route just to the right of checkpoint A, leading around to the checkpoint B area.
- Checkpoint A: The first checkpoint, positioned at the entrance of a short underpass.
Контрольно-пропускной пункт B - подземный переход
- Valley: A low path that the Payload track follows to checkpoint B. Many buildings overlook the valley.
- Husky Acres: A side room accessible from a platform to the left of checkpoint A that leads to the checkpoint B area.
- Jenkin Passage: A passage through the Jenkin building that goes over checkpoint and exits slightly ahead of it, into checkpoint C's area.
- Checkpoint B: The second checkpoint, again positioned at the entrance of a short underpass
- BLU's Second Spawn: An area just to the right of checkpoint B that houses BLU team's second spawn and exits beside the Jenkin Passage exit.
Контрольная точка C - КРАСНЫЙ Амбар
- Snow Field: An open area that the Payload travels through, with mainly boulders as cover. RED's first spawn can be found here right after checkpoint B.
- RED Barn: The large barn building that houses the third checkpoint, checkpoint C. Two entrances that can be accessed from the snow field exist on either side of the narrow path.
Контрольно-пропускной пункт D — холодный маршрут
- Shack Path: The central shack which the Payload winds around through checkpoint D. BLU's third spawn is found next to it.
- Corridors: A series of corridors and rooms that lead behind checkpoint D and into the Coldbreeze building.
- Mine Flank: A small mine to the right of the shack path that leads to checkpoint D.
- Checkpoint D: The fourth checkpoint, which passes under the corridors. Past it and underneath the Coldbreeze entrance is RED's second spawn room.
Контрольная точка E — Морозная яма
- RED Bread Hill: The last hill before reaching checkpoint E, which passes by RED Bread.
- Coldbreeze: A pathway that leads around the outside of the Payload path, through the RED Bread building, and directly to the bomb pit.
- Loading Dock: A dropdown accessible by the left room of the corridors that exits at the top of the hill.
- RED's Last Spawn: The last spawn room for RED team which has numerous exits. To the far left is the Lower Spawn Exit which leads behind the Payload track, next to the track and bomb pit are the Middle Spawn Exits, and far to the back overlooking the bomb pit are the Upper Spawn Exits.
- Checkpoint E: The fifth and final checkpoint; a large open mining pit that sits in front of RED spawn.
Основная статья: Community Frostcliff strategy
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Предыдущие изменения
Обновление от 5 декабря 2022 (Шмождество 2022)
- Frostcliff был добавлен в игру.
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой липкие бомбы прикреплялись к передней части вагонетки .
- Исправлено зависание некоторых оконных реквизитов.
- Исправлена трещина смещения в гору рядом с A.
- Исправлено несколько смещенных текстур.
- Исправлено застревание игроков на несколько секунд в старом возрождении после смены спауна. и геометрия возле последней ямы.
- Немного увеличено время возрождения команды Красных после захвата 2-й точки Синих.
- Уменьшен размер дверного проема возле 2-й точки возрождения Синих.
- Улучшено освещение дверного проема возле точки захвата D.
- Улучшено отсечение на карте.