Gold Rush

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Gold Rush
Basic Information
Developer(s): Unknown
Map Photos
Loading screen photos.
Map Overview
Gold Rush overview.png
The cart's concept art.
The cart's final product.

Gold Rush was the first map to feature the gamemode called Payload. The level is split into three separate areas with intermediate capture zones inside of each major chapter. The teams are split between offense (BLU) and defense (RED) similar to Dustbowl. The goal for the BLU team is to push the bomb payload through the level until it reaches the next capture point, eventually destroying RED's major base.

BLU pushes the cart through the level by standing near it, with the cart moving faster when more people are close by. If no one has pushed the cart forward after 20 seconds, the cart will begin to move backwards until it is pushed forward again. The cart is also equipped with a dispenser to heal and resupply the BLU team as they escort it.

Each checkpoint the cart passes over adds 5 minutes to the timer. The remaining time carries over to the following sections of the maps until teams are switched.

Teams get a 1:05 setup time where RED can run around the map and build up defences and BLU is locked behind the cart to charge up ÜberCharges. However, ÜberCharged individuals will not make the cart move.

If the cart is not moving backwards when time runs out, Overtime will occur, which gives the attacking team five seconds to move the bomb, or they lose. The timer resets each time the cart is touched.

Introduction video


  • BLU: The BLU team's primary goal throughout every Payload map is to guide the blue-colored bomb on its tracks throughout the map. By continuously pushing the cart forward and breaking through RED defensive positions, the bomb will detonate and the BLU team will be victorious. Failure to push the cart forward by having teammates near it will eventually result in the cart slowly moving backwards, eroding your team's past progress.
  • RED: Opposite the BLU team's objective, the team function of RED, as a group, is to deter and stall the BLU team and prevent them from advancing the bomb to its final destination. By fighting off their opposition for a long enough period of time, the RED team will be victorious. The most effective way to stall the BLU team is to remain very close to the bomb cart, thereby halting it from moving even with BLU forces nearby.


File:Gold Rush overview.jpg
Overview of the map.(Large file)
Details of stage 1.(Large file)

Stage A, Checkpoint 1

There is a long, relatively open area between the BLU Spawn and the first checkpoint. The cart starts outside the BLU Spawn and runs forward towards The Hut and through a "gap" in The Cliff. It then takes a left to bring it closer to The Raised Track and another right, heading for The Tunnel.

BLU Spawn: The BLU Spawn has a resupply area and a corridor with 3 exits. There is a double gate right behind the cart which can be seen from almost the whole area. The door on the right has stacked boxes a few metres in front of it which RED defenders can hide behind before the round starts. This is effective with a Pyro or an ÜberCharge which can be saved and used when the attackers have used up theirs. Attackers can also stand behind these boxes and be generally unnoticed when the action is intense. The door on the left faces to the right and thus is sheltered from any enemies on The Raised Track. It is also sheltered from the Hut by some rocks on The Cliff.

The Raised Track: This is a track that runs along the left of the map from BLU's perspective and runs all the way back to the tunnel and the checkpoint. RED defenders, especially Demomen and Soldiers, can run along this track raining down explosives from above. BLU attackers can Crouch jump onto this track from the top of The Cliff. Due to several close large ammmo crates, aggressive RED engies can also quickly place a Lvl. 2 or 3 sentry near to the end of the track, close to BLU spawn.

The Cliff: It's not really a cliff but from BLU's perspective the ground ramps up and then drops off to it's original level so that it looks like a small cliff when viewed from the other side. There is a "gap" in The Cliff where the cart runs through. RED defenders can use The Cliff to hide behind with Pyro's, Sentries or ÜberCharges. There is also a large Health pack just behind the Cliff to the left. It is possible to Crouch jump onto the Raised Track from the highest part of the cliff and Demomen can Sticky jump all the way to the Tunnel from this position (and right onto the health pack, that is just before the checkpoint, with some practice).

The Hut: The Hut is at the back to the right as BLU's leave their spawn. It is two storied and has a veranda facing the BLU Spawn. The lower level has a door facing the Spawn with a large Ammo pack outside of it and a door facing the track to the left of the map. The Hut is a favorite place for Snipers to sit in and pick off BLU players as they push the cart or come out of the front exit of their spawn. Engineers also like to build their Sentries on the top level as they can shoot out to the track on the left and are protected from direct fire from BLU's Spawn. With some practice, Demomen can Stickyjump from the BLU Spawn right on the balcony on the upper level.

The Tunnel: The Tunnel is a tunnel to the left that the cart runs through. Until the first checkpoint has been reached, it is the only passage linking the first open area to the second. This is a common chokepoint for this stage.

Stage A, Checkpoint 2

The cart runs into The Tunnel as described above, takes a sharp right then left to come into the open and run alongside The Ditch, past the bridge and around to the right to the checkpoint which is located on the back of the RED Spawn. The locations will be described from RED's perspective.

RED Spawn: The RED Spawn has resupply closets and opens to face the back of the map. As red exits their spawn they can either turn left to find a tunnel that leads forward or they can turn right to find the more open passage to the attackers and a set of stairs that leads to the Second Level. RED must come out of their spawn and turn 180 degrees so that they are facing "forward" - facing towards the oncoming attackers. The Checkpoint sits against the spawn room to the attackers side.

Second Level: To the left of the RED Spawn (when looking towards the attackers) there is a Second Level which sits against the left of the map. There is Ammo and health towards the front of this platform and a Sentry can effectively be built here to cover the cart as it emerges from the tunnel. There is a bridge that leads left to the top of RED's Spawn which is a favourite place for Snipers to sit and pick off any enemies that are pushing the cart or coming out of The Tunnel.

The Ditch: In the open space between the RED Spawn and the buildings that BLU emerge from, there is a (small) canyon like ditch that runs across the map. On the right the ground slopes between the level of the ditch and the ground and there is a ladder to the far left to allow people to get out and onto the cart's track. There is also a bridge across The Ditch that allows movement directly from the spawn room to the buildings opposite. The payload goes along side the ditch and around it to the right.

The Attic: Around the chokepoint from the first cap, there is a two story building that goes all the way from the right to the left. This is more commonly known as the Attic. On the ground floor there is an opening to the left where the cart's track emerges. Above this is a window into the upstairs and to the right of it is a sort of board walk that links this upstairs room to another on the left. This left room has a door to a raised platform which is quite close to the checkpoint. Going into the lower tunnel, RED can head left to follow the track back to the first checkpoint or they can head right and follow a corridor, past a large health pack, and up some stairs into the building on the right. This is a good passage for attackers as they can get close to the checkpoint while staying mostly behind cover.

Other Passages: When BLU take the first checkpoint, two more passages to the second area open up. One is just to BLU's right of The Tunnel and leads to a second story platform that is part of a three walled room. The open side of the room faces down the corridor described above, to the room on RED's right. This is a good platform to build a Teleporter and maybe a Sentry, as it is fairly hard to get to for RED.

RED can setup on this platform during pregame wait. A RED Engineer places a teleporter at spawn, refills his metal and then places a dispenser at the edge of the platform. Once the dispenser is 60% complete, the RED Engineer can jump on the dispenser and then place a teleporter exit on the platform. Note the RED Engineer cannot physically jump up, only be holding the teleporter PDA as he jumps. Once the teleporter exit is up and running, RED can setup sentries and dispensers in an attempt to deny BLUE access and to flank BLUE.

The other connecting passage is to BLU's far right and leads to two open levels right next to The Ditch. From these levels you look across to the right of the level (RED's perspective) and you can only see the a small part of the second level of RED's Spawn. This lets you rain down fire on anyone taking the bridge over the ditch or anyone in the open space. Be careful because even though The Ditch prevents anyone from walking back into this area, Soldiers and Demomen can Rocket jump up and Scouts can double jump up to surprise you.

Stage B

Stage B contains 2 checkpoints that BLU must reach. The default starting time is 7:00(?).

Points of interest

Checkpoint 1

BLU receive ?:?? for reaching this checkpoint.

BLU Spawn: There are two exits, one tunnel exit on the left and one double gate on the right. The right one is usually used for Übercharges while the left one is used to flank the Defenders. From the left exit it's easy for a Spy to sneak behind the lines. Be careful though, sometimes at the start of the match a übercharged Pyro will enter the left exit, usually killing everything in the tunnel.

The Tunnel under the house: In the tunnel on the left side of house from the Attackers view, you'll find a large Ammo Pack and a small Medipack. It's rare that it's guarded. From the tunnel on the left, there are stairs leading to the Sniper ledge.

The Sniper ledge: On the right when the Defenders enter the first Checkpoint area there is a small stair leading to the Sniper ledge. As its name says, it's often used by Snipers. You'll find cover behind some boxes and in the small hut, which also has a medium Medikit.

The upper level: On the right from the Blue Spawn, when you go through the gates you'll see the upper level. Most of the defenders are here, since they have a height advantage and there's a large ammo pack and a medium medikit. It also has a watchtower, from which Sniper can overlook both exits. Sentries are often located here, so be sure to destroy it with an inital Übercharge.

The Bridge:

The House: The house is located to the left from the perspective of the Attackers. It has one exit, and two windows where the Defense can shoot through. Sometimes Sentries are placed on the windows or you'll find a Demoman here. Be sure to clean everything in the house, as it's a popular spot for Engineers. Grenades/Stickies work wonders here.

First Checkpoint:

Checkpoint 2

Reaching this checkpoint advances BLU to the next stage.

Stage C

Stage C contains 3 checkpoints that BLU must reach. The default starting time is ?:??.

Points of interest

Checkpoint 1

BLU receive ?:?? for reaching this checkpoint.

Checkpoint 2

BLU receive ?:?? for reaching this checkpoint.

Checkpoint 3

Reaching this checkpoint means victory for BLU, as well as a nice massive explosion to satisfy the victors.

Common strategies

  • Stage A, Checkpoint 2: It is imperative that BLU takes and holds the Attic to set up teleporters and dispensers for attack classes. BLU Sentries in the Attic should be primarily defensive, as placing a sentry facing Red spawn, such as on the catwalk or in a window, gives Soldiers and Demomen a wide open target. A heavily defended Attic allows BLU to heal/ammo, charge ubers, and gives access to the final point for a quick Scout rush if necessary. Red must prevent the Attic from being taken. This is not essential to a good defense, as there are ample sentry positions outside the Attic, but pivotal for a good offense. A single RED uber Pyro can destroy a sentry nest in the Attic, so upgrade them to Lvl 3 for blowback.
  • A Heavy perched on top of the bomb will function much like a Heavy by a dispenser, but with the added bonus of of staying on the front lines (and the problem of being on a higher perch.) Be careful, as a skilled Sniper can easily headshot a slow moving, inattentive Heavy.
  • The cart provides great cover from attacks. Crouching makes this even more effective. It also is an extremely useful tactic when there are sentries around, as you can simply crouch on the side of the payload that isn't facing the sentry. You will probably get shot by it eventually, but it at the very least saves several seconds, and that can mean the difference between RED pushing back, and BLU backup arriving.
  • Brute force shouldn't be underestimated on this map. If you have enough firepower hitting the other team it is difficult for them to do much unless they do the same to you. An advance is usually made when one team is unable to deal enough damage to the enemy because they are mostly waiting to respawn with only a few on the front lines. You must be able to keep sustainable firepower on the front line or you're screwed.
  • Engineers on Defense. The setup time is all the peace and quiet you are going to get. Be sure to set up Teleporters, Dispensers and Sentries pronto. Your job is doubly difficult once offense is on a roll since they'll be scouting out for your setups, while the point is constantly moving forward. Don't expect to get comfortable once you found a place since the map has been designed for any sentry placement to be vulnerable. Turtling/Camping a spot is only an option when the cart is on your doorstep. This strategy is often frowned upon, however, as most turtling is.
  • Engineers on Offense. Hard to pull off at the beginning of every stage since the defense is right outside the spawn. If you manage to sneak by at the beginning, feel free to set up an offensive sentry. The real task of the Engineer is to keep the team momentum sustained after the first point has been claimed. It is a very long jog to the second and third point. Your principal task is then to KEEP THE TELEPORTERS ONLINE, especially after the initial checkpoint on all 3 Stages. The team will be able to keep up the pressure. Sentries are also important for two reasons: defenders cannot pass while they are up, and the defense will use their uber to destroy your sentry instead of half of your team.
  • Demomen on Defense. Placing sticky bombs along the track the cart follows is generally a good idea. Once the enemy team gets the cart moving over the portion of track you've placed the bombs on, set them off to stop the cart and gib its escort. This tactic works especially well inside the tight turns of both stages A and B because the enemy team will turn the corner and move over the bombs without realizing their presence. Demomen are also extremely successful at the chokepoint turn after the first checkpoint on Stage A, often stalling an assault. Demomen at this chokepoint can harass Engineers attempting to build in the Upper Right Attic and enemies on the cart track.
  • On all stages of this map there are side tunnels an unexpected routes available to both sides. Many of these are one way to all but Engineers or rocket jumpers. These routes are ideal for Spies and Snipers.
  • Priorities for Snipers on offense change in Goldrush. While a good Heavy on Defense is certainly a threat, a good Demoman will effortlessly lock down your entire team in narrow chokepoints. Kill enemy Snipers first, then Engineers and Demomen.

External links