Heavy | |
https://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/e/e6/Heavy_RED_3D.jpg?1708617031.1651384769,280,266,1,0,235,58,130,235,58,288,236,43,490,240,29,726,245,19,981,250,18,1242,254,21,1497,258,31,1730,262,41,1933,264,57,2097,266,69,2243,266,77,2386,264,85,2521,262,80,2673,259,53,2869,257,32,3096,254,15,3341,251,5,3593,247,0,3840,245,1,4078,242,13,4291,240,35,4469,238,62,4611,237,62https://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/6/65/Heavy_BLU_3D.jpg?1708617091.1111094761,280,264,1,0,236,58,131,236,59,288,236,43,490,241,28,726,245,19,981,249,19,1241,253,22,1495,256,32,1727,260,43,1930,262,58,2094,264,70,2239,264,77,2381,262,86,2515,260,79,2667,257,53,2863,255,31,3091,253,15,3337,250,5,3589,246,0,3837,244,2,4074,243,14,4285,240,37,4461,239,63,4603,237,63https://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/f/f7/Heavy_%C3%9CberCharged_RED_3D.jpg?1708617219.7932784760,280,261,1,0,238,58,131,238,59,286,238,42,487,241,27,722,244,19,975,248,19,1235,252,22,1489,255,32,1722,257,44,1926,260,58,2091,260,70,2235,260,78,2377,260,87,2510,258,78,2662,255,52,2858,253,29,3087,251,14,3334,250,5,3587,247,0,3836,244,3,4073,243,16,4284,241,39,4459,240,63,4601,238,62https://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/4/4e/Heavy_%C3%9CberCharged_BLU_3D.jpg?1708617319.8130224769,280,260,1,0,239,58,131,239,59,286,240,42,487,241,27,722,245,19,976,249,19,1236,252,23,1491,254,33,1725,257,44,1929,259,59,2094,260,70,2239,260,78,2381,260,87,2515,257,78,2667,255,51,2863,254,29,3093,252,14,3340,250,4,3594,247,0,3844,245,4,4081,243,16,4292,242,39,4467,240,63,4609,239,62 | |
Basic Information | |
Icon: | ![]() |
Type: | Defensive |
Health: | 300 /![]() (See Health below for further details) |
Speed: | 77% (See Speed below for further details) |
Meet the Heavy | |
![]() |
“ | Some people think they can outsmart me - maybe... maybe. I have yet to meet one that can outsmart bullet.
Click to listen
— The Heavy on intelligence
” |
The Heavy, or Heavy Weapons Guy, is a towering hulk of a man that hails from the USSR. The Heavy is the largest and possibly most dangerous class in Team Fortress 2. Boasting the most default health and devastating firepower from his trusty Minigun, the Heavy is no pushover. The Heavy's Minigun can inflict heavy damage at a high rate of fire, allowing him to mow down most enemies in seconds. The Heavy's movement speed is his main weakness. Revving up or firing his Minigun brings his already unimpressive speed down to a snail's pace, making him a very easy target for Snipers and Spies. His slow speed makes him more dependent on support from Medics and Engineers to keep him in the fight. Aside from decimating entire teams, the Heavy is able to provide further support for his comrades with an oft-required health boost via his Sandvich, which, when consumed, is capable of healing him to full health. It can also be dropped to provide an instant 50% health boost to the Heavy himself or his greedy teammates. However, if he isn't careful, an enemy may pick up the dropped Sandvich for a health boost of their own.
The Heavy is the face of Team Fortress 2. He appears prominently on box-art and promotional materials, starred in the very first Meet the Team video, and has appeared in all further videos to date.
The Heavy is voiced by Gary Schwartz.
Modifier | Normal Max | Overhealed Max |
Standard | 300 | 450 |
While under Dalokohs Bar or Fishcake's effect. | 350 | 450 |
Warrior's Spirit equipped. | 280 | 420 |
While under Dalokohs Bar or Fishcake's effect and with the Warrior's Spirit equipped. | 330 | 420 |
Modifier | Speed |
Standard | 77% |
With Minigun, Natascha, Iron Curtain or Tomislav revved. | 37% |
With Brass Beast revved. | 14.66% |
While using the G.R.U.. | 99.67% |
When buffed by the Buffalo Steak Sandvich. | 103.5% |
Sentury Heavy
Sometimes some heavies take the role of the sentury gun. They sit near the dispencer, run their chaingun and shoot their enemies
with infinite ammo given by the dispencers. Sometimes, dispencer is replaced with pocket medic oand ammo boxes. These heavies most
commonly are seen camping. They often spycheck. Such heavies can replace sentury gun for a limited time or cover up escape of
Basic strategy
- Hold MOUSE2 to keep your Minigun spinning, ready for approaching enemies.
- You're a great Medic buddy. Keep a clear line of sight to your Medic to keep the Medigun on you.
- Hit E to call for a Medic if you get hurt. Nearby Medics will be notified of your need.
- Your Minigun chews up a lot of ammo. Pick up fallen weapons to refill your supply.
Note: Weapon damage is approximate and listed at base value. See individual weapon pages for additional figures.
Weapon | Kill Icon | Ammo Loaded |
Ammo Carried |
Damage Range | Notes / Special Abilities |
![]() Stock Minigun |
![]() |
200 | N/A | Base:
![]() Unlock Natascha |
![]() |
200 | N/A | Base:
![]() Promotional Iron Curtain |
![]() |
200 | N/A | Base:
![]() Craft Brass Beast |
![]() |
200 | N/A | Base:
![]() Craft Tomislav |
![]() |
200 | N/A | Base:
Weapon | Kill Icon | Ammo Loaded |
Ammo Carried |
Damage Range | Notes / Special Abilities |
![]() Stock Shotgun |
![]() |
6 | 32 | Base: 60
Crit: 180 |
![]() Unlock Sandvich |
1 | ∞ | N/A |
| |
![]() Craft Dalokohs Bar |
1 | ∞ | N/A |
| |
![]() Craft Buffalo Steak Sandvich |
1 | ∞ | N/A |
| |
![]() Promotional Fishcake |
1 | ∞ | N/A |
| |
![]() Craft Family Business |
![]() |
8 | 32 | Base: 51
Crit: 153 |
Weapon | Kill Icon | Ammo Loaded |
Ammo Carried |
Damage Range | Notes / Special Abilities |
![]() Stock Fists |
![]() |
N/A | N/A | Base: 65
Crit: 195 |
![]() |
![]() Unlock Killing Gloves of Boxing |
![]() |
N/A | N/A | Base: 65
Crit: 195 |
![]() Craft Gloves of Running Urgently |
![]() |
N/A | N/A | Base: 33
Crit: 99 |
![]() Craft Warrior's Spirit |
![]() |
N/A | N/A | Base: 85
Crit: 250 |
![]() Craft Fists of Steel |
![]() |
N/A | N/A | Base: 65
Crit: 195 |
![]() Distributed Saxxy |
![]() |
N/A | N/A | Base: 65
Crit: 195 |
Limited item from the Replay Update. |
![]() Craft Eviction Notice |
![]() |
N/A | N/A | Base: 26
Crit: 78 |
Taunt Attack
Associated items | Description | |
Main article: Showdown
With a flick of the wrist, the Heavy mimics a quick-draw Pistol Showdown and shouts. |
Item sets
The Hibernating Bear | |
![]() |
Effect |
No effect |
Black Market Business | |
![]() |
Effect |
No effect |
Official class avatars
Official class avatars | ||
Original set | RED ÜberCharged set | BLU ÜberCharged set |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
Get TF2 avatars on Steam: Original |
Main article: Heavy achievements
Update history
- Fixed Heavy minigun exploit
April 29, 2008 Patch (Gold Rush Update)
- Added new speech for the Heavy
August 19, 2008 Patch (A Heavy Update)
- Added Natascha, The Sandvich and The Killing Gloves of Boxing
- Added 35 new Heavy achievements
- Fixed players getting stuck in a bad animation state when class switching while spinning the minigun
- Fixed a bug which caused the minigun spinning & firing sounds to occasionally stop while the Heavy was still firing
- [Undocumented] Added a new Fists kill icon.
- The previous kill icon is assigned to the Killing Gloves of Boxing.
- [Undocumented] Showdown becomes a taunt kill attack.
- [Undocumented] Added a new fist bodygroup to the Heavy model.
- Fixed Natascha not getting the proper 75% of damage and slightly increased the strength of Natascha's slowdown
- Slight reduction (improvement) of the minigun's spread
- Rewrote Natascha's slowdown code to be more consistent
- Removed Natascha's ammo belt in first person view model
- Players with full health can now pick up dropped Sandviches
- Fixed the Heavy's hands disappearing when he's stunned while wearing the KGB
- Fixed a bug that caused Natascha's slow on hit effect to be inverted from 75% to 25%
- Fixed Natascha's chain not being drawn on the view model
- Fixed stun code regression that resulted in a subtle reduction of Natascha's slowdown effect
May 21, 2009 Patch (The Sniper vs. Spy Update)
- The Heavy and Sniper now have new custom death animations
- Added hat Football Helmet
- Added a backstab custom death animation to the Heavy
- Fixed the Heavy's punches not matching mouse button presses when the view models are flipped
August 13, 2009 Patch (Classless Update)
- Heavies spinning their mini-guns will continue to spin when stunned (whether the left or right mouse button is pressed)
- Fixed Heavy "civilian" exploit
- Added Hats: Officer's Ushanka and Tough Guy's Toque
- Alt-fire on the Sandvich now drops sandviches
- A single sandvich can be dropped at a time. Dropping the Sandvich removes it from the Heavy
- A Heavy can regain his sandvich by collecting a healthkit while already being at full health
- Eating a Sandvich using the taunt method now heals a Heavy to full health
- Dropped Sandviches heal 50% of the collector's health
- Fixed being able to eat your Sandvich (via taunt) and drop it in the same frame
- Fixed thrown Sandvich traveling through players before being activated
- Fixed Sandviches sometimes spawning inside walls, or being thrown through thin walls
- Fixed the Heavy picking up his own thrown Sandvich if it was thrown while running forward
- Achievement fixes
- Fixed the "Gorky Parked" Heavy achievement being incremented by committing suicide on a control point
- Updated the "Big Pharma" (Medic) and "Division of Labor" (Heavy) achievements to be 10 kills in a single life
- Shotgun reload for Heavy & Pyro changed to feel more appropriate now
March 18, 2010 Patch (First Community Contribution Update)
- Added weapon: Dalokohs Bar
- Added hat: Hound Dog
- Minigun spin-up/down time reduced by 25%
- Minigun firing movement speed increased to just under half-normal (from 80 to 110).
- Throwing a Sandvich to a teammate now earns a full bonus point (was half a point).
May 20, 2010 Patch (Second Community Contribution Update)
- Added hat: Heavy Duty Rag
July 8, 2010 Patch (Engineer Update)
- The Sandvich now uses a cooldown timer, instead of the health pack recharge mechanic
September 30, 2010 Patch (Mann-Conomy Update)
- Achievement tuning
- Heavy achievement "Krazy Ivan" changed to 50 from 100
- [Undocumented] Removed the cooldown timer from the Sandvich and the Dalokohs Bar when eating
- This was later revealed to be a bug, as Valve tried to make the Sandvich/Dalokohs Bar only trigger the cooldown when the heavy was hurt when he starts eating, likely in an attempt to revive "Heavy Picnics". It has since been correctly patched
- [Undocumented] Added unused "Hi-five" taunt
- Fixed the Sandvich cooldown not occurring when the Heavy is hurt
- Fixed the Heavy's hands being invisible
- The Pugilist's Protector, The Hard Counter, Football Helmet paint effects are more noticeable
- The Gloves of Running Urgently now using the boxing taunt and boxing glove weapons are now of the type "Boxing Gloves" instead of "Fists."
- Fixed an exploit that allowed people to bypass the Gloves of Running Urgently's damage taking penalty
October 27, 2010 Patch (Scream Fortress)
- Added hat: Cadaver's Cranium
- [Undocumented] Added the Cadaver's Cranium and Heavy Duty Rag to the store
September 30, 2010 Patch (Mann-Conomy Update)
- Added Weapon: Gloves of Running Urgently
- Added Hats: Pugilist's Protector and Hard Counter
- Added the Dealer's Visor for players who pre-purchase Poker Night from Telltale Games
- Added Telltale Games items:
- The Iron Curtain: The Heavy's first love (equipped by the Heavy, obviously)
- Fixed a Heavy exploit that let him run at full speed while shooting
- Fixed the shotgun reload animations for the Heavy looping endlessly
- Fixed a bug that enabled players to weapon switch away from the Iron Curtain during spin down
December 17, 2010 Patch (Australian Christmas)
- 'Natascha' changes:
- Spin-up time increased
- Slowdown-on-hit effect is reduced over distance
- Added 'The Hibernating Bear' item set
- Added new weapons: 'The Fists of Steel', 'The Buffalo Steak Sandvich', 'The Brass Beast' and 'The Warrior's Spirit'
- Added new hats: 'Big Chief', 'Magnificent Mongolian' and 'Coupe D'isaster'
- The following hats are now paintable or have had their paintability improved: Coupe D'isaster
- The Buffalo Steak Sandvich's speed boost no longer stacks with other speed boosts
- [Undocumented] The spin-up and spin-down animations of the Heavy's miniguns were changed
- Added a new plate model to be used when a Heavy throws the Buffalo Steak Sandvich to heal teammates
- [Undocumented] Textures of The Iron Curtain were updated
- Updated sounds for the Brass Beast
- Updated the Red team skin for the Fists of Steel
- The Hard Counter and Pugilist's Protector were added to the Mann Co. Store
March 10, 2011 Patch (Shogun Pack)
- Added hat: Dread Knot
- Crafting recipe for the following weapons changed Brass Beast, Buffalo Steak Sandvich, Dalokohs Bar, Gloves of Running Urgently and Warrior's Spirit
April 14, 2011 Patch (Hatless Update)
- Item changes:
- Removed item cool down meter and ammo count when using the Dalokohs Bar
- Increase Fists of Steel deploy times 20% and Ranged damage reduced 40% (down from 60%)
- Added Fishcake
May 5, 2011 Patch (Replay Update)
- Added new hats: Large Luchadore and The Team Captain
- Fixed the Gloves of Running Urgently not using the correct skin in the character loadout screen
- [Undocumented] Removed the ability to craft the Fishcake using a secondary slot token
- Added the Fishcake to the list of weapons allowed in Medieval mode
- [Undocumented] New laughing taunt animations have been added but are currently unused
June 23, 2011 Patch (Über Update)
- Added weapons: Tomislav, Family Business and Eviction Notice
- Added hat: Capo's Capper
- Added misc: Pocket Medic
- Tomislav spin-up reduction has been reduced from 75% to 40% (so it now spins-up slower)
- Tuned Brass Beast recoil to have less of an impact on your aiming reticle.
- Added new Hats Big Steel Jaw of Summer Fun and Copper's Hard Top
- Added new Misc Security Shades
- Fixed a bug allowing players to switch from the Saxxy to Heavy's primary weapon after eating a Buffalo Steak Sandvich
- Fixed an exploit with the Heavy's Buffalo Steak Sandvich
- [Undocumented] Fixed Buffalo Steak Sandvich allowing the user to switch to a primary weapon.
- Copper's Hard Top, Big Steel Jaw of Summer Fun and Security Shades became craftable
- [Undocumented] Changed Tomislav Description "This weapon has no barrel spin sound" is now "Silent Killer: No barrel spin sound"
- Added new hat: Pilotka
- Added new hat: Tamrielic Relic
- The Heavy's bullet chain slung around his large body clips through his front and back quite noticeably in world view.
- In third-person, the Heavy's gloves appear to be a dark brown, where in first-person the gloves are black.
- The Heavy's voice actor, Gary Schwartz, also voices the Demoman class.
- The songs the Heavy may sing as part of his response rules include Mily Balakirev's 'Song of the Volga Boatmen', Chopin's 'Funeral March', Khachaturian's 'Sabre Dance'.
- The emblem on the Heavy's sleeve was originally a skull and crossbones. This is still visible in Meet the Heavy and in a backdrop for TF2's library page on Steam.
- The Heavy is the mascot of "Heavy Gulp," a brand of drink sold in Left 4 Dead 2.
- In the Left 4 Dead comic "The Sacrifice", a RED Heavy statue appears on Louis' work desk during his recollection. [1]
- The Heavy takes a starring role in Telltale Games' Poker Night at the Inventory; players can unlock the Iron Curtain for use in Team Fortress 2 by beating him in a special round. In addition to being one of the 4 main characters, the Heavy makes appearances in two of the unlockable card decks. In the "TF2" card deck, he appears as the King card for both of the red suits - diamonds and hearts - and in the "Poker Night" card deck, he appears as the King of Diamonds.
- The Heavy makes an appearance in Worms: Reloaded as part of one of the forts; the rest of the fort is composed of Dustbowl. A plastic mask of the Heavy also makes an appearance as one of the hats selectable for the player's worms.
- The Gunner class of Monday Night Combat has a promo item resembling the Heavy's ammo belt, named "Bavcon".
- The name "Bavcon" comes from bandolier, the type of ammo belt that Heavy wears. Bacon is a running gag throughout Monday Night Combat.
- The Heavy lives in a remote log mansion in the Template:W.[2]
- John Henry was hired as the first BLU team Heavy.
- Heavy posted his first blog post on April 7, 2011 [3] while Soldier was on jury duty.
- In the Meet the Director comic, it was revealed that Heavy sleeps in a bed next to Sasha, who is in a smaller bed.
- It was also mentioned that the Heavy's father was a "counter-revolutionary" who was executed, and that his mother, sisters and himself were sent to a north Siberian Gulag in September 1941. The gulag was destroyed and all prisoners escaped in December of the same year.
The Heavy's mugshot from the Über Update.
- HeavyTFC.png
The Heavy class of Team Fortress Classic.
- Heavy concept r.png
Concept art of the Heavy Weapons Guy
Related merchandise
See also
- Meet the Heavy
- Meet the Sandvich
- Heavy match-ups
- Anti-Heavy Strategy
- Heavy taunts
- Heavy responses
- Heavy voice commands
- Basic Heavy strategy
- Community Heavy strategy
- List of references (Heavy)
- Heavy Weapons Guy (Classic)
External links
- Heavy page on the Official TF2 Website
- "A Heavy Update"
- TF2 Official Blog - A Heavy Problem
- TF2 Official Blog - So much blood!
- TF2 Official Blog - Incoming Heavy!
- TF2 Official Blog - This is Very Good Title to Blog Post