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「 | 進め、偉大なる爆弾カート
— ヘビー
」 |
ペイロードマップでは、BLU チームは爆弾の積まれたカートを制限時間内にチェックポイントを通過しながらREDチームのベースへと運なばければならない。 BLUチームはカートの隣に立つことでカートを押すことができます。そして、押す人数が多いほど、カートは速く進みます。REDチームの誰かがカートの側に立つとカートがそれ以上進むのを阻止することが出来ます。もし、BLUチームの誰もカートを押さずに30秒経過しますと、カートはチェックポイント/BLUリスポーンまたは、再度BLUチームがカートを押すまでゆっくりと後退を始めます。なお、カートはBLU チーム(そして変装したREDスパイ)にレベル1のディスペンサーとしての役割を果たします。弾とヘルスを受け取るにはカートを押し続けなければならないというわけです。
Gold Rush, Hoodoo, Thunder Mountainのようないくつかのマップではステージが3つに分けられており、BLUチームは勝ち進まなければなりません。 ステージ1と2には2つのチェックポイントがあり、ステージ3には最終を含めて3つあります(Hoodooは2つ)。Badwater Basin, Upward マップは最終を含めて4つのチェックポイントから成る1ラウンドだけで構成されます。 カートを次のチェックポイントへ押すことでBLUチームの持つ制限時間が加算されます。最終チェックポイントを取ることで次のステージへ進み、最終ステージの最終チェックポイントを取ると、カートは大爆発を起こして回りのプレイヤーとREDチームのベースを吹き飛ばします。つまりBLUチームの勝利を意味します。

一般的なペイロードマップとは違い、 ペイロードレース マップではRED と BLU チーム共にカートを持ちます。そのため、各チームは攻めと守りに分けられません。勝利を得るためには、両チームとも相手チームの陣地を通ってフィニッシュポイントまでカートを押しつつ、相手に同じことをされないようにする必要があります。このモードはペイロードと同じように、カートの近くに立つことで押すことができ、押す人数が多いほど速く進みます。また、敵の誰かがカートに触れることでカートは止まり、味方チーム(そして変装した敵スパイ)にはレベル1のディスペンサーとして働く点も同じです。
Unlike Payload mode, the cart will not move backwards after any duration of time and there is no time limit; the map will only end when one team successfully pushes their cart to the finish point. However, parts of the track may feature slopes or other obstacles on which the cart will quickly roll back down to the bottom unless it is being constantly pushed. Sections of the track that can do this will have chevrons on the progress bar to help show how far the cart must be pushed to overcome them.
Payload Race maps are either multi-stage or single-stage. Pipeline and Nightfall are split into 3 stages, whereas Hightower is 1 stage only. Winning in each of the first two stages will give an advantage to the winning team in the next stage (the cart is pushed slightly forward from the starting point).
Payload maps carry the pl_ prefix; community maps are identified with italic font.
Name | Picture | File name |
Badwater Basin | 160px | pl_badwater
Frontier | ![]() |
Gold Rush | ![]() |
Hoodoo | 160px | pl_hoodoo_final
Thunder Mountain | ![]() |
Upward | ![]() |
Barnblitz | pl_barnblitz
Payload Race
Payload Race maps carry the plr_ prefix; community maps are identified with italic font.
Name | Picture | File name |
Hightower | ![]() |
Nightfall | ![]() |
Pipeline | ![]() |
Carts are the objective and focus of the Payload and Payload Race game modes.
Carts are attached to a line of railroad tracks; the objective is to push the cart along said tracks, while the enemy team attempts to stop it. The cart is pushed by standing next to it – the more people, the faster it moves (up to a maximum of 3 – see Speeds section below). If any opposing team member gets near the cart, it is blocked and the cart will not move until any opposition is removed. If any buildings get in its way, the building is destroyed as the cart runs into it. The cart acts as a level 1 Dispenser for the team that owns it, restoring health and providing ammo and metal. However, unlike level 1 Dispensers the cart has no limit in the amount of metal it can give to Engineers.
If a cart is left unattended on specific slopes that ramp backwards, it will naturally roll down it. The cart-pushing team must push it continuously to get it up such hills, whereas reaching a downwards slope becomes a sort of checkpoint that the cart cannot reverse past. As of the Engineer Update, the Cart has a glowing, team-colored outline effect that enables its position to be identified through walls and from further away, allowing players to keep an eye on its whereabouts at all times.
In Payload mode, BLU must push a cart through a series of checkpoints and into RED's base within a certain amount of time. Reaching a checkpoint adds time to the timer. If no BLU player pushes the cart after 30 seconds have passed, the cart will start moving backwards slowly until it reaches a checkpoint/BLU spawn or a BLU player stands next to it again. If the cart is not moving backwards when time runs out, Overtime will occur, which gives the attacking team five seconds to move the bomb, or they lose. The timer resets each time the cart is touched.
Payload Race
In Payload Race mode, both teams are issued with a cart. The teams must simultaneously push their cart through enemy territory while preventing the enemy team from doing the same. Unlike Payload mode, the cart will not move backwards after any length of time (unless it is on a downward slope) and there is no time limit; the map only ends when one team successfully pushes their cart to the finish point. Payload Race maps tend to use rolling slopes much more than standard Payload ones. During Overtime, both carts will automatically move forward slowly to prevent stalemates. Pushing one cart stops the other from moving forward by itself.
Lil' Chew Chew
In the Payload map Frontier, a substantially larger mechanized train engine known as "Lil' Chew-Chew" is used in place of the standard BLU cart. Providing cover from frontal attacks, the train is capable of instantly killing anyone who find themselves (whether willingly or forcibly) in its mouth when it is moving forwards, as long as at least three people are riding on the platform towed behind it. This platform also has a built-in BLU Dispenser, however those riding on it will have trouble seeing directly in front of the cart as the main body of the train is in the way. The cart will only do significant damage if there are one or two players pushing it, with damage rising with more players pushing. It has a noticeably increased pushing range when compared to normal carts.
Cart speeds
The speed of the cart depends on the amount of people (the multiplier) that are pushing. Currently, all stock Payload maps use the same speeds. Speeds are measured in Hammer units per second. Note that the capture limit is 3 players, and any additional players who push will not increase the speed further.
Multiplier | Speed | Rate |
(Backwards) | -9 | -10% |
x1 | 50 | 55% |
x2 | 70 | 77% |
x3 | 90 | 100% |
The BLU bomb cart.
The RED bomb cart, seen only on Payload Race maps.
The special model for the cart on Hoodoo.
The special cart, Lil' Chew Chew, found on Frontier.
Concept art
Li'l Chew Chew Render
Unused models
The following models are present in the game files, however, remain unused.
Related achievements
Update history
April 29, 2008 Patch (Gold Rush Update)
- Added the Payload gametype
- Added Gold Rush map
August 19, 2008 Patch (A Heavy Update)
- Added Badwater Basin
- Added proper handling of cart blocking recognition to Payload maps
- Added new community contributed Payload Cart response rules for Sniper.
- Certain voice lines such as the "Help!" command mentioning Control Points play when near the Payload cart.
- If a RED Spy is disguised as a BLU enemy class in a Payload map, he may sometimes say quotes about stopping the Payload bomb, or vice versa. This can be used to distinguish disguised Spies.
- The cart may some times randomly spin vertically.
- The capture progress HUD sometimes does not report how many players are pushing the cart. It may also display the cart as being blocked when it is not.
- Dying to the Payload cart explosion causes the deathcam to focus on an specific point of the map while displaying the name of an opponent, even if no enemy was involved in the player's death.
- The default Payload takes the shape of a "Fat Man" implosion-style plutonium Atomic Bomb. This type of bomb was dropped over Nagasaki during the second World War.
- Originally, an Engineer could upgrade the Dispenser on the cart, allowing it to give increased healing, ammo and metal. This has since been fixed.
- Hoodoo uses a different cart model. The map description reveals the cart to be carrying a 'dirty bomb'; a nuclear explosive consisting of little more than radioactive material strapped to conventional explosives, such as TNT.
- On all of the carts, there is a Heavy quote written into the paintwork:
- The default cart bears the words "Cry some more" scratched into the paintwork.
- The Hoodoo cart has the words "So much blood!" painted in white on the front-most barrel and the word "Bonk" written in dust underneath one of the straps (likely by the Scout).
- Li'l Chew-Chew bears the words "All of you are dead!" scratched into the paintwork in front of the smoke stack.