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Pl patagonia.png
Basic Information
Map type: Payload
File name: pl_patagonia
Released: December 11, 2024 Patch
(Smissmas 2024)
Developer(s): Elián "iron" Rodríguez
Matthew "Panckakebro" Hiller
João "Hoppkins" Marcos
Map Photos
Loading screen photos.
Map Overview
Patagonia overview.png
Map Stamp
Item icon Map Stamp - Patagonia.png
Supporters Leaderboard
The Bureau aims to take control of Argentum mining operations from Bolefuego Sindicato that have been taking place in West Patagonia, a long forgotten element that is usefull(sic) for Rocket Fuel or anything flamable(sic). Join both teams to face the calm forest of patagonia, argentina, sabotage railway and melt giant glaciers.
Patagonia publicity blurb

Patagonia is a community-created Payload map with three stages. The action mainly focuses around an Argentum, an Australium-like metal, mine located inside Patagonia, a geographical region in South America.

Patagonia was contributed to the Steam Workshop.


Stage 1

  • Spawns: The BLU team initially spawns within the confines of a large wooden mansion bordering a cliff, featuring three distinct exits to choose from. The RED team's spawn is located just in front of checkpoint B, featuring only a single exit out. Additionally, found directly below the RED spawn is an inaccessible boarded-off tunnel.

Checkpoint A

  • Ridge: Located to the left side of BLU spawn is a small ridgeline running along the edge of the map.
  • Cliffside: A Flank path located on the opposite side of the Ridge, bordering a deadly pitfall.
  • Gardening Shed: The first building cart passes by on its journey is a wooden shed with various gardening tools inside.
  • Mineshaft Entry: Location of the First Checkpoint, it is a large multi-floor wooden structure that houses the entrance to an inaccessible Argentum mine.

Checkpoint B

  • Shortcut: Once checkpoint A is secured, a previously-closed shutter door on the Mineshaft Entry's left side will open.
  • Canyon: A small cliffside overlooking a canyon with a flowing stream at its base.
  • Ore Depository: Located behind the Mineshaft Entry is the Ore Depository; two interconnected buildings with an ore chute at the top.
  • Cliffside Shed: After clearing the Depository, cart drives by two buildings, the first one being a wooden house bordering a Pitfall on its right.
  • Damaged House: The second building is a two-story house with a gaping hole in its top and a stairwell descending down to checkpoint B.
  • Second Cliffside: Another flanking path going along a cliff, this one being located in between the Cliffside Shed and the Elevator Control Building.
  • Argentum Stash: A large stash of Argentum can be found just behind the Elevator and below the cart's tracks.
  • Elevator Control Building: Right next to the Elevator, a building with a control panel leads to a flank route.
  • Elevator: A metal platform that automatically lowers once the cart rolls on to it, bringing it to the same level as the Argentum Stash, as well as to the final checkpoint of this stage. Once checkpoint B is captured, the cart will proceed to rapidly accelerate and break through the barricaded tunnel underneath RED's spawn, speeding away into the mine.

Stage 2

  • Spawns: On this stage, RED team has two separate spawns while BLU team has three. BLU's starting spawn constitutes a large mining complex embedded within the surrounding mountain, while RED begins their game within a tiny red shed. Once checkpoint A is captured, the RED team's spawn is moved into the Patagonia State Main Yard; where it remains for the rest of the round. This is followed by BLU whose spawn also moves to the Yard after checkpoint B's capture, albeit to its external section. Finally, after checkpoint B is secured, BLU's spawn is relocated to where RED's initial spawn used to reside.
  • Trains: About every 30 seconds, a ridable steam train passes through the Patagonia State Main Yard, killing anyone in its path before continuing onto the Railways Bridge, followed by it exiting the map shortly thereafter.

Checkpoint A

  • Waterfall: On the left side of the BLU spawn is a small waterfall that produces a stream over which the cart passes.
  • Rapids: As the stream flows from left to right, it eventually forms shallow rapids that descend into a pitfall.
  • Cavern: A hollowed out hill which the cart goes through before exiting it on the other side.
  • Stairwell: A metal stairwell connecting the Cavern to the top of the hill.

Checkpoint B

  • Ore Refinery: A wooden structure housing equipment for refining the Argentum, found just behind checkpoint B. Next to it is a gentle slope down which the cart descends after exiting the Cavern.

Checkpoint C

After BLU captures checkpoint B, the previously mentioned trains stop arriving. Any trains concurrently present on the map continue on and exit as usual. However, the train that follows after is the final one, as once it passes through the Patagonia State Main Yard, it comes to a screeching halt and stops on the Railway Bridge, where it remains indefinitely. This is shortly followed by the closing of the previously open Main Entrance.

  • Railway Bridges: Two railway bridges are connected to the Patagonia State Main Yard, one on which the trains enter (near the initial BLU spawn), and the other on which they exit (near the initial RED spawn).
  • Railway Bridge Underpass: After capturing checkpoint B, the cart makes a rapid descend as it passes underneath the Railway Bridge near the RED spawn; followed by it climbing back up a steep slope.
  • Shortcut: Capturing Checkpoint B opens up a previously closed shutter door atop the Railway Bridge.
  • Cliffside Warehouse: Behind the Underpass is a large wooden building; next to which is the third checkpoint.
  • Rock: Across the Checkpoint and opposite the Cliffside Warehouse is a large vertical rock connected to the Railway Bridge.

Checkpoint D

  • Double Gates: After passing the previous checkpoint and descending down a slope, cart comes in front of a pair of closed metal gates. After a couple of seconds, the Gates briefly open up and quickly let the cart through to the other side. Players are not permitted through the Gates even when they are open; standing in front of the cart as it gets pushed through gets one killed via crushing.
  • Fuse Box Shed: Connected to the Gates is a small shed housing a fuse box.
  • Patagonia State Main Yard: The largest and most prevalent building in the entire map, stretching from one side of the stage to the other. It is a large building complex housing a railway yard and multiple wagons, as well as occasionally having a steam train pass through it. Although it has multiple entrances, it is inaccessible to BLU for most of the round.
    • Main Entrance: A large gate serving as an exit for trains going through the main Yard and proceeding onto the Railway bridge. It is only traversable by RED due to an invisible wall covering it. After Checkpoint B is captured and the last train goes through, its gates are permanently closed for both teams.
    • Side Entrance: The entrance through which the cart enters the Main Yard, it is oriented perpendicular to the Main Entrance.
    • Auxiliary Entrance: Found parallel to the Side Entrance, useful for BLU players trying to flank.
    • Dropdown: Also parallel to the Side Entrance, but on the opposite side of the Auxiliary Entrance. It leads to the Rock, until Point D is captured by BLU, after which it closes down.
    • Shipping Container:The last checkpoint is located inside a closed shipping container a top one of the wagons. Once the cart is inside, the previously stationary steam locomotive connected to the wagon activates and begins hauling the Payload away.

Stage 3

  • Spawns: Much like the first stage, each team only gets a single spawn. BLU starts out inside of a train station with two exits in total. RED teams' spawn, which is a large brick building located right next to the Final Slide, has four.

Checkpoint A

  • Stream:The cart itself starts out inside of a shallow stream.
  • Row Boat House: Located next to the stream is a tall apartment complex that has a row boat hanging from the side, hence its name.
  • Garage: To the right of the Row Boat House is a small bunker adjacent to a cliff, its opening facing towards the first Checkpoint.
  • Wooden Arch: Cart proceeds to make a u-turn followed by a 90-degree turn to the right after passing by the Garage, bringing it to a wooden arch in between the White Mansion and the Shortcut, under which it must pass.
  • Shortcut: On the tight side of the Arch, the Shortcut opens after Checkpoint A is captured.

Final Checkpoint

  • White Mansion: Located to the left of Checkpoint B is a large white house containing some health and ammo.
  • Final Cliffside Shed: Connected to the White Mansion via a sky bridge is the Final Cliffside Shed, this one serving as a valuable flank route.
  • Courtyard: A grassy clearing located in between the White Mansion and the Final Cliffside Shed.
  • Glacier Viewpoint: A metal balcony hanging of a cliff that overlooks the BLU's main target far away in the distance: ice glaciers.
  • Scientific Reasearch Station: With Point B captured, the cart makes a 90-degree turn to the right and passes by a building with radar, satellites, and other communication and measuring devices on its roof.
  • Slide: After one more U-turn, the cart enters a small enclosure and uncontrallaby slides down a steep incline, launching it into the glaciers that subsequently melt from the ensuing explosion.


Main article: Community Patagonia strategy


This is the changelog of the map before it was added to the game.

RC1B Changelog (2.6.2024)

  • Fixed some props missing collisions
  • Reverted some I/O changes made to the stage 1 elevator to prevent a rare crash

RC1 Changelog (29.5.2024)

  • Stage 3 (final stage) is fully playable now.
  • Added rollback and rollforward zones for the payload in stage 1, they mostly help BLU. Rollbacks/rollforwards in stage 3 mostly help RED. Rollbacks/rollforwards for stage 2 are not changed, but is a middle ground between stage 1 and 3.
  • Marked better the rollback and rollforward zones in stage 2.
  • Added an ending sequence to stage 1.
  • Limited the round timer to a maximum of 10 minutes.
  • Drastically improved the clipping in all the map (Apart from stairs and outbounds clips, should be mostly unnoticeable, but the chances of you getting a 0 damage rocket due to a extremely small ledge should be close to impossible).

B6 Changelog (7.5.2024)

  • Fixed a brush face rendering invisible near first blue spawn in stage 2.
  • Fixed some missing collisions.
  • Fixed some lamps in stage 1 having shadows enabled, thus preventing their light_spot to illuminate.
  • Lit up some spots that were a bit dark.
  • Added clip to prevent players shooting explosives over the cliff in the last point of stage 1.
  • Adjusted some clips not extending fully into the sky in stage 2.
  • Fixed being able to build in a small spot in the first blue spawn in stage 2.
  • Fixed going out bounds with airpogos below the train bridge in stage 2.
  • Fixed nav meshes for bots not generating in stage 2.

B5 Changelog (4.5.2024)

  • Fixed non solid building near last point of stage 2.
  • Added observer points.
  • Slightly improved skybox transition.

B4 Changelog (3.5.2024)

  • Fixed areaportal glitch in the tunnels of stage 2 first point
  • Added back some missing tree cards
  • Optimized the map more

Update history

December 11, 2024 Patch (Smissmas 2024)
  • Patagonia was added to the game.

December 19, 2024 Patch

  • Stage 1
    • Fixed the cart going under the elevator in extremely rare occasions. (Thanks Shocked)
    • Fixed sometimes hearing outside soundscapes inside blue spawn.
    • Fixed being able to build in a very high rooftop after point A.
    • Fixed being able to build in blue spawn.
    • Cart elevator is no longer the glitchiest thing in the universe.
    • Fixed cart not rolling back after completing the elevator descent sequence.
    • Now, if the cart is rolling into the elevator in Overtime, the round timer will be set to 5 seconds left, to avoid unfair loses for blue. Timer will resume once the cart reaches the bottom (Thanks I. C. Wiener).
  • Stage 2
    • Removed rollback from the train container ramp in last point (Thanks b4nny).
    • Gave blue more high ground for last point.
    • Added an additional dropdown for blue for last point.
    • Fixed being able to be teleported into red spawn as blue after capping point A.
    • Removed long hill rollback before point C.
    • Fixed bots getting stuck on the closed train doors after cap B.
    • Fixed being able to leave stickies inside blue last spawn.
    • Fixed being able to get stuck in the point C shortcut door for red. If you get trapped, it will kill you.
    • Fixed a pop-in issue relating to areaportals below point B.
    • Fixed being able to enter the last blue spawn as red.
    • Birdie (Thanks Explocivo808).
  • Stage 3
    • Added a fenced section for the long wood cover wall in last point (Thanks b4nny).
    • Mirrored the window Sniper spot in last point choke.
    • Fixed being able to build behind a displacement rock wall in last point.
    • Removed troll teleport spot in last point ending ramp.
  • All Stages
    • Slightly lowered sun brightness and slightly raised skylight brightness.
    • Improved skybox transitions.
    • The cart no longer tries to defy the law of physics.
    • Ninjaneers have more freedom to be ninjas.
    • The bots have learned how to play the map.
    • Gave the cart another coronación de gloria.

February 18, 2025 Patch

  • Stage 1
    • Fixed some RED bots stuck forever trying to make an impossible jump on the stairs outside spawn.
    • Fixed the cart not capping the first point on extremely rare occasions.
  • Stage 2
    • Improved optimization.
    • Fixed a nodraw floor near the first BLU spawn train bridge waterfall.
    • Fixed 3D skybox looking pitch black for players using mat_hdr_level 2.
  • Stage 3
    • Improved optimization.
    • Fixed Wrap Assassin baubles colliding with a solid func_brush bounding box outside BLU spawn.
    • Removed the platform above the open choke of the last point.
    • Added an additional path to the window overlooking the open choke of the last point.
    • Fixed RED bots getting stuck on a solid fence outside the RED spawn.
    • Fixed 3D skybox looking pitch black for players using mat_hdr_level 2.
