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=== 庭院 ===
=== 庭院 ===
This acts as the very first location for either team. Both sides split into two distinct halves, making up the side routes the map revolves around.
* '''Bridge Route''': A long, narrow building that lets players leave directly towards the center, off towards the broken bridge, or directly above the broken bridge route.
* '''Bridge Route''': A long, narrow building that lets players leave directly towards the center, off towards the broken bridge, or directly above the broken bridge route.
* '''Dock Route''': Players follow an underpass, greeted with the option of either taking one of the hallway routes or proceeding directly into the docks.
* '''Dock Route''': Players follow an underpass, greeted with the option of either taking one of the hallway routes or proceeding directly into the docks.

Revision as of 09:10, 6 March 2023

Pit of Death
Pd pit of death event.png
开发者: 未知
环境: 万圣节
设定: 夜晚, 阴暗
危害: 深渊, 南瓜炸弹
Pit of Death overview.png
(尖叫) "Holy crap, this goes on forever."
侦察兵 在不恰当的时机掉入死亡之坑,最终接受他的命运

Pit of Death 是一个社区制作毁灭玩家 万圣节地图,在尖叫要塞2016更新中加入游戏。


Pit of Death 是贡献steam创意工坊的.


每隔一段时间, 会开始灵异时刻 ,在地图上生成魔咒和一个位于大坑上方的地下世界传送门, 玩家必须进入以进入投递区域得分来取得胜利。一个位于HUD中下方的计时器会显示下一次灵异时刻的倒计时以及其剩余时间。 灵异时刻的开始和结束都会被一阵诡异的广播播报;靠近大坑的玩家会感受到地面在震动并且可能会看到蝙蝠从巨大骷髅中飞出。


该地图呈对称形态,围绕位于一个中心位置两侧的两条路进行设计。 这些路径会提前显示, 与重生点庭院分支成两条不同的路径。两侧的高度变化相等,地图以中心的大坑为主。



  • Bridge Route: A long, narrow building that lets players leave directly towards the center, off towards the broken bridge, or directly above the broken bridge route.
  • Dock Route: Players follow an underpass, greeted with the option of either taking one of the hallway routes or proceeding directly into the docks.

01/02 Docks

On one side of the map lies this large warehouse-esque building, noted for its many walls, high ceiling, and varying elevations.

  • The Staircases: To the immediate left or right of a player's entry lies a wooden staircase and a platform. From here, the player can either exit up towards the pit, can follow a side building back to either spawn, or can look down upon the rest of the room from their elevated position.
  • Pit Access: Splitting the room in half is a smaller interior, leading directly up towards the pit.
  • Basement: On the other side of the pit access is the lowest part of the room, featuring health and ammo pickups.
  • Ledges: In the corners of the warehouse are two ledges, accessible only from the outside or from blast jumping. They are the highest point in the building, and are advantageous for ambushes.

Pit Flanks

Near the docks are two hills that run underneath the pit.

  • Hallway: Connecting the spawns to the pit are tight hallways, complete with small health and ammo pickups.
  • Rooftop: Outside of the hallways, players are able to take staircases to the hallways' roofs, placing them slightly above the pit and from a considerable distance away.
  • Flatgrounds: Between the pit and the hallway roof is level ground, connecting both the ledges in the docks and the alternative flanking route.

Broken Bridge

A sneaky but perilous path, a decrepit bridge lies to the other side of the map, surrounded by a sheer drop in the form of a waterfall.

The Pit

  • Walkway: Directly underneath the clock tower is a walkway, lined with half-walls and a low ceiling. This spot offers great visibility, but minimal protection. Periodically, the portal to the Underworld opens over the Pit under the tower.
  • Overlook Building: This building lies opposite of the walkway, featuring a ledge that looks directly out at the skull opposite of the map.

The Underworld

The Underworld is accessed by jumping into the portal that spawns just above the Pit. The Underworld serves as the area where players can deposit souls. There are also a few regular and one rare magic spell in the area.

Playing To Count

Player Count Playing To
0 10
2 10
4 16
6 24
8 32
10 40
12 48
14 56
16 64
18 72
20 80
22 88
24 96
26 104
28 112
30 120
32 128


主条目: Community Pit of Death strategy

Update history

2016年10月21日补丁 (Scream Fortress 2016)
  • Pit of Death was added to the game.


  • Fixed an exploit which allowed players to enter the enemy spawn.
  • Fixed enemy players teleported to the Underworld spawning in one another.
  • Fixed finale particles not being drawn from certain distances.
  • Fixed certain overlays not rendering.
  • Increased damage over time dealt in the Underworld.
  • Added climbable props to the platforms near mid.
  • Added a nobuild to the area surrounding the portal.
  • Added signs in spawns to make the second door more obvious.
  • Adjusted respawn times so that the losing team will respawn faster.
  • Adjusted health, ammo, and magic spells around the map.
  • Changed the Underworld buff to use the Purgatory buff from Eyeaduct.
  • Players killed during the finale will now turn into ghosts.
  • Decreased score limit from 5 to 4 points per player.


  • A basketball hoop can be seen attached to one of the dead trees sticking out of the lake below the Broken Bridge.
  • A regular-sized skull can be found inside the giant skull's mouth, outside of normal view.
