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Revision as of 15:24, 17 July 2023 by Amongussus (talk | contribs) (Locations)
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Pd selbyen.png
Basic Information
Developer(s): Unknown
Map Photos
Loading screen photos.
Map Overview
Selbyen overview.png
Selbyen is a small Norwegian fishing village that is also a tourist attraction because of all the seals that are released back to nature. This year, the mercs have decided to compete over who feeds the most fish to the seals as a publicity stunt. Of course, they'll be bringing their dirtiest tactics to do whatever they can to win.
Selbyen publicity blurb

Selbyen is a community-created Player Destruction map. The map takes place in a small Norwegian fishing village. Each team fights to feed the seal the most fish before it is released into the ocean. Like other Player Destruction maps, players pick up items (buckets of fish) that drop from other players on death. These items must then be delivered to the drop-off point — a Seal that periodically spawns and galumphs through the center of the map into the sea. This map features close-quarters fighting between buildings in the village as well as open areas near the sea.

Selbyen was contributed to the Steam Workshop.


  • The Van: A small yellow animal relocator van where the Seal comes from.
  • The Center Building: A small yellow building at the center of the map, it also contains a ramp downward onto the beach.
  • The Seashore: A rocky beach that has multiple rocks as cover, it is also the Seal's final destination before leaving.
  • The Docks: Symmetrical docks that contain a medium health kit and medium ammo pack.
  • Spawn Rooms: A small building behind a larger team-colored building that serves as both team's one and only spawnroom.
  • RED Building: The larger team-colored building of [[1]] Team which has a souvenir shop named "Real Seal Souvenir".
  • BLU Building: The larger team-colored building of BLU Team which has a fish shop named "Frode's Fresh Fish".


Main article: Community Selbyen strategy

Update history

July 12, 2023 Patch #1 (Summer 2023)

  • Added Selbyen to the game.


  • The Seal can be seen in a room out of bounds exercising on a beach blanket next to a bucket of fish, with pictures of cats adorning the walls in between deposit times.
  • The Seal is named Silvia.[1]


  • Engineers can build outside the map's boundaries in certain areas, trapping players outside the map.

