Air Strike

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The Air Strike is a community-created primary weapon for the Soldier introduced in the Love & War Update. It is a Rocket Launcher that increases attack speed while rocket jumping and clip size based on kills, at the cost of damage, initial clip size, and explosion radius.

Damage and function times

See also: Damage
Damage and function times
Shot type Projectile
Damage type Explosive
Ranged or Melee damage? Ranged
Maximum ramp-up 125% 112
Base damage 100% 90
Maximum fall-off 50% 45
Point blank 105-112
Medium range 50-90
Long range 45-60
Critical 270
Mini-crit 122-151
Splash damage
Minimum splash 50% 9 ft
Damage reduction 1% / 2.88
Self-damage 27-89
Self damage (rocket jump) 27-46
Function times
Attack interval 0.8 s
Reload (first) 0.92 s
Reload (consecutive) 0.8 s
Values are approximate and determined by community testing.