Sharpened Volcano Fragment

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Revision as of 02:27, 21 February 2011 by TheGrandNoob (talk | contribs) (Update history)
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The Sharpened Volcano Fragment is a promotional melee weapon for the Pyro. It appears as an obsidian axe with lava flowing along the blade's extreme edges.

The Sharpened Volcano Fragment has 20% less base damage than the Fire Axe, but it has the ability to ignite enemies upon contact.

Players can currently receive the item by pre-ordering RIFT on Steam before March 1, 2011. Players that do so will receive a Genuine quality version. Some time following the RIFT pre-order period, the weapon will become available via crafting and weapons received during the pre-order period will be made tradable. However, crafting this weapon will not result in the Genuine quality prefix.


See also: Damage


  • Base: 3 damage every 0.5 seconds for 10 seconds (60 damage total)
  • Mini-Crit: 4 damage every 0.5 seconds for 10 seconds (80 damage total)

Damages are approximate and determined by community testing.

Function times

  • Attack Interval: 0.8

All times are in seconds. Times are approximate and determined by community testing.


Related Achievements

Leaderboard class pyro.png Pyro

Kill 6 people with your axe in one life.

Freezer Burn
Freezer Burn
Provide enemies with freezecam shots of each of your taunts.
Kill 3 people with your axe in one life.

Update history

February 7, 2011 Patch

  • Fixed burning deaths to always use the death notice icon for the weapon that started the burn.
  • Updated the burn effect from the Pyro's Sharpened Volcano Fragment to only last for a limited time on enemies.
  • Updated the RIFT pre-order items to be not-tradable until the RIFT pre-order period is over.
  • Despite Valve claiming that those who pay will not be at an advantage over those who don't (when the store was released), it is required to pay for RIFT to recieve these weapons, therefore those who do pay, are at an advantage with these weapons.


  • According to Trion Worlds' press release for the promotion, the Sharpened Volcano Fragment was originally intended to use the Axtinguisher's stats [1].


See also


External links