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(Mercenary Park Contracts: i forgot to add the rest of the contracts???? how????)
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{{Other uses|this=the in-game system|for=the comic|The Contract}}
'''Contracts''' refer to the in-game systems, generally active during [[Campaigns]] or Events, for assigning and tracking the completion of skill-based objectives, in the form of Contracts that pay out rewards when completed. Introduced in the 2015 [[Gun Mettle Update]], Contracts supplement [[Achievements]] as a means of encouraging players to explore features of ''Team Fortress 2''.
[[File:Main Menu pauling tough break title.png‎|frameless|right|250px]]
{{Quotation|'''Miss Pauling'''|Pauling here. This contract is big. I don't give these out everyday.|sound=Plng give bigcontract allclass 03.mp3}}
; Active contract system and sets
'''Contracts''' refer to the in-game systems, generally active during [[Campaigns]] or events, used to assign and track the completion of skill-based objectives while playing on [[Valve]]-official servers via [[Casual Mode]] or [[Competitive Mode]]. These objectives involve performing unique tasks, and may require either the use of or playing as a specific [[Classes|class]], [[Weapons|weapon]], [[List of maps|map]], or [[List of game modes|game mode]] in order to fulfil them, granting points towards an active contract for doing so. After the objective(s) have been fulfilled enough times, the contract may be turned in for a reward, either in the form of [[items]] or [[Jungle Inferno Campaign#Blood Money|currency]] that may be used to redeem items, as well as Contract Stars that can be used to unlock additional contracts. Secondary bonus objectives may only be fulfilled a set number of times, and grant additional Contract Stars upon completion, allowing players to potentially have multiple contracts unlocked at once, though only one contract may be active at a time.
* [[ConTracker]], the contract management system introduced in the 2017 Jungle Inferno Update, modeled as a tracking device PDA.
** [[Jungle Inferno Campaign#Mercenary Park Contracts|Mercenary Park Contracts]], premium contracts introduced in the 2017 Jungle Inferno Update.
** [[Pyroland Contracts]], free contracts introduced in the 2017 Jungle Inferno Update.
** [[Halloween Contracts]], Halloween Event contracts introduced in the Scream Fortress 2017 Update, expanded in the following Scream Fortress Updates, and counted as Merasmissions on the player's Soul Gargoyle.
; Past contract system and sets
* [[Contracts drawer]], the 2015-2016 contract management system replaced by the ConTracker.
** [[Gun Mettle Campaign]] event contracts, introduced in the July 2015 Gun Mettle Update.
** [[Merasmissions]], event contracts given out by Merasmus during Scream Fortress 2015 and Scream Fortress 2016 to players owning a Soul Gargoyle.
** [[Tough Break Campaign]] event contracts, introduced in the December 2015 Tough Break Update.
'''Contract''' may also refer to:
Occasionally, multiple selections for a single contract become available, however, after making a decision and activating the contract, the other options are made permanently unavailable. In the scenario a weapon-specific contract is active, but the player does not own the required weapon, they are able to temporarily borrow it via the [[Loaner Program]] for the duration of the contract, so long as said contract is active. Progress on active contracts may also be assisted through the use of the [[Friendly-Fire]] system; by playing on the same server and team as [[Steam]] friends or people in the same party, even if they do not also have access to the respective contract themselves, players doing contracts are able to gain points towards their objectives when a party member completes a specific objective. Contracts may be freely reactivated, so long as there are still incomplete objectives to fulfil.
* ''[[The Contract]]'', the comic released in 2015 to introduce the Gun Mettle Update and Campaign, "premium" weapons, and the original Contract system.
== See also ==
Contracts supplement [[achievements]] as a means of encouraging players to explore features of ''Team Fortress 2''.
* [[Contract strategy]]
* [[Jungle Inferno ConTracker]], premium item that grants access to the Mercenary Park Contracts
== ConTracker ==
[[File:Mercenary park contract example 1.png|frameless|right|200px]]
Contracts are accessed and managed via the ConTracker, an [[Heads-up display|interface]] used to select, unlock, activate, and track contracts. It can be accessed by clicking on the ConTracker-shaped icon, pressing the Open Contracter Drawer key {{DK|F2}}, or by using a [[Jungle Inferno ConTracker]] within the [[backpack]]. In this menu the player has access to folders that contain contracts specific to a Campaign or event as well as sub-folders that may focus on a specific category, such as particular maps. Contracts with a lock icon are inaccessable and may only be unlocked after completing certain prerequisites, usually being the previous connected contract's primary objective and having enough Contracts Stars. While a contract is active and the contract conditions are met, the HUD shows the currently-active contract, its objectives, and its completion progress. Upon completion of any objective, the player is prompted to open the ConTracker to turn in the contract.
Additionally, the [[Mercenary Park Gift Shop]] is available, where players can spend [[Jungle Inferno ConTracker#Blood Money|Blood Money]], a currency earned through certain contracts, on additional rewards, such as [[War Paint]]s and [[Mann Co. Supply Crate/Active series|War Paint cases]].
== Contracts Drawer ==
{{main|Contracts drawer}}
Prior to the {{update link|Jungle Inferno Update}}, the Contracts Drawer was used as the contract management system, accessible from the main menu. Contracts were granted at random rather than all being available to view at once, with up to two contracts being made available at once, and are automatically removed from the drawer after being completed and turned in. Contracts were tracked automatically, allowing for multiple contracts to be progressed at the same time. New contracts would be granted weekly to players with at least one empty slot in their contact drawer during the [[Gun Mettle Campaign|Gun Mettle]] and [[Tough Break Campaign]]s, and daily during the [[Scream Fortress 2015|Scream Fortress VII]] and [[Scream Fortress 2016|VIII]] events. If a player had fallen behind or was too slow to fulfill their existing contracts, they would be granted the contracts they had missed out on at an increased rate until the "backlog" of contracts had been fulfilled.
Bonus objectives, originally labelled as advanced objectives, did not have a limit to how many times they could be fulfilled. Most contracts upon completion would allow players to earn up to 30 additional bonus points by fulfilling the advanced objectives before turning the contract in, though doing this only incremented the amount of contract points earned during the Campaign.
== Currently available contracts ==
[[File:Backpack Thermal Thruster.png|frameless|right|96px]]
=== Pyroland Contracts ===
Pyroland Contracts were added in the Jungle Inferno Update, and are freely available to all players. Completing these contracts would grant new [[Pyro]] weapons, as well as a [[Heavy]] weapon, added in the Jungle Inferno Update as a result of the [[Meet Your Match Update#Heavy vs. Pyro|Meat vs. Match War]] from the {{update link|Meet Your Match Update}}. Prior to the {{Patch name|4|26|2018}}, these items were only available through the Pyroland Contracts.
[[File:Backpack Jungle Inferno ConTracker.png|frameless|right|96px]]
=== Mercenary Park Contracts ===
Mercenary Park Contracts were added in the Jungle Inferno Update as part of the [[Jungle Inferno Campaign]], and are available to players who use a [[Jungle Inferno Campaign Pass]] or [[Jungle Inferno Contracts Pass]]. Completing these contracts would grant Blood Money — a currency used in the Mercenary Park Gift Shop for various War Paints and War Paint Cases — as well as exclusive [[cosmetic items]] and the [[War Paint#Saxton Select Collection|Dragon Slayer War Paint]].
{{Contracts/mercenary park}}
{{Contracts/mercenary park/offense}}
{{Contracts/mercenary park/defense}}
{{Contracts/mercenary park/support}}
{{Contracts/mercenary park/maps}}
== Situationally-available contracts ==
[[File:Backpack Soul Gargoyle Gold.png|frameless|right|96px]]
=== Halloween Contracts ===
Halloween Contracts were added in the [[Scream Fortress 2017|Scream Fortress IX]] update, and are freely available to all players. They are only available during [[Halloween event|Scream Fortress]] events, with progress from the previous event being reset and more contracts introduced each new event. Each contract completed grants a [[Halloween Package]].
{{List of Halloween contract objectives}}
== Previously available contracts ==
[[File:Backpack Gun Mettle Campaign Coin.png|frameless|right|96px]]
=== Gun Mettle Campaign Contracts ===
Gun Mettle Campaign Contracts were added in the {{update link|Gun Mettle Update}}, and were available to players who used a [[Gun Mettle Campaign Pass]]. Each contract completed would grant a [[Decorated]] weapon from either the [[Decorated#The Teufort Collection|Teufort Collection]], [[Decorated#The Craftsmann Collection|Craftsmann Collection]], or either a [[Concealed Killer Weapons Case]] or [[Powerhouse Weapons Case]].
These contracts were available to complete from July 2nd, 2015 – September 10th, 2015.
{{Contracts/gun mettle}}
[[File:Backpack Soul Gargoyle.png|frameless|right|96px]]
=== Merasmissions ===
Merasmissions were seasonal contracts added in the Scream Fortress VII update, and were freely available to all players. They could only be completed during the Scream Fortress VII and Scream Fortress VIII events, with progress from the previous event reset and more contracts introduced the following event. Each contract completed would grant a past Halloween cosmetic from Scream Fortress 2011–2014, and potentially a bonus in the form of a [[Spellbook Page]] and either [[Gargoyle Case]]s during Scream Fortress VII, or [[Creepy Crawly Case]]s during Scream Fortress VIII.
These contracts were available to complete from October 28th, 2015 – November 12th, 2015 and October 21st, 2016 – November 16th, 2016.
[[File:Backpack Tough Break Campaign Stamp.png|frameless|right|96px]]
=== Tough Break Campaign Contracts ===
Tough Break Campaign Contracts were added in the {{update link|Tough Break Update}}, and were available to players who used a [[Tough Break Campaign Pass]]. Each contract completed would grant a Decorated weapon from either the [[Decorated#The Harvest Collection|Harvest Collection]], [[Decorated#The Gentlemanne's Collection|Gentlemanne's Collection]], or either a [[Pyroland Weapons Case]] or [[Warbird Weapons Case]].
These contracts were available to complete from December 17th, 2015 – April 4th, 2016.
{{Contracts/tough break}}
== Update history ==
{{Update history|
'''{{Patch name|7|2|2015}}''' ({{update link|Gun Mettle Update}})
* {{Undocumented}} Added Gun Mettle Campaign Pass and Gun Mettle Campaign Coin.
'''{{Patch name|7|2|2015}} #2'''
* Fixed a bug that prevented some clients from updating their contract progress.
'''{{Patch name|7|4|2015}} #1'''
* Fixed a client crash related to campaign contracts.
'''{{Patch name|7|6|2015}}'''
* Fixed missing descriptions for the [[Powerhouse]] Contract.
* Fixed an OS X crash related to Contracts.
'''{{Patch name|7|8|2015}} #1'''
* Fixed [[suicide]]s counting for the "Get a kill on Powerhouse" Contract objective.
'''{{Patch name|7|15|2015}} #1'''
* Fixed a case where [[Gun Mettle Campaign Coin|Campaign Coins]] weren't displaying the correct stats based on the number of submitted contracts.
** Everyone affected by this bug has received the maximum contract points (including bonus points) for the missing contracts.
'''{{Patch name|7|15|2015|no-link=yes}} #2'''
* {{Undocumented}} Updated a bunch of GUI textures (mainly contract related) to not use [[vdc:Mipmapping|mipmaps]], preventing quality degradation for players who set aggressive maximum minmap levels.
'''{{Patch name|7|23|2015}} #1'''
* Fixed the Contracts button on the main menu not being disabled when there are no contracts.
* Fixed a rare client crash when turning in Contracts.
* Updated the [[Spy]] Contract objective for destroying [[buildings]] to work with the [[Ap-Sap]], the [[Red-Tape Recorder]], and the [[Snack Attack]].
'''{{Patch name|8|19|2015}} #1'''
* Fixed capturing the [[PASS Time#The JACK|jack]] not incrementing [[Scout]] contract points.
'''{{Patch name|10|1|2015}}'''
* The Gun Mettle Campaign has officially ended.
** Gun Mettle Coin owners have until October 12th to finish any remaining contracts. Contracts will expire on the 13th and will be removed.
* Updated campaign contracts to display their expiration date when the time remaining is less than a week.
'''{{Patch name|10|19|2015}}'''
* Fixed a client crash related to the contract menu.
'''{{Patch name|10|28|2015}}''' ({{update link|Scream Fortress 2015}})
* Added Merasmissions.
** A new Merasmission will be available daily up to a total of 13.
** Completing a Merasmission will give players a [[Very Scary Halloween Special|Classic Halloween item]] and a chance of the [[Gargoyle Case]].
'''{{Patch name|10|29|2015}}'''
* Fixed the "Win a [[Bumper Cars|Bumper Kart]] minigame" Merasmission objective not triggering in the event of a team wipe.
'''{{Patch name|11|3|2015}}'''
* Updated Merasmissions to include a [[Quickplay]] button that will automatically join the required map or open the Quickplay menu if any map can be used.
'''{{Patch name|11|6|2015}}'''
* Fixed two of the [[Gorge Event]] Merasmission's objectives not working properly.
'''{{Patch name|12|17|2015}}''' ({{update link|Tough Break Update}})
* Added 26 new contracts, including contracts which issue loaner weapons.
'''{{Patch name|12|18|2015}}'''
* Fixed [[Engineer]]'s [[Wrangler]] contract updating points for players other than the Engineer doing the contract.
'''{{Patch name|1|12|2016}}'''
* Added more postcards for the Tough Break contracts.
'''{{Patch name|1|20|2016}}'''
* Fixed the Engineer's Wrangler contract updating points while the player is not an Engineer.
'''{{Patch name|3|17|2016}}'''
* Fixed the Demoknight contract counting suicides as contract progress.
'''{{Patch name|3|28|2016}}'''
* Fixed players not receiving Tough Break contracts and extended the campaign deadline through April 4th.
'''{{Patch name|10|21|2016}} #1''' ({{update link|Scream Fortress 2016}})
* Added 3 new Merasmissions for the featured maps.
** Completing a Merasmission will give players a Classic Halloween item and the chance for a [[Creepy Crawly Case]].
'''{{Patch name|10|21|2016|no-link=yes}} #2'''
* Fixed not being able to gain progress on Merasmissions.
'''{{Patch name|10|25|2016}} #1'''
* Fixed a problem causing some players to receive the incorrect number of Merasmissions.
** Players should receive one Scream Fortress VIII Merasmission per day of the event, for a maximum possible of seven as of today.
** Players who received too few Merasmissions will be able to quickly catch up to the intended amount.
** A small number of players who received too many Merasmissions will not receive any for the next few days.
* Fixed the [[Contract drawer|Tome of Merasmissions]] displaying an erroneous maximum number.
** All players will have the opportunity to receive twenty-six Merasmissions during this year's event, regardless of number of Merasmissions completed in previous years.
'''{{Patch name|11|2|2016}}'''
* Fixed a case where players could suicide on a pumpkin bomb to gain progress on certain Merasmissions.
'''{{Patch name|10|20|2017}} #1''' ({{update link|Jungle Inferno Update}})<!-- May be too heavily altered from original changelog? Unsure -->
* Added free contracts to earn the new Pyro and Heavy items.
* Added 36 campaign contracts.
* Added [[Mercenary Park Gift Shop]] to select your campaign contract rewards.
* Added [[Jungle Inferno Contracker|equippable ConTracker]] to customize and track your campaign experience, replacing the Contract Drawer.
** Contracts can now be chosen freely.
** Progress can now be made on Bonus Objectives before completing the Primary Objective.
** Only one Contract can be active at a time.
** Contracts are now unlocked by spending Stars. Stars are earned by completing objectives.
** Contracts can be turned-in once the Primary Objective is complete.
** Partially completed Contracts can be reactivated, for free, at any time.
** Party members who are on the same server and same team can now help earn progress on each other's Contracts.
'''{{Patch name|10|23|2017}}'''
* Fixed contract objectives related to the [[Direct Hit]] not registering.
* Fixed contract objectives related to [[Sentry Gun]]s not registering.
* Fixed being unable to turn-in one of the bonus objectives for the [[Medic]] contract.
'''{{Patch name|10|24|2017}}'''
* Reduced the number of times the bonus objectives for the [[Thermal Thruster]] Contract need to be completed.
* Reduced the number of times "Defend the [[Control Point (objective)|control point]]" objectives need to be completed.
* Fixed The [[Festive weapons|Festive]] Black Box not working for [[Black Box]] Contracts.
* Fixed the 2nd objective for the [[Brass Beast]] Contract.
'''{{Patch name|10|25|2017}}'''
* Fixed a client/server crash related to contracts.
'''{{Patch name|10|26|2017}}''' ({{update link|Scream Fortress IX}})
* Added free Halloween contracts and rewards added to the ConTracker.
'''{{Patch name|10|27|2017}}'''
* Fixed the [[Flare|Flare Gun]] Contract Bonus Objective requiring Mini-Crit kills instead of Crit kills.
* Made it easier to score "defend an objective" style Contract objectives.
* Lowered the requirements for the [[Amputator]] Contract's bonus objectives.
'''{{Patch name|10|30|2017}}'''
* Changed [[Gunslinger|The Gunslinger]] contract objective from "Get a kill with a Sentry Gun" to "Get a kill with a [[Combat Mini-Sentry Gun|mini-sentry]]".
'''{{Patch name|12|1|2017}}'''
* Contract loaner items no longer have an expiration date.
'''{{Patch name|2|14|2018}}'''
* Ended the Jungle Inferno Campaign.
** Added a contracts-only pass to allow players who did not participate in the Jungle Inferno Campaign to access the Jungle Inferno contracts. This pass does not grant campaign-specific perks such as campaign case drops, enhanced rank badges, etc.
'''{{Patch name|3|28|2018}} #1'''
* Updated the [[Huntsman]] contract to give 5 points instead of 4 on the Expert objective to fix not being able to fully complete the contract.
'''{{Patch name|10|19|2018}}''' ({{update link|Scream Fortress 2018}})
* Added 5 new Contracts for the featured maps.
** Completing a Halloween Contract will give players a Classic Halloween item and the chance for a [[Violet Vermin Case]] or a [[Scream Fortress X War Paint Case]].
* All Halloween Contracts have been reset, allowing them to be completed again.
'''{{Patch name|10|22|2018}}'''
* Fixed an issue preventing some players from being able to activate Halloween Contracts.
'''{{Patch name|10|10|2019}}''' ({{update link|Scream Fortress 2019}})
* All Halloween Contracts have been reset, allowing them to be completed again.
* Completing a Halloween Contract will give players a Classic Halloween item and the chance for a [[Spooky Spoils Case]].
'''{{Patch name|10|11|2019}}'''
* Fixed contracts not counting TNT kills on [[Laughter]] as [[Pumpkin bomb|pumpkin]] kills.
'''{{Patch name|10|1|2020}}''' ({{update link|Scream Fortress 2020}})
* All Halloween Contracts have been reset, allowing them to be completed again.
* Added new Contracts for this year's featured community maps.
* Completing a Halloween Contract will give players a Classic Halloween item and the chance for a [[Wicked Windfall Case]] or [[Scream Fortress XII War Paint Case]].
'''{{Patch name|10|5|2021}}''' ({{update link|Scream Fortress 2021}})
* All Halloween Contracts have been reset, allowing them to be completed again.
* Added new Contracts for this year's featured community maps.
* Completing a Halloween Contract will give players a Classic Halloween item and the chance for a [[Crimson Cache Case]] or [[Scream Fortress XIII War Paint Case]].
'''{{Patch name|10|8|2021}}'''
* Updated the 2nd objective for the [[Graveyard]] contract to be "Survive 500 damage in a single life on Graveyard".
'''{{Patch name|10|5|2022}}''' ({{update link|Scream Fortress 2022}})
* All Halloween Contracts have been reset, allowing them to be completed again.
* Added new Contracts for this year's featured community maps.
* Completing a Halloween Contract will give players a Classic Halloween item and the chance for a [[Ghoulish Gains Case]] or [[Scream Fortress XIV War Paint Case]].
'''{{Patch name|10|7|2022}}'''
* Fixed [[Crasher]]'s contract objective pointing to the wrong map.
* Fixed the Escape Hell contract objective not triggering on some maps.
'''{{Patch name|10|11|2022}}'''
* Fixed a client crash related to the [[Ghoulpit]] contract.
* Fixed [[Sinthetic]] contract objective counting pumpkin bomb kills instead of killing the [[Sinthetic#Toastmaster|Toastmaster]].
'''{{Patch name|10|9|2023}} #1''' ({{update link|Scream Fortress 2023}})
* All Halloween Contracts have been reset, allowing them to be completed again.
* Added new Contracts for this year's featured community maps.
* Completing a Halloween Contract will give players a Classic Halloween item and the chance for a [[Bone-Chilling Bonanza Case]].
'''{{Patch name|10|19|2023}}'''
* Fixed floating 'Bonus' label in the middle of the screen while working on certain contracts.
'''{{Patch name|10|10|2024}} #1''' ({{update link|Scream Fortress 2024}})
* All Halloween Contracts have been reset, allowing them to be completed again.
* Added new Contracts for this year's featured community maps.
* Completing a Halloween Contract will give players a Classic Halloween item and the chance for a [[Terrifying Trove Case]].
'''{{Patch name|10|18|2024}}'''
* Fixed an issue with [[Blazehattan]] contracts.
* Fixed an issue with [[Outburst]] contracts.
'''{{Patch name|10|24|2024}}'''
* Updated [[Freaky Fair]]'s expert contract to be "Win a round on Freaky Fair".
== See also ==
* [[Contract strategy]]
{{Gun Mettle Update Nav}}

Latest revision as of 10:17, 15 January 2025

This article is about the in-game system. For the comic, see The Contract.
Main Menu pauling tough break title.png

Contracts refer to the in-game systems, generally active during Campaigns or events, used to assign and track the completion of skill-based objectives while playing on Valve-official servers via Casual Mode or Competitive Mode. These objectives involve performing unique tasks, and may require either the use of or playing as a specific class, weapon, map, or game mode in order to fulfil them, granting points towards an active contract for doing so. After the objective(s) have been fulfilled enough times, the contract may be turned in for a reward, either in the form of items or currency that may be used to redeem items, as well as Contract Stars that can be used to unlock additional contracts. Secondary bonus objectives may only be fulfilled a set number of times, and grant additional Contract Stars upon completion, allowing players to potentially have multiple contracts unlocked at once, though only one contract may be active at a time.

Occasionally, multiple selections for a single contract become available, however, after making a decision and activating the contract, the other options are made permanently unavailable. In the scenario a weapon-specific contract is active, but the player does not own the required weapon, they are able to temporarily borrow it via the Loaner Program for the duration of the contract, so long as said contract is active. Progress on active contracts may also be assisted through the use of the Friendly-Fire system; by playing on the same server and team as Steam friends or people in the same party, even if they do not also have access to the respective contract themselves, players doing contracts are able to gain points towards their objectives when a party member completes a specific objective. Contracts may be freely reactivated, so long as there are still incomplete objectives to fulfil.

Contracts supplement achievements as a means of encouraging players to explore features of Team Fortress 2.


Mercenary park contract example 1.png
Main article: ConTracker

Contracts are accessed and managed via the ConTracker, an interface used to select, unlock, activate, and track contracts. It can be accessed by clicking on the ConTracker-shaped icon, pressing the Open Contracter Drawer key (default key: F2), or by using a Jungle Inferno ConTracker within the backpack. In this menu the player has access to folders that contain contracts specific to a Campaign or event as well as sub-folders that may focus on a specific category, such as particular maps. Contracts with a lock icon are inaccessable and may only be unlocked after completing certain prerequisites, usually being the previous connected contract's primary objective and having enough Contracts Stars. While a contract is active and the contract conditions are met, the HUD shows the currently-active contract, its objectives, and its completion progress. Upon completion of any objective, the player is prompted to open the ConTracker to turn in the contract.

Additionally, the Mercenary Park Gift Shop is available, where players can spend Blood Money, a currency earned through certain contracts, on additional rewards, such as War Paints and War Paint cases.

Contracts Drawer

Main article: Contracts drawer

Prior to the Jungle Inferno Update, the Contracts Drawer was used as the contract management system, accessible from the main menu. Contracts were granted at random rather than all being available to view at once, with up to two contracts being made available at once, and are automatically removed from the drawer after being completed and turned in. Contracts were tracked automatically, allowing for multiple contracts to be progressed at the same time. New contracts would be granted weekly to players with at least one empty slot in their contact drawer during the Gun Mettle and Tough Break Campaigns, and daily during the Scream Fortress VII and VIII events. If a player had fallen behind or was too slow to fulfill their existing contracts, they would be granted the contracts they had missed out on at an increased rate until the "backlog" of contracts had been fulfilled.

Bonus objectives, originally labelled as advanced objectives, did not have a limit to how many times they could be fulfilled. Most contracts upon completion would allow players to earn up to 30 additional bonus points by fulfilling the advanced objectives before turning the contract in, though doing this only incremented the amount of contract points earned during the Campaign.

Currently available contracts

Backpack Thermal Thruster.png

Pyroland Contracts

Pyroland Contracts were added in the Jungle Inferno Update, and are freely available to all players. Completing these contracts would grant new Pyro weapons, as well as a Heavy weapon, added in the Jungle Inferno Update as a result of the Meat vs. Match War from the Meet Your Match Update. Prior to the April 26, 2018 Patch, these items were only available through the Pyroland Contracts.

Backpack Jungle Inferno ConTracker.png

Mercenary Park Contracts

Mercenary Park Contracts were added in the Jungle Inferno Update as part of the Jungle Inferno Campaign, and are available to players who use a Jungle Inferno Campaign Pass or Jungle Inferno Contracts Pass. Completing these contracts would grant Blood Money — a currency used in the Mercenary Park Gift Shop for various War Paints and War Paint Cases — as well as exclusive cosmetic items and the Dragon Slayer War Paint.

Situationally-available contracts

Backpack Soul Gargoyle Gold.png

Halloween Contracts

Halloween Contracts were added in the Scream Fortress IX update, and are freely available to all players. They are only available during Scream Fortress events, with progress from the previous event being reset and more contracts introduced each new event. Each contract completed grants a Halloween Package.

Previously available contracts

Backpack Gun Mettle Campaign Coin.png

Gun Mettle Campaign Contracts

Gun Mettle Campaign Contracts were added in the Gun Mettle Update, and were available to players who used a Gun Mettle Campaign Pass. Each contract completed would grant a Decorated weapon from either the Teufort Collection, Craftsmann Collection, or either a Concealed Killer Weapons Case or Powerhouse Weapons Case.

These contracts were available to complete from July 2nd, 2015 – September 10th, 2015.

Backpack Soul Gargoyle.png


Merasmissions were seasonal contracts added in the Scream Fortress VII update, and were freely available to all players. They could only be completed during the Scream Fortress VII and Scream Fortress VIII events, with progress from the previous event reset and more contracts introduced the following event. Each contract completed would grant a past Halloween cosmetic from Scream Fortress 2011–2014, and potentially a bonus in the form of a Spellbook Page and either Gargoyle Cases during Scream Fortress VII, or Creepy Crawly Cases during Scream Fortress VIII.

These contracts were available to complete from October 28th, 2015 – November 12th, 2015 and October 21st, 2016 – November 16th, 2016.

Backpack Tough Break Campaign Stamp.png

Tough Break Campaign Contracts

Tough Break Campaign Contracts were added in the Tough Break Update, and were available to players who used a Tough Break Campaign Pass. Each contract completed would grant a Decorated weapon from either the Harvest Collection, Gentlemanne's Collection, or either a Pyroland Weapons Case or Warbird Weapons Case.

These contracts were available to complete from December 17th, 2015 – April 4th, 2016.

Update history

July 2, 2015 Patch (Gun Mettle Update)
  • [Undocumented] Added Gun Mettle Campaign Pass and Gun Mettle Campaign Coin.

July 2, 2015 Patch #2

  • Fixed a bug that prevented some clients from updating their contract progress.

July 4, 2015 Patch #1

  • Fixed a client crash related to campaign contracts.

July 6, 2015 Patch

  • Fixed missing descriptions for the Powerhouse Contract.
  • Fixed an OS X crash related to Contracts.

July 8, 2015 Patch #1

  • Fixed suicides counting for the "Get a kill on Powerhouse" Contract objective.

July 15, 2015 Patch #1

  • Fixed a case where Campaign Coins weren't displaying the correct stats based on the number of submitted contracts.
    • Everyone affected by this bug has received the maximum contract points (including bonus points) for the missing contracts.

July 15, 2015 Patch #2

  • [Undocumented] Updated a bunch of GUI textures (mainly contract related) to not use mipmaps, preventing quality degradation for players who set aggressive maximum minmap levels.

July 23, 2015 Patch #1

  • Fixed the Contracts button on the main menu not being disabled when there are no contracts.
  • Fixed a rare client crash when turning in Contracts.
  • Updated the Spy Contract objective for destroying buildings to work with the Ap-Sap, the Red-Tape Recorder, and the Snack Attack.

August 19, 2015 Patch #1

  • Fixed capturing the jack not incrementing Scout contract points.

October 1, 2015 Patch

  • The Gun Mettle Campaign has officially ended.
    • Gun Mettle Coin owners have until October 12th to finish any remaining contracts. Contracts will expire on the 13th and will be removed.
  • Updated campaign contracts to display their expiration date when the time remaining is less than a week.

October 19, 2015 Patch

  • Fixed a client crash related to the contract menu.

October 28, 2015 Patch (Scream Fortress VII)

  • Added Merasmissions.

October 29, 2015 Patch

  • Fixed the "Win a Bumper Kart minigame" Merasmission objective not triggering in the event of a team wipe.

November 3, 2015 Patch

  • Updated Merasmissions to include a Quickplay button that will automatically join the required map or open the Quickplay menu if any map can be used.

November 6, 2015 Patch

  • Fixed two of the Gorge Event Merasmission's objectives not working properly.

December 17, 2015 Patch (Tough Break Update)

  • Added 26 new contracts, including contracts which issue loaner weapons.

December 18, 2015 Patch

  • Fixed Engineer's Wrangler contract updating points for players other than the Engineer doing the contract.

January 12, 2016 Patch

  • Added more postcards for the Tough Break contracts.

January 20, 2016 Patch

  • Fixed the Engineer's Wrangler contract updating points while the player is not an Engineer.

March 17, 2016 Patch

  • Fixed the Demoknight contract counting suicides as contract progress.

March 28, 2016 Patch

  • Fixed players not receiving Tough Break contracts and extended the campaign deadline through April 4th.

October 21, 2016 Patch #1 (Scream Fortress VIII)

  • Added 3 new Merasmissions for the featured maps.
    • Completing a Merasmission will give players a Classic Halloween item and the chance for a Creepy Crawly Case.

October 21, 2016 Patch #2

  • Fixed not being able to gain progress on Merasmissions.

October 25, 2016 Patch #1

  • Fixed a problem causing some players to receive the incorrect number of Merasmissions.
    • Players should receive one Scream Fortress VIII Merasmission per day of the event, for a maximum possible of seven as of today.
    • Players who received too few Merasmissions will be able to quickly catch up to the intended amount.
    • A small number of players who received too many Merasmissions will not receive any for the next few days.
  • Fixed the Tome of Merasmissions displaying an erroneous maximum number.
    • All players will have the opportunity to receive twenty-six Merasmissions during this year's event, regardless of number of Merasmissions completed in previous years.

November 2, 2016 Patch

  • Fixed a case where players could suicide on a pumpkin bomb to gain progress on certain Merasmissions.

October 20, 2017 Patch #1 (Jungle Inferno Update)

  • Added free contracts to earn the new Pyro and Heavy items.
  • Added 36 campaign contracts.
  • Added Mercenary Park Gift Shop to select your campaign contract rewards.
  • Added equippable ConTracker to customize and track your campaign experience, replacing the Contract Drawer.
    • Contracts can now be chosen freely.
    • Progress can now be made on Bonus Objectives before completing the Primary Objective.
    • Only one Contract can be active at a time.
    • Contracts are now unlocked by spending Stars. Stars are earned by completing objectives.
    • Contracts can be turned-in once the Primary Objective is complete.
    • Partially completed Contracts can be reactivated, for free, at any time.
    • Party members who are on the same server and same team can now help earn progress on each other's Contracts.

October 23, 2017 Patch

  • Fixed contract objectives related to the Direct Hit not registering.
  • Fixed contract objectives related to Sentry Guns not registering.
  • Fixed being unable to turn-in one of the bonus objectives for the Medic contract.

October 24, 2017 Patch

  • Reduced the number of times the bonus objectives for the Thermal Thruster Contract need to be completed.
  • Reduced the number of times "Defend the control point" objectives need to be completed.
  • Fixed The Festive Black Box not working for Black Box Contracts.
  • Fixed the 2nd objective for the Brass Beast Contract.

October 25, 2017 Patch

  • Fixed a client/server crash related to contracts.

October 26, 2017 Patch (Scream Fortress IX)

  • Added free Halloween contracts and rewards added to the ConTracker.

October 27, 2017 Patch

  • Fixed the Flare Gun Contract Bonus Objective requiring Mini-Crit kills instead of Crit kills.
  • Made it easier to score "defend an objective" style Contract objectives.
  • Lowered the requirements for the Amputator Contract's bonus objectives.

October 30, 2017 Patch

December 1, 2017 Patch

  • Contract loaner items no longer have an expiration date.

February 14, 2018 Patch

  • Ended the Jungle Inferno Campaign.
    • Added a contracts-only pass to allow players who did not participate in the Jungle Inferno Campaign to access the Jungle Inferno contracts. This pass does not grant campaign-specific perks such as campaign case drops, enhanced rank badges, etc.

March 28, 2018 Patch #1

  • Updated the Huntsman contract to give 5 points instead of 4 on the Expert objective to fix not being able to fully complete the contract.

October 19, 2018 Patch (Scream Fortress X)

  • Added 5 new Contracts for the featured maps.
  • All Halloween Contracts have been reset, allowing them to be completed again.

October 22, 2018 Patch

  • Fixed an issue preventing some players from being able to activate Halloween Contracts.

October 10, 2019 Patch (Scream Fortress XI)

  • All Halloween Contracts have been reset, allowing them to be completed again.
  • Completing a Halloween Contract will give players a Classic Halloween item and the chance for a Spooky Spoils Case.

October 11, 2019 Patch

October 1, 2020 Patch (Scream Fortress XII)

  • All Halloween Contracts have been reset, allowing them to be completed again.
  • Added new Contracts for this year's featured community maps.
  • Completing a Halloween Contract will give players a Classic Halloween item and the chance for a Wicked Windfall Case or Scream Fortress XII War Paint Case.

October 5, 2021 Patch (Scream Fortress XIII)

  • All Halloween Contracts have been reset, allowing them to be completed again.
  • Added new Contracts for this year's featured community maps.
  • Completing a Halloween Contract will give players a Classic Halloween item and the chance for a Crimson Cache Case or Scream Fortress XIII War Paint Case.

October 8, 2021 Patch

  • Updated the 2nd objective for the Graveyard contract to be "Survive 500 damage in a single life on Graveyard".

October 5, 2022 Patch (Scream Fortress XIV)

  • All Halloween Contracts have been reset, allowing them to be completed again.
  • Added new Contracts for this year's featured community maps.
  • Completing a Halloween Contract will give players a Classic Halloween item and the chance for a Ghoulish Gains Case or Scream Fortress XIV War Paint Case.

October 7, 2022 Patch

  • Fixed Crasher's contract objective pointing to the wrong map.
  • Fixed the Escape Hell contract objective not triggering on some maps.

October 11, 2022 Patch

  • Fixed a client crash related to the Ghoulpit contract.
  • Fixed Sinthetic contract objective counting pumpkin bomb kills instead of killing the Toastmaster.

October 9, 2023 Patch #1 (Scream Fortress XV)

  • All Halloween Contracts have been reset, allowing them to be completed again.
  • Added new Contracts for this year's featured community maps.
  • Completing a Halloween Contract will give players a Classic Halloween item and the chance for a Bone-Chilling Bonanza Case.

October 19, 2023 Patch

  • Fixed floating 'Bonus' label in the middle of the screen while working on certain contracts.

October 10, 2024 Patch #1 (Scream Fortress XVI)

  • All Halloween Contracts have been reset, allowing them to be completed again.
  • Added new Contracts for this year's featured community maps.
  • Completing a Halloween Contract will give players a Classic Halloween item and the chance for a Terrifying Trove Case.

October 18, 2024 Patch

October 24, 2024 Patch

  • Updated Freaky Fair's expert contract to be "Win a round on Freaky Fair".

See also