Tug of War

From Team Fortress Wiki
Revision as of 05:20, 25 October 2024 by Kibblekip (talk | contribs) (Slightly adjusted gameplay section, added quote, swapped cart and HUD images, removed stub notice (through some testing, cart appears to function identically to Payload, bar unique properties already mentioned on this page))
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Little men steal our cart!
The Heavy seeing the enemy capture the cart

Tug of War is a community-created game mode added in Scream Fortress XVI with the October 10, 2024 Patch. It combines features from King of the Hill and Payload, featuring a central capture point atop a pushable cart that both teams may capture and push, and two separate round timers.



The capture point in Tug of War sits atop a moving cart that starts as neutral at the beginning of the round, which either team must work to capture. Upon capture, the team controlling the point may push the cart by standing on top of it, moving it towards the opposing team's checkpoint. After capturing this checkpoint, the controlling team's timer begins to count down, with the round ending in victory upon reaching zero. The team not in control of the point cannot push the cart until they capture the point, allowing them to push the cart back towards the other team's checkpoint, and pausing the round timer if it was at the checkpoint prior to being captured.

Cart mechanics

The cart functions similar to most Payload carts, but with added control point functionality — it is pushed by standing on top of it, with the more teammates causing it to move faster, up to a limit of 3 players. Any additional players beyond 3 do not increase the speed further. Players on the opposing team may also block cart progress by standing on the cart, and begin to "capture" it if no enemy players are present, though capture progress will pause while the cart is being contested. Cart progress will not regress if left unattended for extended periods of time, though capture progress will decay if the point is not fully captured.

The cart itself functions as a level 1 Dispenser for the team currently in control (and disguised enemy Spies), restoring health, ammo, and (for Engineers) metal to those pushing it. The cart has a glowing outline effect that can be seen through walls and from long distances, allowing players to keep an eye on its whereabouts at all times. The color of the outline changes depending on the team in control of the cart, being a neutral white if neither team has control.


Main article: Community Tug of War strategy


Main article: List of maps

Tug of War maps carry the tow_ prefix; community maps are identified with italic font.

Name Picture File name
Dynamite Tow dynamite.png tow_dynamite

Update history

October 10, 2024 Patch #1 (Scream Fortress XVI)

  • Added map: Dynamite.
