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Revision as of 23:26, 19 December 2015 by ClockworkSpirit2343 (talk | contribs)
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Ctf landfall rc0005.jpg
Basic Information
Developer(s): Unknown
Map Info
Environment: Alpine
Setting: Daylight, sunny
Map Photos
Loading screen photos.
Map Overview
Landfall overview.png
I'll take the high road, and you... should probably also take the high road.
The Soldier on Landfall

Landfall is a community-made Capture the Flag map created for's Competitive CTF Contest. It was awarded 9th place with a total of 66 points.


  • Tree: Located at the center of the map, this huge tree serves as a major landmark for the map.
  • Deck: The wooden deck in each base, on which the Intelligence briefcase rests.
  • Stump: A large stump located close to the Deck, on which Engineers tend to build.
  • Side route: The larger dirt route that skirts the outside of each base.
    • Shack: A building with an accessible roof located on the side route.

Update history

December 17, 2015 Patch (Tough Break Update)

  • Added Landfall to the game.





Layout changes:

  • You can now jump onto the shack along the outside path.
  • Better FPS
  • Various detail improvements and additions

Gameplay changes:

  • Respawn rate raised 1 tick


Layout changes:

  • Added a new room on the upper levels of each side by mid.
  • Removed the outdoor ramp leading up, and put the indoor staircase back in (connects with the new room).
  • Changed the sawroom going into the bases. It's not got more space outdoors, in hopes of making that path more dangerous for the attackers.
  • Put the Intelligence back in the old spot
  • Changed the layout of the Intelligence deck to give the outside path an easy route to the Intelligence.


Layout changes:

  • Added a small new room in mid to safely get from the lower saw-room door to the porch on the side of mid.
  • Added a new little alcove where the outside path meets mid.
  • Removed the indoor staircase going from the outside path to upper mid. It's replaced by an outdoor ramp leading up.


Gameplay Changes:

  • flag return time raised to 35 seconds

Layout changes:

  • Changed the sides of mid. They're now higher up and have a porch area to give a better vantage point on the upper catwalk.
  • Various changes to the former Intelligence area.
  • Moved the Intelligence to the building adjacent to where it used to be. I also expanded the building to make it a better Intelligence spot. I'm just trying it out for now, to see what the new location does, so I might not stick with it.


Gameplay Changes (kind of):

  • put the spawn times back to a9 times


  • Engineers can build teleporters on the edges of their spawn doors, allowing enemy Spies to teleport in.
