Badwater Basin/恶水盆地

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Badwater Basin
地图变种: 血水之盆(Bloodwater)
开发者: 未知
环境: 沙漠
设定: 白天,晴朗
Badwater Basin overview.png

Badwater Basin(恶水盆地)是一张单阶段的推车地图,图中共有4处检查点需 。蓝队需要有组织地进行推车,并护送战车前往不同的检查点,而红队的任务则是想方设法阻止蓝队的战车达到最后的控制点。这张地图是第一张单阶段的推车地图,在机枪手更新的第三天实装于游戏中。



如果你在寻找特点地点时遇到困难,你可以滑倒 Helpful overview来查看特定地点。



  • 蓝队出生点: 蓝队的第一个出生点有4个出口。左侧出口与中部出口的左分出口相对。中部出口有两个分出口分别向左,右,其左分出口面向左侧的小路,右分出口面对着目标战车。右出口是主要出口,同时也是最大的出口,也是面对目标战车。由于过大这个出口对敌方火力的抵抗力很低。
  • 山丘:一段上坡路,与蓝队的右出口相连,位于炸弹车的起始位置。除了在蓝队基地旁的一块大石头,这个区域没有别的遮挡,因此这个地方很受双方狙击手的欢迎。
  • 侧边小路: 一段小路连接着蓝队的左出口到场中山崖处。
  • 山崖: (也被称为 山脊, 上路) 这处高地连接着蓝队基地和第一检查点,中途有些岩石作为掩护,但除此之外此地没有其他掩体所以此地易于攻击或者易于被攻击,因此此地也是释放闪电战暴击的优良地点,特别对于 士兵和[[Demomen/zh-hans|爆破手]。.
  • 隧道: 战车的轨道会经过一段正位于山崖下的狭长隧道。隧道会轻微扭转两次,因为扭转的角度不大,可以在隧道的两方互相看到对面。除非躲在战车后方,隧道中的玩家很容易被狙击。
  • 岩山: 一个U形岩石地形,在为狙击手提供掩护的同时,让狙击手直面向蓝队出生点。工程师有时也会在此处建造。这里还有一个中医疗包和一个大弹药箱。部分岩石可以通过蹲跳爬上,但是这会使玩家对来自敌人攻击非常脆弱。
  • 地堡: (也被称为 车库壁龛)一个陷入地下的小型混凝土制建筑,直面向第一检查点。红队工程师经常在其上或其中建造建筑。



  • 大厅: 在屋顶下是数个连接在一起的房间。蓝队会经常从楼梯向上冲击屋顶处。
  • 屋顶: 俯瞰B检查点的建筑顶部。与A检查点的山脊处相似,占领此处基本等同于占领整个检查点区域,所以红队工程师会试图守住这个区域。
  • 前楼梯间后楼梯间:通往屋顶的两个楼梯。前楼梯间入口位于第一检查点附近,后楼梯间入口位于第二检查点和后院处。
  • 后方屋顶: 这片广阔的区域拥有出色的掩护和几个医疗包。这是蓝队用火箭和榴弹轰炸屋顶的理想场所。
  • 后院: (也被称为 庭院)一片位于屋顶后方的广阔区域。
  • 壁龛: 位于屋顶对面的开放空间。
  • 蓝队前线出生点: 当蓝队占领C点时,蓝队的出生点会移动到B点前面。出生点有一个出口,走过一小段楼梯就能到达B点。



  • 大桥:这个封闭的桥在上方穿过中部的低矮地形,逼迫蓝队向下前进并面对红队的火力。
  • 桥内房间: 在桥内的房间经常是工程师建造建筑的地点,毕竟此处易守难攻。
  • 侧路: 连通B检查点和大桥,外侧是一个平台,经常有蓝队狙击手在此处。
  • 阁楼:(也被称为阳台二楼) 一个有两层且蓝队无法轻易进入除非占领C点的建筑物。红队防守C点的核心。二楼经常代表后方区域而阳台经常代表前线区域。

Final Checkpoint

  • Alley: The last chokepoint before the final checkpoint. Both BLU and RED use this area as a base, and the corners are the focus of the fighting during the assault on the final checkpoint.
  • Pit: The entire lower level is often called this. This is where most of the action takes place.
  • Sniper Hut: (also Sniper Tower) Up a short flight of stairs, with an open window overlooking part of the Pit, this is the final Sniper deck for BLU. Demomen and Soldiers often come here as well. Engineers will also occasionally forward-base here.
  • Map Room: (also called the Window Room) These two rooms branch off the alley and lead to open windows that overlook the final checkpoint. The windows are frequently utilized by BLU to avoid the second corner of the alley. The room has a big map on its wall, lending it the name "Map Room." The room between the map room and the third checkpoint is commonly called "The Outer Map Room."
  • Overhangs: (also Garages) Underneath the map room and underneath decking across from the map room are two sheltered areas that face the checkpoint. Almost always the site of Engineer nests.
  • Spiral: (also Spiral Staircase) A spiral staircase rising from the lower level of the checkpoint to a deck off to the side of the Sniper Hut. RED can flank into and through the Back Yard and Chicken Wire Room this way when BLU holds the Alley. The deck is elevated enough to limit the classes on BLU that can access this flank.
  • Back Yard: This is the area between the Sniper Hut and the Spiral. Small skirmishes often occur here.
  • Chicken Wire Room: This is the room located between the third checkpoint and the Sniper Hut. RED often tries to flank through this room.
  • Platform: The platform is a small pathway that curves around the Pit, stretching from the front of RED's upper spawn to the back yard.
  • RED Spawn #1: RED team has two separate spawns for this map. The first is located on the top floor, with two exits. One exit leads to a one-way door shortcut to B and the staircase to C, and the other exit to D. The shortcut door locks when B is captured by BLU.
  • RED Spawn #2: A small, single room spawn located on the floor below the first spawn, with a single exit up a slope behind D. RED players will not spawn here until B has been captured by BLU.

Helpful overview

Badwater's locations
1.Side path       
5.Front Steps    
9.Back Steps  
11.Side Room
14.Map Room
16.Chicken Wire Room
17.Sniper Hut
18.Back Yard


主条目: Community Badwater Basin strategy

Update history

2008年8月19日补丁 (Heavy Update)
  • Added Badwater Basin to the game.


  • [未记载] Added a "Grocket" to this map.

2011年12月15日补丁 (Australian Christmas 2011)

  • [未记载] Removed the crashed rocket from this map.



  • Fixed player clip brush exploits and missing player clip brushes on roofs and rock walls
  • Fixed player clip smoothing
  • Fixed fence collisions
  • Fixed floating rocks in skybox
  • Fixed lighting on props
  • Fixed lighting on canyon vista
  • Handrails no longer collide with bullets and projectiles
  • Performance increase through poly reduction, model collision reduction and model fade distances
  • Players can no longer build inside Blu spawn room
  • Players can no longer be trapped with Teleporters under the sign by the first capture point
  • Players can no longer enter the room overlooking the final cap through the windows before point 3 is captured
  • Players will now be crushed by closing doors upon the capture of point 2


  • Fixed an exploit related to the final control point and dropped weapons on Badwater Basin, Barnblitz, Borneo, and Gold Rush.


  • [未记载] Added saucers and posters to Badwater Basin.


  • [未记载] Removed Saucers and Posters from all maps.

2016年10月21日补丁 (Scream Fortress 2016)

  • Added pl_badwater to the Competitive maps list.


  • Updated pl_badwater to improve hit detection around some of the staircases.

2018年3月28日补丁 #1

  • Fixed a few cases where Pyros could shoot through spawn doors.


  • Fixed being able to build outside the map on Badwater Basin.


  • Teleporter exits built very close to the white pipe near the first checkpoint will clip players into the wall.
  • Players can get stuck in the signs that pop up on capture of C.
    • It is also possible to get stuck between the two vents that exchange position after the second point is captured.
  • Bots may get stuck in a corner in BLU's forward spawn after the third point is captured, this is shown here.
  • In BLU spawn, it's possible to get stuck in between the hand truck and the wall pipes, resulting in a falling glitch. The player will build up velocity, and take increased fall damage when they exit the glitch.



