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< Mannsylvania
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Pd mannsylvania.png
Informations de base
Développeur(s) : Inconnu
Informations sur la carte
Environnement : Town
Cadre : Nuit
Dangers : Braseros, citrouilles explosives,
la fosse aux enfers
Photos de la carte
Photos dans l'écran de chargement.
Vue aérienne
Mannsylvania overview.png
Ceci est une carte de destruction de joueurs à la touche vampirique. Elle se tient dans une ville calme d'époque médiévale, connue sous le nom de Mannsylvanie et située profondément dans les montagnes de la Roumanie. Mais pour Halloween, elle a été maudite par Dracula et est maintenant infestée de chauves-souris !
Vous devez éliminer vos ennemis, collecter leur sang et le rapporter à Dracula pour gagner la partie.
— Publicité pour Mannsylvania.

Mannsylvania est une carte de Destruction de joueurs créée par la communauté. Elle se déroule dans la ville fictive de Mannsylvania, en Roumanie, un village à l'architecture gothique et lugubre, qui a été maudit par Dracula, qui joue le rôle d'annonceur.

Mannsylvania a été contribué au Steam Workshop.

Heure des sorcières

L'heure des sorcières survient à chaque fois qu'une durée définie s'écoule. Plusieurs facteurs indiquent son début et sa fin, notamment les tremblements de la caméra du joueur (qui augmentent en intensité en fonction de la proximité du centre), une annonce de Dracula, et la présence ou l'absence de chauves-souris qui s'envolent vers le ciel noir. Pendant l'heure des sorcières, il y a des sorts magiques qui apparaissent sur la carte, ainsi que des portails qui vont au château de Dracula, où se trouve la zone de livraison.

Emplacements (anglais) 🌍

The locations are described from RED's perspective from spawn to point, and are mirrored for BLU.

  • Spawn : a large room with three exits, two lower ones with a resupply cabinet in-between them, and an upper one with its own cabinet on the right.
  • First Yard : the area directly outside the Spawn. From here, players have three doors they can take. A magic spell appears here.
    • The left door leads players to the Chicken Wire Building, a building with a team-colored interior. It offers access to a perch overseeing the Second Yard and a doorway to the building guarding the Castle Bridge.
    • The middle door is a simple S-shaped corridor that leads to the Second Yard.
    • The right door takes players to the Corridor, which offers a side access to the Second Yard and keeps going, ending on two signs, one pointing left and one pointing right. Going left leads to the Pit to Hell; going right leads to the Graveyard, with the option of going up some stairs to a second floor with a vantage point over the area.
  • Second Yard : an open area in-between the center of the map and the First Yard. To the left is the Chicken Wire Building's perch and some stairs that lead to the Chapel; to the right are two doors that both lead to the Corridor. A magic spell appears here.
  • Chapel : a small white building containing a wooden platform with some steps, which is the spawn point of a rare magic spell.
  • Pit to Hell : a pit in the center of the map with a long drop that ends in Hell. A portal to Dracula's Castle appears above it every Witching Hour.
  • Graveyard Front : an open yard with a wooden cabin. A rare magic spell appears in the cabin and a portal to Dracula's Castle appears on the graveyard's gate.
  • Castle Bridge : the Castle Bridge is guarded by a white building from where several bats fly off during the Witching Hour. A portal to Dracula's Castle appears in here, and a magic spell appears in the space between this building and the back of the Chapel.
  • Dracula's Castle : the teams spawn on opposite sides of the castle and receive a full heal, overheal, and temporary invincibility. Players have to take a turn and go to the first floor in order to reach the main hall where the delivery zone (Dracula's Coffin) is located; if they take the first turn, they can opt to stay at the second floor for a vantage point over the delivery zone. When the Witching Hour is over, the players' view becomes reddened and they start to bleed to death. At any point they can take the portal near the coffin to return to their respective Second Yard with some healing (which can turn into overheal) and the Vampire Mannpower.


Article principal : Stratégie communautaire de Mannsylvania

Historique des mises à jour

Patch du 9 octobre 2023 n° 1 (Scream Fortress XV)

  • Ajout de Mannsylvania au jeu.

Patch du 13 octobre 2023

  • Ajout de nouvelles répliques personnalisées pour Merasmus qui se déclenchent à l'apparition des Gargouilles d'âme.
  • Amélioration des collisions entre joueurs et joueuses et correction de certains endroits où l'on pouvait rester bloqué.
  • Les modèles de chauvesouris sont plus nombreux sur toute la carte et leurs animations sont désormais aléatoires.
  • Amélioration des graphismes 3D de la skybox.
  • L'entité « trigger_hurt » a été désactivée dans la séquence finale, 15 secondes après la fin de la partie.
  • Corrections mineures de détails visuels.


Anecdotes (anglais) 🌍

  • The back of the sticker on the blood liquor (contents of blood bag) contains a notice about Scout missing, including information where he has last seen, a fake phone number, and an age-accelerated "mockup" with his face identical except a grown beard. It is somewhat difficult to see in-game due to being blocked by blood.
    • Additionally, some parts of the texture were unmapped to the model, including earlier variants of the backside of the sticker, and the text in front of the more-legible sticker with a checkered border, reading: "Not for those who faint at the sight of blood. Up to 3% type O blood per serving (We don't whose(sic))".
  • Sniper's van can be seen outside the playable area of BLU's First Yard.
  • On the perch of the windmill in the graveyard is a mouse trap with a piece of cheese.
  • Both spawns have an inaccessible room filled with computers behind a glass window. RED's room has a world map on the wall, as well as a frog on top of a computer in a corridor; BLU's room has a projector projecting "Bat-Mann Strikes Back!" on a screen and a penguin wearing bat wings with a grenade attached to them.
  • The RED spawn's building has a very dark veranda split into three sections. The middle section contains two crates that hide several hay bales, a television, and a deer and a hyena cutout standing next to a blood bag (which is a map prop and so cannot be collected).
  • Dracula's Castle has an inaccessible third floor with lots of bookcases filled with books, along with a half open door to a black room with two toy palm trees and a raccoon cutout with a caption that reads "Flower Shop" inside.
