Medi Gun
“ | With my breakthrough, I could do in seconds what would take other doctors months! I could take men to the peak of health, and beyond! I could make GODS!
— The Medic
” |
The Medi Gun is the default secondary weapon for the Medic. It is a modified team-colored fire hose nozzle wrapped in black tape and outfitted with a bottom handle, which is connected to the Medic's backpack by a hose. It fires a glowing team-colored beam into the recipient, who then emits similarly colored cross symbols, similar to a Teleporter trail. When a disguised Spy is overhealed, enemies can also see the team-colored crosses.
Instead of damaging enemies, the Medi Gun heals injured allies and temporarily boosts their health, up to a maximum of 150% of base health (see overhealing). Its healing rate is variable, from 24 HP per second, for patients who have been damaged in the past 10 seconds, to a maximum of 72 HP per second, for patients who have not been damaged in the past 15 seconds. Newly-spawned teammates also heal at 72 HP per second. When the heal target has not taken damage in the past 10 to 15 seconds, the rate at which the Medi Gun heals increases linearly from 24 to 72 HP per second (for example, a player who has not taken damage in the past 12.5 seconds will heal at a rate of 48 HP per second). Afterburn from the Flamethrower reduces healing from Medi guns, Dispensers, and the Amputator by between 20% and 100%, with the reduction increasing inversely proportional to the amount of healing the item provides. It also reduces the effects of the Vaccinator's ÜberCharge by 20%.
When healing, the Medi Gun's ÜberCharge bar fills at a rate of 2.5% per second. However, this rate is halved when healing targets whose health is at 142.5% or higher, or if the player is being healed by an additional healing beam (such as from another Medic, a Dispenser or the Payload cart). The ÜberCharge build penalty from each heal source stacks, further reducing the charge rate. On maps with a pre-round timer, the Medi Gun's ÜberCharge rate is increased to triple the normal rate pre-round, but this rate is still reduced if the target is being healed by multiple sources. Healing injured teammates doubles the Medic's current rate of natural health regeneration.
When healing a patient with a faster movement speed than the Medic, the Medic's speed is increased to match the patient, allowing him to keep up with faster teammates. However, the Medi Gun cannot mirror blast jumps or charges like the Quick-Fix. Any kills for the patient are counted as assists for the Medic, and add to their killstreak if they are using a killstreak Medi Gun.
When the ÜberCharge meter is full, it is deployed by pressing the alt-fire button (default key: MOUSE2). The Medic and his target are encased in team-colored shells that render them invulnerable to damage (but not knockback) for 9 seconds. Disguised Spies that trick an enemy Medic into ÜberCharging them are also invulnerable. While the ÜberCharge is active, the Medic and his patient are unable to capture a point, push the cart, or carry the intelligence. However, they are still able to block the enemy team from capturing the point or pushing their cart. The Medic cannot deploy an ÜberCharge while carrying the intelligence, and any attempt to do so will not affect the ÜberCharge meter.
The Medi Gun's beam stays locked onto its target as long as the wielding Medic keeps the primary fire button (default key: MOUSE1) held down and stays within range. This allows the Medic to turn around and effectively keep an eye out for incoming enemies from behind, and even heal allies from around corners.
In Advanced multiplayer options, there is an option to have the beam stay locked on without having to hold down the primary fire button, and another option that displays an arrow over the heal target.
[hide]Healing and function times
[collapse]Healing and function times | ||
Healing | ||
Healing (in combat) | 100% | 24 / s |
Healing (out of combat) | 300% | 72 / s |
Function times | ||
Effect duration | 8 s | |
Charge fill speed | 2.5% / s (1.25% / s) | |
Maximum charge time | 40 s (80 s) | |
Beam connect distance | 450 (Hammer units) | |
Beam disconnect distance | 540 (Hammer units)[1] | |
Values are approximate and determined by community testing. |
Strange variant
[expand]Strange variant information |
Related achievements
General achievements
Update history
- Fixed a rare crash caused by a Medi Gun losing its owner.
- The Medi Gun no longer continues to heal enemy Spies who have lost their disguise.
- The Medic's Medi Gun now charges at an increased rate during Setup time, to remove the need for self-damage grinding.
- Fixed exploit where this weapon's ÜberCharge wouldn't drain if you switched weapons.
- Fixed a rare crash that can happen when a player being healed leaves the server suddenly.
- Added option for the Medi Gun's beam to the Multiplayer->Advanced dialog. If on, the Medi Gun beam will stay attached to the current target without the need to hold down the fire button.
- Fixed the Medi Gun's effect not being removed if the Medic changed class while healing.
- Fixed potential client crash for players being healed by a Medic or Dispenser.
- Medics no longer heal enemy Spies when they're not disguised.
- Changed Medi Gun ÜberCharge meter to drain faster for each target that still has ÜberCharge beyond your current target. This means there is a penalty for having multiple people being Übercharged at one time.
- Medic heal rate returned to normal.
- Fixed unlimited ÜberCharge exploit.
- Fixed another unlimited ÜberCharge exploit.
- Fixed toggle-fire option for the Medi Gun preventing players from earning the Second Opinion achievement.
- Fixed rapid weapon switching allowing Medics to prevent deployed ÜberCharges from draining.
- Fixed broken Medi Gun taunt.
- Added percentage to ÜberCharge HUD panel for the Medic.
- Fixed the Medi Gun's charge percent for other players being steppy.
April 14, 2011 Patch (Hatless Update)
- [Undocumented] A dropped Medi Gun, after death, no longer has the hose attachment.
- [Undocumented] Added hose bodygroup to the Medi Gun.
- [Undocumented] Added Strange Quality.
December 15, 2011 Patch (Australian Christmas 2011)
- Added Festive variant.
- Festive Medi Guns can now be gifted.
- [Undocumented] Changed equip region to "Medigun Backpack".
- Fixed a Medi Gun exploit that could leave players indefinitely invulnerable
- This was fixed by making the Medic unable to heal people with his secondary weapon while taunting or using the Meet the Medic, Director's Vision, Schadenfreude, or High Five!.
August 15, 2012 Patch (Mann vs. Machine Update)
- [Undocumented] Added Silver and Gold Botkiller variants.
- Fixed the Medi Gun overheal duration attribute causing the overheal effect to decay faster, rather than slower in Mann vs. Machine.
- Added Rust, Blood, Carbonado, and Diamond Botkiller variants.
- Fixed a client crash in the Medi Gun charge meter when using a custom HUD.
December 20, 2012 Patch (Mecha Update)
- Added Silver and Gold Botkiller Mk. II variants.
- Fixed the Botkiller Medi Gun using the wrong RED team arms skin while on the BLU team.
- Fixed not seeing Medi Gun particle beams while healing players in DirectX 8.
November 21, 2013 Patch (Two Cities Update)
- [Undocumented] Added Australium variant.
June 18, 2014 Patch (Love & War Update)
- Converted the Medi Gun models to use the
- Fixed third-person Medi Gun beams appearing jittery.
December 17, 2015 Patch (Tough Break Update)
- During setup time, ÜberCharge build rate is now increased by 3x.
- Fixed the Medi Gun sometimes using the incorrect ÜberCharge rate on maps with multiple stages.
July 7, 2016 Patch (Meet Your Match Update)
- All Mediguns allow the Medic to match the speed of their heal target
- Previously only available on The Quick-Fix
- A dropped Mediguns's stored ÜberCharge begins to decay over time after coming to rest
- All Flamethrowers:
- Direct damage reduces Medi Gun healing and resist shield effects by 25%
- Fixed Medics getting the Demoman's charging speed when using Mediguns other than the Quick-Fix.
- Fixed a bug related to the Medi Gun and changing class/loadout while being healed.
- Fixed a bug with the Medi Gun not staying attached to players.
July 25, 2019 Patch (Summer 2019 Pack)
- Fixed Medi-gun(sic)/Wrench items not dropping for the Mann vs. Machine rewards.
August 21, 2020 Patch (Summer 2020 Pack)
- Fixed Australium Medigun(sic)/Wrench items not dropping for the Mann vs. Machine rewards.
- Fixed Medi Gun charges expiring too early if a server forces
- Taking environmental damage can sometimes cause the player to lose the team-colored overlay when under the effects of the ÜberCharge.
- Healing a player with any Medi Gun may sometimes result in the heal target getting 1 to 2 HP over the max overheal for that target.
- The beam from the Medi Gun and its variants can sometimes visually glitch client-side, making the beam trail off into the distance or even disappear while healing a target.
- If the Medic heals an enemy Spy that kills a teammate, the Medic is awarded a kill assist. The Medic is also credited for an assist if he heals a Spy that successfully saps a building.
- This also makes it possible for a friendly Medic to dominate a teammate if the Medic gets credited with enough of the Spy's kills on a single teammate.
- It also makes it possible for the Medic to assist in his own death.
RED first-person view.
RED Festive variant.
RED Botkiller variant.
RED Australium variant.
RED Festivized variant.
See also
External links
- Jump up ↑ game\shared\tf\tf_weapon_medigun.cpp:L468-470
[expand]Weapons |