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Basic Information
Developer(s): Unknown
Map Info
Environment: Desert
Setting: Daylight, sunny
Map Photos
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Map Overview
Fastlane overview.png
A control point map with five points, in the style of Badlands. Its symmetrical layout provides for high-speed and well balanced gameplay, while the multiple indoor routes, connected to larger outdoor arenas, provide a wide set of interesting and varied combat spaces. The arena-style control points require solid teamwork to capture and hold.

Fastlane is a Standard Control Point map. It was released with The Pyro Update as an official map. Along with Turbine, it became one of the first community created maps to be chosen by Valve as an official Team Fortress 2 map due to its outstanding quality.

The objective of Fastlane is to control all five capture points. Each team starts with their second and final control points locked, leaving only the middle point available.


Overview of Fastlane

The BLU and RED spawn rooms are at the far end respectively but change as the control points are captured. The winning team spawns at the control point before the nearest active one but the nearest a team can respawn is at Control Point 3.

Control Point 3

This point is situated under a small structure with two levels that can be jumped to. Next to the point are two other buildings containing health and ammo. The middle area is very open and offers little cover from Snipers.

  • Catwalk (mid): The catwalks far from the point above the valley.
  • Valley: The valley leading up to the point, the only non-building entrance.
  • Roof: The roof of the central building. Contains a small health pack on top of it, making it a popular spot for Demomen and Soldiers.
  • Shack: The shacks across from the central building. Contains a medium health and ammo pack. Behind it is a small alley way that connects to the valley.

Control Points 2 & 4

These points are very open, while all of their entrances are small chokepoints. These areas contains two houses, one for the first forward respawn, and another housing health and ammo.

  • Catwalk: The catwalk connecting the entrance to the upper hallways, a common place for Snipers.
  • House: The side house next to the valley connecting to the mid catwalks.
  • First forward resupply: Directly across from the house, this house contains the second spawn for when mid is captured.
  • Bridge: The bridge is located above the main entrances to RED/BLU's base and connects the entrance to the final point's upper hallways.

Control Points 1 & 5

These points are directly outside of the spawn gates and contain three different entrances. The point itself is on top of a small set of stairs leading from one of the entrances. Two of the entrances can be accessed from ground level while the third entrance leads from the second floor.

  • Upper Hallways: This is one of the three entrances to the point. It can be accessed from the second point catwalks and gives the attackers a height advantage. This area commonly contains Snipers due to it being a long narrow hallway.
  • Lower Long hallway: The long hallway accessed from the lower area of the previous point.
  • Lobby: The main entrance to the point, connecting to both the short hallway and long hallway entrances.


See Community Fastlane strategy

Control Point Timing

Control Point Multiplier Seconds
Control Point 1 and 5 ×1
4 .000
2 .667
2 .182
1 .920
Control Point 2 and 4 ×1
12 .000
8 .000
6 .545
5 .760
Control Point 3 ×1
24 .000
16 .000
13 .091
11 .520

Update history

February 24, 2009 Patch (Scout Update)

  • Updated Fastlane with Arttu's new version.


  • Due to the nature of the map's 3D skybox, many parts of Fastlane appear to be floating. [citation needed]

See also