De Colecționar

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Backpack Original.png

De colecţionar Original
Rocket Launcher de Nivel 5

O să-l pun în camera mea de trofee, cu celălalte.
Scout,creând un Winger de Colecționar

Calitatea de Colecționar este o calitate de obiecte dată tuturor obiectelor obținute prin completarea unui Chemistry Set, introdusă odată cu Patch-ul din 12 noiembrie 2013. Aceste seturi de chimie puteau fi obținute aleatoriu, dar nu mai pot fi primite în acest fel. Seturile de Chimie transformau 200 de exemplare Unice ale obiectului respectiv într-o variantă de Colecționar al aceluiași obiect. Obiectele de Colecționar sunt identice ca funcționalitate și apariție cu variantele Unice folosite pe post de ingrediente în fabricarea lor.

Obiectele de Colecționar pot fi obținute prin schimburi cu alți jucători, acestea putând fi de asemenea cumpărate din Piața comunitară Steam.

Codul hexazecimal al culorii obiectelor de Colecționar este #AA0000.

Lista obiectelor disponibile de Colecționari

[extinde]Lista armelor disponibile de Colecționar
Primare Force-A-Nature Shortstop Soda Popper Baby Face's Blaster Festive Force-A-Nature Back Scatter
Force-A-Nature Shortstop Soda Popper Baby Face's Blaster Festive Force-A-Nature Back Scatter
Secundare Bonk! Atomic Punch Crit-a-Cola Mad Milk Winger Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol Flying Guillotine
Bonk! Atomic Punch Crit-a-Cola Mad Milk Winger Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol Flying Guillotine
Melee Sandman Holy Mackerel Boston Basher Candy Cane Sun-on-a-Stick Fan O'War Atomizer Wrap Assassin
Sandman Holy Mackerel Boston Basher Candy Cane Sun-on-a-Stick Fan O'War Atomizer Wrap Assassin
Primare Direct Hit Black Box Rocket Jumper Liberty Launcher Cow Mangler 5000 Original Beggar's Bazooka Festive Black Box
Direct Hit Black Box Rocket Jumper Liberty Launcher Cow Mangler 5000 Original Beggar's Bazooka Festive Black Box
Air Strike
Air Strike
Secundare Buff Banner Gunboats Battalion's Backup Concheror Mantreads Reserve Shooter Righteous Bison B.A.S.E. Jumper
Buff Banner Gunboats Battalion's Backup Concheror Mantreads Reserve Shooter Righteous Bison B.A.S.E. Jumper
Melee Equalizer Pain Train Half-Zatoichi Disciplinary Action Market Gardener Escape Plan
Equalizer Pain Train Half-Zatoichi Disciplinary Action Market Gardener Escape Plan
Primare Backburner Degreaser Phlogistinator Rainblower
Backburner Degreaser Phlogistinator Rainblower
Secundare Flare Gun Detonator Reserve Shooter Manmelter Scorch Shot Festive Flare Gun
Flare Gun Detonator Reserve Shooter Manmelter Scorch Shot Festive Flare Gun
Melee Axtinguisher Homewrecker Powerjack Back Scratcher Sharpened Volcano Fragment Postal Pummeler Third Degree Lollichop
Axtinguisher Homewrecker Powerjack Back Scratcher Sharpened Volcano Fragment Postal Pummeler Third Degree Lollichop
Neon Annihilator
Neon Annihilator
Primare Loch-n-Load Ali Baba's Wee Booties Bootlegger Loose Cannon B.A.S.E. Jumper
Loch-n-Load Ali Baba's Wee Booties Bootlegger Loose Cannon B.A.S.E. Jumper
Secundare Chargin' Targe Scottish Resistance Sticky Jumper Splendid Screen Tide Turner
Chargin' Targe Scottish Resistance Sticky Jumper Splendid Screen Tide Turner
Melee Eyelander Pain Train Scotsman's Skullcutter Claidheamh Mòr Ullapool Caber Half-Zatoichi Persian Persuader Nessie's Nine Iron
Eyelander Pain Train Scotsman's Skullcutter Claidheamh Mòr Ullapool Caber Half-Zatoichi Persian Persuader Nessie's Nine Iron
Scottish Handshake Festive Eyelander
Scottish Handshake Festive Eyelander
Primare Natascha Brass Beast Tomislav Huo-Long Heater
Natascha Brass Beast Tomislav Huo-Long Heater
Secundare Sandvich Dalokohs Bar Buffalo Steak Sandvich Family Business
Sandvich Dalokohs Bar Buffalo Steak Sandvich Family Business
Melee Killing Gloves of Boxing Gloves of Running Urgently Warrior's Spirit Fists of Steel Eviction Notice Holiday Punch Festive Gloves of Running Urgently
Killing Gloves of Boxing Gloves of Running Urgently Warrior's Spirit Fists of Steel Eviction Notice Holiday Punch Festive Gloves of Running Urgently
Primare Frontier Justice Widowmaker Pomson 6000 Rescue Ranger
Frontier Justice Widowmaker Pomson 6000 Rescue Ranger
Secundare Wrangler Short Circuit Festive Wrangler
Wrangler Short Circuit Festive Wrangler
Melee Gunslinger Southern Hospitality Jag Eureka Effect
Gunslinger Southern Hospitality Jag Eureka Effect
Primare Blutsauger Crusader's Crossbow Overdose Festive Crusader's Crossbow
Blutsauger Crusader's Crossbow Overdose Festive Crusader's Crossbow
Secundare Kritzkrieg Quick-Fix Vaccinator
Kritzkrieg Quick-Fix Vaccinator
Melee Übersaw Vita-Saw Amputator Solemn Vow
Ubersaw Vita-Saw Amputator Solemn Vow
Primare Huntsman Sydney Sleeper Bazaar Bargain Machina Hitman's Heatmaker Fortified Compound Classic
Huntsman Sydney Sleeper Bazaar Bargain Machina Hitman's Heatmaker Fortified Compound Classic
Secundare Jarate Razorback Darwin's Danger Shield Cozy Camper Cleaner's Carbine Festive Jarate
Jarate Razorback Darwin's Danger Shield Cozy Camper Cleaner's Carbine Festive Jarate
Melee Tribalman's Shiv Bushwacka Shahanshah
Tribalman's Shiv Bushwacka Shahanshah
Secundare Ambassador L'Etranger Enforcer Diamondback
Ambassador L'Etranger Enforcer Diamondback
Melee Your Eternal Reward Conniver's Kunai Big Earner Spy-cicle
Your Eternal Reward Conniver's Kunai Big Earner Spy-cicle
PDA2 Cloak and Dagger Dead Ringer
Cloak and Dagger Dead Ringer
Construcţie Red-Tape Recorder Festive Sapper
Red-Tape Recorder Festive Sapper
Melee Conscientious Objector Bat Outta Hell
Conscientious Objector Bat Outta Hell
[extinde]Obiecte ce pot fi obținute în calitatea De Colecționar
Troublemaker's Tossle Cap Whoopee Cap Milkman Bonk Boy Backwards Ballcap Stereoscopic Shades Big Elfin Deal Boston Boom-Bringer
Troublemaker's Tossle Cap Whoopee Cap Milkman Bonk Boy Backwards Ballcap Stereoscopic Shades Big Elfin Deal Boston Boom-Bringer
Front Runner Dillinger's Duffel Fed-Fightin' Fedora Digit Divulger Bigg Mann on Campus Cool Cat Cardigan Delinquent's Down Vest Greased Lightning
Front Runner Dillinger's Duffel Fed-Fightin' Fedora Digit Divulger Bigg Mann on Campus Cool Cat Cardigan Delinquent's Down Vest Greased Lightning
Flapjack Chucklenuts Scout Shako Argyle Ace Bootie Time
Flapjack Chucklenuts Scout Shako Argyle Ace Bootie Time
Stainless Pot Tyrant's Helm Stout Shako Grenadier's Softcap Defiant Spartan Exquisite Rack Honcho's Headgear Furious Fukaamigasa
Stainless Pot Tyrant's Helm Stout Shako Grenadier's Softcap Defiant Spartan Exquisite Rack Honcho's Headgear Furious Fukaamigasa
Armored Authority Fancy Dress Uniform Lord Cockswain's Pith Helmet Conquistador Captain's Cocktails Helmet Without a Home Soldier's Stogie War Pig
Armored Authority Fancy Dress Uniform Lord Cockswain's Pith Helmet Conquistador Captain's Cocktails Helmet Without a Home Soldier's Stogie War Pig
Soldier's Slope Scopers Cloud Crasher Caribbean Conqueror Compatriot Founding Father Lieutenant Bites Valley Forge Whirly Warrior
Soldier's Slope Scopers Cloud Crasher Caribbean Conqueror Compatriot Founding Father Lieutenant Bites Valley Forge Whirly Warrior
Marshall's Mutton Chops Man in Slacks Antarctic Parka
Marshall's Mutton Chops Man in Slacks Antarctic Parka
Brigade Helm Attendant Madame Dixie Prancer's Pride Sight for Sore Eyes Dead Cone Stately Steel Toe Birdcage
Brigade Helm Attendant Madame Dixie Prancer's Pride Sight for Sore Eyes Dead Cone Stately Steel Toe Birdcage
Cremator's Conscience Little Buddy Bubble Pipe Jingle Belt Waxy Wayfinder Burning Bongos Pyrotechnic Tote Wraith Wrap
Cremator's Conscience Little Buddy Bubble Pipe Jingle Belt Waxy Wayfinder Burning Bongos Pyrotechnic Tote Wraith Wrap
Winter Wonderland Wrap Mair Mask Backpack Broiler El Muchacho Soot Suit Air Raider Bone Dome Cotton Head
Winter Wonderland Wrap Mair Mask Backpack Broiler El Muchacho Soot Suit Air Raider Bone Dome Cotton Head
Pop-Eyes Trickster's Turnout Gear Tiny Timber Toy Tailor Gas Guzzler
Pop-Eyes Trickster's Turnout Gear Tiny Timber Toy Tailor Gas Guzzler
Tippler's Tricorne Carouser's Capotain Sober Stuntman Samur-Eye Reggaelator Conjurer's Cowl Buccaneer's Bicorne Tavish DeGroot Experience
Tippler's Tricorne Carouser's Capotain Sober Stuntman Samur-Eye Reggaelator Conjurer's Cowl Buccaneer's Bicorne Tavish DeGroot Experience
Snapped Pupil Bird-Man of Aberdeen Bearded Bombardier Voodoo JuJu (Slight Return) Dark Age Defender Black Watch Glasgow Great Helm Stormin' Norman
Snapped Pupil Bird-Man of Aberdeen Bearded Bombardier Voodoo JuJu (Întoarcere aproximativă) Dark Age Defender Black Watch Glasgow Great Helm Stormin' Norman
Tartan Spartan Hurt Locher Pirate Bandana
Tartan Spartan Hurt Locher Pirate Bandana
Officer's Ushanka Heavy Duty Rag Hard Counter Pugilist's Protector Cadaver's Cranium Large Luchadore Capo's Capper Big Steel Jaw of Summer Fun
Officer's Ushanka Heavy Duty Rag Hard Counter Pugilist's Protector Cadaver's Cranium Large Luchadore Capo's Capper Big Steel Jaw of Summer Fun
Gym Rat One-Man Army Outdoorsman Toss-Proof Towel Heavy's Hockey Hair Bear Necessities Heavy-Weight Champ Katyusha
Gym Rat One-Man Army Outdoorsman Toss-Proof Towel Heavy's Hockey Hair Bear Necessities Heavy-Weight Champ Katyusha
Red Army Robin Tsarboosh Minnesota Slick
Red Army Robin Tsarboosh Minnesota Slick
Engineer's Cap Texas Slim's Dome Shine Hotrod Buckaroo's Hat Industrial Festivizer Big Country Googly Gazer Teddy Roosebelt
Engineer's Cap Texas Slim's Dome Shine Hotrod Buckaroos Hat Industrial Festivizer Big Country Googly Gazer Teddy Roosebelt
Western Wear Prairie Heel Biters Pip-Boy Wingstick Pencil Pusher Virtual Reality Headset Brainiac Hairpiece Texas Half-Pants
Western Wear Prairie Heel Biters Pip-Boy Wingstick Pencil Pusher Virtual Reality Headset Brainiac Hairpiece Texas Half-Pants
Idea Tube Pocket Purrer Flared Frontiersman Gold Digger Dogfighter Face Full of Festive Danger Egghead's Overalls
Idea Tube Pocket Purrer Flared Frontiersman Gold Digger Dogfighter Face Full of Festive Danger Egghead's Overalls
Endothermic Exowear
Endothermic Exowear
Vintage Tyrolean Physician's Procedure Mask Gentleman's Gatsby Geisha Boy Grimm Hatte Doctor's Sack Surgeon's Side Satchel Gentleman's Ushanka
Vintage Tyrolean Physician's Procedure Mask Gentleman's Gatsby Geisha Boy Grimm Hatte Doctor's Sack Surgeon's Side Satchel Gentleman's Ushanka
Medi-Mask Powdered Practitioner Das Feelinbeterbager Das Gutenkutteharen Das Hazmattenhatten A Brush with Death Slick Cut Ward
Medi-Mask Powdered Practitioner Das Feelinbeterbager Das Gutenkutteharen Das Hazmattenhatten A Brush with Death Slick Cut Ward
Mann of Reason Ruffled Ruprecht Chronoscarf
Mann of Reason Ruffled Ruprecht Chronoscarf
Master's Yellow Belt Professional's Panama Ritzy Rick's Hair Fixative Bloke's Bucket Hat Larrikin Robin Desert Marauder Swagman's Swatter Your Worst Nightmare
Master's Yellow Belt Professional's Panama Ritzy Rick's Hair Fixative Bloke's Bucket Hat Larrikin Robin Desert Marauder Swagman's Swatter Your Worst Nightmare
Fruit Shoot Koala Compact Sir Hootsalot Birdman of Australiacatraz Wet Works Brim-Full Of Bullets Chronomancer Five-Month Shadow
Fruit Shoot Koala Compact Sir Hootsalot Birdman of Australiacatraz Wet Works Brim-Full Of Bullets Chronomancer Five-Month Shadow
Golden Garment Snow Scoper Criminal Cloak Liquidator's Lid
Golden Garment Snow Scoper Criminal Cloak Liquidator's Lid
Backbiter's Billycock Familiar Fez Le Party Phantom Noh Mercy Charmer's Chapeau Rogue's Col Roule Nanobalaclava Spectre's Spectacles
Backbiter's Billycock Familiar Fez Le Party Phantom Noh Mercy Charmer's Chapeau Rogue's Col Roule Nanobalaclava Spectre's Spectacles
Sneaky Spats of Sneaking Pom-Pommed Provocateur Belgian Detective Harmburg Escapist L'homme Burglerre
Sneaky Spats of Sneaking Pom-Pommed Provocateur Belgian Detective Harmburg Escapist L'homme Burglerre
TF2 crosshair orange.png
Clase multiple
Private Eye Team Captain Itsy Bitsy Spyer Ornament Armament Teufort Tooth Kicker Triad Trinket Bonedolier Exorcizor
Private Eye Team Captain Itsy Bitsy Spyer Ornament Armament Teufort Tooth Kicker Triad Trinket Bonedolier Exorcizor
Spooky Sleeves Macho Mann Beep Boy Cuban Bristle Crisis Frenchman's Formals Special Eyes Weight Room Warmer
Spooky Sleeves Macho Mann Beep Boy Cuban Bristle Crisis Frenchman's Formals Special Eyes Weight Room Warmer
Noble Amassment of Hats Dr's Dapper Topper Horrific Headsplitter A Rather Festive Tree Deus Specs Killer Exclusive Photo Badge Brown Bomber
Noble Amassment of Hats Dr's Dapper Topper Horrific Headsplitter A Rather Festive Tree Deus Specs Killer Exclusive Photo Badge Brown Bomber
Balloonicorn Human Cannonball Marxman Rump-o'-Lantern Tuxxy Antlers Merc's Muffler Reindoonicorn
Balloonicorn Human Cannonball Marxman Rump-o'-Lantern Tuxxy Antlers Merc's Muffler Reindoonicorn
Tough Stuff Muffs Breakneck Baggies Federal Casemaker Graybanns Virtual Viewfinder Hong Kong Cone Dead of Night Polar Pullover
Tough Stuff Muffs Breakneck Baggies Federal Casemaker Graybanns Virtual Viewfinder Hong Kong Cone Dead of Night Polar Pullover

Istoria actualizărilor

Patch-ul din 12 noiembrie 2013

  • Calitatea de Colecționar a fost adăugată în joc.

Patch-ul din 26 noiembrie 2013

  • [Nedocumentat] Culoarea calității de Colecționar a fost schimbată din #830000 în #AA0000.