Pyro | |
---|---|,270,280,1,0,273,43,139,275,63,251,275,78,343,273,83,443,270,90,573,267,95,726,263,95,895,258,97,1067,252,92,1240,247,86,1408,241,81,1566,236,81,1707,232,82,1830,228,88,1935,227,95,2026,226,95,2112,228,76,2209,232,52,2330,236,30,2472,241,13,2631,248,2,2809,255,0,2995,262,6,3176,268,21,270,280,1,0,273,43,139,275,63,251,275,78,343,273,83,443,270,90,573,267,95,726,263,95,895,258,97,1067,252,92,1240,247,86,1408,241,81,1566,236,81,1707,232,82,1830,228,88,1935,227,95,2026,226,95,2112,228,76,2209,232,52,2330,236,30,2472,241,13,2631,248,2,2809,255,0,2995,262,6,3176,268,21,270,280,1,0,273,43,139,275,63,251,275,78,343,273,83,443,270,90,573,267,95,726,263,95,895,258,97,1067,252,92,1240,247,86,1408,241,81,1566,236,81,1707,232,82,1830,228,88,1935,227,95,2026,226,95,2112,228,76,2209,232,52,2330,236,30,2472,241,13,2631,248,2,2809,255,0,2995,262,6,3176,268,21,270,280,1,0,273,43,139,275,63,251,275,78,343,273,83,443,270,90,573,267,95,726,263,95,895,258,97,1067,252,92,1240,247,86,1408,241,81,1566,236,81,1707,232,82,1830,228,88,1935,227,95,2026,226,95,2112,228,76,2209,232,52,2330,236,30,2472,241,13,2631,248,2,2809,255,0,2995,262,6,3176,268,21 | |
Basic Information | |
Icon: | ![]() |
Type: | Offensive |
Health: | 175 / 260 |
Speed: | 100% 110% with the Gas Jockey's Gear Pack equipped |
Meet the Pyro | |
![]() |
“ | Mpphhh mphh mphhhh mphhh mhh!
Click to listen
— The Pyro, on anything and everything
” |
A mumbling, besuited psychopath of indeterminate origin, the Pyro has a burning fondness for fire and all things fire-related. Wielding a home-made Flamethrower, the Pyro can set opponents aflame, whittling their health away over time with the ensuing burn damage. The Pyro also wears an asbestos-lined suit that prevents any afterburn on the Pyro. Due to the short range of the Flamethrower, the Pyro relies heavily on ambush tactics to catch opponents off-guard. One of the primary roles of the Pyro is the vital task of Spy-checking; a puff of flame will ignite both Cloaked and Disguised Spies, and the Pyro will then proceed to hunt them down with the same mercy and goodwill shown all his opponents—which is to say, none.
Though categorized as an offensive class, the Pyro can also be a useful asset in defense, protecting friendly Sentry Guns from meddling Spies and sending whole attacking teams running back home in search of burn cream. In addition, the Pyro can also make use of compression blasts to reflect projectiles and sticky bombs right back to their owners, extinguish any friendly teammate that has been caught on fire and push enemies away. Pyros can also ignite a friendly Sniper's Huntsman arrow so it can ignite an enemy on a hit. The Pyro can also remove Sappers from a Engineer's Buildings by using their trusty hammer, the Homewrecker.
Basic Strategy
- Your Flamethrower does more damage the closer you are to the enemy.
- Ambush enemies to catch them in the short range of your Flamethrower. Use corners to your advantage.
- Your Flamethrower chews up a lot of ammo. Pick up fallen weapons to refill your supply.
- Switch to your Shotgun if enemies retreat beyond the short range of your Flamethrower.
- Your Flamethrower is effective at rooting out Spies (known as Spy checking).
- You can often set enemies on fire and retreat, leaving them to die from the burning.
- Hit E to call for a Medic if you get hurt. Nearby Medics will be notified of your need.
Note: Weapon damage is approximate and listed at base value. See individual weapon pages for additional figures.
The Flamethrower, Backburner, Degreaser and Flare Gun deal no damage when firing underwater.
Weapon | Ammo Loaded | Ammo Carried | Damage Range | Special Ability | |
![]() Standard |
Flamethrower | Fire: 200 Air blasts: 10 max |
N/A | Max: 139.4/sec Crit (Max): 427.5/sec Afterburn: 6/sec for 10 seconds.1 |
![]() Unlock |
Backburner | 200 | N/A | Max: 160.4/sec Crit (Max): 472.5/sec Afterburn: 6/sec for 10 seconds.1 |
![]() Craft |
Degreaser | 200 | N/A | ??? |
Weapon | Ammo Loaded | Ammo Carried | Damage Range | Special Ability | |
![]() Standard |
Shotgun | 6 | 32 | Base/Max: 60/90 Crit: 180 | |
![]() Unlock |
Flare Gun | 16 | N/A | Base: 30 Crit: 90 Afterburn: 5-6/sec for 10 seconds.1 |
Weapon | Ammo Loaded | Ammo Carried | Damage Range | Special Ability | |
![]() Standard |
Fire Axe | N/A | N/A | Base: 65 Crit: 195 |
![]() Unlock |
Axtinguisher | N/A | N/A | Base: 33 Crit: 195 |
![]() Craft |
Homewrecker | N/A | N/A | Base: 49 Crit: 146 |
![]() Craft |
Powerjack | N/A | N/A | Base: 65 Crit: 195 |
1Fire damage is determined by particle range from Flamethrower.
Taunt attack
Attack | Weapon | Duration | Damage | |
Secondary |
Hadouken | Shotgun/Flare Gun (must have ammo) | 3 Seconds | 500 (Instant kill) plus fire effect. |
Miscellaneous items
Official class avatars
- Pyro pack: 35 Achievements, 3 milestones.
- 1 General Achievement
- There is much debate about whether or not the Pyro is a female. Other classes' domination responses (Spy, Sniper, Scout, Soldier, Demoman and Engineer) that refer to this speculation appear to be insulting the Pyro's fighting capability. The flowery purse/toiletry bag in her/his locker as well as the Pyro's humiliation stance being quite feminine have only served to further fan speculation. Additionally, the Pyro has been referred to as both "he" and "she" by Valve, including on their official blog. A prime example of this is in the UI introduced after the Mac update, which refers to the Pyro as either a he or a she in the challenge dialogue box and alternates randomly between the two. To date, Valve has yet to confirm the Pyro's gender, although its misc item, the Whiskered Gentleman (see above) makes him seem masculine, This can also possibly be a reference to the fact that the Pyro may be a crazy individual.
- Along with the Medic, the Pyro does not yet have its own meet the class video. Ironically, they were the first two to receive updates. Although in an interview with the TF2 Fan Podcast, Kritzkast, Robin Walker revealed that the "Meet the Pyro" video will show the world through the eyes of the Pyro.
- The Pyro is voiced by Dennis Bateman, the voice actor of the Spy.
- The Pyro's designated job and motto was not given in Trailer 2.
- Although the Pyro is right handed, all of his melee weapons are held left-handed, meaning he could be ambidextrous.
- The Pyro can perform a rocket jump by successfully deflecting a rocket at their own feet using the compression blast ability. The Pyro's lighter weight than the Soldier makes him fly further and allows him to steer through the air easily, but as a result he also takes more self damage than the Soldier or Demoman.
- The pressure tank on the Pyro's back contains air rather than fuel, as the fuel for the Flamethrower is contained in a large kerosene gas tank inside the Flamethrower itself.
- The Pyro's home-made Flamethrower is constructed from a converted gas pump and a canister of propane.
- The Pyro carries several unusable Napalm grenades on his/her belt.
- The Pyro's air tank bleeds when shot, as it is part of the Pyro's hitbox.
- Despite being unintelligible, the Pyro is the class that talks, or rather, attempts to talk, the most, aside from the Scout.
- The Pyro is the mascot of "Pyro's Hamburgers", a brand of food sold in Left 4 Dead 2.
- The Pyro's HUD icon shows an earlier version of him, with a completely black gas canister instead of his current yellow one.
- Even though the canister on the Pyro's back contains air, he will still lose health from drowning.
- Abraham Lincoln was hired as the first BLU team Pyro.
- As of the Engineer Update, the Pyro is now the only class that has not received any new Taunt animations since the game's original release.
- The Pyro was the first class to be able to kill other players with one of his taunts.
- The Pyro is the only class that can perform the same taunt kill with two different weapons. Either the Shotgun or the Flaregun can be equipped to perform the Hadouken taunt.
- The Pyro has the least amount of voice commands/responses out of all the classes.
- Interestingly, the Pyro was, in development, the shortest class in the game. The shortest class in the final product is the Engineer.
- The Pyro, along with the Soldier, Spy, Engineer and Heavy are the only classes that have their own exponent textures for their bodies. However the Pyro has no texture for his head because he has a mask, but he does have an exponent texture for his body.
See also
- Fire
- Compression blast
- Juggling
- Pyro User Guides
- Ambushing
- Pyro match-ups
- Pyro taunts
- Pyro responses
- Pyro scripts
- Pyro strategy
- Pyro voice commands
- List of references (Pyro)
- Dodgeball