Flying Guillotine

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Revision as of 01:10, 3 August 2012 by Funandgame (talk | contribs)
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The Flying Guillotine is a secondary weapon for the Scout. It appears as a meat cleaver with Chinese characters on it. It has two styles, Thirsty and Thristier. It can be thrown to damage enemies from a range.

Update history

August 2, 2012 Patch

  • The Flying Guillotine was added to the game.



Mad Milk Mad Milk Mad Milk Reclaimed Metal Flying Guillotine
Item icon Mad Milk.png + Item icon Mad Milk.png + Item icon Mad Milk.png + Item icon Reclaimed Metal.png = Item icon Flying Guillotine.png


  • The two characters on the blade, 死 and 肉, have the meanings of "death" and "meat", respectively, in both Chinese and Japanese. If read consecutively, it translates into simply "dead meat" in Chinese.