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Revision as of 07:50, 14 July 2015 by 55me (talk | contribs)
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Basic Information
Developer(s): Unknown
Map Info
Environment: 산업
Setting: 밝은불빛,태양빛
Map Photos
Loading screen photos.
Map Overview
Powerhouse overview.png
The densely-packed, fast-paced Powerhouse is TF2's first three-point CP map. Commit wasteful crimes against nature in the environmentally conscious shadow of a clean, renewable energy source!
— Powerhouse Publicity Blurb

PowerhouseGun Mettle Update를 소개로 균형적인 3개의 점령으로 나누어진 지점 점령 맵 입니다. It is set in a hydroelectrical power plant.

File:Powerhouse overview.jpg
Overview of Powerhouse.


지점 점령포인트 1 & 3

  • 점령지: 점령지는 중간 터빈실에 있으며, 그 점령지 뒤에는 그 팀에 해당하는 리스폰 실이있습니다
  • 점령실: The control room is a room with terminals above the turbine room with the control points. 이곳은 오직 점령지로 가게돼어있답니다.여기에는 출입구가 위쪽과 중간쪽에 있습니다. 이곳에서는 대형 치료제 와 탄약팩이 있습니다.
  • 런치패드 실: 큰 복도에는 밖과 점령지로 갈수있게 돼있습니다.그리고 3개의 출구가 있습니다: 오른쪽, 조그마한 터녈의 옆앞쪽, 멀리떨어져있는 왼쪽. 또한여기에도 중형 치료제 와 탄약팩이 있습니다.

Control Point 2

  • 점령지: The control point is located on a platform above the drainage ditch. It is accessible from the team oriented ramps, and from the water.
  • Team Sides: On both sides of the ditch are concrete paths with barriers for cover. On both sides there are medium Health and Ammo kits.
  • 물가: 여기에는 조그마한 배수도량이 있는데 깊어서 익사하기 충분하답니다. The only way back up if the player falls in is from the ramp to the control point.
  • End of Paths: At the end of the paths is a platform with barrels for cover, as well as small Health and Ammo kits. By the control point is a narrow path to walk across.


점령 시간

Control Point Multiplier Seconds
Control Point 1 and 3 ×1
12 .000
8 .000
6 .545
5 .760
Control Point 2 ×1
20 .000
13 .333
10 .909
9 .600

Related achievements

See also: Obtaining Powerhouse achievements

Powerhouse has 5 map-specific achievements.

Balance of Power
Balance of Power
Win a round in which the enemy team has attempted to capture your final control point.

Power Down
Power Down
Kill 15 enemies while they are capturing a point.

The Power and the Glory
The Power and the Glory
Win 142 Rounds.
Wet Work
Wet Work
Kill five enemies while they are in the water.

Power Trip
Power Trip
Capture the final control point within 15 seconds of your team capturing the previous control point.

Update history

July 2, 2015 Patch #1 (Gun Mettle Update)

  • 새로운 지점 점령 맵: Powerhouse

July 3, 2015 Patch

  • Updated the collision geometry for the turbines in Powerhouse


  • In both team's bases, there are multiple references to outer space in the Team Fortress 2 universe.
    • Behind both team's spawns is a room filled with rockets similar to the one used on the map Doomsday.
    • To the side of the rocket room is a metallic room with a lone spherical chair similar to the aesthetics Asteroid.
    • At the center of each base is a closed launch pad with a rocket inside prepped for launch, and above a partly opened roof shutter.
    • In each team's spawn rooms, there are cubes of some unknown metallic ore, similar to those seen on Asteroid, next to the trash cans.
  • In the control room near the team oriented control point is a computer terminal and bulletin board with several references.
    • On the terminal, there is a launch sequence code "111....1". This is a code said by Soldier in Meet the Spy.
    • On both the terminal and the bulletin board, there are references to Poopy Joe.
    • The bulletin board has a newspaper referencing the Apollo 11 Moon landing.
    • The terminal says "Capacity: Lolololol", referencing "Copyright Lolololol", a phrase commonly seen on the title cards of the Meet the Team videos.
