Double Cross
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Double Cross | |
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Informations de base | |
Variantes : | Doublefrost |
Développeur(s) : | Inconnu |
Photos de la carte | |
Vue aérienne | |
Double Cross est un niveau de Capture de Drapeau. Il est sorti avec la Mise à jour WAR! en tant que niveau officiel.
« | "En plein milieu de la nuit, deux ponts en travée d'un gouffre sans fond promettant une mort certaine. (Ces ponts sont aussi en travée d'un gouffre pendant la journée, mais le portail est fermé.) Des bases secrètes cachées derrière les façades sans prétention d'une usine et d'une ferme construites si proches l'un de l'autre ne trompent pas les personnes aux alentours, qui viennent parfois pour "voir tous ces mercenaires s’entre-tuer pour conquérir cette base de Spy."
» |
Double Cross est un niveau d'un rythme effréné qui promet beaucoup de rebondissements, avec des combats qui se concentrent sur le pont principal et plein de façons d'en tomber (ou d'en faire tomber les autres). Le pont secondaire situé en dessous est parfait pour les classes les plus sournoises, et fournit un grand nombre de tunnels secrets.
Votre équipe doit capturer les Documents de l'équipe ennemie continuellement jusqu'à atteindre la limite de capture du jeu (la limite par défaut est de 3) tout en empêchant l'ennemi de faire de même.
- Captures d'écran de quelques lieux
Extérieur de la base RED
Le pont principal et la base BLU
La salle des Documents des BLU
Les égouts, derrière les remparts de la base RED
Entrée de la base RED
- Le Pont Principal: Placé perpendiculairement en dessous de la salle de réapparition de chaque équipe se trouve le Pont Principal, qui relie les deux bases. Un camion, des caisses et des déchets sont abandonnés dessus, bloquant partiellement les lignes de mire. De chaque coté, il y a une cabane qui contient un petit kit de soin. Ce pont est une route directe vers la cour ennemie et la salle des Documents.
- Le Pont Ferroviaire: En opposition au dessous du Pont Principal se trouve le Pont Ferroviaire. Il peut être atteint du pont principal grâce à des escaliers présents des deux cotés. Ce Pont Ferroviaire permet d'accéder aux réseaux d'égouts de chaque équipe, et on y trouve un kit de soin moyen au milieu. En dessous du pont, il n'y a qu'un gouffre sans fond...
- La salle des documents: Les Documents se trouvent en plein milieu d'une petite salle en dessous de la salle de réapparition de chaque équipe. Elle possède trois entrées: un haut portique menant à la salle de réapparition, le chemin principal qui mêne dans la cour et un autre qui mêne dans un salle vide qui peut être atteinte à partir des remparts. Dans la salle des documents, le tableau de l'Announcer montré dans Meet the Spy peut être vu; il s'allumera en affichant un message si les documents sont pris.
- The Courtyard: Opposite the main base entrance and below the spawn room is the Courtyard. This open area links the Main Bridge to the Intelligence room, as well as the spawn to the Intelligence room via an upper gantry. There is a small shed here from which the sewers can be reached via a short drop. A small health kit and ammo box can be found underneath the gantry.
- The Battlements: A small Sniper deck can be accessed from the Spawn. This runs parallel to and looks out over the Main Bridge, with each team's deck opposite the other. From here the Intelligence room may also be accessed via a short drop into the refuse area.
- The Sewers: Underneath each base is a network of tunnels. These can be accessed from inside the base via a set of stairs near the entrance, the shed in the Courtyard, and from a one way chute which drops into a pool of water from the spawn. These lead onto the Train Bridge. A small health kit and a medium ammo crate can be found underneath the stairs.
- Les Scouts trouvera surement plus facile d'utiliser les égouts pour prendre l'intélligence, puisque les ennemies seront concentrées sur le pont.
- Spies may also find the sewer system useful in order to get into the base quickly and without provoking attention. The map also provides many unobtrusive places to hide while cloaked, such as on top of crates and barrels.
- The sewer access shed in the courtyard is an excellent way to avoid the main entrance if you are looking for an escape route with the Intelligence.
- Conservative Engineers can construct a reasonably effective Sentry Gun at the top of the gantry in the Intelligence room to guard it. Be warned; building on the gantry in the courtyard will allow enemies who walk directly underneath it to get to the Intelligence room untouched. More adventurous Engineers may like to consider building in the enemy sewers.
- Skilled Engineers can consider building a sentry in a location that guards both bridges, such as the ammo drops halfway across the upper bridge, or on the roof of the shed outside the front entrance. Be warned, however, that Sentry Guns here are difficult to establish and usually destroyed quickly. However, on effective deploy, they can prove difficult to remove.
- Soldiers and double jumping/Force-A-Nature wielding Scouts can reach the enemy Battlements in the same way they can on 2Fort. From here, you have direct access to the Intelligence room. Also note that Soldiers, Demomen, and Scouts are the only classes that can escape over the balcony overlooking the refuse area to the Battlements. Scouts can do it with either a regular double jump or a Force-A-Nature triple jump, though it is much more difficult in only two jumps, and takes practice.
- It is not too difficult to organise a strong push with offensive classes into the enemy courtyard, as unlike other CTF maps there are no killer Sentry Gun locations. If Medic backed Heavies and Soldiers make it to the enemy base entrance, they will be in a good position to break into the Intelligence room directly. Be wary of classes attacking from the balcony leading from the spawn here.
- You can shoot directly into the enemy courtyard by hanging out a battlement window.
- The bottomless pit is coded in a way that can prove hazardous to players carrying the intelligence, as falling into it will force the carried intelligence to return to it's home base. For clever players on defense who know how to carefully utilize knockback, this can be used as a very effective defense against fleeing enemy intelligence carriers.
- Double Cross shares some similarities with 2Fort, such as the Sniper decks that over look the main bridge as well as a sewer path that lies under each base.
- Security alarm panels, much like those featured in Meet the Spy, appear in each teams' Intelligence room with the panels 'ALERT', 'INTELLIGENCE' and 'CAPTURED' lighting up when the enemy team has taken the Intelligence.
- This isn't the first Valve map to bear the name "Double Cross". The first Double Cross was an original Half-Life map designed for team deathmatch and was a sequel to the immensely popular Crossfire. Like Crossfire, it involved a bunker which could be defended and one could activate a superweapon to kill everyone not inside the bunker.
- Before the January 6, 2010 Patch, 7 moons could be seen on the map's skyline.
- The map's original name was Nightfall, but a community map PLR Nightfall was released before the WAR! Update.
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