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==== [[Compression blast/fr|Tirs d'Air Comprimés]] ====
==== [[Compression blast/fr|Tirs d'Air Comprimés]] ====
* Le Tir d'Air Comprimé sert à lancer les joueurs adverses dans certaines sections dangereuses de la carte (comme le puits sans fond de[[Steel/fr|Steel]] ou les trains de [[Well/fr|Well]]) ou simplement à les repousser si vous ne pensez pas pouvoir les battre en combat singulier (par exemple, en rencontrant un Heavy à un tournant).
* Le tir d'air comprimé (en anglais, ''airblast'') sert à lancer les joueurs adverses dans certaines sections dangereuses de la carte (comme le puits sans fond de[[Steel/fr|Steel]] ou les trains de [[Well/fr|Well]]) ou simplement à les repousser si vous ne pensez pas pouvoir les battre en combat singulier (par exemple, en rencontrant un Heavy à un tournant).
** En mode [[Arena/fr|Arena]], l'Air Comprimé peut renverser la situation de la partie et donne plus de chances à votre équipe de gagner en éjectant vos adversaires dans un ravin.  
** En mode [[Arena/fr|Arena]], l'Air Comprimé peut renverser la situation de la partie et donne plus de chances à votre équipe de gagner en éjectant vos adversaires dans un ravin.  
** Sur [[Upward/fr|Upward]], vous pouvez, de la même manière, faire tomber vos ennemis dans la falaise pour stopper une attaque imminente, ou les repousser du wagon si ils sont sur le point de prendre un Point de Contrôle.  
** Sur [[Upward/fr|Upward]], vous pouvez, de la même manière, faire tomber vos ennemis dans la falaise pour stopper une attaque imminente, ou les repousser du wagon si ils sont sur le point de prendre un Point de Contrôle.  
* L'Air Comprimé peut empêcher vos ennemis d'atteindre un pack de [[Health/fr|Soin]]. Réservez ainsi les Medikits que vous trouverez à votre Medic pour le tenir en vie.
* L'air comprimé peut empêcher vos ennemis d'atteindre un pack de [[Health/fr|Soin]]. Réservez ainsi les Medikits que vous trouverez à votre Medic pour le tenir en vie.
* La progression de l'ennemi peut être entravée avec quelques Airs Comprimés bien placés, par exemple pour empêcher un Scout qui a bu un [[Bonk! Energy Drink/fr|Bonk! Energy Drink]] d'atteindre son objectif, ou pour le bloquer sur place jusqu'à ce que son invulnérabilité se soit dissipée.
* La progression de l'ennemi peut être entravée avec quelques airblasts bien placés, par exemple pour empêcher un Scout qui a bu un [[Bonk! Energy Drink/fr|Bonk! Energy Drink]] d'atteindre son objectif, ou pour le bloquer sur place jusqu'à ce que son invulnérabilité se soit dissipée.
** You can also push enemies into corners to prevent movement and for easy follow-up. This method works well on Scouts if they are trying to escape.
** Vous pouvez aussi coincer un ennemi dans un coin pour faciliter sa poursuite, si il est plus rapide que vous, comme avec un Scout essayant de vous échapper.
** In general, limiting an enemy's movements also makes it easier for your teammates to kill him. It can also be used to deadly effect with the "Puff and Sting" tactic; set a foe on fire, knock him into the air with compression blast while taking out your Axtinguisher, and then hitting him when he lands.  
** De manière générale, entraver les mouvements d'un ennemi le rend plus facile à tuer par vos coéquipiers. L'airblast permet aussi d'utiliser la tactique du "Souffle et Frappe"; enflammez un ennemi, lancez le en l'air avec l'air comprimé, et achevez-le avec l'Hachtincteur lorsqu'il atterrit.
* Remember that the compression blast can put out allies on fire. This allows Pyros to stop allies from sustaining burn damage, and can be especially instrumental in saving burning Medics on the front line as they can regenerate health and continue healing teammates. In some cases, stopping a teammate from burning to death until they can find some health can make all the difference.
* Le tir d'air comprimé éteint les alliés en feu. Vous pouvez donc empêcher vos coéquipiers de subir des dégâts supplémentaires, et permettre aux Medics enflammés de rester sur le champ de bataille, leur vie se régénérant naturellement. Dans certains cas, vous pourriez même sauver la vie à vos collègues.I
* One of the most useful roles of the compression blast is to knock back the enemy Intelligence carrier. On many CTF maps, the enemy will often resort to suicide Scouts and Spies to constantly touch the Intelligence and prevent it from returning to your Intelligence room. You can turn this against them by allowing them to pick up the Intelligence and then airblasting them back to your base, causing them to lose much more ground than they gain. It's best to tell your teammates not to kill the Intelligence carrier if this is your plan.
* Une des fonctions les plus utiles de l'airblast est, en mode Capture the Flag, de ralentir le porteur des Documents. Dans beaucoup de cartes CTF, l'ennemi enverra des Scouts et des Spies en mission suicide pour récupérer vos Documents, et, une fois qu'ils sont sortis de votre base et tombés à terre, remettre leur "chronomètre" à zéro pour qu'ils ne puissent pas retourner chez vous. Vous pouvez donc utiliser cette tactique à votre avantage, en laissant un ennemi prendre les Documents, puis, sans le tuer, le repousser en arrière pour lui faire perdre du terrain.  
* Depending on your timing, it is possible to deflect projectiles fired by an enemy back at his own team. This can significantly help your team as you deflect potential damage to your teammates away and turn it into damage against the enemy team. Projectiles that can be deflected include [[Sandman/fr|Sandman]] balls, [[Mad Milk/fr|Mad Milk]] bottles, Soldier rockets, Pyro flares, Demoman explosives (both types), Sentry Gun rockets, [[Huntsman/fr|Huntsman]] arrows, and [[Jarate/fr|Jarate]] jars.
* Avec un bon timing, il est possible de retourner des projectiles ennemis à l'envoyeur. Cela s'avère très utile pour votre équipe, car ainsi vous leur évitez des dégâts potentiels et attaquez l'adversaire par la même occasion. Les projectiles pouvant être renvoyés incluent les balles du [[Sandman/fr|Marchand de Sable]], les bouteilles de [[Mad Milk/fr|Mad Milk]], les roquettes du Soldier, les fusées du Pyro, tous les explosifs du Demoman, les roquettes de Mitrailleuse, les flèches du [[Huntsman/fr|Huntsman]], et les bocaux de [[Jarate/fr|Jaraté]].
** Any deflected projectiles will automatically cause [[Mini-Crit/fr|Mini-Crit]]s on anybody enemies hit by the projectile, with the exception of sticky bombs from the [[Sticky Bomb Launcher/fr|Sticky Bomb Launcher]] or [[Scottish Resistance/fr|Scottish Resistance]]. If the projectile is already a critical, it will return as a critical as well. [[Jarate/fr|Jarate]] does not cause damage but will inflict Mini-Crits on any enemies hit by it, and Huntsman arrows can cause headshots if they hit an enemy in the head.
** Tous les projectiles renvoyés occasionneront des [[Mini-Crit/fr|Mini-Crit]]s sur les ennemis qu'ils touchent, à l'exception des Stickies du [[Sticky Bomb Launcher/fr|Lanceur de Bombes Collantes]] ou de la [[Scottish Resistance/fr|Scottish Resistance]]. Si le projectile est critique, il sera renvoyé dans le même état. Le [[Jarate/fr|Jaraté]] ne fera aucun dégât mais infligera des Mini-Crits aux ennemis qu'il touche, et les flèches de Huntsman renvoyées peuvent donner des Headshots si elles sont bien visées.
** Remember that any sticky bombs that have been rolled away are still under the control of the enemy Demoman, and can still damage your teammates. If possible, try to blast them away from teammates. Pipe bombs from the [[Grenade Launcher/fr|Grenade Launcher]] will turn into your team's color, and cannot damage teammates, though you can still be hurt by them.
** Les Stickies renvoyées sont toujours contrôlées par le Demoman ennemi, et peuvent encore nuire à vos alliés. Repoussez-les le plus loin possible de vos coéquipiers. Les grenades du [[Grenade Launcher/fr|Lance-Grenades]] passeront à la couleur de votre équipe, et ne sont donc pas dangereuses pour vos alliés, mais peuvent toujours vous faire des dégâts à l'explosion.
** When you deflect a projectile, remember that you don't have to fire it back at the one who shot it. Any projectiles that are deflected will "re-fire" in the direction of your crosshair, so you can turn a rocket against a Soldier's teammates, or use a Sniper's Jarate to soak a Heavy-Medic pair, and so on.
** Quand vous renvoyez un projectile, vous n'avez pas nécessairement à le diriger vers son ex-propriétaire. Le projectile renvoyé ira dans la direction de votre viseur : renvoyez la roquette d'un Soldier sur ses alliés, ou un Jaraté sur un duo Heavy-Medic.
**Remember that Mini-Crits have no damage falloff and deal extra damage as well, so if you can airblast rockets back to the Soldier that fired them from across the map, you will be able to do about 120-140 damage per rocket.
**Les Mini-Crits ne perdent pas de leur efficacité sur la distance, et infligeront toujours des dégâts supplémentaires. Même à l'autre bout de la carte, des roquettes renvoyées infligeront toujours 120 à 140 dégâts.
**If you deflect a Black Box rocket, it will give you +15 HP if it hits someone.
**Si vous renvoyez une roquette de Boîte Noire, vous gagnerez 15 de vie en touchant quelqu'un avec.
* It is very difficult to reflect objects at close range, so for these situations, extra attentiveness is called for. Watch a Soldier, count the rockets fired, and then when that hits four move forward quickly. He will load another rocket to bounce you away, and when you see the rocket reload finish (on his model) simply wait about a half second and airblast. With luck, you will airblast right as he fires.
* Il est assez délicat de renvoyer des objets à courte portée, vous devrez donc vous montrer très attentif. Surveillez discrètement un Soldier, et comptez le nombre de roquettes qu'il tire. Quand il en a tiré quatre à la suite, son Lance-Roquettes est déchargé : foncez vers lui. Il chargera alors une autre roquette pour vous repousser en arrière. Attendez la fin de son animation de recharge, puis une demi-seconde après, airblastez. Vous devriez alors renvoyer la roquette qu'il venait juste de tirer sur vous.
* Upon deflecting a projectile, its ownership is transferred to the Pyro. Therefore, it is possible to use explosives to perform explosive jumps. This can allow players to access areas that a Pyro normally can't, or to ambush enemies with unexpected maneuverability.
* Upon deflecting a projectile, its ownership is transferred to the Pyro. Therefore, it is possible to use explosives to perform explosive jumps. This can allow players to access areas that a Pyro normally can't, or to ambush enemies with unexpected maneuverability.

Revision as of 21:38, 27 February 2011

Le Pyro est une classe de combat rapproché. Il tend des embuscades à ses ennemis, ou fonce sur les groupes ennemis pour les disperser avec ses flammes. La plupart du temps, il peut se contenter d'enflammer ses ennemis et les laisser mourir de leurs brûlures. C'est une classe facile à prendre en main, mais à cause de la difficulté à maîtriser parfaitement le Tir d'air comprimé, l'art de l'embuscade, et le changement rapide d'arme, le Pyro est devenu bien plus dur à maitriser après les dernières mises à jour.


  • Jouer Pyro requiert une façon de penser qui diffère des autres classes. Le Pyro est faible lors d'attaques frontales - il perdra contre la plupart des autres classes si on le voit arriver de loin. Cependant, si il prend l'ennemi par surprise, le Pyro est la classe la plus dangereuse du jeu. Essayez de tendre des embuscades en permanence. Retenez la topographie de la carte et utilisez les raccourcis et les chemins alternatifs à la place des chemins habituels. Utilisez votre vitesse à votre avantage pour restez à la hauteur de vos adversaires.
  • Les classes plus faibles comme le Scout, l'Engineer, le Medic et le Sniper auront tendance à battre en retraite si vous les enflammez. Mettez-les en feu, retirez-vous quelques instants et revenez avec votre Fusil à pompe prêt à tirer. Ils offriront souvent leur dos à vos tirs. Une fois en feu, un Medic pourra essayer de regagner de la vie et vous tirant dessus avec son Blutsauger - soit vous le laissez brûler, soit vous sortez votre Fusil à pompe pour l'achever à distance.
  • Lorsque l'équipe adverse bat en retraite hors de la portée de votre Lance-flammes, utilisez votre Fusil à Pompe pour continuer à les attaquer. Combinés avec les dégâts de brûlure, cela suffira à achever presque n'importe quelle classe.
  • Le Pyro porte une combinaison ignifugée, et ne peut donc pas être enflammé ; mais il peut toujours subir des dégâts en entrant en contact avec la flamme du Lance-flammes d'un Pyro ennemi. Le Fusil à pompe est donc plus utile que le Lance-flammes pour combattre un autre Pyro.
  • Soyez prudents lorsque vous combattez près d'une source d'eau, de Kits de santé, d'un Medic ou d'un Distributeur, car ils peuvent éteindre un joueur en flamme immédiatement (sauf le Medic, qui doit soigner son coéquipier pendant un certain temps avant que les flammes disparaissent). Si vous pensez que les flammes ont fait suffisamment de dégâts avant d'être éteintes, utilisez le Fusil à Pompe pour achever vos ennemis. Si possible, essayez de récupérer les Kits de santé près d'ennemis en feu pour les empêcher de s'éteindre.
  • Le Tir d'air comprimé du Lance-flammes et du Degreaser fait du Pyro un démineur de choc. Utilisez-le pour :
    • Pousser les Bombes collantes loin d'objectifs importants comme les Points de contrôle ou les Documents. Les Bombes collantes renvoyées restent dangereuses pour votre équipe, mais peuvent aussi blesser le Demoman qui les a placées. Elles ne feront pas de Mini-Crits.
    • Renvoyer les roquettes, grenades, fusées du Pistolet de détresse, flèches du Huntsman et balles du Marchand de Sable droit sur l'équipe adverse. Les projectiles renvoyés feront des Mini-Crits sur vos ennemis et seront inoffensifs pour votre équipe. Les projectiles de petites taille comme les flèches, les balles, ou les fusées du Pistolet de détresse, sont beaucoup plus durs à renvoyer. Les flèches renvoyées peuvent atteindre les ennemis en pleine tête, réalisant ainsi un Headshot.
    • Renvoyer les roquettes d'une Mitrailleuse pour infliger entre 135 et 147 dommages, ce qui suffit potentiellement à tuer un Engineer ou les autres classes faibles. Rappelez-vous que vous prendrez toujours des dégâts à cause des balles de la Mitrailleuse. Cette tactique est plus efficace si un Medic allié vous assiste.
    • Pousser les ennemis hors des Points de contrôles, et les projeter vers les éléments du décor susceptibles de les tuer (train, fossé).
    • Séparer les ennemis sous ÜberCharge.
    • Éteindre les alliés en feu, en leur évitant ainsi des dégâts de brûlures.
  • Les flammes que vous voyez sortir du Lance-flammes ne correspondent pas aux flammes "réelles" qui seront prises en comptes pour les collisions avec les autres joueurs, car les "vraies" flammes sont un peu ralenties par les graphismes, et s'arrêtent un peu avant la flamme que vous voyez. C'est pourquoi il est facile de rater les classes rapides comme le Scout et les Demomans qui chargent avec la flamme "visible". Pour compenser cela, visez un peu avant vos ennemis, afin d'être sûr qu'ils rentre bien dans la flamme. Cela peut être utilisé à votre avantage, surtout contre les Pyros ennemis - si vous tirez en reculant en ligne droite, le Pyro ennemi ne vous atteindra pas à cause de la portée de la flamme, mais recevra des dommages de votre Lance-flammes malgré le fait qu'il apparaisse juste hors de portée sur votre écran. (Cette vidéo sur les mécanismes du Lance-flammes créée par HvCTerr pour le Forum Steam vous montre le fonctionnement du Lance-flammes.)
  • La portée du Lance-flammes est finalement assez courte. Beaucoup de Pyros débutants gaspillent leurs munitions sur un ennemi en fuite, sans parvenir à l'atteindre. De plus, lorsque l'ennemi s'enfuit, l'écart entre les vraies flammes et celles sur votre écran paraissent encore réduire la portée. Si un ennemi est à plus de quelques mètres de distance, prenez votre Fusil à Pompe. C'est pourquoi il faut anticiper les mouvements des ennemis qui tentent d'esquiver vos attaques. Notez également que courir vers l'avant fera aller chaque particule de flamme un peu plus loin, tout en les gardant à la même distance de votre corps, car elles additionneront la vitesse qu'elles ont à la sortie du Lance-flammes et celle de votre déplacement.
  • Lorsque vous tentez d'enflammer un ennemi, il est préférable d'attendre le grésillement aigu qui indique que vous avez bien atteint votre cible. Comme expliqué précédemment, les flammes que vous voyez sur votre écran peuvent atteindre l'ennemi sans qu'il n'en soit affecté ; le seul signe qui vous indique que vous infligez des dommages est le grésillement. Activer le compteur de dégâts et/ou le signal sonore à chaque fois que vous touchez un ennemi peut vous aider à traquer vos proies enflammées et à voir exactement où vous frappez.


Pour plus d'informations, voir Embuscade

Les embuscades sont la spécialité du Pyro. Le Pyro est faible lors d'attaques frontales - il perdra contre la plupart des autres classes si on le voit arriver de loin. Cependant, si il prend l'ennemi par surprise, le Pyro est la classe la plus dangereuse du jeu. Le Pyro ne se déplace pas aussi facilement que le Scout, et ne peut pas faire de double saut. Le Pyro ne peut pas se rendre invisible comme les Spy pour rester hors de vue. Ce que le Pyro possède, en revanche, c'est une bonne quantité de points de vie, et un Lance-flammes qui permet de faire facilement des dommages latéraux. De manière générale, alors que le Scout est très agile et que le Spy est furtif, le Pyro possède de bonnes capacités de survie qui l'aident à mener à bien ses embuscades.

L'embuscade peut être efficace aussi bien en Défense qu'en Attaque. Entamer l'avancée ennemie par derrière pendant que vos alliés les achèvent est une bonne tactique, tant en attaque qu'en défense.

Si vous prévoyez une embuscade en tant que Pyro, rappelez vous de ces quelques astuces :

  • La courte portée du Lance-Flammes oblige le Pyro à se faufiler derrière ses adversaires et à attaquer pendant qu'ils sont distraits par autre chose. Dirigez les adversaires en fuite vers des couloirs ou des coins pour augmenter vos chances de les blesser sérieusement, voir de les tuer. Gardez à l'esprit qu'un ennemi qui court en arrière réduit sa vitesse de 10%, ce qui confère l'avantage au poursuiveur la plupart du temps.
  • Utilisez les chemins alternatifs pour organiser une attaque synchronisée sur l'équipe adverse avec vos coéquipiers, en les brûlant par derrière pendant que le reste de votre équipe les attaque de face. Cela peut être très efficace en défense, notamment sur 2Fort, où il faut courir le long des couloirs pour surprendre un Medic et son partenaire Heavy.
  • Utilisez les hauteurs à votre avantage, afin de tomber sur vos ennemis. La plupart des joueurs insouciants ne regarde pas tout ce qui se situe au dessus de leur tête.
  • Surveillez toujours vos arrières avant de partir en embuscade. Il arrive que des Snipers restent en arrière pour concentrer leurs effort sur les classes spécialistes de l'embuscade, comme les Scout, les Spy, et bien sûr les Pyro.
  • Soyez prêt pour un combat en un contre un. Il est possible que vous rencontriez un ennemi sur un chemin peu emprunté, qui aurait eu la même idée que vous.
  • Le Brûleur Arrière est une arme idéale pour l'embuscade car il donne des Coups critiques lorsqu'il attaque les ennemis par derrière et inflige plus de dégâts de base. Cependant, la disparition du Tir d'air comprimé laisse le Pyro sans défense dans certaines situations.

Combat au front/Support

Mais l'embuscade n'est pas le seul domaine où le Pyro peut faire preuve des ses capacité de classe offensive. Comme toutes les classes qui ont un grand potentiel pour l'attaque, le Pyro a sa place lors de poussées offensives sur la ligne de front.

Le Pyro peut semer la panique chez l'ennemi en les enflammant à courte portée avec son arme principale, ou à longue portée avec son Pistolet de Détresse. De plus, il peut aider ses coéquipiers en déviant les projectiles afin de préserver leur santé ou en les éteignant avec son Tir d'air comprimé.

Lorsque vous accompagnez votre équipe en attaque, n'oubliez pas ces conseils :

  • Foncer dans les troupes ennemies en les enflammant tous est une bonne façon de semer le chaos et d'enrayer une attaque ennemie. Cinq ennemis qui arrivent de front sont beaucoup plus dangereux que quatre ennemis paniqués, en train de brûler, qui cherchent des Kits de santé ou un point d'eau. Cependant, cette technique est généralement considérée comme suicidaire.
    • Si un Medic est présent dans le camp d'en face, faites en sorte qu'il meure en premier. Sans quoi votre attaque n'aura servi qu'à gaspiller des munitions, et même à aider le Medic adverse à compléter son Übercharge plus rapidement en éteignant vos flammes.
  • Si un Engineer a laissé sa Mitrailleuse près d'un tournant, vous pouvez essayer de surgir et de détruire la Mitrailleuse à bout pourtant avant qu'elle ne vous tue. Cela marche assez bien sur les Mitrailleuses de niveau 1, mais rarement sur les Mitrailleuses de niveaux 2 et 3, à cause du recul. Il est aussi possible de de se positionner au coin et d'utiliser votre Lance-flammes sans activer la Mitrailleuse, avec une chance d'enflammer l'Engineer et de le forcer à battre en retraite. Si la Mitrailleuse est placée autre part qu'à un tournant, il est possible de tourner autour tout en l'attaquant afin de la détruire tout en évitant les dégâts, même si la Mitrailleuse est niveau 3 ; cependant, il faut arriver par derrière la Mitrailleuse, pour profiter du temps qu'elle met à se retourner.
  • Un Pyro sous Übercharge peut débarrasser son équipe d'une base avancée d'Engineer plus rapidement que la plupart des autres classes, mais il est plus sensible au recul que d'autres classes. Il doit donc arriver au plus près possible de la Mitrailleuse avant que cette dernière ne se mette à tirer. Utilisez les tournants à votre avantage, et rappelez à votre Medic qu'il doit toujours avancer en premier lors d'une Übercharge, afin d'attirer les tirs de la Mitrailleuse. Si vous utilisez le Brûleur Arrière, l'Engineer ennemi devrait mourir en peu de temps. Si vous utilisez le Lance-Flammes de base, il peut être utilisé pour le projeter loin de sa Mitrailleuse pour l'empêcher de la réparer, accélérant ainsi la destruction.
  • Le Pyro est également utile quand il opère en duo avec une autre classe.
    • Lorsqu'il coopère avec un Spy, le Pyro est très bon pour détruire les défenses ennemies. Le Spy peut faire une expédition chez l'ennemi afin de saboter leurs bâtiments, ce qui permet au Pyro d'arriver rapidement et de finir les bâtiments restants au Lance-flammes. Les Engineer seront trop occupés à enlever les Saboteurs pour vous remarquer. C'est le moyen le plus rapide pour détruire des Mitrailleuses solitaires, ou même des groupes de plusieurs Mitrailleuses si vous faites équipe avec d'autres groupes de Pyros et de Spies.
    • Le Pyro peut contrer les trois principaux ennemis de l'Engineer : les Spy, les Übercharges et les explosifs. Les Übercharges peuvent être réduites à néant et repoussées loin des Mitrailleuses grâce au Tir d'air comprimé. Les explosifs (plus particulièrement les Bombes collantes), peuvent être renvoyées loin des Mitrailleuses, et un Spy y repensera à deux fois avant d'attaquer une Mitrailleuse sous la protection d'un Pyro. Lorsqu'il possède le Fracasseur d'Abri pour détruire les Saboteurs, le Pyro est à l'Engineer ce que le Medic est au Heavy. La possibilité de récupérer des points de vie et des munitions grâce au Distributeur de l'Engineer est aussi un bonus.
    • Un duo Pyro-Soldier peut également être redoutable. Le Pyro peut s'occuper des ennemis en combat rapproché et dévier les projectiles le visant lui et son coéquipier, et le Soldier peut utiliser ses roquettes pour attaquer les ennemis hors de la portée du Lance-flammes.
    • En compagnie d'un duo Medic-Heavy, le Pyro est aussi très efficace : il peut protéger le Medic des attaques rapprochées et effrayer les Spy, laissant ainsi au Heavy le soin de s'occuper des ennemis enflammés qui s'enfuient.
  • Le Pistolet de Détresse est très utile pour enflammer les ennemis à longue distance. Cela peut alerter vos équipiers sur la présence d'un ennemi qu'ils n'avaient pas remarqué. Prenez garde cependant à ne pas attaquer d'adversaire en train de recevoir des soins d'un Medic, puisque cela contribuera à faire monter son taux d'Übercharge plus rapidement.
  • Afin d'organiser vos priorités, surveiller la vie des vos coéquipiers enflammés. Il se pourrait qu'ils meurent de leurs brûlures dans les secondes qui suivent si vous ne les éteignez pas !


Bien que le Pyro soit une classe d'attaque, il peut aussi être utile en défense, où il est plus facile de brûler les ennemis qui essayent d'attaquer vos alliés que ceux retranchés qui attendent que votre équipe les attaque. Il peut être un adversaire redoutable pour tous ceux qui tentent de passer derrière les lignes et c'est un élément clé du Spy-check.

Un bon Pyro défensif associé à un bon Engineer défensif forment une très bonne équipe pour protéger les lignes arrières. L'Engineer soigne le Pyro et lui fournit ses munitions tandis que le Pyro protège les bâtiments de l'Engineer.

Pendant que vous protégez les lignes arrières, essayez ces stratégies pour repousser les ennemis:

  • Restez près du point de contrôle ou des documents (si possible caché) et enflammez tous ceux qui s'approchent avec votre Lance-Flammes.
  • Utiliser votre Lance-Flammes sur vos coéquipiers est une bonne façon de faire du Spy-check. Il suffit d'un très bref coup de flamme pour enflammer un Spy ennemi; envoyer brièvement quelques flammes chaque coéquipiers est une façon économe d'éviter les problèmes de Spies.
  • Vu qu'il n'a pas besoin d'être rechargé, le Lance-Flammes peut exploiter immédiatement les munitions qu'on lui apporte. Rester près d'un Distributeur permet au Pyro de devenir une sorte de tourelle lance-flammes qui garde les installations de l'Engineer ou la salle des Documents sur les cartes CTF. Un Spy ne peut dès lors plus passer discrètement et sans dommages.
  • Connaissez les différents chemins alternatifs de votre base. La connaissance de la carte est primordiale pour attaquer l'ennemi quand il ne s'y attend pas. Par exemple, quand l'ennemi se concentre sur les portes principales de 2Fort, attaquez-les par surprise en tombant derrière eux depuis la grille ou le balcon.
  • Prenez soin de la base d'un Engineer lorsqu'il n'est pas à proximité, si possible avec le Fracasseur d'Abri pour retirer les Saboteurs.
  • L'air comprimé peut régulièrement sauver les Mitrailleuses de l'Engineer, notamment quand il n'est pas là pour les réparer en permanence. Renvoyez au loin les projectiles ou les übers qui menacent les Mitrailleuses ou encore les Spies qui tentent de les saboter.
  • En tant que défenseur, n'oubliez pas de prévenir vos coéquipiers en cas de danger en approche (même s'il arrive que le Pyro ait parfois du mal à se faire comprendre...)

Spécifique aux armes


Item icon Flame Thrower.png

  • Le Lance-Flammes est une arme de combat rapproché. Il est dévastateur à bout portant et enflamme toutes les classes, excepté les autres Pyros.
  • Les Medics, distributeurs, le Wagon de votre équipe, le Jaraté, le Mad Milk les kits de soins, les tirs d'air comprimés et l'eau éteindront les flammes. Si vous voulez garder l'ennemi enflammé après qu'il soit sorti de la portée de votre Lance-Flammes, tentez de l'écarter de ces sources.
  • Le Lance-Flammes est aussi puissant pour détruire les constructions ennemies - les mitrailleuses près d'un angle peuvent être détruites sans s'exposer a leur champ de vision, et celles à une entrée de salle peuvent être détruites en tournant autour tout en la brûlant.
  • La tête de votre Lance-Flammes peut être utilisée pour protéger la tête du Pyro contre les Snipers ennemis. Le Lance-Flammes est plus intéressant à utiliser en terrain découvert et pour soutenir vos alliés que le Brûleur Arrière.
  • De plus, la flamme traverse plusieurs cibles. Les constructions et les joueurs dans la ligne de tir peuvent donc tous être atteints en même temps, conférant au Pyro une puissance certaine contre les groupes.
  • Les murs n'arrêtent pas les flammes, sauf si ils vous empêchent de voir le point que vous voulez enflammer. Ce fait permet aux Pyros d'utiliser leur Lance-Flammes au travers des fissures et crevasses d'un mur pour attaquer un adversaire placé de l'autre côté, et ce de manière plus efficace qu'avec une arme "hitscan", à balles.
  • Les mécaniques du jeu ne créent pas une "ligne" ou un "cône" d'"attaque" hors du Lance-Flammes. Il fonctionne plutôt à peu près comme le Pistolet à Seringues du Medic. Un flot de projectiles (appelés "fireboxes") est généré près de l'oreille droite du Pyro. Ces projectiles suivent une trajectoire à peu près droite le long du modèle du Lance-Flammes, puis se dispersent au bout (cette dispersion donne l'apparence d'un cône). Chaque projectile fait de très faibles dégâts, mais leur quantité, leur taille et leur rapidité permettent de simuler un jet de flammes ininterrompu.
    • Si vous changez votre viewmodel de sens, c'est à dire en plaçant votre arme à droite ou à gauche de l'écran, en mode droitier ou gaucher, le souffle de particules sera créé du côté gauche. Soyez vigilants, cela peut se révéler handicapant lorsque vous tirez derrière des coins.
  • Le Lance-Flammes est un compromis entre le Brûleur Arrière et le Dégraisseur, l'un privilégiant les tactiques d'embuscade, tandis que l'autre se base sur une stratégie d'attaques combinées (par exemple tirer sur des ennemis en feu avec le Fusil à Pompe). La maîtrise de ces deux méthodes d'attaque permettront d'exploiter au maximum les capacités du Lance-Flammes dans ces deux domaines, ce qui compensera les bonus des autres armes principales qu'il n'a pas.
  • Cette vidéo sur la mécanique du Lance-Flammes, crée par HvCTerr, membre des forums de la communauté Steam, montre le fonctionnement du Lance-Flammes, notamment celui les particules.

Tirs d'Air Comprimés

  • Le tir d'air comprimé (en anglais, airblast) sert à lancer les joueurs adverses dans certaines sections dangereuses de la carte (comme le puits sans fond deSteel ou les trains de Well) ou simplement à les repousser si vous ne pensez pas pouvoir les battre en combat singulier (par exemple, en rencontrant un Heavy à un tournant).
    • En mode Arena, l'Air Comprimé peut renverser la situation de la partie et donne plus de chances à votre équipe de gagner en éjectant vos adversaires dans un ravin.
    • Sur Upward, vous pouvez, de la même manière, faire tomber vos ennemis dans la falaise pour stopper une attaque imminente, ou les repousser du wagon si ils sont sur le point de prendre un Point de Contrôle.
  • L'air comprimé peut empêcher vos ennemis d'atteindre un pack de Soin. Réservez ainsi les Medikits que vous trouverez à votre Medic pour le tenir en vie.
  • La progression de l'ennemi peut être entravée avec quelques airblasts bien placés, par exemple pour empêcher un Scout qui a bu un Bonk! Energy Drink d'atteindre son objectif, ou pour le bloquer sur place jusqu'à ce que son invulnérabilité se soit dissipée.
    • Vous pouvez aussi coincer un ennemi dans un coin pour faciliter sa poursuite, si il est plus rapide que vous, comme avec un Scout essayant de vous échapper.
    • De manière générale, entraver les mouvements d'un ennemi le rend plus facile à tuer par vos coéquipiers. L'airblast permet aussi d'utiliser la tactique du "Souffle et Frappe"; enflammez un ennemi, lancez le en l'air avec l'air comprimé, et achevez-le avec l'Hachtincteur lorsqu'il atterrit.
  • Le tir d'air comprimé éteint les alliés en feu. Vous pouvez donc empêcher vos coéquipiers de subir des dégâts supplémentaires, et permettre aux Medics enflammés de rester sur le champ de bataille, leur vie se régénérant naturellement. Dans certains cas, vous pourriez même sauver la vie à vos collègues.I
  • Une des fonctions les plus utiles de l'airblast est, en mode Capture the Flag, de ralentir le porteur des Documents. Dans beaucoup de cartes CTF, l'ennemi enverra des Scouts et des Spies en mission suicide pour récupérer vos Documents, et, une fois qu'ils sont sortis de votre base et tombés à terre, remettre leur "chronomètre" à zéro pour qu'ils ne puissent pas retourner chez vous. Vous pouvez donc utiliser cette tactique à votre avantage, en laissant un ennemi prendre les Documents, puis, sans le tuer, le repousser en arrière pour lui faire perdre du terrain.
  • Avec un bon timing, il est possible de retourner des projectiles ennemis à l'envoyeur. Cela s'avère très utile pour votre équipe, car ainsi vous leur évitez des dégâts potentiels et attaquez l'adversaire par la même occasion. Les projectiles pouvant être renvoyés incluent les balles du Marchand de Sable, les bouteilles de Mad Milk, les roquettes du Soldier, les fusées du Pyro, tous les explosifs du Demoman, les roquettes de Mitrailleuse, les flèches du Huntsman, et les bocaux de Jaraté.
    • Tous les projectiles renvoyés occasionneront des Mini-Crits sur les ennemis qu'ils touchent, à l'exception des Stickies du Lanceur de Bombes Collantes ou de la Scottish Resistance. Si le projectile est critique, il sera renvoyé dans le même état. Le Jaraté ne fera aucun dégât mais infligera des Mini-Crits aux ennemis qu'il touche, et les flèches de Huntsman renvoyées peuvent donner des Headshots si elles sont bien visées.
    • Les Stickies renvoyées sont toujours contrôlées par le Demoman ennemi, et peuvent encore nuire à vos alliés. Repoussez-les le plus loin possible de vos coéquipiers. Les grenades du Lance-Grenades passeront à la couleur de votre équipe, et ne sont donc pas dangereuses pour vos alliés, mais peuvent toujours vous faire des dégâts à l'explosion.
    • Quand vous renvoyez un projectile, vous n'avez pas nécessairement à le diriger vers son ex-propriétaire. Le projectile renvoyé ira dans la direction de votre viseur : renvoyez la roquette d'un Soldier sur ses alliés, ou un Jaraté sur un duo Heavy-Medic.
    • Les Mini-Crits ne perdent pas de leur efficacité sur la distance, et infligeront toujours des dégâts supplémentaires. Même à l'autre bout de la carte, des roquettes renvoyées infligeront toujours 120 à 140 dégâts.
    • Si vous renvoyez une roquette de Boîte Noire, vous gagnerez 15 de vie en touchant quelqu'un avec.
  • Il est assez délicat de renvoyer des objets à courte portée, vous devrez donc vous montrer très attentif. Surveillez discrètement un Soldier, et comptez le nombre de roquettes qu'il tire. Quand il en a tiré quatre à la suite, son Lance-Roquettes est déchargé : foncez vers lui. Il chargera alors une autre roquette pour vous repousser en arrière. Attendez la fin de son animation de recharge, puis une demi-seconde après, airblastez. Vous devriez alors renvoyer la roquette qu'il venait juste de tirer sur vous.
  • Upon deflecting a projectile, its ownership is transferred to the Pyro. Therefore, it is possible to use explosives to perform explosive jumps. This can allow players to access areas that a Pyro normally can't, or to ambush enemies with unexpected maneuverability.
  • Deflecting special projectiles will retain those properties. When deflecting a rocket fired from the Black Box, you will gain 15 HP for every enemy that it hits, and deflected rockets from the Rocket Jumper will do no damage to the enemy or yourself.
  • Sentry Guns that are far away or sit around a corner can be compromised with their own rockets by using the compression blast. This tactic can be used to part an Engineer from his Buildings, destroy the supplying Dispenser, or cause a distraction long enough for another teammate to storm in and take care of the situation. The "gun" of a Sentry Gun will only deal about three shots per reflection if performed correctly.
  • The compression blast can also be used very effectively to stop enemy ÜberCharged pairs. Usually an ÜberCharged pair will ignore all other threats to attack the most threatening targets, giving you an opportunity to get in close and disrupt their plans. You can choose to block both players or try to separate the Medic from the ÜberCharged player. This works best when you are near ledges and cliffs. However, beware that if you try to block both players, the Medic's patient may choose to single you out for elimination.
  • Another effective defensive tactic is the shepherding of friendly Sentry Guns, stationary Heavies, capture points, etc. by deflecting incoming explosives. While it is unlikely you will stop all incoming fire, it is often enough to keep your allies alive against otherwise daunting odds. This is especially effective when the Sentry Gun is near a cliff (e.g. near the 2nd point on Badlands), as it is significantly easier to remove stickies from the blast range when gravity-assisted.

Brûleur Arrière

Item icon Backburner.png

  • Without the compression blast the Pyro has trouble against Demomen and Soldiers. However, the ability to deal more damage as well as inflict 100% Critical hits when attacking an enemy from behind means that it can take out low health classes extremely quickly, and even overhealed Heavies or Chargin' Targe-equipped Demomen will die before they have time to react if you catch them from behind.
  • Because of the reduced damage of the Flamethrower, the Backburner is the ideal weapon to use against enemy Pyros.
  • When using the Backburner, it's helpful to think of yourself as a Spy that can't Cloak. Take alternate routes into enemy territory and loop back to the front lines.
  • The Backburner registers up to approximately a 45° angle to the back of a target's left or right, i.e. roughly a 90° angle centered behind where they are facing. This is significantly smaller than the Spy's Backstab angle, which appears to be 160°.
  • The Backburner may be better for ambush and/or closer-quarters combat than the Flamethrower at times, though the lack of compression blast gives players fewer tactical options.
  • While the narrow Crit area for the Backburner may prove difficult to account for with the hectic movement of combat (short of chasing enemies running in a straight line), an alternative is to find a group of enemies and strafe laterally behind them while firing your Backburner. While this is less likely to result in 1-second kills, the chance of finding and frying at least one open back is higher.
  • The Backburner is ideal in conjunction with an allied Heavy with Natascha. While his bullets slow down the enemy, sneak up behind slowed targets and light them up.


Item icon Degreaser.png

  • Le Dégraisseur permet aux joueurs de changer d'arme 65% plus rapidement, leur donnant une flexibilité considérable. En revanche, les dégats par brûlure sont réduits de 25%, ce qui signifie que les ennemis ne perdront que 45 de vie maximum apres avoir été enflammés par le dégraisseur.
  • Le dégraisseur est intéressant pour s'occuper des Scouts qui vous harcèlent en vous forçant à changer d'arme grâce à leur aptitude à s'éloigner et s'approcher rapidement. Le degraisseur vous permet de changer plus rapidement pour l'arme de melee ou le Shotgun, pour vous occuper d'eux de facon appropriée.
  • Soyez avertis que ce changement rapide peut égarer les nouveaux-venus. Si vous avez des soucis, il est recommandé de lier les armes a une touche d'accès facile.
  • Grâce au changement rapide, le dégraisseur est intéressant pour les joueurs aimant enflammer leur ennemis, les propulser en l'air avec le tir d'air comprimé, pour ensuite leur asséner un coup rapide de Fusil à Pompe,Pistolet de Détresse ou d'Hachtincteur.
    • Souvenez vous que la technique du tir d'air comprimé + Arme de mêlée ne peut être utilisée que dans une pièce ou dans un espace restreint, où les mouvements de l'ennemi peuvent être facilement restreints, en les envoyant dans les recoins par exemple. Le Dégraisseur est donc une arme optimale pour les Pyros aimant ce style de jeu, mais cela doit etre utilisé à bon escient. En général, appliquez les mêmes tactiques qu'avec le Lance-Flammes, et n'attaquez pas les ennemis de face. Empruntez les petits couloirs, préparez votre tir d'air comprimé, envoyez l'ennemi dans un recoin puis changez pour votre arme de mêlée pour porter le coup fatal !
    • Le Fusil à Pompe et le Pistolet de Détresse peuvent âtre utilisés immédiatement après un tir d'air comprimé pour faire des dégats considérables. Ainsi, toucher rapidement un ennemi avec le Pistolet de Détresse fait un Mini-Crit, voire meme un Tir Critique si la cible essaye de s'éloigner pour s'échapper. Le Fusil à Pompe permet quant à lui d'enchaîner les tirs, et est plus efficace contre les Pyros. Avec un bon timing, il est donc possible de faire un maximum de dégats sur l'ennemi...avant meme qu'il n'atterrisse.
    • Avec un bon timing et de bons réflexes, il est possible d'enflammer puis de frapper à l'Hachtincteur sans avoir besoin d'utiliser le tir d'air comprimé. La plupart des ennemis ne vont pas avoir la réaction de se tourner avant d'etre touchés, et ne pas utiliser l'air comprimé va moins les avertir et va également retirer le besoin de se rapprocher d'eux avant de les frapper.

Cette vidéo montre l'efficacité de cette technique

  • Si vous portez le Flare Gun, il est possible d'ammoindrir la pénalité concernant les dégats par brûlure. Apres avoir enflammé un ennemi, essayez de le toucher rapidement au Flare Gun alors qu'il fuit. Ce dernier va faire un Mini-Crit, et les dégats par brûlure réguliers continueront d'affecter la cible.

Fusil à Pompe

Item icon Shotgun.png

  • Le Fusil à Pompe est l'arme secondaire du Pyro et est utilisé lorsque l'ennemi est hors de portée du Lance-Flammes.
  • Il peut aussi être utilisé contre un Pyro ennemi, le Lance-Flammes ne les enflammant pas. De plus le Fusil à Pompe fait de très bon dégâts à courte portée.
  • Le Fusil à Pompe est une excellente arme après une attaque avec le Lance-Flammes. Il vous permet de faire des dégâts à une distance plus sûre (contre un Soldier par exemple, qui vous explosera à courte portée avec ses roquettes), alors que l'ennemi souffrira encore des dégâts d'after burn.
  • Consider switching to the Shotgun when moving in open spaces, as the short range of the Flamethrower will make it mostly ineffective in defending yourself (save the compression blast's effects against projectiles). Keep the Flamethrower for confined spaces.
  • The Shotgun is also a good sneaking weapon for the Pyro. Its shape is less visible than the Flamethrower's long nozzle, yet it allows the Pyro the ability to deal a fair amount of damage quickly if caught while not limiting the player to melee range like an axe would.
  • An often overlooked option for Pyros is igniting a foe, using the compression blast to disorient them, then blasting the target with Shotgun pellets. While less immediately lethal than the "Puff and Sting," it also avoids the risks of closing the range with some classes, as well as allowing a Pyro without the unlockable weapons to still have a fighting chance. This works particularly well against enemy Pyros against whom the Axtinguisher cannot one-hit kill.
  • If forced to cross open ground where enemy Snipers are known to be on the lookout, consider firing the Shotgun at them after leaving cover. While not as useful as the Flare Gun in keeping them suppressed, Shotgun rounds can shake the scopes of rifle-carrying Snipers long enough get back to a safe spot.
  • If you are a good shooter, the Shotgun actually overpowers the Flamethrower in a close up fight against a single target. If your accuracy is above average while playing, play using the Shotgun as the primary weapon and the compression blast of the Flamethrower for defense and other uses.
  • The Shotgun is great for taking care of fleeing enemies. Many players will run from a Pyro, or at least try to keep away from your Flamethrower. Pull out the Shotgun and fire a few shots to bring down their last bit of health, or trick them into coming closer.

Pistolet de Détresse

Item icon Flare Gun.png

  • Your Flare Gun is great against groups, holding down corridors, against slow enemies (like the Heavy), or against stationary enemies (like Engineers and scoped Snipers). If the enemy did not see you fire the flare, they might assume they are being attacked at point blank and try to find you or retreat to find either a Medic or health pack to put out the flames. This can be useful in forcing enemies to retreat and taking pressure off of your teammates.
  • The Flare Gun projectile will arc slightly over longer ranges just before it burns out. Be sure to compensate for this by aiming higher at longer ranges.
  • A good general rule is that the usefulness of the Flare Gun over the Shotgun is directly proportional to the number of people playing the game, although this rule carries exceptions. In games with lots of Pyros on the opposite team, it is a good idea to pick the Shotgun over the Flare Gun.
  • Another factor when choosing between the Flare Gun and Shotgun is your typical strategy. If you play by singling out a player and chasing them down, the Shotgun might be more appropriate, as it does massive damage at close range and the pellet spread gives it a better chance of hitting a moving target (e.g. zigzagging Scouts). Also, the slow reload time of the Flare Gun may allow the enemy to strike back and most likely kill you before you can get in your next shot.
  • The Flare Gun does not have falloff damage, meaning that it does the same amount of damage at all ranges. The projectile is hard to dodge at medium ranges, and enemies may run into it by mistake.
  • The Flare Gun will Mini-Crit on burning enemies at short range, and fully Crit at medium to long range. This makes it a highly effective finisher if the opponent flees or has already been hit by one flare. Two successive flares including the after-burn at long range is enough to kill any low- or medium-health class, while three to four flares spread out can even kill Heavies. Be sure to keep track of how long an enemy has been burning and time another flare to deal maximum damage.
  • One general use for the Flare Gun is for dispatching fleeing enemies at long range. Often, if a low- or medium-health class (such as a Scout, Medic, or Demoman) is ignited, they will turn around and retreat for health, leaving their backs wide open for a Critical flare. Most players will generally flee in a straight line, making them easy targets to lead.
  • Another great use for the Flare Gun is to heckle enemy Snipers; Snipers carrying the default Sniper Rifle cannot aim properly if they are on fire, so setting a Sniper on fire at a distance may force them to temporarily retreat to find water or a health pack, which can assist in your team's offense or defense at the right moment.
    • On top of that, Snipers equipped with the default Sniper Rifle will usually be sitting targets for your flares. But beware that you're exposing yourself to the Sniper's fire by doing this, so be careful when shooting flares at Snipers.
  • The Flare Gun is much less powerful against Pyros because they cannot catch fire, but don't underestimate the contact damage the flare itself deals. At longer ranges, the Shotgun's pellet spread and damage falloff will give you the advantage against enemy Pyros.
    • However, Flare Gun pellets can still deal Mini-Crit/Critical hit damage to Pyros without use of the Airblast or Jarate, but only in a very specific circumstance. This only works if the enemy Pyro is currently being attacked by another friendly Pyro using a Flamethrower, Backburner or Degreaser, as the game registers the enemy Pyro as being on fire.
  • Another good strategy with the Flare Gun is against charges. If a threat, such as a Heavy, is approaching a point, you can play defensive Pyro and easily take down the attacker. Fire a couple shots at the enemy with your Flare Gun, lighting them on fire and dealing Mini-Crit or Critical damage. The burn damage will weaken them substantially. By this point a Heavy would have in the range of 200-250 health remaining. Once he gets close enough, flank him and finish him off using the Axtinguisher, which will do Critical damage on a burning enemy, or the Flamethrower.
  • While the Flare Gun will not ignite anybody in water, the projectile itself can still cause contact damage. However, the Flare Gun itself cannot be fired while the Pyro is underwater.
  • A useful side effect of the Flare Gun is simply as a target marker — simply lighting up opponents can have benefits. Even when the damage of a single hit may not be significant (for example, against an enemy Heavy), a burning opponent will often serve as a beacon that your teammates will fire upon. This is especially useful against opponents who are concealing themselves in dark spots of the map, and can completely ruin a Spy's stealth capabilities.
  • You can trick enemy players that are unaware by shooting them with The Flare Gun and running away. If they follow you, without shooting, turn around and hit them with your Axtinguisher for a nasty surprise. If they run away for a medikit, keep attacking them.
  • If you are using the Flamethrower and dealing with a deadly close-range enemy (Pyros excluded), you can light them on fire and airblast them away, then use your Flare Gun to deal Mini-Crit/Critical hit damage from a distance.
  • With good aiming and reflexes, the Flare Gun prove to be a very effective weapon when combined with the abilities bestowed by the Degreaser. Puffing enemies with flames then quickly firing a flare at them can be surprisingly effective; and unexpected.



This attack is rarely effective, especially in serious combat situations. However, with good timing, there are places where this can be as deadly as the Knife.

  • At the beginning of a round, on a level with setup time (like Gold Rush or Dustbowl), taunting with 0:01 left on the timer will cause the taunt to launch just when the gates open, to get inattentive players.
  • This can also be a good defense against rushes. While defending a point (such as Dustbowl first point, stage 1) fire at oncoming enemies with your Shotgun (or Flare Gun). When you see a group rushing forward, wait until they're about 15 feet from the door, hide around the corner, and perform the Hadouken. If you're lucky you could get an un-Übered player. The other main times Hadouken can be effective are during stalemate and humiliation.
  • If able to get to a Sniper or an idle, non-moving player, this taunt can be perfect for a surprise attack/humiliation.
  • This taunt can take out multiple enemies, so it is very useful against groups of enemies but only if timed perfectly.
  • Hadouken can also destroy Sentry Guns, Dispensers and Teleporters. However, it's not very effective as a means for taking down Sentry Guns because that will almost always require you to be ÜberCharged.
    • A scenario in which this method is useful is when a Sentry Gun is being deployed after being carried by its Engineer. While the Flamethrower is not able to out-damage the rapidly healing building, using Hadouken will instantly destroy it. A disadvantage of this is that even though you're safe from the Sentry Gun's fire, you can't run or retaliate if an enemy attacks you.
    • Another method on small, bunched up Sentry nests that can be used is for a Pyro to sneak behind a Dispenser. If you're lucky, the Dispenser along with Engineer and Sentry Gun will be caught in the attack.


Item icon Fire Axe.png

  • The Fire Axe is the default melee weapon of the Pyro and is usually infrequently used given that the Pyro's primary and secondary weapons also excel at close range and offer superior damage output.
  • When used, its effect is much more likely to be passed off as a stray bullet from outside the target's field of view than being attacked by the Flamethrower is. To this end it can be used to knock down a target's health before attacking with the Flamethrower.
  • Additionally, because the Flamethrower does not ignite Pyros, the Fire Axe is more viable against them than the Axtinguisher.
  • If you retreat with your Shotgun while firing at an enemy Pyro you can cause him to advance with his Flamethrower. Switch to your axe and charge for a strong surprise attack.
  • While not as effective as the Axtinguisher with the "Puff and Sting," the Fire Axe can still deal significant damage to an enemy if you pin them to a wall or corner, and random Critical hits can often have the same effect.


Item icon Axtinguisher.png

  • The Axtinguisher is best used as an ambush weapon. It is not recommended to be used in direct combat due to the time necessary to switch between weapons, unless carrying the Degreaser. Furthermore, as a melee weapon, it requires the player to move in close, which cannot be done easily whilst under fire.
  • Setting your foe on fire with the Flamethrower or Degreaser and then knocking them into the air with compression blast, then finishing them with the Axtinguisher is also a very effective tactic, called the "Puff and Sting". Blasting your target into a corner or into a wall will restrict their movements (against Scouts, a second blast may be required as they can double-jump away after the first blast), disorient them, make it harder for them to hit you, and line you up for a perfect chance to land the killing blow as the enemy is coming down.
  • The extremely high damage (all classes bar Heavy, unless they are overhealed, fall to one Crit swipe of this axe) makes it very useful when ambushing classes with high health, such as Heavies, Soldiers and Demomen. It is often preferable to use the Axtinguisher in these situations because these classes can easily outdamage a Pyro if they have enough time (it is useless against Pyros and anyone underwater). Additionally, it can easily damage an alight and cloaked Dead Ringer Spy.
  • The Axtinguisher can also be used to finish off a Heavy you attacked with a Backburner as they turn around.
  • If used to ambush bigger classes, the Flare Gun may give you a better chance of successfully landing an Axtinguisher hit, as it lets you set them on fire from a longer distance and thus gives you more time to switch to the Axtinguisher as you close the distance, as well as making them burn longer as you close in. Furthermore, a stray shot from the Flare Gun is considerably less likely to make the enemy turn around than multiple hits from a Flamethrower. However, your aim with the Flare Gun must be very precise, as a missed flare passing right past them will alert them to your presence.
  • Due to the fact that both the Axtinguisher and the Backburner are often used for ambushing enemies, having both of these items equipped at the same time may be redundant. Because of this, in most situations it is advantageous to equip the Flamethrower when you are using the Axtinguisher.
  • If you have more than one Pyro on your team, consider pairing up with them using just the Axtinguisher. One Pyro setting players on fire and another hacking away immediately afterwards can be a very devastating combo given the right circumstances.
  • The Axtinguisher can be used as a very effective direct combat weapon with the Degreaser and its very fast weapon change speed.

Fracasseur d'Abri

Item icon Homewrecker.png

  • Unlike the Axtinguisher, which is an anti-player weapon, the Homewrecker is designed for destroying buildings. The Homewrecker's double damage makes it a boon against Engineer nests, but its 25% damage reduction on players means that its niche is quite specific.
    • The Homewrecker is also capable of destroying Sappers built by Spies with a single hit. This can allow Pyros to save Engineer buildings quickly if the Engineer is too far away.
  • The Homewrecker can readily two-shot any building at full health in 1.6 seconds, or 0.8 seconds after the first swing, which is marginally less time than a Backburner in certain circumstances.
  • The Homewrecker is more subtle than a Flamethrower, so a sneaky Pyro could theoretically sneak behind the front lines and destroy a Teleporter Entrance in two swings without drawing the attention of opposing players turning around at the sound of fire.
  • A Pyro with the normal Flamethrower or Degreaser and the Homewrecker equipped is the best friend to any Engineer. Constant flames will keep out Spies, while the Compression Blast throws rockets, grenades and otherwise lethal stickies away as well as toss ÜberCharged players away, and the Homewrecker stops the Sappers of any Spy that manages to get through.
    • Keep a Homewrecker equipped in your Pyro loadout if you aren't currently playing as Pyro. Doing this will allow you to quickly switch to Pyro and destroy Sappers on friendly Teleporters if you spawn and witness/find them being sapped.
    • With the Degreaser equipped, you will need to account for less weapon switching time when moving between a Spy and his Electro Sapper. This means you can easily ignite and airblast the Spy away, switch and destroy the Electro Sapper, and then switch back to finish the Spy off.
  • It is possible, although difficult, to circle-strafe around a Sentry Gun whilst attacking it, and avoid damage completely. This should only be attempted if the Sentry Gun is initially facing away from you.
  • Despite the damage bonus, attempting to attack Wrangled Sentry Guns is not a good idea. However, if they are offline due to the Engineer dying, the Homewrecker is your best choice to try and dispatch it before it re-activates.


Item icon Powerjack.png

  • The Powerjack is a good offensive alternative to the Axtinguisher, but it leaves you without a quick and decisive way to take out heavier classes decisively via the use of "Puff and Sting." However, the tactic is still valid for cornering enemies due to the Powerjack's higher damage.
  • Because the Powerjack restores 75 HP upon killing an enemy, it is a useful weapon for fighting in areas where health pickups are rare.
  • You will still recieve the +75 HP bonus if you strike a player with the Powerjack, then quickly finish them off with another weapon.
  • As long as you currently have the Powerjack out, killing enemies through other means will still give you +75 HP. This is useful when compression blasting enemies off cliffs and quickly switching to the Powerjack for the health gain.
  • Even at full health it can be beneficial to try to kill with the Powerjack; the +75 HP from a kill can push your health over the maximum, providing a temporary #Overheal|Overheal.
  • Remember the Powerjack's extra damage, and that in some situations where flames will be ineffective (such as against other Pyros) it is a much more viable and valuable weapon.
  • Also note that the Powerjack cannot randomly Crit; this will not be an issue on servers with random criticals disabled, but on other servers it may be something which stops you from using it.
  • If possible, try following up a reflected rocket with a Powerjack strike. The enemy's health should be low enough for you to deal with them in one hit, unless they are an overhealed heavier class or a Heavy.
  • Despite being one of the most powerful melee weapons in the game, the Powerjack's inability to deal random Crits means the average damage done per hit - 81.25 - is slightly less than a regular melee weapon; regular melee weapons have a 15% Crit chance and therefore deal an average of 84.5 damage per swing (97.5 when the recent damage modifier is at maximum). That said, its average damage output is more consistent and reliable than the Pyro's other options.
  • The Powerjack is a very useful weapon during arena and during sudden death modes since the +75 hp per kill can quickly heal you.

Back Scratcher

Item icon Back Scratcher.png

  • The Back Scratcher is a craftable melee weapon for the Pyro. Like the Powerjack, it does 25% more base damage than the Fire Axe, however it does not share the disadvantage of being unable to land random Critical hits. It also has the further advantage of replenishing 50% more health when the player picks up health packs, but reduces the healing rate from Medics and Dispensers by 75%.
  • The Back Scratcher is ideal for players who replenish their health from picking up health packs rather than from being healed by friendly Medics and Dispensers. As such, it makes surviving while behind enemy lines considerably easier, where players must rely on picking up health packs in order to survive.
  • Due to the reduced healing rate, try to avoid being primary heal targets for Medics, as this can put yourself and Medic in danger if the Medic tries to make a push with you. In order to alert a Medic trying to pocket you, simply equip the Back Scratcher and show that player.
    • Conversely, the Back Scratcher can allow Medics to build up their ÜberCharge meters faster due to the reduced healing rate. This can be useful for Medics when there are no Soldiers or Demomen that can use their explosives to damage themselves.
  • The Back Scratcher is the best Pyro choice for Medieval Mode, since it has no disadvantages (Medi Guns and Dispensers cannot be used in Medieval Mode), but it has extra damage output and grants extra healing from the small health packs dropped by dead players.
  • A coordinated Back Scratcher Pyro and Candy Cane Scout can make for strong allies; the Pyro can engage enemies, distracting them while the Scout comes in to finish them off, awarding a boosted health kit for the Pyro to use.

Sharpened Volcano Fragment

Item icon Sharpened Volcano Fragment.png

  • The Sharpened Volcano Fragment is a promotional melee weapon for the Pyro. Upon hitting an enemy, the target is ignited, however it does 20% less damage than the Fire Axe.
  • The Sharpened Volcano Fragment can be used to ignite enemies in situations where using your primary weapon would give your position away. However, its reduced damage means that you should rely on other weapons if killing your target is a priority.
  • In Medieval Mode, the Sharpened Volcano Fragment is one of only two weapons capable of igniting enemies (the other being the Sniper's Huntsman). This can provide a useful tactical advantage for your team, both doing damage over time and "painting" targets for a Scout with the Sun-on-a-Stick or fellow Pyro wielding the Axtinguisher to capitalize on.

Le Matos du Pompiste

The Gas Jockey's Gear

  • With the Gas Jockey's Gear item set equipped, the Pyro can make some jumps that they otherwise could not, such as jumping directly onto the final point on CP_Steel.
  • The 10% movement speed increase this loadout grants you is helpful when flanking and ambushing enemies, and also allows you to dodge more readily.
    • Your modified speed of 110% also makes Medic hunting slightly easier as you're marginally faster than the Medic, who moves at 107% speed.
  • The 10% bullet vulnerability you receive means you will have a harder time directly attacking enemies such as Heavies, Scouts, and even Sentry Guns. Engineers and Soldiers can also more easily deal with you using their non-explosive weapons.
  • Wearing the Attendant may telegraph your bullet weakness to any enemies who catch a glimpse of you, and cause them to play to your weaknesses accordingly. If you do not want to take advantage of the pack bonus but want to use its weapons anyway, wear another/no hat to prevent this from happening. However, wearing Atteandant with Degreaser equipped without Power Jack may be a smart disguise making you look weaker than you actualy are.
  • Your increased speed can help you defeat Spies and Medics since you are now faster than them. This is especially helpful against killing Dead Ringer Spies and fending off Medics if they aren't quick enough to run away from your sight.
  • You can wear this set and still be able to choose your own secondary weapon. If you can use both weapons efficiently, take advantage of their differing qualities at different ranges by switching between them . (i.e. Shotgun for ambushing, Flare Gun for long range, etc.)
  • Heavies wielding Natasha are a powerful weakness of Gas Jockey Pyros, especially if the Heavy is overhealed. Their high-rate of fire combined with a consistent slow down can take a huge advantage of your bullet weakness and nullify your speed bonus. If you are wearing the set, then avoid Natasha-wielding Heavies whenever possible.

Stratégies contre classes spécifiques


  • Scouts are the fastest class in the game, and like the Pyro, are excellent at ambushing their opponents at close range. As such, always be aware of any routes or corners that a Scout may try to use to ambush you.
  • Always try to avoid engaging a Scout in wide-open areas, where he can use his superior speed and maneuverability to dictate the fighting terms. Instead, try to fight indoors whenever possible, as corridors and walls will greatly restrict a Scout's movements, eliminating his greatest advantage over you.
  • Scouts will often try to use their superior speed to choose the range at which to engage you, and as such will try to #Weapon Heckling|heckle you to force you to engage them with the wrong weapon. Always try to anticipate when a Scout will try to heckle you, and switch to the proper weapon to engage him. Carrying the Degreaser will make this significantly easier as you can almost instantly have the right weapon on hand.
  • Dealing with a heckling Scout often depends on carrying the right weapon. Engaging the Scout at medium ranges will be much harder if you're using a Flare Gun instead of a Shotgun, and carrying the Flamethrower or Degreaser can allow you to use compression blast to force the Scout farther away or restrict his movements.
  • Due to their low health, getting just a few good hits in on a Scout can force him to retreat. Simply igniting the Scout may be enough in most cases, allowing you to pick him off at range with your other weapons.
  • In close quarters, using your compression blast to stop a Scout's movements is often enough to ensure you victory. Simply forcing the Scout along a predictable line of movement can allow you to get close enough to deal significant damage with your Flamethrower. Remember that Scouts can double-jump, however, and be ready to blast them twice in order to completely limit their ability to get away from you.
  • Scouts equipped with the Force-A-Nature can cause tremendous damage to you in a short time if they get the drop on you. On top of that, the knockback from the weapon can prevent you from chasing after them, and they can then reload their weapon safely for a second strike. This requires that the Scout gets extremely close to deal enough damage, however, so always keep an eye out for possible ambush points, and check your back regularly.
    • Because the Force-A-Nature requires the Scout to get point-blank to make the most of the ambush, anticipating the Scout's movements can allow you to quickly ignite them before they can get within range to make the most of his rounds. An ignited Scout will often forgo a second attack and retreat to get health or extinguish the flames.
    • Scouts using the Force-A-Nature will often employ hit-and-run tactics, discharging both rounds quickly and then fading away to reload before approaching from another direction. Try to anticipate what direction the Scout will come from, and use your compression blast to knock him away.
  • Depending on their setup, Scouts will often try to gain an advantage over you either by using Mad Milk to increase their survivability or by stunning you with a baseball from their Sandman and dealing damage to you while you cannot reply. However, in both cases, the projectiles can be deflected with compression blast. If you see a Scout approaching you with either weapon equipped, be ready with your compression blast to throw it right back in their face.
  • Scouts trying to break through your team's lines or reach objectives will sometimes use Bonk! Energy Drink to quickly navigate through hazards safely. The easiest way to counter this is by using compression blast to push them back. As the Scout cannot counterattack until the energy drink wears off, you can try to knock the Scout into a corner where he can be summarily eliminated.
  • Scouts using the Crit-a-Cola can kill you in two shots if you're not careful, however, they must also forgo equipping a Pistol in order to use it, and thus will often use it when ambushing. Because they do not have a Pistol, they lose the ability to heckle you, so try to engage the Scout at range with your Shotgun if he is using the Crit-a-Cola, and prevent him from getting too close. As the Scout will also have Mini-Crits inflicted on him, the easiest way to deal with a Crit-a-Cola-equipped Scout is simply to spot him approaching and attack first.
  • A Scout using the Special Delivery item set will have an additional 25 HP, but loses the ability to weapons heckle and deal significant damage at close range. Try to restrict the Scout's movements, and always be ready to deflect any Mad Milk thrown at you. As the Scout is more effective at medium range than at close, simply cornering the Scout and attacking at close range can be enough to ensure victory.


  • The key to beating Soldiers often relies on your ability to deflect his rockets back at him using your compression blast. Because of this, it can be easier to deal with a Soldier at medium range rather than at close range, as it will give you a better reaction time for deflecting the rockets. Remember that reflected rockets will deal Mini-Crit damage, so hitting a Soldier with one will deal a lot of damage.
    • One of the keys to using rockets effectively is to know how to aim them properly, so having experience playing as a Soldier yourself can help you to judge the best places to direct the rockets to. Try to predict the enemy Soldier's movements, and then aim the rocket where you think he will be at the range that you're fighting him at.
    • Some Soldiers will attempt to deny you the ability to deflect their rockets by aiming their rockets at locations where they will do splash damage but where you cannot reach them with your compression blast. To counter this, try to predict where the rocket will land first, and then decide if you are able to deflect it or not. If you decide that you cannot deflect it, simply step out of its damage radius and wait for the Soldier to fire another rocket at you.
    • If the Soldier switches to his Shotgun, your reaction will have to depend on your own secondary weapon. If you're carrying a Shotgun, try to close the range while firing and then switching to your Flamethrower once you get close enough. If you're carrying the Flare Gun, back off to reduce the damage that his Shotgun can do, and then rain flares on him from a distance.
    • When confronting a Soldier using the Direct Hit, it is often better to simply dodge the rockets rather than reflect them back. At close ranges the timing will be similar to regular rockets, however the small splash radius also means that deflecting the rocket will have less chance of hurting the Soldier as well.
  • If you are using the Backburner, then you cannot confront a Soldier head-on. Try to sneak around behind him and attack when he least suspects it. Use your increased damage and ability to deal Critical hits from behind to eliminate him before he realizes that you are behind him.
  • Soldiers make excellent targets for the Puff and Sting. Due to their slow movement and small magazine size, juggling a Soldier can often throw off his aim considerably, making him easy to follow up with the Axtinguisher. However, beware that point-blank rockets can still hurt, even with only splash damage, so try to juggle and deflect the Soldier's rocket at the same time.
  • Most Soldiers will usually be equipped with the Equalizer, so beware if you see a Soldier trying to approach you for a melee kill. Simply use your compression blast to keep him at arm's length, and continue dealing fire damage until he succumbs to the flames.
  • If the Soldier has a Buff Banner activated, try to focus on avoiding taking damage from him until it wears off, rather than inflicting damage on him. While inflicting Mini-Crit damage on him with reflected rockets is possible, there is also a significant risk of being killed by Mini-Crit rockets yourself trying to deflect them, and the Soldier can outlast you as he has more HP.
  • Similarly, try to simply stall a Soldier with the Battalion's Backup until it wears off. Any rockets you deflect will do normal damage to the Soldier instead of Mini-Crits, and your other weapons will inflict reduced damage, so it is better to bide your time until you can reliably eliminate him.
  • Remember that deflecting rockets from the Black Box will replenish 15 HP for each enemy you hit. Try to use this against the enemy Soldier to prevent him from regaining health by hitting your teammates, and to negate any damage he manages to inflict on you.
  • You can use deflected rockets in order to execute your own explosive jumps. Pyros can often reach greater heights than Soldiers via rocket jumping, so you can use this to surprise the enemy by closing the gap between you unexpectedly and quickly. Rocket jumping as a Pyro is significantly harder than as a Soldier, but having experience rocket jumping as a Soldier can help you to judge where to deflect the rockets to get the desired jump.


  • Defeating a Pyro in single combat can be significantly harder than most other classes, simply due to the fact that neither of you can be ignited by the other's flames. This renders both the Flare Gun and the Axtinguisher next to useless, so try not to rely on using either of those weapons when fighting a Pyro. If you use this loadout it might be better to simply avoid conflict with other Pyros or stick to the compression blast to help your allies finish them off.
  • Pyro combat largely boils down to which primary weapon both Pyros are carrying, as well as their aim with both their weapons. A Pyro with the Backburner can put out more raw damage and can sometimes get lucky back Crits from circle-strafing, but lacks the ability to restrict his opponent's movements with compression blast.
    • If you are carrying the Flamethrower or Degreaser, try to use compression blast to throw off his aim and juggle him into corners to inflict some easy damage. If you are also carrying a Shotgun, try to juggle him and pelt him with buckshot in the air while retreating outside of range of his primary weapon.
    • If you are using the Backburner, try to maneuver and strafe to get at your opponent's back to deal additional damage, or simply overpower him with raw damage. If he retreats out of range, switch to your secondary weapon.
  • Keep in mind that particles lag behind by a little, so retreating from the enemy Pyro can allow you to damage him at slightly longer ranges, while chasing will give you reduced range and allow your opponent to damage you without being burned.
  • Remember that you can deflect flares with your compression blast, so if the Pyro is trying to hit you with flares, you can reflect them back and cause Mini-Crit damage.
  • Carrying the Fire Axe or Powerjack can give you an edge if you can corner the enemy Pyro. A quick melee attack can inflict significant damage if the enemy does not expect it.


  • As a Demoman possesses only explosive projectile weapons besides his melee, frequent use of compression blast is often enough to prevent him from damaging you. Try to close the distance and engage them at close range to prevent them from countering you effectively.
  • Demomen do not have any hitscan weapons, so try to take advantage of this by attacking them directly with your Shotgun or Flare Gun whenever possible. Conversely, avoid fighting Demomen around corners and obstacles, as they can easily use their explosive weapons to deal splash damage from angles where you cannot hit them.
  • Dealing with the Grenade Launcher depends as much on the Demoman's skill at aiming as it does on your ability to deflect them. Grenades that have touched the ground can be easily avoided, and can be easily airblasted to prevent them from damaging teammates. If the Demoman is trying to hit you with direct-contact grenades, treat them as you would a rocket from a Soldier, but remember that they travel in arcs rather than straight lines so you should aim above the Demoman if you want to try to damage him with his own grenades. Try to strafe unpredictably as you approach the Demoman to prevent him from easily hitting you with contact grenades.
  • Sticky bombs can be dealt with two ways, depending on your own loadout. If you are carrying the Shotgun, the simplest and most decisive way is to simply fire at groups of sticky bombs to destroy them. However, they can also be rolled away using compression blast if they are too spread out and need to be dealt with quickly. Depending on the situation and your loadout, both options are viable.
    • You should use your Shotgun to deal with sticky traps if they are tightly grouped or placed in corners where they cannot be easily airblasted away. If they are spread out more and are in an open area, it will take more shots to deal with the trap so compression blast can take care of several at once.
    • When using compression blast to roll sticky carpets away, try to roll them away from teammates or places where they can damage friendly buildings. A Demoman will usually detonate his sticky trap once he realizes that it is being manipulated, so make sure that your teammates are not within its blast radius when that happens.
    • It is possible to kill a Demoman with his own stickies by rolling them in his direction. Most Demomen will try to stay within visual range of their sticky traps, but will do so from an angle where they cannot be easily spotted. Try to predict where a trap will be placed and, if you think the Demoman will be close by, roll them in that direction. You can also reverse this by sneaking behind and airblasting the Demoman into his own sticky trap, as inexperienced Demomen will detonate their sticky traps upon being attacked.
  • Dealing with sticky traps depends on the layout of the map. Remember to quickly pop around corners to check for stickies before advancing, and that traps can be placed above door frames where they are hard to spot.
  • Rolling away sticky carpets can also be done to shepherd friendly forces in the heat of battle. When dealing with an ÜberCharged Heavy, Demomen will usually try to lay sticky bombs at the Heavy's feet and detonate them when the ÜberCharge wears off. Counter this by blasting the sticky bombs away from the Heavy while the charge is still active.
  • When dealing with Demomen equipped with the Chargin' Targe, remember that they take reduced damage from your Flamethrower and take less afterburn damage as well. Try to engage them at range with your Shotgun or Flare Gun, and remember that long-range hits with the Flare Gun will still inflict a Critical hit.
    • If the Demoman tries to charge you, you can use your compression blast to interrupt his charge and leave him vulnerable for a follow-up. If he is carrying the Eyelander, Scotsman's Skullcutter, or Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker, deny him his longer melee reach by restricting his movements with compression blast.
    • Chargin' Targe Demomen are excellent victims for the Puff and Sting, as they can be easily dealt with in a single hit unless they are overhealed. Even with five heads, simply try to puff the Demoman a few times to bring his HP below 200, and then whip out the Axtinguisher and finish him off.


  • Due to their significant health stock and superior firepower at close range, avoid fighting a Heavy head-on. Instead, ambush the Heavy when he least expects it and use your maneuverability to avoid being hit by his Minigun.
  • It is possible to kill a Heavy by attacking from behind and circle-strafing to prevent him from locking on to you. However, this only works against lone Heavies, and is not a guarantee that the Heavy will not be able to kill you quickly once you are in his sights. If you are carrying the Backburner, try to stay behind the Heavy as long as possible to inflict Critical hits on him.
  • While Sasha and Natascha inflict significant damage at close range, their damage falls off significantly at longer ranges. If a Heavy knows where you are, try to keep him from closing the distance on you.
  • The Flare Gun is an excellent weapon to use at long range against Heavies. Try to ignite the Heavy first using your flares, and then pelt him with Critical flares once he is lit up.
  • If a Heavy attempts to close the range on you, use your compression blast to knock him away as you retreat. This will often throw his aim off long enough for you to get around a corner or behind cover.
  • The Axtinguisher is the best weapon for ambushing a Heavy. Try to first ignite the Heavy without revealing your position, and then close in on him with the Axtinguisher equipped to kill him in two swipes before he knows what's going on.
  • The Backburner is also very useful for ambushing the Heavy. Even if the Heavy is fully overhealed with a Medic on him, it takes only one second to kill him. Not killing the Medic first can be risky, but if you do, the Heavy is much more likely to turn around.
  • If you manage to damage a Heavy enough to force him to retreat at medium ranges, he may try to hide behind a corner and use his Sandvich to quickly recover. If you see a Heavy retreating from battle at medium range with the Sandvich equipped, try to follow him in and eliminate him while he's vulnerable.
  • While Heavies trying to get kills with his Fists is rarely a threat to a Pyro who knows how to Puff and Sting, beware that Heavies that get a kill using the K.G.B. can quickly switch to their Minigun and shred you at long range, as Critical hits do not suffer from damage fall-off. Always be ready to duck behind cover if you see a Heavy with the K.G.B. score a kill in the distance.
  • If fighting a Heavy that knows where you are in close quarters, you will surely die in direct combat. Instead, try to ignite the Heavy and then back off, then approaching from a different direction with the Axtinguisher to finish him with a swift Critical hit or two. Obviously, this works better if the Heavy is alone, and impossible to pull off if there is an enemy Medic or Pyro nearby. A compression blast can disorient a Heavy, ruining his aim and giving you more time to make the strike, or continue burning him with your Flamethrower. A Heavy can survive a single swipe from the Axtinguisher on occasion, but will die from the burn damage if he doesn't have the Sandvich or a Medic.
  • If you turn a corner and encounter a Heavy & Medic combo, it is best to disrupt the Heavy's aim with compression blast while retreating back around the corner. While it is possible to jump backwards and use the Minigun's knockback to help facilitate your escape, this is highly dangerous and is not a guaranteed method of survival.


  • Engineers pose a threat primarily from their Sentry Guns, which when placed properly, can nullify ambush attempts. Try to lure Engineers away from their Sentry Guns or attack from a distance using the Flare Gun or Shotgun first.
  • Options for dealing with a Sentry depends on its placement. If a Sentry is placed close to a corner, you can edge the Sentry and destroy it with your Flamethrower while it cannot return fire. Beware, however, that this leaves you highly vulnerable to attack from other enemies, so make sure that the area is clear before attempting this.
  • Since the Flamethrower's projectiles penetrate multiple targets, a Pyro can kill an Engineer turtling between a Sentry Gun and Dispenser by hiding behind the Dispenser before attacking. As the Sentry Gun does not fire through the Dispenser yet the Flamethrower passes through it, the Engineer and his Buildings can all be destroyed in nearly simultaneous manner.
  • Circle-strafing works on Level 1 and 2 Sentry Guns placed in the open, as their movement speed is slow enough to allow the Pyro to stay ahead of their fire. Simply attack from an angle where the Sentry is not immediately facing and strafe, keeping a steady stream of flame on the Sentry Gun.
  • When paired with a Medic with an ÜberCharge, a Pyro is one of the most powerful building-destroying classes in the game. Try to make your way as quickly as possible to the enemy Sentry nest, and have the Medic body-block the Sentry to prevent it from pushing you back. Most Engineers will retreat upon seeing an ÜberCharged Pyro approaching, so if possible try to kill the Engineer first before focusing on his buildings.
  • The Homewrecker allows Pyros to destroy any building in one or two hits, and gives the Engineer almost no warning. With good timing and movement, it is possible to dismantle a Sentry Gun before it can do too much damage to you.
  • When destroying a Sentry belonging to an Engineer with the Frontier Justice, be sure to try to either kill the Engineer first or force him to retreat. Try to keep your distance until he empties out his magazine, or attack him from range with the Flare Gun.
  • Combat Mini-Sentry Guns deployed using the Gunslinger cannot take much damage and will fall to a single hit from the Homewrecker. However, combat Engineers will often use them as a distraction and attack you simultaneously from another angle, so if you suspect a trap, try to single out the Engineer first and kill him before retreating to destroy the Mini-Sentry from another angle. If you can spot the Mini-Sentry from a distance, try to snipe it with flares, as Mini-Sentry Guns cannot be repaired.
  • Engineers equipped with the Wrangler are highly vulnerable to ambush, as their Sentry will not automatically target approaching enemies. Try to sneak behind and kill the Engineer, then destroying his buildings at your leisure. Remember that the Sentry will be disabled for three seconds upon the death of the Engineer, so use this opportunity to deal damage to it.


  • Medics by themselves are rarely dangerous, but will often travel in groups or with escorts. If you encounter a Medic with a buddy, your best option is to ambush the pair and separate them if possible.
  • How you decide to ambush a Medic pair depends on your primary weapon. The Flamethrower and Degreaser allow you to physically separate the pair with compression blast and prey on the Medic easily, while the Backburner allows you to quickly destroy the Medic from behind before his patient realizes that he is under attack.
  • While the Medic's Syringe Gun can be hard to aim, it also does a surprising amount of damage at close range. Don't chase a retreating Medic if he is firing syringes at you, but instead try to dodge them at range and attack with your secondary weapon.
  • Because the Medic passively regenerates health, you cannot rely on afterburn damage to finish him off reliably. Try to deal as much direct damage to a Medic in order to ensure a kill.
  • The compression blast is the best weapon for eliminating the threat of an ÜberCharge. You can use the compression blast to knock the pair off of ledges or simply prevent them from advancing, but smart players will quickly target any nearby Pyros to prevent this from happening, so make sure to stay hidden until the right moment.
    • If possible, try to airblast only the Medic and let his patient proceed forward. As you hold the Medic back, his patient will often continue to charge forward and only realize that they are not ÜberCharged when it is too late.
  • Countering a Medic equipped with the Kritzkrieg depends on the class of his buddy. If paired with a Soldier or Demoman, try to reflect their explosives back at the Medic to shut down the ÜberCharge quickly, and then focus on eliminating the buddy.


  • Snipers are easy to eliminate once you get close enough to do damage, but will often stay far away from the front lines to prevent being ambushed. As such, the main challenge in killing a Sniper lies in being able to sneak in close enough without being spotted or killed. Memorize the most frequent spots that Snipers try to snipe from, and try to take back routes to reach those positions. As Snipers are often unaware of their immediate surroundings, simply getting close enough can guarantee a kill.
  • The Flare Gun is the best weapon to engage Snipers at long range. Hitting a Sniper with a flare will eliminate his ability to aim with the scope, and will normally force him to retreat to look for health or douse himself with Jarate. However, be sure not to expose yourself too much while firing flares, as the Sniper will try to specifically target you when he realizes what is happening.
  • Hitting a Sniper with two flares at long range will usually result in a kill due to flares guaranteeing a Critical hit on burning targets. You can try to cooperate with a friendly Pyro to take out a Sniper if both of you are using the Flare Gun, or you can try to hit the Sniper twice in a row.
  • Remember that Jarate jars can be deflected away from your teammates. Try to redirect jars at groups of enemies to make them easier to kill.
  • Huntsman Snipers can be hard to kill at close range since they use hitscan hitboxes and can headshot enemies at point-blank very easily. It is possible to try to deflect the arrow back at the Sniper, but doing so requires good reflexes. Try to time your compression blast with the Sniper's animation upon releasing the arrow rather than with the arrow itself.
  • A Sniper with the Bushwacka is considerably more vulnerable to fire, but can also kill you with a single hit at close range if you have been hit by Jarate. If engaging a Sniper at close range under these circumstances, focus on using compression blast to prevent him from getting a melee hit in, and use your Flamethrower to quickly dispatch him.


  • Spies cannot effectively fight back against Pyros due to their inability to deal enough damage in head-on fights. As such, Spies will often go out of their way to avoid Pyros.
  • Your first priority in fighting a Spy should always be to set him on fire. This eliminates his ability to Cloak and escape, and renders his disguises useless as long as he is ignited.
  • Retreating Spies firing their Revolver at you can do more damage at medium ranges than your Shotgun. Try to throw off their aim by moving unpredictably and forcing them to waste bullets.
  • When dueling with a Spy in close combat, beware of the possibility of being sidestabbed or even facestabbed. If needed, create some distance via compression blast to prevent this from happening while hitting him with your Flamethrower.
  • Some Spies will try to lure Pyros onto stairs to execute a stairstab. Prevent this by juggling the Spy with compression blast once he jumps at you, then follow up with an Axtinguisher swing.
  • If you think that you've killed a Spy, it's a good idea to keep spraying the area where you saw him die with flames, as the Dead Ringer will extinguish Spies feigning death. Some Spies will try to trigger their Dead Ringer when knocked into the air for a Puff and Sting maneuver, so don't be fooled if the Spy suddenly dies from afterburn while in mid-air.
  • If you are using the Flare Gun, be sure not to get too focused on firing flares and keep an eye on your back at all times. Spies will sometimes try to backstab Pyros sniping with Flare Guns in order to reduce the possibility of being discovered.
  • Remember that you can use compression blast to throw off a Spy's aim even when he is attempting to backstab a teammate. If you see any suspicious teammates approaching another teammate's backside, try to airblast them to see if they are juggled.
  • Beware of Spies carrying the Ambassador, as they can deliver Critical hits via headshots. If chasing a Spy with the Ambassador, try to strafe as much as possible to prevent him from getting a headshot in.

Contrôle de Spy

  • Le Spy-checking est l'un des principals travails du Pyro. Any Disguised or Cloaked Spy will be lit on fire by the Pyro's Flamethrower and thus become obvious to teammates. The Pyro should therefore regularly puff a small burst of fire on any team member that has not indicated their true allegiance.
  • It is generally a good idea to spray into corners and niches to uncover Spies using the Cloak and Dagger. Most will often try to hide in a corner or in less-traveled areas to recharge their Cloak, so be sure to check unsuspecting areas frequently.
    • Be aware that some Cloak and Dagger Spies will hide out in the open to prevent from being exposed by Pyros checking in corners and niches. To counter this, be sure to check open areas as well.
    • Simply patrolling an area and randomly puffing can often be enough to spook a Cloak and Dagger Spy into moving to avoid being lit on fire. If you know that a Spy is in the area, then try maneuvering around to force him into using up his Cloak to avoid you.
  • When dealing with Dead Ringer Spies, use your compression blast to prevent them from escaping once you ignite them. The Spy cannot be damaged effectively while the Dead Ringer is active, so your goal is to deny him his ability to escape, and hold him in place until his Cloak runs out. Be sure to prevent him from getting any ammo to recharge his Cloak, otherwise he may quickly decloak to have another feign death ready.
  • Standing near a Dispenser will keep your primary ammo at its maximum, even while constantly firing. This can be used to guard Sentry Gun nests from Spies.
  • If you are primarily Spy checking, having the Homewrecker equipped allows you to stop the Sappers of any Spies that do manage to get past you and/or kill the Engineer.
  • Have a good ear. Listening and recognizing various sounds that are associated with Spies can save someone's life or Sentry in seconds. Be sure to recognize the sound of de-cloaking, sapping, backstabbing a Razorback, and screaming from a teammate that was backstabbed.
  • Have a good eye. A Spy can do most of his tasks in less than a second before anyone recognizes that a Spy was in the area. Be sure you can recognize enemy-team Cloak glow, disguise smoke, a teammate suddenly disappearing silently (Your Eternal Reward), liquid effects dripping (water, Jarate, Mad Milk/fr), and bleeding effects.

Stratégies spécifiques aux maps


  • When playing as RED you can catch a glimpse of the attackers as they cross the bridge. Hiding in the battlements and jumping down to flank a wave of attackers is a very effective way of disorientating and breaking the assault.
  • You can also hide in the metal grill room and drop down behind the enemy as they pass through.
  • Hiding in the corner alcoves next to front doors is an effective way to ambush intruders especially preoccupied Heavy-Medic Combos.
  • If you wish to be a defensive Pyro in 2Fort, remember to have the Backburner equipped alongside your Homewrecker. You can protect your Intelligence, your Sentry Guns and yourself having the critical power of the Backburner to surprise enemies, and a Homewrecker to save your friends sentry if necessary.
  • An ÜberCharged Pyro can clear an entire Sentry locked area with ease, as long as they have the original Flamethrower. Most Sentry Guns sit up top just outside the battlements. Using your compression blast, you can knock back a burn the enemy Engineer with ease while still doing damage to the Sentry Gun. Some would recommend the Homewrecker for clearing a Sentry Gun, however, this leaves you at a disadvantage in being unable to knock back the Engineer as he heals his Sentry Gun, or even worse, you could find yourself getting air blasted by another Pyro, with no way of pushing him back. Burn the Engineer and knock him away, then burn down the Sentry Gun.
  • Out on the Sniper top, a skilled Pyro can use Airblast to knock back enemy arrows or rockets coming towards their Sniper Pal's.
  • If the sewers are unguarded, a Pyro can use them to get into the enemy base, head to the exits and roast anyone coming from the battlements.
  • Pyros are also useful for ambushing enemies coming from the sewers.
  • The Pyro's Homewrecker is useful for breaking Engineer's nests which are often prevalent in the teams' respective bases.


  • The control points are prime Pyro targets on this map. Try to enter these areas via the central channels and Strafe through the Control point and out the other side.
  • Run past the health pick ups and repeat the Strafing run.
  • Sentry Gun emplacements can be attacked from round the corner or if you feel suicidal start the Flamethrower and turn the corner and face the gun directly.
  • On defense the same tactics as above apply but with the point being you are defending the point.
  • Also on defense defend those Sentry Guns from the inevitable Spies. Get your Engineer to place a convenient Dispenser and you need never move an inch while the Sentry Gun takes care of all the attackers.

Gravel Pit

  • Take the road less traveled. There is almost always more than one way to a given point on the map, so check which way the majority of the team is going, and go the other route. This will go a long way to setting the Pyro up as an effective Flanker.
  • Point A is often undefended, and the enemy knows this. If you hide underneath the capture point (in the shack with the healthpack), you can often set the enemy team ablaze by coming up the stairs. At worst, you'll just be a minor annoyance and slightly delay their capture. At best, you'll kill a few players and force an ÜberCharge. Either way, you'll have respawned before they can get to point B.
  • Your compression blast is invaluable on point C, both on RED and on BLU. Use it to force defenders off the point or deny a rocketjumping Soldier from accessing it.


  • Use underwater passages to reach the enemy side of CP3, ambushing them. The bridges will provide you cover. Swim under one and hold SPACE so the character won't drown continuously. Players rarely go underwater so nobody will notice you. Even Scouts and Spies tend to swim straight to the CP3 without looking at their surroundings. From here you have a vast choice of ambushes that you can concentrate on. You can head to CP3 and strike the other team from the back, as well as hide within CP2 as nobody expects an enemy down there. Alternatively you can stay under the bridge and wait for an incoming enemy. Players rarely look back so whenever one runs past the bridge, it is your chance to get behind him and roast him, before he realizes what hit him.
  • Pyros attacking CP1 or CP5 can use the upper level path to ambush enemies standing on the point. Keep Sentry Gun placements in mind when taking this path, though, as the entire path is in the open with little in the way of cover.


  • While defending Stage 1 Cap 1, stand on the small shack by the left entrance and hide yourself so that people coming out can't see you. Wait for them to pass and drop down and burn them from behind.
  • While defending Stage 2 Cap 1, the defending Pyro can stand to the left of the attackers' spawn point and catch them off guard here. There is no health and ammo for the Pyro in this area so unless you've got a Medic healing you, it is best to leave if you are too wounded. Remember: Spawn Killing is not accepted among many players and can result in a bad reputation for that player.
  • While defending Stage 2 Cap 1, guard the capture building and burn anyone who comes in. This is an excellent place for Pyros because it is got a large med kit, a medium med kit, a large ammo pack, and a medium ammo pack.
  • While defending Stage 2 Cap 2, stand on top of the wooden walkway over the entrances and drop down on enemy forces.
  • When defending Stage 3 Cap 2, watch the house that is to the left of your spawn. Prevent Engineers from building up there and be sure to kill any enemies that bunch up in there.
  • While defending Stage 3 Cap 2, stand on the ledge above the exit to the underground tunnel on your right and drop down when enemies come out.


  • A complex map but the numerous choke points and stairwells make ideal spots for an ambush.
  • A particularly useful spot is underneath the stairs as your flames can go through the steps. This is particularly effective against Demomen who launch a full clip of grenades and then descend the steps thinking they are safe.

Badwater Basin

  • The Pyro is useful in defending the first area as the high ground advantage means you can drop behind unsuspecting attackers for an ambush, which can be especially effective if the Backburner is used (though it is worth waiting until you are right behind your target before firing, as the characteristic sound will prompt them to turn around, thus reducing the ambush's overall effectiveness and success rate.
  • On attack, a Pyro can clear out the Sentry Guns that may be situated around the map fairly easily with an Über, as most of the key Sentry Gun spots are around a corner (allowing you to instantly start damaging the Sentry Gun as soon as you round it), especially the possible Sentry Gun in the overhang next to the capture point. However, if attacking Sentry Guns on higher ground, be careful of defensive Pyros compression blasting you down to lower ground, wasting your Über in the process.
  • The second point's various corridors are a Pyro's perfect spot for ambushes, as the close range capabilities of the flames will render enemy attempts to escape useless, and the Backburner will be good if ambushing from the stairs behind the roof, allowing you to catch and kill enemies making trips between the ground floor and roof before they can have a chance to react. However, the Sentry Guns possibly on the roof will be difficult to kill unless you are careful to edge them or can strafe around them easily (if not, an Über will help). Once again, be careful not to be compression blasted to the ground floor on either side.
  • A defending Pyro's main job at the second point is to stop defend the Sentry Guns that may be on the roof or ground floor from Spies, other Pyros and ÜberCharges, and to ambush these charges pre-emptively to hopefully trigger their ÜberCharge earlier than they should. If an ÜberCharge makes it up to the roof, use the compression blast to blow them off the roof and waste their chance to push the point (if you can blast the Medic off too, all the better as otherwise they may go on to another player to do the damage). If you have the Backburner, strike from behind a charge after they have pushed, to hopefully mop them up while they're exposed.
  • The third point is difficult to attack as a Pyro without an ÜberCharge, as there will be Sentry Guns put next to the track at some point, as well as any incoming fire from the upper walkways. However, you can use the rockets and grenades fired at the area entrances to harass enemy players should they try to push in to your side, and to defend Snipers shooting from the bottom of the gully and the top left corridor. If you have an ÜberCharge or there are no Sentry Guns around the gully, you can jump down to surprise enemy Snipers and other classes (though watch out for Spies and charging Demos in doing so).
  • Playing the defensive Pyro is useful on the third point as your compression blast will save Sentry Guns by blowing Übers back around the corners they are advancing from, and also allow you to reflect any long range rockets or projectiles coming from the far right corridor. Watch for Snipers in doing so though, as they may kill you before you get a chance to send a rocket their way. If the BLU team have advanced to the main courtyard though, you can jump down from the upper right balcony to ambush enemies near the health and ammo kits, and destroy any Buildings an Engineer may be setting up (this will be less effective however if someone sees you jump down, as it leaves you to be airshotted by Soldiers or Demomen and immobilized by other Pyros).
  • The last point's main area is a problem for BLU Pyros as it is so open, and will also have Sentry Guns ready to ambush you as you drop down from the walkways and windows. As such, try keeping to the areas near the sniping watchtower to stop any ambushes or attempts to push your team out, and only move into the main area when you know there are no Sentry Guns around. Alternatively, stay near the main chokepoint above the stairs and compression blast any grenades, stickies or rockets back down the ramp to hopefully deter enemy Übers and pushes in. When your team has pushed in, you can harass players coming out of the lower spawn by hiding in the stairwell and attacking them from behind as they try to rebuild or hold the rest of your team off.
  • On defense, the Pyro's job is to keep the BLU team in the third point's main area for as long as possible, preventing their Snipers from reaching the windows on either side of the cart's path and stop them from building Sentry Guns to limit your team's space to move in. When your team pushes out, try to lie in wait in alcoves or around corners so when the BLU team pushes back in you can get rid of at least one of their players and retreat quickly. When Übers push in, as usual use the compression blast to protect Sentry Guns, by blowing them either into the middle of the area (where all possible Sentry Gun spots can hit them when it wears off) or up the ramp to waste time once again. Also be sure to Spy-check around the upper right courtyard as it is a hotspot for them, as well as deal with any camping Snipers in the tower.


  • The first yard and point areas of Gorge are not very suited to Pyros, due to the wide open spaces and few hiding spots. However, an airblasting Pyro can do wonders, either reflecting any projectiles fired at the BLU spawn towards unsuspecting REDs or preventing the BLU team fom picking off targets at a range.
  • The halls connecting the two points also accommodate this tactic well, also providing extra cover to strafe in and out of.


  • As above, use the airblast to devastating effect in the spawn doors by nullifying any suppressing fire as well as clearing the way for your team.
  • The Flare Gun can be useful here, as you can fire across to the other side of the map at still or slowly moving targets (such as spun up Heavies). Do not expect to get consecutive hits, though, as the area has too many exits and pieces of cover for the RED team.
  • The small hut with the health and ammo kit may house some enemies waiting for either of these pickups to respawn. Flush them out and use the tight space to your advantage.
  • Be careful of Soldiers or Demomen firing down from the central containers,upper walkways or the roof of the hut. Once again, use your airblast to avoid their fire and try to take them down in the process.
  • The interior area between the yard and the main point area has some dark corners and alcoves to hide in. Should the RED team try to push back in, use these to get the drop on them as they pass by.
  • Try running around the far right side of the gorge, hiding behind the crates if necessary. You will out of the range of any Sentry Guns most likely, and can easily reflect anything fired at you back at the original owners/the Sentry Guns due to the mid to long distance between you.
  • The far left side has a walkway that you can use to access the left side of the RED base. Use this to your advantage by surprising them with the Backburner, but make sure that there are no Sentry Guns stopping your advance or Snipers aiming from the right garage door at you.
  • The upper walkways between the points make good ambush spots, as do the other pieces of assorted cover. Using the Backburner here to stifle RED pushes will work well, and if you are running in the same direction as them you will likely end up in a safe zone where your teammates are.
  • The tight spaces of the interior hallways are good places of Spies to hide, so be sure to check them regularly.
  • When attacking the last point, try standing away from the point in the shadows if your team is already at the maximum capturing speed. This allows you to ambush any RED players trying to block the point, and also airblast them off the point should they be too strong to kill immediately.
  • If the point is being captured by a single Scout or Soldier/Demoman with the Pain Train, move towards the main enemy spawn door and block their way with a series of airblasts. While it won't stop enemies coming out of the upper middle spawn door, at the very least you can buy some time for your team and also force all potential targets into coming at the point from one direction.


  • If the attacking team pushes in with an ÜberCharge, airblast them back into the spawn. You may die doing this, but it wastes precious seconds of charge for them.
  • Use the airblast to deflect any projectiles being fired at friendly Sentry Guns or players from long range, and be sure to get ammo regularly when doing so.
  • Check for Spies in the interior area behind the main yard regularly, as it is a popular place for them to uncloak and surprise your teammates from behind (especially any Sentry Guns or Engineers located in the upper right room).
  • The main point area is too open for you to regularly run across the gorge and surprise the BLU team, so try mixing it up a little by going under the bridge and waiting for them to attack the point, or hiding in the windowed corridors next to the end of the bridge. Be careful of Snipers also, as they can aim over the top right hill and hide behind cover easily should they be allowed to stay there.
  • Once again, use the compression blast to stop friendly Sentry Guns from being destroyed with long range rockets, and Spy-check regularly (this is especially important here, as there is an open door straight behind your lines, which could cause problems if you don't eliminate threats early).
  • When defending the last point, do not try to take the BLU team from behind. The main path to the point is too linear, and you will be spotted by BLU players running from spawn regularly.
  • As the BLU team jumps down onto the point itself, use the compression blast to keep them in the air and disorient them. Remember, the more time of theirs you waste, the smaller the chance of them being able to destroy any Sentry Guns is.
  • You may also be able to hide behind the crates in the main hall adjacent to the point, and use the Backburner to do considerable damage to attacking enemies. Be sure to keep another weapon out though while waiting, as the flamethrowers will make you stick out and put all your efforts to waste.


  • While moving the cart, defend your team from incoming explosives with your Airblast if you are not using the Backburner. Remember that the cart essentially gives you unlimited ammunition, so spray fire in all directions to detect Spies.
  • Attacking the enemy cart head-on is not a good idea, as your afterburn is rendered useless with the cart's healing.

Section 1

  • Make extensive use of the side route on the left to get behind the enemy. Use this path to attack the enemy Snipers and assist your Spies with removing Sentry Gun nests.
  • The Flare Gun is very useful in igniting the enemy Snipers attempting to shoot at your cart.
  • If your cart is near the end, consider sneaking around and dropping on top of it, using your Airblast to knock away foes and protect yourself long enough to finish the capture.

Section 2

  • In the main hallway, protect your cart from incoming projectiles with your Airblast. You will be able to see them coming from a long distance away.
  • Use the side route often to ambush your enemies. The route opens up above the enemy base, allowing you to plan an attack to kill enemy Snipers, destroy Sentry Gun nests or assault the cart. Consider taking the Backburner to clear the enemy cart off quickly.
  • The narrow pathways make Spy-checking much easier, if you know the enemy has a Spy, use puffs of flame in corners and hallways to find them.

Section 3

  • The abundance of deep water and lack of flanking paths makes this section of the map difficult for Pyros to work effectively on. Do not rely on Afterburn to kill anyone.
  • Attack the enemy Snipers in their bunker when possible to keep your teammates protected as they move the cart.



  • Because of the way the path to A is laid out, Pyros can find it difficult to do much unless backed up by teammates. If there are distractions, however, a Pyro can easily slip past defenders and hide in the stairwell outside the first RED spawn exit. You can ambush enemies who emerge from the spawn, giving your teammates more time to capture Point A.
  • Once Point A is captured, your options as Pyro increase drastically. The double doors at A will open, and this allows you to sneak all the way around the enemy position; this makes Backburner Pyros surprisingly efficient.
  • A Pyro with the Gas Jockey set can make the jump onto Point E early in the match. However, due to the Pyro's limited ranged capabilities, this strategy is ill-advised unless backed up by a ranged specialist. However, Pyro reflections can be handy, especially since Soldiers tend to be used to try and fling people off the point.
    • Additionally, a Pyro can cover the spawn gate for a teammate who is capturing E.
  • After Point C is captured, Point E will become more of a hotspot for battles. This makes for more airblasting enemies into the chasm.
    • Also from Point C onwards, most fighting is performed in a tight, indoor environment, making Pyro players particularly effective.


  • Pyros can be used well on defense, because of the close contact with the exits of the BLU team spawn. Also, fighting on most points tends to be close-quarter combat.
  • If the BLU team does manage to capture A, a clever Pyro can surprise enemies by waiting outside the double doors which lead to E. When Point A is captured, the doors slowly open. A Pyro can flame through the doors as soon as they start opening, while projectiles cannot get through easily. This can catch enemies off-guard and can distract them while your teammates set up a defense at Point B.
  • If your team is doing well in defending the active point, it's always a good idea to check the rest of your base. Some enemies, particularly Spies and other Pyros, may use the back route to try and catch your team off-guard.
    • Additionally, you can use the back route against the BLU team. By going through the doors at A, you can deliver a very surprising sneak attack on attackers who are approaching B.

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