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Basic Information
Icon: Leaderboard class engineer.png
Type: Defensive
Health: 125
(185 when buffed by a Medic)
Speed: 100%
Meet the Engineer
Hey look buddy, I'm an engineer; that means I solve problems.
Not problems like 'What is beauty?', because that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy.
I solve practical problems.
The Engineer on his job

A soft-spoken, amiable Texan with a knack for all things mechanical, the Engineer chooses to build and maintain buildings that benefit the team rather than engage in much direct combat. The Engineer's various gadgets include the Sentry gun, an automated turret that fires at any enemy in range, the Dispenser, a device that replenishes the health and ammo of nearby teammates and Teleporters that quickly transport his teammates to the fray.

However, the Engineer's ingenious devices are under constant threat from explosives and devious enemy Spies; a good Engineer must keep his gear under a watchful eye and in good repair at all times. When the Engineer needs to get his hands dirty, his trio of generic, yet capable weapons combined with the assistance of his helpful hardware make him more than capable of holding his own in a fight.


Basic Strategy

Main articles: Engineer tips, Engineer strategy
  • Use the build tool to place sentry guns, dispensers, and teleporters.
  • You need metal to build, repair, and upgrade your buildings. Collect fallen weapons to get more metal.
  • Hit your sentry gun with your wrench to upgrade it with metal. Each level adds more health and firepower.
  • Build dispensers to provide your teammates with health and ammo. They also generate metal for you to use.
  • Build teleporters to help your team reach the front line faster.
  • Keep an eye out for enemy Spies attaching sappers to your buildings. Use your wrench to remove sappers.


Note: Weapon damage is approximate and measured at point blank range. See individual weapon pages for details.


Weapon Ammo Loaded Ammo Carried Damage Range
Item icon Shotgun.png Shotgun 6 32 80-90 (180 crit) [Slow reload]


Weapon Ammo Loaded Ammo Carried Damage Range
Item icon Pistol.png Pistol 12 200 20-22 (45 crit) [Fast reload]


Weapon Ammo Loaded Ammo Carried Damage Range
Item icon Wrench.png Wrench N/A N/A 43-87 (195 crit) [A little more than 1 hit per second]


Weapon Special ability
File:Item icon Builder.png Build Tool Allows the Engineer to build his buildings
File:Item icon Destroy.png Demolish Tool Allows the Engineer to demolish his buildings


Main article: Buildings
Toolboxengineer cropped.png
Building Level Cost Health Damage/Replenish/Recharge values
Slot one
Sentry gun One 130 150 Average DPS: 64
Two 330 180 Average DPS: 128
Three 530 216 Bullets average DPS: 128
Rockets (direct hit): 100
Slot two
Dispenser One 100 150 Health: 10/sec
Ammo: 20%/sec
Metal: 40/5 sec
Two 300 180 Health: 15/sec
Ammo: 30%/sec
Metal: 50/5 sec
Three 500 216 Health: 20/sec
Ammo: 40%/sec
Metal: 60/5 sec
RED Teleporter.png
Slot three & four
Teleporter Entrance
Teleporter Exit
One 125 150 Recharge: 10 sec
Two 325 180 Recharge: 5 sec
Three 525 216 Recharge: 3 sec


Main article: Hats
Original Classless Update Community Hatless
Mining light Texas ten gallon Engineer's cap Hotrod Safe'n'Sound Texas Slim's Dome Shine
Backpack Mining Light.png
Backpack Texas Ten Gallon.png
Backpack Engineer's Cap.png
Backpack Safe'n'Sound.png

Official class avatars

Official class avatars
Original set RED ÜberCharged set BLU ÜberCharged set
Engineerava.jpg Buffed red engineer.jpg Buffed blu engineer.jpg
Get TF2 avatars on Steam: Original


1 General achievement.

Sentry Gunner Sentry Gunner

Accumulate 10 Sentry gun kills with a single turret.


  • As of the WAR! Update, the Engineer is the only class without an update of his own. However, Valve has confirmed the update is currently in development and is heavily hinting at an impending release.[1]
  • The Engineer is currently the only class without the ability to taunt kill.
  • The Engineer is the only class whose default primary weapon is not unique to the class.
  • The Engineer is voiced by Grant Goodeve.
The Engineer holding a currently unreleased shotgun
  • The Engineer's favorite equation is in fact part of the equation that governs character lighting in-game.
  • The Engineer is the shortest class in the game.
  • The song the Engineer plays during Meet the Engineer is called 'Someone Else's Song' and was originally written by Jeff Tweedy of the American Country band Wilco for their album 'Being There' in 1996.
  • The Engineer designed and built the Sentry gun under contract from 'TF Industries' in 1965. The PDF manual for the game that is listed in Steam is a blueprint and promotional guide to using the Sentry gun.
  • The Engineer drinks 'Blu Streak' brand beer, as seen in Meet the Engineer.
  • One of the Pyro's hats, the Respectless rubber glove, appears to be the Engineer's missing left glove.
  • The Engineer appeared on the cover of The Teufort Times for his part in the creation of crafting.
  • The Soldier calls the Engineer a "cowardin' Canadian" in his domination lines, which may add suspicion towards the Engineer's Texan heritage.
    • The Soldier may also be accusing the Engineer of being a 'Draft-dodger': Americans who did not want to enlist moved to Canada to avoid being drafted.
  • The Engineer is the only class to have 1 Achievement, being one of the original General achievements (and not counting the proposed Engineer achievements).
  • In the trailer for the Mac update, the Engineer is seen holding a brand-new shotgun with detailed engravings, a device on the side, and antennae. It is also notable that this shotgun has a stock, as well as a seemingly longer barrel than the standard shotgun.
  • The Engineer and Spy are the only 2 classes to use the PDA slots.
  • The Engineer seems to be the only class besides the Medic without a liable health problem. The Heavy is overweight, the Scout has possible radiation poisoning (from Bonk), the Soldier's rocket jumping (i.e. leg fracturing) and extremely poor mental health, the Pyro's asbestos-lined suit (and similar poor mental health), the Demoman's alchoholism and smoking, the Sniper's impeding kidney failure, and the Spy is a casual smoker.
  • The Unreleased Engineer shotgun looks similar to Annabelle Rifle from Half Life 2

See also