Poznajcie Szpiega
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Poznajcie Szpiega | |
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Informacje o filmie | |
Data wydania: | 19 maja 2009 |
Czas trwania: | 3:20 |
Spis treści
Transkrypt filmu "Poznajcie Szpiega"
Transkrypt |
[Dzwonek alarmu zaczyna dzwonić.]
Administrator: "Uwaga intruz! Czerwony Szpieg jest w bazie!" [Zapalają się lampki kontrolne na wielkiej tablicy świetlnej w stróżówce: "Uwaga Intruz', 'Czerwony Szpieg' oraz 'Jest w bazie'; Po oddaleniu obrazu widać Niebieskiego Żołnierza patrzącego na tablicę] Żołnierz: "Czerwony Szpieg jest w bazie!?" [Muzyka z Sygnału Alarmowego zaczyna grać. Żołnierz bierze ze ściany Shotguna. Zbiega po schodach w dół do pokoju z dokumentami] Administrator: "Chronić neseser!" Żołnierz: "Musimy chronić neseser!" [Kamera pokazuje Niebieskiego Skauta próbującego otworzyć drzwi pokoju z neseserem] Skaut: "Joł, może mała pomoc!?" [Żołnierz odpycha Skauta i wstukuje kod] Żołnierz: "Dobra, już mam, odsuń się synu. 1, 1, 1, emm... 1!" Skaut: Ruszajmy, ruszajmy- [Niebieski Gruby wybiega zza rogu z Sashą w rękach wycelowaną w Skauta i Żołnierza.] Gruby: "NADCHODZĘ!" [Gruby wyłamuje drzwi i wszyscy trzej wpadają z krzykiem do pokoju z dokumentami. Skaut odkrywa, że są one bezpieczne.] Skaut: [krzycząc, zauważa teczki] "AAAAAHHHH- Hej, on wciąż tu jest !" Gruby: W porząsiu. Szpieg: "Ahem." [Kamera pokazuje Niebieskiego Szpiega, z ciałem Niebieskiego Snajpera na ramieniu] Szpieg: "Panowie." [Karta Poznajcie Szpiega] [Cut back to the Spy, carrying the dead Sniper towards the desk.] Szpieg: "I see the briefcase is safe." Żołnierz: "Safe and sound, mm-hmm." Skaut: "Yeah, it is!" Szpieg: "Tell me... did anyone happen to kill a RED Spy on the way here?" [The other three BLUs shake their heads and shrug] Szpieg: No? Then we still have a problem. [He deposits the Sniper's body on the desk, revealing a bloody Knife in his back.] Żołnierz: "...and a Knife." [The Scout approaches and removes the knife.] Skaut: "Oooh, big problem. I've killed plenty of Spies; they're dime-a-dozen back-stabbing scum-bags - like you!" [The Scout attempts to manipulate the knife like the Spy, only to cut himself on the finger and drop it.] Skaut: "Ow! No offense." Szpieg: "If you managed to kill them, I assure you, they were not like me. [The Spy deftly retrieves the knife and flicks it shut, handing it back to the Scout.] And nothing... nothing like the man loose inside this building." Skaut: "What're you? President of his fan club?" Żołnierz i Gruby: (chuckling) [The Spy turns to face the Scout.] Szpieg: "No... that would be your mother!" [The Spy reveals a folder and slaps it down on the table, revealing several compromising photographs of the RED Spy and the Scout's Mother.] Skaut: [stammers out of shock and disbelief] Szpieg: Indeed, and now he's here to f**k us! So listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing that happens to you today." [Right Behind You plays] [The Soldier and Heavy examine the photographs. The Heavy leans over and shows the Soldier one photo in particular.] Żołnierz: Oh! [The Scout frantically retrieves the photos as the Spy lights and smokes a cigarillo in the foreground.] Skaut: "Gimme dat!" Szpieg: "Zis Spy has already breached our defenses..." [Fade to the RED Spy, creeping through the Hydro tunnels. He pauses at a corner, as the camera pulls back to reveal a BLU Level 3 Sentry Gun with its Engineer. He slides a Electro Sapper across the floor, disarming and destroying the Sentry Gun immediately] Inżynier: "Sentry Down!" [The BLU Engineer throws his Wrench down and frantically reaches for his Pistol, only to have the Spy shoot him in the head with the Revolver. The dead Engineer crashes through a door and the Spy steps over him and fires at a target off-screen (possibly a Pyro or a Scout.] [Cut back to the BLU Intelligence Room. The BLU Spy leans over the dead Sniper, gesturing frantically.] Szpieg: "You've seen what he's done to our colleagues!" [Flash back to the BLU Sniper, now alive and sniping from a dusty attic. The RED Spy creeps up on him and steps on a creaking floorboard, alerting the Sniper who engages him with the Kukri. A struggle ensues, and the Sniper is ultimately backstabbed.] [Cut back to BLU Intelligence Room] Szpieg: "And worst of all, he could be any one of us..." [Fade to the RED Spy fighting a BLU Medic, armed with a Bonesaw.] Medyk: "Raus, raus!(Out! Out!)" [The Spy breaks the Medic's arm, disarming him. Close-up on the Spy's face as he disguises as the Medic, sans spectacles.] Medyk: (gasps) "Nein...(Nie...)" [The Spy kills the Medic with a well-placed chop to the throat, knocking off his spectacles, which he catches and wears, completing his disguise.] [Cut back to BLU Intel Room. The BLU Spy looks frantic.] Szpieg: "He could be in this very room! He could be you! He could be me! He could even be-" [The Spy is cut off as his head explodes violently. The camera switches to the Soldier, Shotgun in hand, with a confused Heavy, and a panicked Scout.] Skaut: "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Gruby: "Oh!" Żołnierz: "What? It was obvious! [The Soldier pumps his Shotgun, discarding the spent shell.] He's the RED Spy! Watch, he'll turn red any second now..." [The Soldier and Heavy approach the dead Spy, with The Soldier prodding the Spy's foot with his Shotgun.] Żołnierz: "Any second now... See? Red! Oh, wait...that's blood." [The Scout lingers behind, his expression sinister. He approaches the Soldier and Heavy, retrieving the knife he pocketed earlier, and flicking it open easily. As he approaches, he flickers and melts, revealing himself to be the RED Spy] Gruby: "So, we still got problem..." Żołnierz: "Big problem... alright, who's ready to go find this Spy?" Szpieg: "Right behind you." [Team Fortress 2 ending flourish music plays, with the stabbing of the Soldier and Heavy punctuating the beat of the tune.] [Gra Petite Chou-Fleur] [Fade to the scattered photos of the Scout's Mother. The RED Spy retrieves one of them and smiles wistfully.] Szpieg: "Ahh... ma petite chou-fleur." [The RED Spy walks off with the BLU team's intel in tow.] |
Poznaj Szpiega wyciekło w Maju 17, 2009 due to a YouTube bug which allowed iPhones to view videos marked as "Private." This inspired a series of posts on the official blog, and Valve awarded themselves a "Corporate Achievement" called "Welcome to the Internets," with the description "Fail to understand what Private means on YouTube."
In the officially released version, one of the alert panels reads "Leaked Video." It originally read "Lost Memory." Also, the Administrator only says "Intruder alert!" once instead of twice as in the official release.
- W Rosyjskiej Wersji, Podczas Szpieg z RED zniszczył Działko Inżyniera z BLU, Inżynier nie mówi "Działko Strażnicze Zniszczone", unlike in other versions. Also, the Medic and Sniper fights are silenced to an extent as well.
- W 0:19 Skaut trzyma Piaskuna zamiast Kija Baseballowego.
- Utwory "Right Behind You", "Petite Chou-Fleur", i "Intruder Alert" które są w Filmie, Puźniej zostały dodane do Ścieżki dźwiękowej Team Fortress 2.
- Gdy Szpieg z RED jest przebrany za Skauta z BLU może dotknąć teczki z tajnymi materiałami. W grze nie ma takiej możliwości.
- Gdy Szpieg z Red zabija Medyka z Blu, w tle widoczna jest skrzynka z Template:W.
- The alarm bell and signal board at the beginning is an "Alarm-O-Tron 5000". These alerts are displayed below. The alerts in bold display the specific warnings which were activated and lit during the video.
Emergency On Cap Intruder Alert Is Fired BLU Demoman jest w Depresji Wszystko Wyczyszczone RED Skaut Exploding Jest w ogniu BLU Inżynier About to Explode Vaporized Aktualizacja Drużynowa Nowa Misja On Break BLU Snajper Is Drunk In Surgery Needs a Ride RED Medic RED Heavy RED Pyro Defenestrated Smells RED Snajper Drowned Tóż za tobą Jest Mężczyzną Owns Base Backstabbed Stole a Car BLU Szpieg Znalazł Draculę Jest Kobietą BLU Żołnierz Again Hit by Train RED Inżynier Zgubił Teczkę RED Demoman Above You! Jest Robotem Look Out Sabotage Potrzebuje Amunicji Jest w Toalecie Electrocuted BLU Skaut Has Evil Twin RED Szpieg RED Żołnierz Pcha Kart Jest w Bazie RED Szpieg BLU Medyk Śpi Wounded Potrzebuje Wsparcia Eksplodował Głodny Wyciekło Wideo BLU Gruby BLU Pyro Smothered Śikwongo Has Briefcase Outside Base Needs Roommate Mangled Otworzył Teczkę Lost Dracula
- The Alarm-O-Tron 5000 board gives a hint about who the RED Spy is disguised as. Three consecutive alerts read: "BLU Scout", "Has Evil Twin", and "RED Spy".
- The Alarm-O-Tron 5000 board also continues the question about the Pyro's gender. On the boards are the alerts: "Is a Man", "Is a Woman", are directly below the RED Pyro sign,"Is a Robot" also appears on the board.
- The Alarm-O-Tron 5000 board has a reference to Meet The Spy being leaked by Valve employees with the alert "Leaked Video".
- The Alarm-O-Tron 5000 board makes an appearance in the map Double Cross in a locked-off room beside both Intelligence rooms.
- The Alarm-O-Tron 5000 board lists the RED Spy twice.
- The video takes place in a modified version of the 2Fort map, with most of the action occurring in BLU's Intelligence room.
- On the corkboard next to the filing cabinets, a photo of Saxton Hale (CEO of Mann Co.) can be seen.
- The French phrase spoken by the RED Spy at the end is "Ah, ma petite chou-fleur," literally meaning "Ah, my little cauliflower." In French, the phrase is used as an endearment toward loved ones.
- Leading into the scenario with the Sniper, the BLU Spy's cigarette can be seen to move oddly in his hand, despite keeping his hand still.
- The Sniper is seen wearing the Trophy Belt. This was a teaser as hats had not been revealed when the video came out. This was one of the several hat teasers during this trailer, including the Heavy's Football Helmet which can be seen early in the video on top of a filing cabinet in the Intelligence room.
- All three of the Sniper's items from the Sniper vs Spy Update can be seen in the video:
- When the Spy is killing the Heavy and Soldier at the end, the Heavy and Soldier's grunts are timed almost perfectly with the ending flourish.
- When the Soldier kills the BLU Spy, the Shotgun he uses makes the same firing sound the Spy's Revolver does, rather than the standard Shotgun firing sound.
- When the Soldier is attempting to input the door code the Scout next to him is seen holding the Sandman instead of his standard Bat. When the video was released, Spies could not display unlockable weapons in-game.
- Because the code to the door is 1-1-1-1, the 1 button on the number pad is noticeably more worn out than the other numbers.
- On the "Meet the Spy" title card the white knife is actually the Kill icon for the Knife. However, the icon seems to be different, as there is a drop of a liquid which appears to be blood. In the game, the blood drop does not appear on the Kill Icon.
- When the Soldier, Scout, and Heavy meet outside the Intelligence room, they appear to be at the entrance closest to the L-Shaft. When the group enters the Intelligence room, they do so through the opposite door.
- This video takes place at the same time as the WAR! Update comic does, but from the Announcer's perspective.[1]
- One of the Announcer's screens shows the BLU Scout laying dead against a wall.
- When the Sniper's body is first seen being held by the BLU Spy, it has no glasses on. They reappear during the phrase "You've seen what he's done to our colleagues".
- Sappers can neither be used to instantly destroy Sentry Guns in the game nor be able to slide across the floor from a distance.
- After the Sniper vs. Spy Update, the scar from the BLU Sniper's fight with the RED Spy was added to the skin of the in-game model.
- When the Scout begins to twirl the knife, he is holding the safe handle, but when he closes it on his fingers, he acts as if he has been cut.
Inne wersje
Zewnętrzne linki
- Komiks – Przed WOJNĄ! (angielski)