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« | Passe-temps combine la bataille classique de Team Fortress 2 avec des sports actuels comme le football, le hockey et le basketball.
— Texte de présentation
» |
Passe-Temps est une mode de jeu en bêta annoncé en le 18 août 2015 développé par Bad Robot, Escalation Studios, et Valve. Actuellement, PASS TIME est un bêta. La date de sortie pour le jeu est actuellment inconnue.
Étant donné que le mode de jeu et les cartes sont en développement, certaines textures et animations peuvent être manquantes, et certains éléments décrits dans cet article sont possibles de changer.
Les cartes actuelles de PASS Time sont symétriques, similaire aux cartes du mode Capture du Drapeau. Une balle neutre ou un Jack apparait près du centre. Les joueurs doivent prendre une la balle et l'introduire dans l'objectif de l'équipe adverse. Players must score more points than the other team when time runs out in order to win. Otherwise Sudden Death goes into effect.
When carried by a player, the Jack provides health regeneration, a temporary speed increase, and the ability to see both teammates and enemies through walls. Temporary invulnerability is also granted when the Jack is stolen via a melee weapon or intercepted.
Players are unable to use any weapons. It can be thrown or passed to teammates via the primary fire button. However, it can be intercepted if an enemy strikes the player with their melee weapon or if the enemy hits the carrier with a projectile from the Sandman or the Wrap Assassin. The Jack becomes neutral when it touches the floor after being thrown.
Bandes vocales d'Annonce
Note : Ces bandes vocales sont actuellement en bêta et peuvent être modifiées. Surtout que l'annonceur est un homme.
Quand le joueur libère le Jack |
PASS Time possède trois cartes compatibles qui prennent le préfixe pass_; les cartes communautaires sont indiquées en italique.
Nom | Miniature | Nom du fichier |
Warehouse | pass_warehouse
| |
Warehouse (Goal 2) | pass_warehouse_goal2
| |
Pinewood | 160px | pass_pinewood
Historique des mises à jour
- Ajout du nouveau mode de jeu : 'PASS Time' au jeu en bêta.
August 18, 2015 Patch #2
- Fixed a client crash related to the HUD.
- Fixed the Short Circuit being used to remove the Jack from the game.
- Fixed players being able to pick-up the Jack while they have weapons deployed that cannot be holstered.
August 18, 2015 Patch #3
- Fixed a PASS Time sound bug related to carrying the Jack.
- Fixed disguised Spies not having a shield drawn for them in the HUD
- Fixed players being able to carry the jack while taunting (fixes an exploit with The Eureka Effect)
- Fixed being able to 'inspect' the jack while players are carrying it
- Fixed capturing the jack not incrementing Scout contract points
- Fixed scoring in your own goal if you change teams while the jack is in flight
- Fixed disguised and cloaked enemy Spies having a shield drawn for them in the HUD
- Fixed players sometimes not being able to throw the jack
- Fixed another case where players could teleport the jack with The Eureka Effect
- Fixed The Dead Ringer making it impossible to throw the jack or deactivate the Dead Ringer
- All global special abilities that are activated with alt-fire are now available while carrying the jack, unless you're actively aiming the jack
- Unlocked console variables for community servers to experiment with without requiring sv_cheats
- Fixed Scouts being able to pick up the jack while drinking
- Fixed disguised Spies being able to carry the jack in some situations
- Made weapon switch faster after throwing the jack
- Fixed not getting a speed boost if you score and then get the jack after it respawns
- Fixed a crash if mp_tournament was enabled and someone scored during pre-game
- Improved the way blocking works
- Fixed being able to cancel enemy taunts by hitting them with the ball
- Fixed seeing a phantom jack in your hand if you threw the jack and couldn't switch back to your previous weapon (jars, cleavers, etc.)
- If the jack is neutral for too long, it will automatically respawn
- If a player holds the jack for too long, teammates can steal the jack from that player
- Catching and intercepting a tossed jack is slightly easier
- Demoman can no longer charge or detonate while holding the jack
- Enabled melee-only for sudden death mode
- Rounds will continue after the timer expires until the jack becomes neutral or someone scores
- The jack will heal its carrier to full health
- Added
for testing unstable features - Unstable features
- Attack, defense, and support classes have different throwing arcs (
) - The jack inherits some of the thrower's velocity (
- Attack, defense, and support classes have different throwing arcs (
- Added an alternate version of
- Instead of scoring by throwing the jack into the goal, players need to carry the jack into the goal
- Trying out some new sounds
- Catching and intercepting a tossed jack is slightly easier
- Added convar
- Fixed an issue that prevented disguised Spies from receiving a pass from enemies
- Fixed a bug that allowed overloadable weapons to continue reloading while carrying the jack
- Fixed an issue that awarded a point to the wrong team during team switch
- Fixed an issue that prevented automatic jack respawn from working in some cases
- Fixed a wrong texture on goal visualizers
- Fixed pass lock sound not playing for the targeted player
- The announcer now says "overtime" at the appropriate time
- Updated
- Removed jump pads from the second floor of the warehouse
- Added more spectator cameras
- Added lateral jump pads to the middle arena
Patch du 28 octobre 2015 (Scream Fortress 2015)
- Fixed viewmodel/worldmodel when
is set - Added convar:
- Added entity:
- Updated PASS Time to fix not seeing the Halloween version of the Jack while it's being carried by a player
- Each class now has slightly different throwing power and arc
- During Overtime, the round doesn't end until the jack has been neutral for a few seconds (
) - All available enemy goals will show a reticle on the HUD while carrying the jack
- Added max pass range parameter to
- Jack won't automatically respawn unless it's been picked up at least once
- New map:
- Fixed a dedicated server crash related to dropped weapons and the jack in PASS Time mode.
- Experimenting with new HUD elements and art.
- Experimenting with new viewmodel animations.
- New testing feature '
' that shares pass, steal, and intercept bonuses with the whole team.
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