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Revision as of 10:07, 10 July 2010 by Kingshadow3 (talk | contribs) (Trivia)
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Basic Information
Icon: Leaderboard class soldier.png
Type: Offensive
Health: 200
(300 when buffed by a Medic)
Speed: 80%
Meet the Soldier
I have personally killed 6,078 men in cold blood while looking them in the eye; jumped on 1,455 live grenades; and stuffed fourteen feet of my own intestine back into my stomach.
If that doesn't scare you out of your frilly pink leotards, guess what: You are an idiot and you hate America.
The Soldier on real fear

A psychotic patriot from the heart of America, the Soldier (allegedly Mister Jane Doe) is the bread and butter general assault unit of the team. While one of the easier to understand classes on the roster, he is far from the weakest. In fact, when played right, the Soldier can be one of the most dangerous classes on the battlefield. Equipped with his Rocket Launcher and stamina to spare, the Soldier is a highly versatile class for both offensive and defensive roles.

An ability the Soldier is infamous for is the spectacular rocket jump. In defiance of all good sense and judgement, the Soldier can point his Rocket Launcher downward, leap into the air- and fire, propelling himself skyward at the cost of some health (though as the Soldier attests, "Pain is weakness leaving the body.") This ability allows the Soldier to pop up in unexpected places and reach areas off-limits even to the Scout and his leaping prowess.


Basic Strategy

Main articles: Soldier tips, Soldier strategy
  • You can rocket jump to great heights by simultaneously jumping and firing a rocket at the ground.
  • Aim rockets at enemy's feet to ensure they can't avoid the explosion damage.
  • Make sure you keep your Rocket Launcher loaded. Hit "R" to reload it at any time.
  • Hit your "MEDIC!" button to call for a Medic if you get hurt. Nearby Medics will be notified of your need.
  • When using the Equalizer and your Health is below 160, your running speed increases, enabling you to make a quick getaway.


Note: Weapon damage is approximate and measured at point blank range. See individual weapon pages for additional figures.


Weapon Ammo Loaded Ammo Carried Damage Range Special Ability
Item icon Rocket Launcher.png
Rocket Launcher 4 20 Base/Max: 90/112
Crit: 270
Item icon Direct Hit.png
Direct Hit 4 20 Base/Max:112/140
Crit: 338
Rockets travel 80% faster and inflict 25% more damage. Scores Mini-crits on juggled opponents. -70% splash radius.


Weapon Ammo Loaded Ammo Carried Damage Range Special Ability
Item icon Shotgun.png
Shotgun 6 32 Base/Max: 60/90
File:Item icon Buff banner.png
Buff Banner N/A N/A N/A Sounding the bugle grants 10 seconds of Mini-crits to wielder and nearby teammates. Can only be used at 100% rage (rage meter progresses with the damage inflicted by the player).
Item icon Gunboats.png
Gunboats N/A N/A N/A -60% self damage by own rockets, including rocket jumps.


Weapon Ammo Loaded Ammo Carried Damage Range Special Ability
Item icon Shovel.png
Shovel N/A N/A Base: 65
Crit: 195
Item icon Equalizer.png
Equalizer N/A N/A Base: 33-113 (damage vs. decreasing health)
Crit: Three times the base damage.
When equipped, melee damage and movement speed scale inversely with the amount of health the wielder has left.
Item icon Pain Train.png
Pain Train N/A N/A Base: 65
Crit: 195
Doubles capture power for points and carts. User receives 10% more damage from bullets.

Taunt Attack

Attack Weapon Duration Damage
Kamikaze Equalizer 4 seconds 500+ (Instant kill), 256 Self damage, 6 ft radius.


Main article: Hats
Original Classless Community
Soldier's Stash Tyrant's Helm Stainless Pot Killer's Kabuto Sergeant's Drill Hat
Backpack Soldier's Stash.png
Backpack Tyrant's Helm.png
Backpack Stainless Pot.png
Backpack Killer's Kabuto.png
Backpack Sergeant's Drill Hat.png

Miscellaneous Items

Gentle manne's service medal
Backpack Gentle Manne's Service Medal.png

Official class avatars

Official class avatars
Original set RED ÜberCharged set BLU ÜberCharged set
Soldierava.jpg Buffed red soldier.jpg Buffed blu soldier.jpg
Get TF2 avatars on Steam: Original


Main article: Soldier achievements

Soldier pack: 35 achievements, 3 milestones.


  • The Soldier is voiced by Rick May.
  • The BLU Soldier's name is, according to his mailbox, Jane Doe. Jane Doe is the name used when a person's name is not known, usually used in reference to missing Soldiers (it also may reference John Doe, the name used as a placeholder in legal documents, or dead bodies).
  • The Soldier has made several posts on the TF2 Official Blog. He is the only class to do so.
  • The Soldier has a crew cut hairstyle beneath his helmet.
  • The Soldier has a list of things men should be engaged in at all times:
    • 1. Getting a haircut
    • 2. Yelling
    • 3. Digesting ribs
    • 4. Hill defense
  • When the Soldier had his team picture taken, the photographer asked him to act naturally, so he yelled at him to stop disgracing his family and get a real job.
  • The Soldier's habit for calling other people "Maggots" is likely a reference to semi-retired professional wrestler Robert Remus, better known for his time in the World Wrestling Federation as the square-jawed All-American soldier Sgt. Slaughter. Remus also voiced the animated version of Sgt. Slaughter that appeared as a Drill Instructor in the 1980's G.I. Joe cartoon.
  • The Soldier smokes, as evidenced by the Soldier's Stash hat and promotional images.
  • A running event in the Meet The Team videos is that the BLU Soldier is either killed or grievously wounded. The BLU Soldier, alongside the BLU Heavy, has been killed in every Meet the Team video to date.
  • The Soldier's voice actor and the Engineer's voice actor have both voiced the character Wolf O'Donnell from Nintendo's Star Fox series: Rick May (the Soldier) in Star Fox 64, and Grant Goodeve (the Engineer) in Star Fox: Assault.
  • The BLU Soldier and the RED Demoman became fast friends after meeting at a projectile weapons expo. They shared many experiences together including deep sea fishing, a trip to Las Vegas and the 'Gravel Pits of America' scenic bus tour. After the Administrator's assistant Miss Pauling brought the matter to her attention (as friendships are forbidden by mercenary contract), the Administrator decided to introduce a little 'healthy competition' to kill their blossoming friendship.
  • The Soldier won the War waged between him and the Demoman, and was rewarded with the ability to use the Gunboats. Technically, more Soldiers than Demomen were killed during the course of the war; the scales were tipped in favor of the Soldier by points awarded through the Propaganda Contest.
  • The Soldier almost never removes his helmet, even outside of battle.
  • Despite his impressive salary the soldier chooses to reside in an unkempt appartment living off of army surplus soup and ribs, perhaps as part of his military facade.
  • The Soldier enjoys Capt. Dan's Army Surplus Soup, Guns and Haircuts Magazine, and deliveries from The Rib Place.
  • The Soldier's apartment has a map of Germany on the wall, most likely related to his post-WWII Nazi killing sprees.
  • The Soldier's apartment door has armholes for snapping the necks of would-be intruders. The apartment door also has seven locks.
  • The Soldier is the only class who makes references to the other character's country of origin with the exception of one line from the Scout when dominating a Medic and two lines from an Engineer dominating a Spy. These references sometimes display a surprisingly detailed knowledge of the country in question (taunting the Sniper for not being prepared for the level of violence on the battlefield, a reference to Australia's heavy censors on video games and film, something Valve learned the hard way when Left 4 Dead 2 was submitted for review,) and sometimes none whatsoever (as he believes the Engineer is a Canadian, though it may be intended to be an insult by labeling the engineer as such). He also shows that despite his violent attitude and apparent lack of intelligence, he knows a fair bit about current events (as he references the Cold War and World War II that he (unofficially) fought in when dominating a Heavy or Medic), and military policy (when he references "Section 8" and war crimes in his lines and achievements)
  • The Soldier does not openly say that he is not a real soldier (being denied from every branch of military, and going on his own tour of duty) and keeps the fact a secret. The mere suggestion that the Soldier is a civilian is liable to send him into a fit of self-righteous fury.
  • The Soldier hates hippies.
  • The Soldier is currently the only class who doesn't have any alt-fire functions for his weapons.
  • Despite the Soldier's aggressive and violent behavior, he claims in his domination lines that "love is sweet".
  • The Soldier makes up odd names for his enemies during dominations. He has given the Sniper six names during domination, most of them very similar.
  • The Soldier and Demoman are the only two classes with both hands uncovered.
  • The Soldier's beta emblem was a helmet. (see below)
100px 100px
  • The Soldier is the only player in the game who shows signs of patriotism, as evidenced by the above quote and his attempts to enlist in the US Army. He also appears to be xenophobic, making degrading remarks about all other classes' nationalities.
    • Despite the above statement, he has no problems working with the German Medic (America's, and his, enemy during WW2) and the Russian Heavy (America's enemy in the Cold War, which is still happening at the time of TF2), although he will reference WW2 and The Cold War when dominating enemy heavies and medics.
  • The Soldier apparently has no grip on reality, to the point of apparently thinking that the severed heads of people he has killed and carefully lined up on a wall are recruits, and gives them rousing speeches. He also believes many nonsensical things about history, although considering the nature of TF2, not all of his statements may be false.
  • The Soldier, despite his angry, psychotic, and violent behavior, appears to be very loyal to his friends, as evidenced by his refusal to kill the Demoman even though he knew he would probably get killed as a result.
  • The Soldier has used his Shovel for twelve years.
  • The Soldier's fondness for ribs pops up infrequently in TF2 media, such as blogs, comics, and even a Domination line to the Engineer.
  • The pose the Soldier made for the hidden medal page makes a few more appearances in TF2 media, such as the training room for the Target game mode.
  • The Soldier reloads his Shotgun slightly slower than the Heavy and the Engineer. He reloads just slightly faster than the Pyro.
  • The Soldier has an unused "Hatless" hat in the game files.
  • The Soldier's helmet is comically oversized, obscuring his eyes and thus, presumably, his vision. Yet the Soldier is capable of performing normally regardless of this limitation (for gameplay purposes, any player playing as a Soldier will be able to see normally).
  • The Soldier is apparently from the northern parts of the United States, seeing how the Engineer calls him a Yankee in one of his domination lines. Since he is from the Midwest, it is likely that he lives in Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, or one of the Dakota states.

See also

Concept art of the Soldier

External links