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< Landfall
Revision as of 02:58, 8 February 2011 by Moussekateer (talk | contribs)
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Landfall promo rc.jpg
Informations de base
Développeur(s) : Inconnu
Vue aérienne
Landfall overview.png
I'll take the high road, and you... should probably also take the high road.
Le Soldier à propos de Landfall (en anglais)

Landfall est une carte de capture de documents de la communauté , créée pour Concours de CTF de Elle arriva 9e avec 66 points.

Pour gagner, votre équipe doit capturer les documents de l'équipe ennemie continuellement jusqu'à la limite de capture (par défaut 3 captures) tout en protégeant vos propres documents.


  • L'arbre: Localisé au centre de la carte, le grand arbre sert de point de repère.
  • Le pont: Le pont en bois est présent dans chaque base, les documents reposent dessus.
  • La souche: Une grande souche d'arbre se trouve près du pont, ce qui fait un bon emplacement pour les Engineers souhaitant défendre leurs documents.
  • Le chemin: C'est la large route sale qui contourne les deux bases.
    • La cabane: C'est le bâtiment avec un étage accessible qui se trouve sur le chemin.



Journal des modifications :


Layout changes:

  • You can now jump onto the shack along the outside path.
  • Better FPS
  • Various detail improvements and additions

Gameplay changes:

  • Respawn rate raised 1 tick


Layout changes:

  • Added a new room on the upper levels of each side by mid.
  • Removed the outdoor ramp leading up, and put the indoor staircase back in (connects with the new room).
  • Changed the sawroom going into the bases. It's not got more space outdoors, in hopes of making that path more dangerous for the attackers.
  • Put the intel back in the old spot
  • Changed the layout of the intel deck to give the outside path an easy route to the intel.


Layout changes:

  • Added a small new room in mid to safely get from the lower saw-room door to the porch on the side of mid.
  • Added a new little alcove where the outside path meets mid.
  • Removed the indoor staircase going from the outside path to upper mid. It's replaced by an outdoor ramp leading up.


Gameplay Changes:

  • flag return time raised to 35 seconds

Layout changes:

  • Changed the sides of mid. They're now higher up and have a porch area to give a better vantage point on the upper catwalk.
  • Various changes to the former intel area.
  • Moved the intel to the building adjacent to where it used to be. I also expanded the building to make it a better intel spot. I'm just trying it out for now, to see what the new location does, so I might not stick with it.


Gameplay Changes (kind of):

  • put the spawn times back to a9 times

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