Difference between revisions of "Environmental death/pl"

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(Linked all maps under "Maps with *hazard*" to their respective translations. And sorry for describing previous versions with Star Wars episode names.)
m (Tyranozaur Rex: Corrected a small error.)
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=== Tyranozaur Rex ===
=== Tyranozaur Rex ===
[[File:Enclosure T-Rex closing roar.png|300px|thumb|right|Spotkanie z T-Rex'em na [[Enclosure/pl]|Enclosure].]]<!-- Zabija po eksplozji ładunku, szerząc funkcje z ostrzami pił, ogniem kotła i pociągiem  -->
[[File:Enclosure T-Rex closing roar.png|300px|thumb|right|Spotkanie z T-Rex'em na [[Enclosure/pl|Enclosure]].]]<!-- Zabija po eksplozji ładunku, szerząc funkcje z ostrzami pił, ogniem kotła i pociągiem  -->
{{Kill notice|extend = yes|width = 25%|weapon = skull|victim = Skaut}}
{{Kill notice|extend = yes|width = 25%|weapon = skull|victim = Skaut}}

Revision as of 12:03, 18 April 2020

(krzycząc) O kurde, to nigdy się nie skończy.
Naiwny Skaut decyduje się wejść do kotła...
...i spotyka go nieszczęśliwy koniec.

Śmierć spowodowana elementem mapy, może przybierać wiele form zależnie od różnych zagrożeń na danej mapie. Zagrożenia te mogą być użyte jak broń lub środek odstraszający przeciwko wrogom. Prawie wszystkie zagrożenia dają przewagę taktyczną dla tych, którzy o nich wiedzą. Świadomość tych zagrożeń może nie tylko zapobiec niepotrzebnym (i potencjalnie upokarzającym) śmierciom, ale może nawet zostać wykorzystana do zwabienia lub zepchnięcia kogoś.

Zagrożenia natychmiastowej śmierci

Podane niżej zagrożenia powodują natychmiastową śmierć niezależnie od zdrowia gracza. Wpływają nawet na graczy pod wpływem efektów nieśmiertelności, takich jak Bonk! Atomowy Kop albo ÜberCharge (z wyjątkiem jednego).

Ostrza pił

Piły blisko środkowego punktu na mapie Sawmill.
Latająca piła na mapie Gravestone.
Osobny artykuł: Ostrza pił
Killicon saw blade.png

Ostrza pił to neutralne byty oficjalnie wprowadzone na mapie Sawmill, które później pojawiły się na niezliczonej ilości mapach niestandardowych, takich jak np. Trainsawlaser. Poruszają się tam i z powrotem po ustalonej ścieżce zabijając każdego, kto wejdzie z nimi w kontakt. Ostrze piły zostanie umoczone w krwi do końca rundy jeśli kogoś zabije (funkcja kosmetyczna).

Nowy rodzaj ostrza piły, Latające ostrze piły zostało wprowadzone na mapie Gravestone. Te piły latają przez różne części tartaku, wydając krótkie dźwięki ostrzegające o ich nadejściu, natychmiastowo zabijają graczy z którymi wejdą w kontakt. Pokrywają się krwią tak samo jak normalne ostrza.

Mapy, które zawierają ostrza pił


Pociąg na jednym z torów w środkowym punktcie Well.
Osobny artykuł: Pociąg
Killicon train.png

Pociągi to neutralne byty, które natychmiastowo zabiją każdego kto stoi na ich drodze. Przyjazd pociągu jest zwykle oznajmiany przez migające światła na końcach torów i dźwiękiem dzwonów, które mogą być słyszane jeśli gracz jest wystarczająco blisko. W dodatku, pociągi często wydają dźwięki ostrzegawcze natychmiastowo po nadejściu jako ostateczne ostrzeżenie. Pociąg wzorowany jest na modelu EMD GP38-2, a jego malowanie mocno przypomina dawne malowania firmy Southern Pacific (angielski).

Należy zaznaczyć że dotknięcie boku pociągu nie zrani gracza; gracze mogą nawet bezpiecznie jeździć na górnej części pociągu. Jest to najbardziej widoczne na mapie Freight, ponieważ na tej mapie pociągi ciągną za sobą wiele wagonów które działają jako tymczasowe blokady. Są dwa warianty wagonów: kontenery które mają taki sam rozmiar jak pociąg oraz płaskie wagony na które można łatwo wskoczyć.

Wariantem godnym uwagi jest "Lil' Chew-Chew", unikalny wózek na mapie Frontier. Jeśli jest eskortowany przez troje lub większą ilość graczy drużyny BLU, "kąsa" i zabija każdego gracza stojącego mu na drodze, niezależnie od drużyny.

Mapy z pociągami

Jamy śmierci

Jama w Terminusie Upward.
Killicon skull.png
 Żołnierz fell to a clumsy, painful death

A Pitfall is a common environmental hazard that results from a fall into a pit or off of a ledge or cliff into an area that causes Pitfall death. Common Pitfalls include cliffs at map edges, large open pits at the end of certain Payload tracks, pits that open just before or during Payload Cart explosions, and various smaller pit traps set on several maps.

Different from fall damage, the amount of which is determined by distance falling on to a playable surface, Pitfall acts as an instant kill regardless of the distance fallen or any specific contact with the ground or an object. Pitfalls kill players by way of a trigger_hurt entity, which constantly and rapidly deals damage once within its area.

The point or depth of a Pitfall death in a fall area is not necessarily the visible surface at the bottom, as Pitfall death can be set at an invisible plane through which the player's ragdoll, gibs, weapon, or ammo drop may continue to fall.

Once the level of death is reached, there is no chance of survival in a Pitfall, not even if the player is under the effect of an ÜberCharge. Effects that can delay or slow a fall (e.g., Jumping or Parachute) have no effect on a Pitfall, other than to delay the inevitable, unless the area of the Pitfall can be avoided entirely.

Certain items are treated differently in Pitfall deaths, since they cannot be collected once they fall into a Pitfall. The Intelligence will be reset if the player dies in a Pitfall while carrying the Intelligence, which also applies to the bomb in Mann vs. Machine, the Australium package/briefcase of tickets in Special Delivery, the reactor core in Robot Destruction, and the JACK in Pass Time. Credits that fall down pits are considered collected and are immediately credited to the players. Soccer Balls that fall into Pitfalls remain there for the rest of the round.

Maps with Pitfalls


Piekielna Lawa przepływająca przez Piekło.
Killicon skull.png
Killicon fire.png

Lawa is a hazard that appears on a few maps, mostly Halloween-themed.

Infernal Lava: Except for the lava flow animation, Lava is indistinguishable from a Pitfall in most cases. Death is instant for most Lava, regardless of how short the fall may be. The death animation can be the same as for a Pitfall, but can vary with the particular map.

Hellfire Lava: In Hellfire, which is not Halloween-themed, the Lava death is not instant for players at full health, but does occur within a very few seconds, allowing a slim chance to grapple out of the Lava. The Hellfire Lava animation also includes small flares and Fireballs, the player and resulting ragdoll are set aflame, and, rarely, the killfeed can indicate a fire kill.

Maps with Lava (excluding the extended Halloween Pitfalls, e.g. Ghost Fort)

Zabójcza woda

Śmiertelne wody wokół Wyspy Skarbów na Eyeaduct.
Killicon skull.png

Certain waters in some maps are deadly to the touch. The kill mechanics are similar to a Pitfall, but, like Lava, no great fall height is necessarily part of the kill zone design. The death animation is a corpse bobbing in the water.

Stygian waters surround islands in some Underworld locations.

Whitewater rapids instantly kill anyone stepping or jumping in.

Maps with Stygian waters
Maps with whitewater


Krokodyl blisko Pierwszego Punktu na Mercenary Park.
Killicon crocodile.png

Krokodyle, wprowadzone w Mercenary Park, są animowanym zagrożeniem wodnym z efektami dźwiękowymi.

Dotknięcie wód z pływającymi Krokodylami powoduje pewną śmierć, natychmiastowo rozczłonkowując gracza, włączając graczy pod wpływem ÜberCharge.

Maps with Crocodiles*
* wyłączając mapy z niedostępnymi rekwizytami krokodyli with inaccessible crocodile props.


Sound advice.
Killicon skull.png

A Gator cutout can be found underwater. Contacting the Gator's mouth causes instant death.

Mapy z aligatorami

Eksplozja Ładunku

Ładunek eksplodujący na Badwater Basin.
Osobny artykuł: Payload
Killicon skull.png

During the final (or sole) round of any Payload or Payload Race map, the Payload Cart will explode either when it reaches the final point, or shortly after, triggering a Payload Cart explosion, which will cause all players in the surrounding area to be killed. In some maps, the resulting explosion creates a crater; falling into it will result in a pitfall death.

Maps with Payload Cart explosions


Brama zamku na DeGroot Keep.
Killicon skull.png

Zmiażdżenie powoduje natychmiastową śmierć każdego gracza na tyle pechowego, że został on uwięziony między dwoma twardymi powierzchniami.

Brama DeGroot Keep, która otwiera się po przejęciu puntków A i B, zamyka się po pewnym czasie, jeśli ostatni punkt nie jest przejęty. Jeśli gracz stoi pod bramą kiedy się obniża lub jest zbyt blisko bramy kiedy się otwiera, zostanie on zmiażdżony do śmierci.

On Stage 3 of Dustbowl, if the BLU team captures the first control point, the spawn gate in the left spawn leading out to the first control point will crush all players unlucky enough to be caught underneath.

On Doomsday and Carnival of Carnage, the platform that raises the player up to the rocket hatch or ticket lock can crush the player if one is unlucky enough to be standing under it if the Australium or ticket carrier is knocked off, or after the rocket is launched or ticket is captured.

On Egypt, all gates open and close slowly, and may crush players. Additionally, on Stage 1, there is an interior room on the path from the RED spawn to point A in which the player may get stuck between two doors if the BLU team captures the first control point. A short while after the capture, the ceiling of that room falls slowly and crushes all players unlucky enough to be underneath.

On Hightower and Helltower, if one team can prevent the other from pushing the cart to the top of the Capture platform, the platform will fall down and crush any player below it.

On Carnival of Carnage, if a player walks over the red strongman button, the giant hammer is swung down on top of it, crushing any players too slow to move away in time. The hammer strike also causes a shock wave that launches nearby players into the air, possibly causing a death by fall damage.

In Mann vs. Machine, the Tank Robots can crush any players that are unlucky enough to be caught between it and a wall or prop as it turns.

On Snowplow, the large device used to damage the train can crush players standing below it.

On Enclosure, Gate 01 can crush players when it closes after Capture point (B) is captured.

Maps with crushing

Ogień kociołka

Kociołek BLU w Foundry.
Killicon skull.png

Kociołek jest zagrożeniem specyficznym dla Foundry, zlokalizowanym tuż obok located next to each team's first spawns. Każdy gracz, który wejdzie do kociołka zostanie natychmiastowo zabity jednocześnie będąc podpalonym. Gracz, któremu uda się wepchnąć przeciwnika do kociołka otrzyma osiągnięcieZterminatorowany.

Mapy z ogniem kociołków

Ścieżka wydechowa rakiety

Ścieżka wydechowa po starcie rakiety na Doomsday.
Killicon skull.png

Mapa Doomsday zawiera ścieżkę, gdzie pod koniec rundy, wydech rakiety popchnie gracza do jamy zlokalizowanej na końcu ścieżki. Gracz zwycięskiej drużyny, któremu uda się popchnąć przeciwnika do tej jamy otrzyma osiągnięcie Lift-offed.

Na Steel, jeśli RED pomyślnie ochroni punkt E do końca rundy, rakieta nad ostatnim punktem startuje i zabija każdego pod jej wydechem.

Mapy z ścieżkami wydechowymi rakiet


Młynek widziany na Mannhattan.
Killicon skull.png

The Grinder is an environmental death that happens when a player gets sucked into a grinding machine. Players killed in this way will cause one of two loud sounds of flesh being crushed to play.

Na Mannhattan, ta śmierć może się zdarzyć także robotom, co powoduje odtworzenie jednego z trzech unikatowych dźwięków mielonego metalu. Dodatkowo, młynek na Mannhattan zawiera podejrzliwą skórkę od banana ulokowaną blisko maszyny; nadepnięcie na nią powoduje dźwięk poślignięcia i popycha graczy (oraz roboty) bezpośrednio do młynka.

Mapy z młynkami


Lasery widziane na Asteroid.
Killicon skull.png

Lasery są śmiercią specyficzną dla Asteroid, która porusza się tam i spowrotem przez predefiniowaną ścieżkę. Gracze, którzy wejdą z nimi w kontakt wypuszczą widoczne "iskry" i zostaną natychmiast zabici.

Te lasery są aktualnie jedynym zagrożeniem zabijającym natychmiastowo, które nie wpływają na graczy pod wpływem ÜberCharge.

Mapy z laserami

Tyranozaur Rex

Spotkanie z T-Rex'em na Enclosure.
Killicon skull.png

Tyrannosaurus Rex is an environmental death specific to the final point "T-REX" of the third stage of Enclosure. When the cart has been pushed a short distance onto the platform in front of the Tyrannosaurus Rex enclosure's gate, an immediate Payload Cart explosion is triggered. A second or so later, the T-Rex slams the gate open, killing and knocking back anyone who has rushed up to see Rexxy. T-Rex steps halfway into the room, amidst smoke and flames, killing any close players and letting out a climatic roar. Any player that then runs up to the Tyrannosaurus Rex during Humiliation is instantly killed and knocked backed.

Mapy z tyranozaurem

Bubbling Cauldron

Bubbling Cauldron.
Killicon skull.png

Bubbling Cauldron is a Halloween environmental death hazard. Any player that steps around the Bubbling Cauldron suffers health drain, while falling into the Bubbling Cauldron suffers instant death and knock back. When the Bubbling Cauldron is used as the final point on a Payload map, the Bubbling Cauldron has a unique killing explosion.

In Cauldron, standing on or jumping into the Cauldron as it is spewing out Fireballs will instantly kill the player.

Maps with a Bubbling Cauldron

Ostrza wahadłowe

Korytarz ostrzy wahadłowych.
Killicon skull.png

Pendulum Blades are neutral entities that were offically introduced on Monster Bash. They swing back and forth and instantly kill anyone that comes in contact with them. Cosmetically, a blade gets permanently coated in blood if it kills someone, which persists until a new round starts.

Maps with a Pendulum Blade

Jama ognia

Jamy ognia
Killicon skull.png

Fire Pit is a Halloween environmental death hazard found on Cauldron. Any player that steps into it will be instantly killed.

Maps with a Fire Pit

Zagrożenia zabijające po czasie

These environmental hazards do not kill players instantly, but can eventually cause environmental death.


Pochodnie i lutownicy na punktcie odrodzenia BLU na Egypt.
Killicon skull.png

Environmental fire, introduced in Egypt, is different from Flame Thrower fire or other fire damage produced by players, as it doesn't result in an afterburn effect. Instead, environmental fire slowly damages player's health only as long as the player stands directly in the hazardous zone.

Environmental fire does not ignite Sniper arrows.

Maps with environmental fires

Kule ognia

A "Fireball" plume in Hellfire.
Killicon skull.png

Fireballs, introduced in Hellfire, are rising plumes of Flame that cause fire damage to any player coming in contact with it.

The amount of damage a player receives from a Fireball broadly corresponds to the player's base class health; that is, each player that stands in full contact with the center of the entire plume will lose over half of its health regardless of class. Each class (except Pyro) also suffers brief afterburn from even the slightest contact with the plume.

Fireballs do not ignite Sniper arrows.

Another type of Fireball, introduced in Cauldron, has a chance of spewing out of the cauldron when the point is capped. These Fireballs rain over a large portion of the map, dealing large amounts of damage to unsuspecting players. However, these Fireballs do not cause afterburn.

Maps with Fireballs


Water corridors on Well.
Osobny artykuł: Water
Killicon skull.png

Players under deep water (water in which the player is completely submerged) have a period of approximately 12 seconds before they begin to suffocate. Failure to rise above water will cause them to continually lose 5 health every second until they drown. Any health lost by suffocation will slowly regenerate at a rate of 10 health every 2 seconds as soon as a player reaches the surface. Going back underwater, however, will cease health regeneration until the player surfaces again.

Maps with deep water

Drenaż zdrowia

Killicon skull.png

Health drain is a steady or increasing rate of health loss experienced in one or more specific areas of particular maps. Basic examples are Underworld locations in certain Halloween maps. The effect is also experienced inside the flying saucer in Probed. The drain is a damage-over-time effect similar to the effects of bleeding or afterburn; but, it is neither triggered nor time-limited. Health drain occurs only when a player enters a specific area and continues only as long as the player does not leave the area or until the player is killed.

Maps with Health drain

Para wodna

Hellish cloud of lethal steam on Brimstone.
Killicon skull.png

Steam, volcanic gas, or poison gas is a damage-over-time effect introduced on Brimstone. The time and area of effect are indicated by a rising cloud of vapor and fluid splashes (compare with Pumpkin bomb explosion splash). Players that enter the cloud suffer damage-over-time so long as they survive and remain in the cloud.

Maps with steam


Shake, tremor, or earthquake is a visible and audible cue effect that shakes a player's world view and aim. While the effect causes no direct damage, the effect can be somewhat disorienting and otherwise interferes with a player's ability to attack, defend, and navigate. The effect can serve as a warning of a monster or another effect. The world violently shakes for players as the Horseless Headless Horsemann chases them down. On Eyeaduct, shaking accompanies the spawning of MONOCULUS. Strong shaking is a map-wide cue of the Skeleton King on Helltower, while only very weak tremors warn of a Baby Skeleton spawning nearby. Earthquakes warn of the release of hellish steam on Brimstone.

Maps with shaking

Zmniejszająca woda

Shrinking Water is a fast-moving wall of water that closes in, shrinking the playable space. When entered, the player starts to drown at a rapid rate; if not acted apon quickly, the player will soon drown.

Killicon skull.png
Maps With Shrinking water

Bossowie/Zagrożenia specyficzne do wydarzeń

These environmental hazards are unique to Halloween and Invasion event maps.

Bomby dyniowe

A Pumpkin bomb on Harvest Event exploding.
Osobny artykuł: Pumpkin bomb
Killicon pumpkin.png

Pumpkin Bombs and reskins are special objects found on all Halloween maps except Ghost Town (Mann vs. Machine) and Monster Bash. On Cursed Cove and Laughter, they are replaced by Explosive Barrels and Dynamite Balloons, respectively. Additionally, exploding Alien Walker part reskins appear on 2Fort Invasion. Pumpkin Bombs are rigged with explosives and detonators visible on their exteriors from certain angles. Their detonators will occasionally glow.

Once a Pumpkin Bomb receives any amount of damage from any source, or is hit by a projectile which would not normally damage anything (for example, the Rocket Jumper's projectiles and Mad Milk), it will trigger an explosion, dealing heavy damage to all players near it. This does not cause instant death; any class with enough health or who is under the effects of invincibility can use these bombs for an explosive jump.

Pumpkin Bombs should not be confused with Halloween pumpkins. A simple way to tell them apart is that Pumpkin Bombs do not move, whereas Halloween Pumpkins will rotate similar to Health packs or Ammo crates. Pumpkin Bombs will always spawn in the same spots, while Halloween Pumpkins will drop where a player is killed.

Pumpkin Bombs should also not be confused with Pumpkin MIRV, a magic spell.

Maps with Pumpkin Bombs

Balony z dynamitem

A Dynamite Balloon on Laughter.
Killicon skull.png

Dynamite Balloons appear in Laughter. They explode when damaged, similar to the Pumpkin bombs.

Maps with Dynamite Balloons

Wybuchowe beczki

An Explosive Barrel on Cursed Cove.
Killicon skull.png

Explosive Barrels appear in Cursed Cove. They explode when damaged, similar to the Pumpkin bombs. However, their damage is much greater, instantly killing anyone within range. Jumping from the explosion is only possible under the effects of Invulnerability.

Maps with Explosive Barrels

Alien Walkers

An Alien Walker on 2Fort Invasion.
Killicon skull.png

Alien Walkers are placed around the Invasion maps, which explode after being damaged, similar to Pumpkin bombs.

Maps with Alien Walkers

Wybuchy terenowe

Area Explosion occurs in order to punish players who have stayed for too long in Eyeaduct's Loot Island and Ghost Fort's Skull Island. A while after the gates to the Bombinomicon and the Skull Island Topper have lowered, the place will be engulfed in a series of explosions that will instantly kill anyone still there.

Maps with Area Explosion

Bomb Head

Killicon underworld.png

During battles against Merasmus, the Bombinomicon turns random players' heads into bombs, forcing their view into third person and temporarily removing their weapons, and instructs them to run into Merasmus to blow him up. If they take too long to run into Merasmus, the bombs on their heads explode, causing a lot of damage and rocketing them skyward if they survive the explosion, which may also cause them to take fall damage once they land. If they manage to run into Merasmus and explode on him, they are still thrown high up, but are granted temporary Invulnerability and Crits.

On Laughter, players who stay too long in the Underworld have their heads turned into bombs as an incentive to speed things up and return to the regular map. If they fail to leave the Underworld, the bomb explodes, gibbing them.

Maps with Bomb Heads

Bezgłowny Bezkonny Jeździec

The Horseless Headless Horsemann.
Osobny artykuł: Horseless Headless Horsemann
Killicon horseless headless horsemann's headtaker.png

The Horseless Headless Horsemann was the first boss enemy in Team Fortress 2. Introduced in Mann Manor, it now appears in other Halloween maps as well. He rises out of the ground or floor and proceeds to hunt down and kill players on both teams. The Horseless Headless Horsemann deals heavy damage to any player or building that he strikes. He continues his massacre until killed by a player (or players). All kills by the Horsemann count as environmental deaths and trigger the relevant achievements.

On Carnival of Carnage, the Horseless Headless Horsemann appears during the "Bumper Car Soccer" and "Falling Platforms" bumper car duels, wielding a gigantic blood-spattered Necro Smasher. While he can be killed as usual, he is unable to directly damage players, and can only knock players back with his swings in an attempt to send them into the map's Pitfalls.

Maps that feature the Horseless Headless Horsemann


Osobny artykuł: Merasmus
Killicon merasmus.png
Killicon merasmus2.png
Killicon merasmus3.png
Killicon merasmus4.png
Killicon fire.png

Merasmus first appeared as a boss in Ghost Fort, but now can be found in other Halloween maps as well. Merasmus is the former roommate of the RED Soldier on a vendetta since the Soldier ruined his home. On Ghost Fort, Merasmus spawns near the control point after a pre-determined amount of time. A spawned Merasmus kills players on both teams using a variety of spells and attacks. Merasmus continues rampaging until he is defeated or his time runs out. Any death caused by Merasmus is classed as environmental.

Maps that feature Merasmus


Osobny artykuł: MONOCULUS
Killicon monoculus.png

MONOCULUS is a boss that first appeared in Eyeaduct, but can now be found in other Halloween maps as well. MONOCULUS takes the form of the RED Demoman's missing eye, haunted by the Bombinomicon. MONOCULUS spawns out of the contested control point or other locations under various conditions, which also instantly kills any players unfortunate enough to be standing there at the time. A spawned MONOCULUS proceeds to kill players on both teams using rocket-like eyeball projectiles, which are always critical hits and can kill any class (apart from the Soldier and the Heavy) with a direct hit. Such rockets can be reflected by a Pyro's compression blast. MONOCULUS continues attacking until it is killed or its time is up. Any death caused by MONOCULUS is classed as environmental.

The boss MONOCULUS should not be confused with "invokum monoculus", the magic spell that summons a team-loyal MONOCULUS.

Mapy, które zawierają MONOCULUSA


Król Szkieletów
Osobny artykuł: Skeletons/pl
Killicon skeletons.png

Szkielety zostały wprowadzone na mapie Helltower. Pojawiają się na kilku innych mapach Halloween. Są one animowanymi szkieletami, które mogą pojawiać się w różnych sytuacjach. Zielone szkielety atakują każdego, gdy te sojusznicze dla drużyn mogą zostać przyzwane używając Zaklęć. Pojawiają się w różnych rozmiarach, od małych, szkieletów w średnim rozmiarze, które rozdzielają się po śmierci w jeszcze mniejsze, do ogromnego i wytrzymałego Króla Szkieletów, który gwarantuje upuszczenie rzadkiego zaklęcia w przypadku śmierci. Każda śmierć spowodowana przez neutralne (zielone) Szkielety jest klasyfikowana jako środowiskowa.

Mapy, które zawierają Szkielety

Powiązane osiągnięcia

Leaderboard class scout.png Skaut

Klasyczny upadek
Klasyczny upadek
Spowoduj nieszczęśliwy wypadek śmiertelny lub samobójstwo, korzystając z odrzutu Siły Natury.

Brudna zagrywka
Brudna zagrywka
Spowoduj nieszczęśliwy wypadek śmiertelny poprzez ogłuszenie przeciwnika.

Leaderboard class demoman.png Demoman

To Nie Ja
To Nie Ja
Korzystając z wyrzutni bomb samoprzylepnych, zabij przeciwnika poprzez obrażenia zadane przez otoczenie.

Leaderboard class medic.png Medyk

Interwencja medyczna
Interwencja medyczna
Uratuj spadającego członka drużyny przed śmiercią od uderzenia o ziemię.

Pumpkin.png Strachosiągnięcia

Atak latarni
Atak latarni
Spowoduj śmierć 5 graczy, detonując pobliskie bomby dyniowe.

Backpack Full Head Of Steam.png Osiągnięcia Foundry

Foundry: Zterminatorowany
Foundry: Zterminatorowany
Zabij przeciwnika, spychając go do płomieni pod kotłem.

Doomsday icon.png Astro-siągnięcia

Doomsday: Asysta grawitacyjna
Doomsday: Asysta grawitacyjna
Wepchnij przeciwnika do tunelu odprowadzającego spaliny po zakończeniu rundy.

Halloween_achievements/pl#2013:_Bereavements Osierocosiągnięcia

Helltower: Gry minowe
Helltower: Gry minowe
Zabij 17 przeciwników w piekle za pomocą elementu środowiska

Halloween_achievements/pl#2014:_Merasmachievements Merasmosiągnięcia

Carnival of Carnage: Wypad z toru
Carnival of Carnage: Wypad z toru
Zabij 30 przeciwników, wypychając ich samochodzik poza tor.

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