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“ | Hijo te voy a volar esa cara de imbecil
Click to listen
— El Ingeniero sobre accion disciplinaria
” |
La ESCOPETA es el arma principal para el Ingeniero, y la arma secundaria para el Soldado, Pyro Y Pesado. Es Una escopeta de accion rapida con culata corta.
El arma dispara cada 0.6 segundos 10 perdigones a la vez, y puede causar mucho dano de cerca, pero tiene High Damage Falloff??. Por eso es ideal para escaramuzas proximas. Uso y estrategias dependera entre los class dueno.
Siendo el arma mas potente del ingeniero, los jugadores la usaran primeramente para defender los edificios de agresores proximos, o para ayudar a un pequeno [Sentry Gun] rematar.
Pyrus puede usar las escopeta para atacar enemigos fuera del alcance a traves de Flamethrower.
Los soldados se fiaran en la escopeta si se les terminan los cohetes, y posiblemente tambien en espacios cerrados donde las explosiones no son viables. Por otra parte, usuarios del Heavy emplearan la escoptea para desarmar un enemigo si no tiene tiempo para recargar su propia [Minigun].
Como el Scattergun y el [[Force-A-Nature], el primer proyectil de la escopeta disparara al menos 1 perdigon directament hacia la mirilla antes de que se cuenta la dispersion de la bala.
Teniendo la escopetta equipada como un Pyro permitira al jugador hacer que Hadouken Taunt.
- Base: 6 por cada perdigones
- Daño de cerca : 150% (9 por cada perdigones)
- Daño de lejos : 50% (3 por cada perdigones)
- Cuenta de perdigones: 10
- Espacio en blanco del punto: 80-90
- DPS (damage per second): 133-150
- Medium Range: 10-30
- DPS (damage per second): 17-50
- Long Range: 3-10
- DPS (damage per second): 5-17
- Mini-Crit: 8.1 per pellet
- Critical hit: 18 per pellet
Medium range is defined as the length from the main resupply door to the opposite wall on the upper level of 2Fort. Long range is defined as the length from battlement to battlement on 2Fort. Base damage is the damage done at 512 units before damage variance or bullet spread. Ramp up maxes out at 0 units. Fall off maxes out at 1024 units. Damages are approximate and determined by community testing.
Function times
- Attack Interval: 0.625
- Reload Base: 1.0
- Additional Reload: 0.5
Reload base is the time it takes to reload the first ammo. Additional reload is the time it takes to reload each ammo after the first. All times are in seconds. Times are approximate and determined by community testing.
Related Achievements
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Combined Fire
Use your Shotgun to finish off 20 players you've ignited. |
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Kill an enemy with a taunt. |
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Freezer Burn
Provide enemies with freezecam shots of each of your taunts. |
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Kill an enemy with your Shotgun while you're out of Minigun ammo. |
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Texas Two Step
Use your Shotgun to finish off an enemy recently damaged by your Sentry Gun. |
Recent Changes
- After the WAR! Update, the Soldier's Shotgun taunt changed. Before, the Soldier would juggle explosives (this is now the Buff Banner's taunt). Now, he does a 21 Gun Salute, with a portion of Taps playing in the background.
- The Shotgun has Developer weapon variants.
- The Shotgun appears to be based heavily off of the Remington 870 and the Ithaca 37. (YouTube video of the Remington 870.)
- Unlike other classes, the Pyro pumps the Shotgun after switching to it, which also serves as a visual indicator of the one second delay before the player is able to fire.
- Comparing the reload times, The Engineer reloads his Shotgun the fastest whilst the Pyro is the slowest. The Engineer and Heavy are tied for the rate of reloading. [1]
- The Heavy holds the Shotgun's grip between his index finger and thumb due to his large hands.
- When the Soldier performs the 21 Gun Salute taunt, the Shotgun ejects no shells, fires no bullets and depletes no ammo. It is presumed he fires blanks.
- The Shotgun, Pistol, Pain Train and Frying Pan are the only weapons in the game to be used by more than one class.
- The Engineer obtained his Shotgun from the Sentry Gun kit he designed in collaboration with TF Industries. The Soldier probably obtained his Shotgun during World War II and was one of the many weapons he learned to load and fire by himself. It is unknown where the Heavy and Pyro got their shotguns, although because of both of their love for weapons, it is possible they acquired them independently or simply bought one from TF Industries.
- Although it cannot physically be seen by the player in-game, use of the Source SDK model viewer reveals that the Engineer taps the pump of his Shotgun whilst it is not in use.
- A server console command can be used to disable random bullet spread for the Shotgun, along with other pellet weapons like the Scattergun. When activated, any shots with these weapons will fire their 9 pellets in a perfect 3x3 square.
- Shotgun Soldier 1st person red cropped.png
Soldier RED 1st person view.
Soldier Full RED 1st person view.
- Shotgun Soldier 1st person blu cropped.png
Soldier BLU 1st person view.
Soldier Full BLU 1st person view.
- Shotgun Pyro 1st person cropped.png
Pyro 1st person view.
Pyro Full 1st person view.
- Shotgun Heavy 1st person cropped.png
Heavy 1st person view.
Heavy Full 1st person view.
- Shotgun Engineer 1st person cropped.png
Engineer 1st person view.
Engineer Full 1st person view.
- Shotgun Engineer with Gunslinger 1st person cropped.png
Engineer 1st person view with Gunslinger.
Engineer Full 1st person view with Gunslinger.
See also
- Soldier's Shotgun strategy
- Pyro's Shotgun strategy
- Heavy's Shotgun strategy
- Engineer's Shotgun strategy