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m ({{icon item|Grenade Launcher|16px}} Grenade Launcher)
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:Someone pointed this out in the YouTube comments. [[User:TFHK|TFHK]] 21:23, 29 September 2012 (PDT)
:Someone pointed this out in the YouTube comments. [[User:TFHK|TFHK]] 21:23, 29 September 2012 (PDT)
Another thing is that there is some weird music mixing at 0:38 [[User:Ben10508|Ben10508]] 21:42, 29 September 2012 (PDT)
=={{icon item|Kritzkrieg|16px}} [[Kritzkrieg]]==
=={{icon item|Kritzkrieg|16px}} [[Kritzkrieg]]==

Revision as of 04:42, 30 September 2012


Freedom Staff Freedom Staff

Pictogram wait.png This demonstration has been reserved: Akuago220, The Jungle Expeditioner 15:53, 27 September 2012 (PDT)

Out of curiosity, should I do the whole "crit-attack the medic" so that this can fit with the Melee Makeover? Akuago220, The Jungle Expeditioner 15:53, 27 September 2012 (PDT)

Of course Ben10508 16:50, 27 September 2012 (PDT)

Yes, this is covered on the project page — Wind 15:45, 29 September 2012 (PDT)

Robo-Sandvich Robo-Sandvich

Pictogram wait.png This demonstration has been reserved: -- Ragnar Homsar - (Talk) 16:16, 21 September 2012 (PDT)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oK4AismubQg -- Ragnar Homsar - (Talk) 22:25, 22 September 2012 (PDT)
Please watch what you pick up; this includes the health kit at 0:59, and the two sandwiches in the last two clips. Also, you have some pretty clear audio clipping issues that need to be addressed, it makes the rocket hits sound pretty bad — Wind 14:46, 23 September 2012 (PDT)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0mQF4gXhPI Added in the suggestions and made sure there's no audio clipping. -- Ragnar Homsar - (Talk) 23:09, 23 September 2012 (PDT)
I wasn't clear enough; by "watch what you pick up", I mean stop and take a good look at it before picking it up (the same as what is done on the Sandvich demo) — Wind 23:54, 23 September 2012 (PDT)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQhEj8IRxok -- Ragnar Homsar - (Talk) 07:12, 25 September 2012 (PDT)
I guess that still wasn't clear enough >: Take another good look at the current Sandvich demo. Kill the Heavy, walk up to the sandvich, stare at it for a while, then pick it up. Don't look at it from 5 meters away where it occupies a grand 4x4 pixels space of screen real estate — Wind 15:45, 29 September 2012 (PDT)

Need to be redone

Escape Plan Escape Plan

Pictogram wait.png This demonstration has been reserved: User Karmacharger Charger 2.png Karmacharger 2:18 , 9/25/2012 (PDT)

The current video don't show that Lumbricious Lid will make the Halleluja sound. It is shown on the Equalizer, so it need to be redone. --InstantMan 15:37, 24 September 2012 (PDT)

my bad i forget to show that , but if you guys don't mind let me take care of it anyway I was the previous demonstrator i would like to redo it myself. User Karmacharger Charger 2.png Karmacharger 12:03 , 9/25/2012 (PDT)

@ Karmacharger, you can borrow my Lumbricus Lid if you need it Ben10508 12:44, 24 September 2012 (PDT)

Hey Wind , Can you delete all my Escape Plan .dem first? i wanted to re-upload them that wouldn't be so confuse. User Karmacharger Charger 2.png Karmacharger 6:49 , 9/26/2012 (PDT)

Deleted all Escape Plan demos. In the future, upload them with a consistent name (escape_plan, like shown in the article URL, not escapeplan), and never name them things like "escape_plan_new" because this is what causes the confusion in the first place. Always use the same correct name every time, and the date in the file name will determine which one is the newest. If some clips haven't changed since the last version, reupload them anyway (I'll implement deduplication at the filesystem level if space becomes too much of a problem for this)
Please reupload the latest versions of all the .dem's when this demonstration is done — Wind 15:45, 29 September 2012 (PDT)

http://youtu.be/eaFOVEMFSpg User Karmacharger Charger 2.png Karmacharger 8:14 , 9/26/2012 (PDT)

The 4-way speed comparison split screen has the clips in the wrong order. The top left is 120 HP, while the top right is 160 HP. It should be the other way around — Wind 15:45, 29 September 2012 (PDT)

Eureka Effect Eureka Effect

Pictogram comment.png No special considerations

Pictogram wait.png This demonstration has been reserved: Ben10508 17:29, 31 August 2012 (PDT)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbDjTMz8-KQ Ben10508 17:21, 7 September 2012 (PDT)

Couple of things here:
  • Please put the building-dispenser-with-wrench clip on the right for consistency with the other wrench videos
  • "+200" metal visible at the beginnng of some clips
  • Repair clip starts too soon (Soldier fires a rocket before the fade is even over)
  • Metal counter is screwy in that clip (it's a pain to get that to render properly in demos)
  • In the clip at 1:36, the HUD ammo counter is not blinking. It is stuck in the purple-ish tone
  • The metal counter has the same glitch in that clip
  • Spy sapper clip starts too soon as well
  • Audio at the end is cut off

Wind 01:30, 9 September 2012 (PDT)

How do I get rid of all that stuff? I tried rendering over and over and it keeps happening Ben10508 17:13, 9 September 2012 (PDT)

You can't get rid of things like the +200 metal. You just have to make sure that during the first few seconds of the demo, you do nothing, so that you can cut them later in the video editor. It is always a good idea to spend a nice 5 or 10 seconds doing nothing at the beginning of the video (and at the end), for the reason just mentioned and also because of things like "the clip starts too soon", because then you can just cut the clip a little less to make it longer, without having to re-record. The HUD "low ammo" blinking thing happens sometimes when you start recording after you run out of ammo. To fix it, start recording, then shoot stuff (away from where you will be looking in the real video) until you are low on ammo, and then do the rest of the demonstration. In post, cut the first part at the beginning during which you are shooting. — Wind 21:28, 9 September 2012 (PDT)

Is there a certain console command that I can put in so that I get my ammo down a lot faster? Ben10508 18:17, 13 September 2012 (PDT)

No, but you can start with as few ammo as possible that doesn't make the counter go red — Wind 12:46, 15 September 2012 (PDT)

Ben10508 you have to re-record the clip , once you started record wait for 4 secounds do noting then start your moment. User Karmacharger Charger 2.png Karmacharger 1:09 , 9/16/2012 (PDT)

@Wind, this is what I do. I have full ammo and metal, make a sentry, resupply, make a dispenser then destroy, then I do it again so that I have no metal. But once I resupply after making the sentry, it also refills my ammo too Ben10508 13:24, 15 September 2012 (PDT)

http://youtu.be/YBo7mh7AY6M Although ben's reservation is expired, I'm not reserving this - I just want to move on from the engineer weapons and couldn't care less who the eventual demonstrator is. Gotta move that gear up. — Armisael (T · C) 09:17, 16 September 2012 (PDT)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDh4788-1a0 Ben10508 10:47, 16 September 2012 (PDT)

Is good Ben10508, please upload~ (Armisael's one doesn't demonstrate the resplenish-health effect from teleporting and has skull icons) — Wind 18:43, 16 September 2012 (PDT)
Strike that, Ben10508's video has inconsistent kill icons (See 2:18) because the kill icon broke. It's unfortunate. Still, Armisael's one can't be accepted either in its current state. — Wind 18:45, 16 September 2012 (PDT)
The kill icon is broken and the game shows the skull instead, so it's going to be tough to do this demo. Opening Medic melee in the meantime so that this doesn't block everything else. If someone figures out how to replace the kill icon to make it look good again then it's alright. Otherwise, we should wait until it is fixed, after which Ben10508 should get a 3-days reservation in compensation. *smacks gavel of justice* — Wind 18:59, 16 September 2012 (PDT)

I don't really understand. Is my current one good or do I have to fix the skull icons? Ben10508 19:31, 16 September 2012 (PDT)

You have to fix the skull kill icon. You'll do that either by simply waiting for valve to fix it (which will hopefully happen reasonably soon), or edit the kill icon to replace the skull with the eureka effect icon. — Armisael (T · C) 19:33, 16 September 2012 (PDT)
Your sapper clip is wrong as well; you need to show that the sapper can be removed in 2 hits, then demo the chain-sap. Darkid (talk|contribs) 19:37, 16 September 2012 (PDT)

How can I edit the kill icon? I've read that in somewhere in materials/HUD but I don't have the HUD folder. Anyone help? Ben10508 13:03, 17 September 2012 (PDT)

I don't exactly know myself, but for the materials/HUD folder you can just create the folders starting from your tf folder and mimicking the gcf file structure. Any file in tf/ will override the corresponding file in the gcf — Wind 20:59, 18 September 2012 (PDT)

Also, since the skull icon is the default one, shouldn't we keep it like that for the sake off being default although I know that this is a bug. Ben10508 13:17, 17 September 2012 (PDT)

We could but Valve is probably going to patch it soon, which would make this video be redone again >: — Wind 20:59, 18 September 2012 (PDT)

Then I'll just use the one that I have, I'll upload soon Ben10508 02:45, 19 September 2012 (PDT)

http://www.mediafire.com/?0buq9j1kuzkkaeq Ben10508 13:35, 19 September 2012 (PDT)

Are you going to take this one? Ben10508 14:37, 22 September 2012 (PDT)

Like I said, they're probably going to fix it soon >: If they don't for a week more or two, then yes we'll upload the skull-icon'd one — Wind 14:39, 22 September 2012 (PDT)

It has been about a week, can we upload it now? Ben10508 20:41, 29 September 2012 (PDT)

Grenade Launcher Grenade Launcher

Pictogram comment.png In the current video, the spy behind the crates was killed by the splash damage when the grenade hit the Medic.

Someone pointed this out in the YouTube comments. TFHK 21:23, 29 September 2012 (PDT)

Another thing is that there is some weird music mixing at 0:38 Ben10508 21:42, 29 September 2012 (PDT)

Kritzkrieg Kritzkrieg

The other two Medigun videos shows the longer a target has been hurt, the faster the heal rate. This one doesn't.--Uknownada 19:26, 17 September 2012 (PDT)

Power Up Canteen Power Up Canteen

Uploaded video has some minor mistakes.

 · The video has to show, that you can attack while being Ubercharged. This part of a video makes a feeling, that you can't.
 · You can show, that it is available for all classes, but the demonstration itself could be made by Engineer only to short the time.
 · Video didn't show that Crits bottle increases Sentry's shooting speed. One more point for Engineer demonstration.
 · Video didn't show Medic's ability to share the effect.
What do you think about it? Limie Pie Painted Sign of the Wolf's School 32CD32.png 00:12, 24 September 2012 (PDT)

All important points - especially the Sentry firing speed one, as that isn't explained very well in-game. » Cooper Kid (blether) • (contreebs) 04:34, 24 September 2012 (PDT)
And it needs to be shown that "Building Upgrade" can do that building that is under the constructing can go to level 3 and don't have to construct no more. --InstantMan 16:40, 24 September 2012 (PDT)
@Cooper Kid, I think it really need to show because it'll appear when equipped Canteen with Crits, even it isn't explained very well. User Hinaomi Hinaomi-sig.png Hinaomi (talk) • (contributions) 07:49, 24 September 2012 (PDT)
First one isn't really important but if we're going to redo it, might as well fix that. Second one is to show which classes have access to which upgrades and for consistency with the way that multi-class items are demonstrated. It's not ideal but it's not too bad either. Third one and fourth one are pretty important.
While we're at it, two other things:
  • Someone in the comments says that while the instant-upgrade canteen is active, you can build new buildings and they will instantly be upgraded. Is that true?
  • Someone in the comments says that we should use the MvM music for this. I agree, it makes a nice change, same as using the saxxy music for Saxxy

Wind 18:45, 24 September 2012 (PDT)

Syringe Gun Syringe Gun

Pictogram comment.png On the old tr_target_weaponref

Pictogram comment.png Blood stains behind the Pyro

Pictogram comment.png Minor graphical glitches when the Medic taunts

Pictogram comment.png Looks back after taunt

Pictogram comment.png No end sound

Pictogram wait.png This demonstration has been reserved: Ben10508 13:06, 26 September 2012 (PDT)

All Fixed Ben10508 13:06, 26 September 2012 (PDT)

Backpack clip is too short wait for 4 seconds or 5. User Karmacharger Charger 2.png Karmacharger 6:12 , 9/27/2012 (PDT)

Longer Backpack View Ben10508 14:12, 27 September 2012 (PDT)

Is good, please upload~ — Wind 15:45, 29 September 2012 (PDT)

http://www.mediafire.com/?2aqxne7so51sahi Ben10508 17:45, 29 September 2012 (PDT)

Actual Spy Melee Makeover

Alright, here's how it's going to work:

  • Make sure to turn crits ON (requirement for all spy melee demonstrations, so that the backstab animation plays correctly)
  • During the first clip, poke the Pyro from the front for two hits, then go on the left and poke the Pyro from the side until she dies (do not backstab, and make sure the knife raising animation doesn't happen)
  • Go behind Soldier (make sure not to look in the direction where the spy-that-will-be-tauntkilled is while you do this)
  • Looking straight at Soldier's back, take a few steps forward and backward to show the knife raising animation 2 or 3 times. Wait a second before changing direction, don't just mash the forward/backward keys sequentially
  • Once you're in backstab range the third time, backstab the Soldier
  • Wait until the Soldier death animation finishes and that the ragdoll is still on the ground before moving to the Medic
  • Do the same thing to the Medic as is shown in the current versions of the videos (show the full extent of the backstab angle etc) and backstab the Medic at the same extreme angle, still making sure you don't see the spy-that-will-be-tauntkilled while you do this
  • Taunt(kill) as usual
  • Add a clip to the video, which goes as follows:
    • Start in regular wooden barrier thing, with an enemy Spy and a friendly Heavy in front of you (with the enemy Spy on your left, the friendly Heavy on your right)
    • Stare at them for a few seconds, then have the enemy Spy disguise as a friendly Heavy
    • Stare at them again for a few seconds more, then go behind the friendly Heavy
    • Go back and forth through the friendly Heavy (go completely through) 3 times to show that you can walk through as if nothing was there
    • Go behind the enemy Spy and do as if you wanted to go through him, the same way you did for the friendly Heavy. This shows the knife raising animation on top of showing the "solid-ness" of the enemy Spy
    • Once you are in backstab range for the third time, go in front of the enemy Spy but from a few steps away, and look at him
    • Have the enemy Spy cloak
    • Go back behind the enemy Spy and do the same motion as you just did, showing the knife raising animation, the "solid-ness" of the enemy Spy, and the cloak blinking effect when you touch him
    • Once you are in backstab range for the third time, take a few steps back
    • By now, cloak may have run out already. If it hasn't, manually uncloak the enemy Spy back into a friendly Heavy disguise
    • Backstab him a few seconds after the uncloak is complete
    • End clip

Knife Knife

Pictogram comment.png No special considerations
Pictogram wait.png This demonstration has been reserved:Armisael (T · C) 19:31, 23 September 2012 (PDT)

http://youtu.be/Bh7IPtPkO2QArmisael (T · C) 23:02, 23 September 2012 (PDT)
Doesn't exactly match the above but close enough. Please upload~ — Wind 23:54, 23 September 2012 (PDT)

Sharp Dresser Sharp Dresser

Pictogram comment.png Special considerations: No crafting number this time

Pictogram wait.png This demonstration has been reserved: Ben10508 19:34, 23 September 2012 (PDT)

I like how you said "until SHE dies" Ben10508 20:03, 23 September 2012 (PDT)

:3 — Wind 23:54, 23 September 2012 (PDT)

I've read on the project page that you can make a Spy bot disguise, but for some reason, I still don't get how you can do that without you having to disguise as well. Someone tell me how, or just simply join my private game and play as the Spy for me Ben10508 13:12, 24 September 2012 (PDT)

You can't make a Spy bot disguise without bot_mimic. For these demonstrations, you need a second account and a second TF2 instance running, or invite a friend to play the Spy indeed — Wind 19:00, 24 September 2012 (PDT)

I think I'll just go with having a human play the Spy, someone here just add me or something. How in the world do I get 2 instances of TF2 running at the same time? Ben10508 19:07, 24 September 2012 (PDT)

You either use two computers, or you use Sandboxie to isolate each instance. You need a pretty powerful computer to do this though, although if you are using Source Recorder then you can set TF to low graphics settings while you do this, then turn back on the high graphics settings when rendering.
You could also run one instance in VirtualBox or VMWare or something like that. That instance would look terrible and be really slow, but if all you need to do is to press two buttons (change weapon, then disguise) then that's not a big problem — Wind 19:12, 24 September 2012 (PDT)
I'd recommend using Hamachi for both you and your assistant. Did wonders for my Black Rose demonstration. --Akuago220, The Jungle Expeditioner 09:00, 25 September 2012 (PDT)

Hmm, can you help me out Akuago? Ben10508 12:38, 25 September 2012 (PDT)

Alright, thanks Akuago for helping me out Ben10508 14:27, 25 September 2012 (PDT)

http://youtu.be/UvmMzxdWroc Ben10508 13:06, 26 September 2012 (PDT)

Music mixing is a bit awkward at 0:59. That's the only problem though~ — Wind 15:45, 29 September 2012 (PDT)

http://youtu.be/ytjm3rN_ews Ben10508 19:42, 29 September 2012 (PDT)

Black Rose Black Rose

Pictogram comment.png No special considerations

Pictogram wait.png This demonstration has been reserved: Akuago220, The Jungle Expeditioner 20:26, 23 September 2012 (PDT)

Here's my demonstration. Download it here. --Akuago220, The Jungle Expeditioner 09:00, 25 September 2012 (PDT)

All good, thanks~ — Wind 15:45, 29 September 2012 (PDT)

Your Eternal Reward Your Eternal Reward

Pictogram comment.png No special considerations
Pictogram wait.png This demonstration has been reserved:Armisael (T · C) 19:26, 24 September 2012 (PDT)

http://youtu.be/4F7VU9AtqGIArmisael (T · C) 18:27, 24 September 2012 (PDT)
Again poor music mixing at 0:43 — Wind 19:00, 24 September 2012 (PDT)
http://youtu.be/X5PdIIiqJW0Armisael (T · C) 19:56, 24 September 2012 (PDT)

Did you just try to sneak in videos, you still have the big earner clip, and one more open. But you have videos for the wanga prick and spy-cicle Ben10508 18:53, 24 September 2012 (PDT)

Since making that comment, it has come to my attention that you are allowed to submit videos for as many demos as you want. I was wrong when I spoke before, and apologize for that. — Armisael (T · C) 18:56, 24 September 2012 (PDT)

You can make videos for anything, it's just that you have no right to complain if someone else reserves the demonstration and makes their own version, as long as the first version isn't accepted. That means that you can reserve this demonstration right now if you want, and your version will take priority, as long as you reserve this demonstration before Armisael's version is accepted — Wind 19:03, 24 September 2012 (PDT)

The video should demonstrate the fact that you disguise as only human targets upon a backstab, and not robots from mann vs machine--Aznsloverice 20:08, 25 September 2012 (PDT)
If that's the case, then yes I agree. Otherwise the video is good — Wind 15:45, 29 September 2012 (PDT)
Uploading per IRC discussion. — Armisael (T · C) 21:01, 29 September 2012 (PDT)

Wanga Prick Wanga Prick

Pictogram comment.png No special considerations

http://youtu.be/4_zTNX2CrZwArmisael (T · C) 18:27, 24 September 2012 (PDT)
Is good, please upload~ — Wind 19:00, 24 September 2012 (PDT)

Conniver's Kunai Conniver's Kunai

Pictogram comment.png No special considerations
Pictogram wait.png This demonstration has been reserved:Armisael (T · C) 19:31, 23 September 2012 (PDT)

http://youtu.be/RO4ZDonGCxgArmisael (T · C) 14:45, 24 September 2012 (PDT)
All good, please upload~ — Wind 18:45, 24 September 2012 (PDT)

Big Earner Big Earner

Pictogram comment.png Special considerations: Put all the cloak-charging-related stuff into its own clip. Do not cloak during the first clip; do whatever you want in the second clip that shows cloak recharge
Pictogram wait.png This demonstration has been reserved:Armisael (T · C) 14:45, 24 September 2012 (PDT)

http://youtu.be/FQVYWLYUdhU Previous owner reservation overwrite. — Armisael (T · C) 14:45, 24 September 2012 (PDT)
Poor music mixing at 0:43. clips are good though — Wind 18:45, 24 September 2012 (PDT)
http://youtu.be/GiFU_T7DuhIArmisael (T · C) 19:56, 24 September 2012 (PDT)
Uploaded, per IRC discussion. — Armisael (T · C) 20:00, 24 September 2012 (PDT)
overwrite reservation? i just reserved 2 Demonstration only. what's wrong with it? and my demonstration is almost done and who's care about Previous owner? User Karmacharger Charger 2.png Karmacharger 6:06 , 9/25/2012 (PDT)
If you would actually go read the reservation rules, the previous demonstrator is allowed to override reservations on that demonstration for a week after it's released. — Armisael (T · C) 15:15, 24 September 2012 (PDT)
Oh , then you did the most demonstration all times. don't you tell me i only can reserve demonstration that i am the previous demonstrator? Yes i can accept that rules with only can reserve 2 demonstration. what's the point? User Karmacharger Charger 2.png Karmacharger 6:19 , 9/25/2012 (PDT)
(Spy-cicle , Wanga Prick , Your Eternal Reward) you did the 3 demonstration of them. for example if people reserved 1 of them , then are you going to remove thier reservation all time just because you're the previous owner? User Karmacharger Charger 2.png Karmacharger 6:23 , 9/25/2012 (PDT)
Anyone is free to work on any demonstration they want to, and to reserve any unreserved demonstration. If you work on a demonstration without a reservation, you take the risk that the person who reserved will finish at the same time and will automatically win the conflict. If you reserve a demo that an active contributor worked on previously, you risk having your reservation overridden.
Earlier in the project, we didn't need these rules to be explicitly stated because it was understood that you gave the previous demonstrator time to publish before you started working. Reservations weren't binding - just a heads-up that someone was already working on that demo. As a result of certain contributors' actions, the current ruleset was put into place to codify those previous unspoken rules. — Armisael (T · C) 15:37, 24 September 2012 (PDT)
I'm going to amend that rule so that such a reservation overwrite counts towards the limit. This means that Armisael can't overwrite a demonstration if he already has 2 other demonstrations reserved. Still, Armisael only had one reservation (Knife demo), so he can still reserve this demonstration, and he has priority because he made the previous version of the video. Sorry >: But it does mean that you can reserve something else now, including the demonstrations that Armisael has made a video for but didn't reserve — Wind 18:45, 24 September 2012 (PDT)

Spy-cicle Spy-cicle

Pictogram comment.png Special considerations: Wait longer at the end of the last clip

http://youtu.be/cE4GJq3O1zw I've gotta say, that sandboxed rendering technique has been fantastic for my productivity. — Armisael (T · C) 18:27, 24 September 2012 (PDT)
Stare at the Medic's corpse (or Soldier's, if you prefer) until it collapses on the ground, as shown in the current version of the demonstration. Also, the no-kill-feed-notice clip still doesn't really wait long enough — Wind 19:00, 24 September 2012 (PDT)
What the hell is the point of the clip at 1:38? Darkid (talk|contribs) 19:23, 24 September 2012 (PDT)
To show that the stab doesn't make a sound (though the ice formation does) and that nothing shows up in the kill feed. — Armisael (T · C) 19:26, 24 September 2012 (PDT)
It's to show that there is nothing in the kill feed about the kill. That's why I ask for it to be longer, so that you have more time to see what is going on. Perhaps it should be done the same as pyroland kill feed differences, using a split-screen. That's probably a good idea — Wind 19:27, 24 September 2012 (PDT)
http://youtu.be/KszwDqVKO_gArmisael (T · C) 21:45, 24 September 2012 (PDT)
Final voice line was cut ("You got bloo--") — Wind 15:45, 29 September 2012 (PDT)
http://youtu.be/uCQHg6anpzwArmisael (T · C) 21:01, 29 September 2012 (PDT)


Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Hat of Undeniable Wealth And Respect

Pictogram comment.png Pyroland assists

Pictogram wait.png This demonstration has been reserved: User Karmacharger Charger 2.png Karmacharger 1:23 , 9/24/2012 (PDT)

HOUWAR currently has a note asking for an official video showing the animations on this hat (it writhes around). Could this possibly be folded into this video? I dunno - I'm not real big on cosmetic demonstrations. Thoughts from everyone? — Armisael (T · C) 15:41, 10 September 2012 (PDT)

Yes — Wind 23:09, 12 September 2012 (PDT)

Fine let me finish this faster. User Karmacharger Charger 2.png Karmacharger 10:30 , 9/21/2012 (PDT)

something wrong here , i don't own the hat but i replaced everything of this hat into alien swarm. in pyroland once i killed someone the kill tag say "Hat of Undeniable Wealth And Re + Karma Charger" Stopped at "Re" of the last word , any fix? User Karmacharger Charger 2.png Karmacharger 11:28 , 9/21/2012 (PDT)
Someone told me that's character limit is that true? User Karmacharger Charger 2.png Karmacharger 1:01 , 9/22/2012 (PDT)
Possibly. Try changing your name to something longer and check if it cuts the word at the same letter, that way you can find out — Wind 14:20, 22 September 2012 (PDT)

http://youtu.be/vU13qg8uvUs sorry for a long time just because of school and some home works , about the name whatever i changed "karma" or karma charger" the name of the hat still goes to the same cut at the "re" you may see some clips named to "karma" that show people the "character limit" player's name and hat's name is not related. User Karmacharger Charger 2.png Karmacharger 11:34 , 9/29/2012 (PDT)

Crit sound at 0:53. That's the only problem, everything else is good~ Once you've fixed the crit sound, don't upload it to youtube, upload the original video files and the .dem's directly — Wind 15:45, 29 September 2012 (PDT)

Scrap Pack Scrap Pack

Pictogram comment.png Pyroland assists

Pictogram wait.png This demonstration has been reserved: Ben10508 02:43, 13 September 2012 (PDT)


The tone of the video is a bit darker than my usual ones because I rendered it to make the video size smaller. The original video was a few gigs, I dunno why. But I rendered it to about 60 mbs Ben10508 12:36, 20 September 2012 (PDT)

Please don't use the codec and encoding settings you used here; it suffers from discoloration (as you noted) and some pretty bad interlacing problems (look at pyro's shotgun when she reloads it or fires it). For best results, I recommend x264vfw (as linked on the project page) with a quantizer-based pass somewhere between 8 and 16. The clips themselves are all good though~ The audio looping is a little off though, you may want to use Karmacarger's clips — Wind 22:38, 20 September 2012 (PDT)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkLSKgrqsHA Ben10508 15:17, 22 September 2012 (PDT)

Still interlaced >: It should be in your video editor's rendering settings. If anywhere it says "interlaced" or "use interlacing" or "1080i" (as opposed to "1080p"), uncheck it. Like I said, you can tell if it's interlaced by looking at the pyro's shotgun (or anywhere where there's a clear edge in motion against a plain background). You'll see interlacing marks. — Wind 14:46, 23 September 2012 (PDT)

Hopefully this is good enough Ben10508 18:39, 23 September 2012 (PDT)

All good, please upload~ — Wind 18:46, 23 September 2012 (PDT)

http://www.mediafire.com/?mlb29b8203r9wi1 Ben10508 12:55, 24 September 2012 (PDT)

Thanks~ — Wind 18:45, 24 September 2012 (PDT)

Questions and Proposals

is anyone looking for longer version of each demonstration music?

5 minutes version of each songs , it is for these people who needed this. ending sound is another file so don't worry. User Karmacharger Charger 2.png Karmacharger 09:12 , 5 July 2012 (PDT)

http://www.mediafire.com/?3o4xsap1s51k253. Here is a 10 minute version of it if anyone needs this Ben10508 09:22, 24 August 2012 (PDT)

Are there any other video recorders besides Wegame or Fraps?

Wegames isn't working for me, as it won't record properly, and I can't spend money on Fraps. Any other alternatives? --Enthers. (I find this work intriguing. How about yourself, sir?) 21:33, 17 June 2012 (PDT)

dxtory maybe, but it's not free and haven't tried it. I used to use Taksi years ago (very very long ago), it probably doesn't work with recent games though. Otherwise, this is the Internet, so I'm sure you can find ways around barriers — Wind 22:09, 17 June 2012 (PDT)
But if I use any other video recorder, is that allowed? Do I need to use the full version of fraps? --Enthers. (I find this work intriguing. How about yourself, sir?) 22:35, 17 June 2012 (PDT)
you can find the cracked version of fraps , search on youtube make sure many peoples commented it's work. i'm also using the cracked version. User Karmacharger Charger 2.png Karmacharger 06:48 , 17 June 2012 (PDT)
The only reason the full version of fraps is required is that it includes a watermark at the top of the video, which is unacceptable. Any screen recorder can be used, as long as no traits are left. The preceding unsigned comment was added by Pigophone (talk) • (contribs) 07:23, 18 June 2012
I use Bandicam myself, works well. --Org 22:40, 12 July 2012 (PDT)

You could try Unregistered Hypercam2. That always works fantastically.--Uknownada 20:51, 8 September 2012 (PDT)

Doesn't it put that annoying watermark I see on a lot of youtube videos? — Wind 01:30, 9 September 2012 (PDT)

Kill-Assist Video Demonstration Request

I have no idea what should be shown, but at the moment there is only this:
Assist demo.png
, and that is not really a "fluent" Demonstration. So let's talk about that, shall we? TheDoctor 19:09, 26 July 2012 (PDT)

Pictogram plus.png Support This image is not from official map. We should do at least image or video. 08:40, 27 July 2012 (PDT)
Pictogram plus.png Support But not as part of the weapon demonstration project. Do your own video and maybe pass it by me if you want a QA check but use th article's talk page or PM me — Wind 17:10, 1 August 2012 (PDT)

Strange Weapons

Just an idea I had, but would it be a good idea to demonstrate how strange weapons accumulate ranks? --Dattix 16:38, 1 August 2012 (PDT)

Again not as part of the weapon demonstration project (although it is closely related). Feel free to use this talk page for that though because I'm not sure where else it'd be put — Wind 17:10, 1 August 2012 (PDT)
This would best be done as, say, the scattergun only. On the strange page. I don't know what you'd do, though. Show arbitrary ranks... show killcams... show the rank up...? Darkid (talk|contribs) 20:45, 31 August 2012 (PDT)

Mann vs Machine stats

Should something be added, or a separate set of videos be made, to display the different effects that different sappers have on the robots in MvM mode? I'm not sure how it would be done, but it's just a thought. Onyyx 05:18, 27 August 2012 (PDT)

Someone talked about this before~~~~. User Hinaomi Hinaomi-sig.png Hinaomi (talk) - (contributions) 05:32, 27 August 2012 (PDT)
It's an entirely valid point - I should've moved that discussion here when I archived anyways. I've changed the title to a more general topic - should we demonstrate MvM stats for weapons, and if so, how? Part of the normal video? A new series? — Armisael (T | C) 06:21, 27 August 2012 (PDT)

IF we do start a new series with MVM, would we have to show upgrades and stuff? Ben10508 13:15, 27 August 2012 (PDT)

To avoid redoing massive amounts of work, I think it shouldn't be in the regular videos. Perhaps a single video per class about MvM, or per class+slot (Scout primary, Scout secondary, etc.) Anyway, let's not worry about that until the main demos are done — Wind 16:56, 27 August 2012 (PDT)

Melee crit sounds

Often when I make a clip for a melee weapon demonstration, I hear the crit sound . How can I make that not happen? Ben10508 16:29, 3 September 2012 (PDT)

Try this tf_weapon_criticals 0 User Karmacharger Charger 2.png Karmacharger 4:24 , 9/4/2012 (PDT)

Spy Melee Makeover

Regarding the Spy's melee weapons, there seems to be some inconsistency in the demonstrations. Particularly in the clip showing the backstab range on the Medic, the player may or may not approach the back of the Medic or simply demonstrates "side-stabs". For consistency, I feel that it would be better if the player demonstrates the full 180 range of the backstab and end with the the side-stab rather than randomly approaching the back or entering from the side.

Additionally, since the Flamethrowers demonstrate the ability to detect cloaked or disguised Spies, it might be a good idea to demonstrate that the Spy will automatically raise his knife behind a disguised or cloaked enemy Spy. User Upgrade Signature.png 03:04, 6 September 2012 (PDT)

Pictogram plus.png Support Spies detecting other spies is something that I do agree on, and in the current demos, the backstab shot gives the wrong impression. Pigophone 03:29, 6 September 2012 (PDT)
Pictogram plus.png Support Both good points, but perhaps should have made them in two separate topics — Wind 21:32, 6 September 2012 (PDT)
Pictogram neutral.png Neutral Showing the full backstab angle would force us to show the spy before the tauntkill, and wind usually hisses and spits when I do that. Also, the only knife which doesn't approach from the back is the wanga prick - not exactly a widespread problem. — Armisael (T · C) 21:48, 6 September 2012 (PDT)
You could bind a key to teleport the Spy when needed, just before his spot is in sight~ — Wind 01:30, 9 September 2012 (PDT)
Videos could be made like any other stock melee before showing the full backstab mechanic: kill Pyro, Soldier and Medic with normal slashes, tauntkill the Spy then make a full backstab demonstration on a single enemy in the center of the room.--Kid Of The Century 01:05, 7 September 2012 (PDT)
Pictogram plus.png Support I agree considering the angle is pretty wide and somewhat confusing: depending on the class model on one side you can almost facestab your victim, on the other you may fail the stab even if is shown part of his back.--Kid Of The Century 01:05, 7 September 2012 (PDT)
Pictogram plus.png Support on the disguise and cloak spy backstab because bleeding weapons and ignitable weapon show that, so why don't knives?
And Pictogram neutral.png Neutral on show backstab angle because Armisael's reason. User Hinaomi Hinaomi-sig.png Hinaomi (talk) • (contributions) 02:50, 7 September 2012 (PDT)

Implemented (see section above)

Melee Makeover for Weapons that don't Randomly Crit?

I've noticed that the Melee Makeover only calls for remakes of videos that only do random crits. Shouldn't we demonstrate weapons that don't do random crits by using the Medic's Kritzkreig Uber? Just a thought. Bruss48 13:11, 14 September 2012 (PDT)

Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker

I think this video would benefit greatly from having Haunted Fortress 2 (Soundtrack) in the background, like the Saxxy. Any thoughts? --Piemanmoo 00:19, 25 September 2012 (PDT)

Pictogram plus.png Support It's not the normal weapon, it's a halloween weapon. So It should have speacial soundtrack but I'm not sure because Unarmed Combat and Wanga Prick are halloween weapons too... User Hinaomi Hinaomi-sig.png Hinaomi (talk) • (contributions) 01:10, 25 September 2012 (PDT)
Pictogram plus.png Support It is a special weapon, it'll be more interesting to have it in there. @Hinaomi, The Unarmed Conbat and The Wanga Prick are normal and most importantly, they are in the unique quality. As for the Headtaker, it is only in the unusual quality Ben10508 18:47, 25 September 2012 (PDT)
Pictogram plus.png Support but by itself not enough to warrant a redo — Wind 15:45, 29 September 2012 (PDT)
Pictogram comment.png Against Aside from the fact that the abrupt (and inevitable) transition between tracks sounds like junk in the saxxy demo, why don't we use Dreams of Cruelty for the rainblower and lollichop, and MEDIC! for the quick fix demo? Also, since we're apparently going to be using The Calm as a signal of game mode, it would probably be better not to start randomly throwing in other tracks. — Armisael (T · C) 21:01, 29 September 2012 (PDT)

Demonstrations on the old map

It would appear that picking a single demonstration that was made on tr_target_weaponref, noting that the standards for the project have changed slightly, and reserving it is the popular thing to do. Could we, instead of haphazardly selecting these, make a decision to either redo them as a group (à la the makeover project, perhaps), or not redo them? — Armisael (T · C) 21:31, 26 September 2012 (PDT)

Pictogram plus.png Support I don't speak for everyone, but I've got some spare time on my hands and it seems most of the old demos would be fairly easy to redo. -- Ragnar Homsar - (Talk) 22:32, 26 September 2012 (PDT)
I don't particularly care whether or not we redo them (most of the reasons for the redos seem to be for purely graphical reasons such as low light and bloodstains, which really don't matter in terms of viewer comprehension). I just don't want them to be redone in dribs and drabs by people who really only care about putting another notch on their belt. — Armisael (T · C) 10:57, 27 September 2012 (PDT)
Pictogram plus.png Support as long as there's other reasons than "it uses the old map". Often there is, because all demonstrations done on the old map are necessarily old by now, created back when standards such as the acceptable framerate or audio quality were not what they were back then. That's why there is often more than one reason to redo it, and that's just fine. Still, I'd really appreciate it if people focused on demos that need to be redoing right now rather than going through old demos and marking them for redo — Wind 15:45, 29 September 2012 (PDT)


I'm not quite sure if this has been proposed before (not sure if it's exactly a good idea either, but just throwing it out there), but I was reviewing some of the demonstration videos, and I thought that some of the demonstration clips may be a bit unclear on what they're demonstrating, and was wondering if we can add annotations to explain them. I mean, a lot of weapons demonstrations are done very straightforward and very well done, but sometimes I think it would be a bit unclear as to what is being demonstrated, especially when you're demonstrating attributes to a weapon which isn't listed in the weapon description. This is particularly problematic to new players, or simply players new a weapon. I see in the comments in videos like combat mini-sentry and dead ringer that they don't understand what's being demonstrated in some clips.
I'm not asking for a whole re-do of videos, I'm just suggesting to add annotations to videos, and I think it would help a lot. As to which videos need the annotations, I think we can further discuss.
Please think through my humble suggestion. TFHK 02:36, 28 September 2012 (PDT)
The reason the videos use as little text or explanation as possible is because they're included not just on the english weapon pages, but on every other language as well. It wouldn't make sense to show annotations in English on a korean article. It's unavoidable to show a little text like the loadout view, because in order not to do that, we'd have to create one video per language per weapon, which is simply too much work for little benefit.
What would perhaps be suitable is using YouTube's subtitles feature to show some text. On the Portal Wiki, where some walkthrough videos are captioned, we have subtitle translations in each language, and the ones that show up on the video depending on the language of the article you're reading. That way there's no confusion. However, those make sense only because they're actual subtitles. Using subtitles for non-subtitle purposes (explanation purposes) kind of goes against the name of the feature.
At any rate, those would need to be translated, and the resulting overhead would be significant (need active translators in each language, need to reupload the subtitle files every time there's a new one, etc).
It's true that the complexity of the game has increased to a point where explaining how a weapon works using exclusively visual means is getting harder. Still, I think it's worth trying to continue pulling it off — Wind 15:45, 29 September 2012 (PDT)
Point taken. I guess I was focusing on the perspective of a random YouTuber watching demonstration videos from the YouTube page, rather than a person browsing on the wiki and watching the embedded video on the website. I guess the fact that I see English everywhere on the YouTube page made me forget that there are people who play TF2 in other languages as well. (even I'm Chinese lol) TFHK 21:14, 29 September 2012 (PDT)

Festive weapons

Since there are demonstrations of stock reskins like the frying pan,i thought that if this weapons are reskin of stock, i propose that it should be demonstrated like the stock reskins. Ian soldier2 16:40, 28 September 2012 (PDT)

The Festive weapons aren't reskins, they're just the stock models with festive lights attached. I doubt anyone's going to lose sleep over wondering whether the Festive Rocket Launcher does something different from the normal Rocket Launcher. -- Ragnar Homsar - (Talk) 16:47, 28 September 2012 (PDT)
We discuss about this before. Just saying because it was discussion. User Hinaomi Hinaomi-sig.png Hinaomi (talk) • (contributions) 16:55, 28 September 2012 (PDT)