Team Fortress Wiki talk:Weapon Demonstration

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Weapons that need to be done

Item icon Cloak and Dagger.png Cloak and Dagger

Pictogram wait.png Reserved by Dr. Huxley I've started out with a simplistic version of this. I show it in the loadout, then turn it on in First person. After waiting a few seconds to demonstrate the cloak doesn't drain when standing still, I walk around in a circle to show that it drains by moving. I walk over an ammopack both cloaked and uncloaked to demonstrate that picking up ammo doesn't recharge it. I walk around uncloaked a bit to show it recharges when moving uncloaked. Finally, I walk into an enemy medic to show that it will show an outline if you walk into an enemy. How's that? The preceding unsigned comment was added by Dr. Huxley (talk) • (contribs)

Take a look at the Invisibility Watch demo for things to show too. You need to show things like the Dispenser not recharging it, that it hides teleporter trails, etc. Also, make sure to demonstrate:
  • Drain speed is proportional to walking speed (move while crouching, move while jumping, etc)
  • When drained, the cloak does NOT auto-uncloak like the other watches, but stays in the "outline" mode (walk around cloaked until out of it, then keep running)
  • Has less cloak than the regular invisibility watch (Many people don't know this one for some reason); do a split-screen walking from one end of the room to the other (and back, if needed), with one side C&D and the other using the IW. Show that you can run farther in one charge with the IW, but you can still keep walking in "outline" mode with the C&D.

Wind 04:31, 16 March 2011 (UTC)

Righto, I'll redo that and keep that in mind. I don't see the need to almost completely redo the original Invis. Watch video though, but if that's what you mean, I'll do it. Dr. Huxley 04:55, 16 March 2011 (UTC)
Before you do that, please post the video you made so far, just to check if it meets the technical requirements. This is just a check, because if it doesn't, then both your and my time will go to waste D: — Wind 05:07, 16 March 2011 (UTC)

Here's my first draft at this video. I thought it might be good to 'throw everything in' so to speak, to make it easier to see which parts to cut; it's intentionally long. i-ghost 23:03, 18 March 2011 (UTC)

The main aspect of the C&D is movement-dependent cloak drain/regen, and I feel that this video doesn't show that obviously enough. It is demonstrated at the beginning but quickly and without transition between "states". Take your time, wait at least 1 seconds before (and after, if it applies) changing direction/crouching/standing up, etc. Also, it needs to demonstrate that it regenerates while uncloaked+moving.
As for what should be cut, I think the teleporter destruction part can be left out, as well as the cloak+disguise demo from 1:20 to 1:50. Also a pretty important thing is to show the enemy's vision of the cloak; for the regular IW, it was fine to use the engineer's voice commands to indicate vision/not-vision, but here it is not because the spy can be either invisible, visible, or semi-visible, but what is shown here is from a BLU perspective, so we see the spy all the time. So what I'd suggest to do is to respawn the Engineer mid-demo (while you're not looking in his direction) and record things from his POV; then use that as the central video during the last part instead of a third person view. Yes, this requires him to be a human player or to use a SourceTV demo, but I believe it's worth it :3 Also, since it's a long demo, feel free to do it in multiple parts joined together with fades, too. It's frustrating it is when you do everything right except one small little thing at the end of the take... Doing it in multiple parts helps — Wind 00:54, 19 March 2011 (UTC)

Red Mini Sentry.png Combat Mini-Sentry Gun

splitscreen between 2 of any class, demonstrate how the minisentry builds faster, then have soldiers fire a few rockets at both sentries to demonstrate how the minisentry has less health. {{subst:EpicCombine}}

Also needs to demonstrate that it builds with full health, that it can't be upgraded, and that you can't repair it — Wind 19:13, 13 February 2011 (UTC)

hmmm... lemme try and formulate a plan here...

  • Start with splitscreen, one normal sentry and one mini-sentry still in their toolboxes.
  • synchronize videos to show how the mini-sentry builds faster
  • start hitting both sentries with wrench (first sentry upgrades to lvl 2, minisentry does nothing)
  • have soldier fire at both sentries from a distance; hit both sentries with wrench again(to demonstrate that the minisentry can't repair health)
  • just to show that it isn't useless, switch scene to a battle vid with the sentry in action with a splitscreen between normal sentry and minisentry; show scout shooting at sentry while it slowly builds and destroying it, while the minisentry builds fast enough that it can do some significant damage.
  • end movie

how about that? leave a tip when ya got the time. EpicCombine 01:53, 18 February 2011 (UTC)

My suggestion: horizontal splitscreen as you said, then...
  • Deploy sentries and leave them build by themselves to show building speed differences.
  • Spawn an enemy bot (Pyro?) and let the sentries kill him to show the firing rate/damage differences.
  • Spawn an enemy Scout bot ouside sentry range and let him destroy the sentries with the pistol. Mini-SG should go down first.
  • Reset the screen.
  • With an enemy Soldier bot already present, deploy the sentries. When they're still building have the Soldier shoot a rocket. Hopefully the SG will be destroyed, while the Mini-SG survives.
  • Reset the screen again.
  • Deploy sentries and once both fully operational, have a enemy disguised Spy sap them. Wait a little before whacking off the Sapper. After a bit start repair them both. Mini-SG will not be repaired, SG will be. Keep hitting to upgrade the stock SG, while the Mini-SG won't do anything and be left damaged.
What do you think?--Kid Of The Century 18:03, 18 February 2011 (UTC)
All good, but remember that building demos should include all levels. On top of the mini/regular comparisons, there should also be (not at the same time, but probably before) comparisons between sentry levels. Firepower, rotation speed difference (this should also be shown on the minisentry, since it rotates faster), sapping time difference, (reflectable (this has to be shown, yes)) rockets on level 3. Should also include some range demonstration (walking in and out of a sentry's range, showing the range sphere when building) — Wind 18:49, 18 February 2011 (UTC)

Item icon Concheror.png Concheror

Hello chaps, I decided that I'm gonna do the Concheror demonstration. Wanted to ask if I need to do anything specific (Split screen showing the On-hit heal effect or etc.) If so let me know. El Pacho 17:39, 21 March 2011 (UTC)

Well, you must show that it can be charged both by taking damage and dealing damage, show the on-hit heal effect, then show that it applies to teammates as well (have an allied pyro burn someone and watch his health go up or something). Otherwise, it's pretty much the same as the Buff Banner/Battalion's Backup demo. Oh, and if it has a taunt, make sure to taunt while the flag is raised on the Soldier's back so that the viewer can see what it looks like — Wind 20:56, 21 March 2011 (UTC)

Im willing to do the concheror vid if no ones done it yet?~AwesomeSauce~ 03:20, 27 March 2011 (UTC)

Item icon Dead Ringer.png Dead Ringer

Hello, guys! Now I'm working on Dead Ringer demonstration, and I have some questions about it:

  • what kind of the possibilities of Dead Ringer must be shown
  • there must be only 1'st person view or 1'st and 3'rd?

Well, thats all about what I want to ask you User-Gringo Perm.jpg Gringo perm 17:35, 12 February 2011 (UTC)

  • First, that it doesn't make you invisible when you activate it
  • Can only be activated at full charge
  • Activates on hit
  • Doesn't remove teleporter trails (I think...)
  • Has "Super cloak" (doesn't show outline when bumping against enemies)
  • Makes loud sound on uncloak
  • Can be recharged by ammo pack and dispensers while cloaked but extra cloak time is not "Super cloak"
  • Disguising as an enemy makes you drop the spy corpse on trigger, while disguising as an ally makes you drop that class's corpse on death
  • Can be self-triggered by fall-damage
  • Can be used to extinguish fire

That's all I can think of~ And yes, there will probably have to be third-person views (and views from the enemy side, in order to show the corpse drop for example). This is a tough demo that I don't think can be pulled off using bots alone — Wind 18:55, 12 February 2011 (UTC)

I would also suggest that having really low HP (i.e. 1 or 2 HP) will not bail you out from heavy-hitting weapons, even with the Dead Ringer out. Maybe make an example of the Decloaking sound, noting that it's much mroe louder than the Invis Watch or Cloak & Dagger. Lancer anti-tank Rocket 11:00, 15 February 2011 (UTC)

hey guys i made the dead ringer movie if you find any mistakes pm me. if it's good tell me and i'll upload it. hope you'll like it :) Link.StrongTube1 13:39, 10 March 2011 (UTC)

First, please upload it to YouTube as unlisted like the submission guidelines say~
Second, this video has quite a lot of problems, some technical and some content-wise. I'll only list the technical ones first so that you focus on these first, because no video can be accepted if they don't fit those:
  • Video is letterboxed (has black bars on top and bottom)
  • Video looks scaled up (as if it were recorded at a lower resolution and enlarged)
  • Framerate is a bit sluggish sometimes, especially when a new model is loaded (getting killed, or taking out the dead ringer)
  • There is "" on top of all the video
  • Knife crit animation not playing (though you shouldn't need to backstab anything in this video since it's demonstrating the watch, not the knife)

Wind 21:47, 10 March 2011 (UTC)

Item icon Disguise Kit.png Disguise Kit

Plan: Likely requires first person view, third person view, and enemy third person view. Have the disguised Spy use an enemy teleporter. First try to use enemy teleporter without disguise, and run in front of a sentry. Take damage, get out, teleport, get in the front of the sentry to show that it don't target you, use teleporter...

Here you are, folks: It may not be in HD, but I do not have editing software that can produce any better than 480p. If someone else would be able to do that, I would be more than willing to send them the files. PastorOfMuppets 04:35, 14 February 2011 (UTC)

Scratch that: The files aren't in HD either. :/ PastorOfMuppets 05:11, 14 February 2011 (UTC)

Sorry... D: — Wind 00:01, 15 February 2011 (UTC)

I could try to do it, but I would need the map for testing. And the upper link isn't working for me.--CeInfo 15:14, 14 March 2011 (UTC)

Try it again~ — Wind 21:28, 14 March 2011 (UTC)

I did something that shows the basic: disguised you don't get killed by sentries, you can be healed by a dispenser, if you remove your disguise it stops... Here it is: <Video deleted> --CeInfo 17:50, 15 March 2011 (UTC)

There are some technical problems with this video that must be fixed before any video can be accepted: mouse is hidden in backpack view (don't hide it); lack of "click" sound when closing the backpack view; custom crosshair and crosshair color (use the default); achievements being displayed on-screen (running weaponref.cfg will hide them; never not run weaponref.cfg); the Dispenser seems to have been built by nobody (it says "Dispenser built by "); and some frame slowdowns (for example, there seem to be a few stuttering's while jumping and walking toward the fence between 0:06 and 0:11, or the knife drawing animation right after selecting a disguise at 0:16), which might be fixed if you lower the graphics settings. The video seems to be 1080p, which is a very good thing, but since the minimum requirement is 720p, it's better to have a smooth 720p video than a stuttery 1080p one.
Since those are all technical problems, please make a short (10~15 seconds) video sample with those things fixed (to show that you can create videos matching the requirements), before moving on to expanding the contents of the video. This is to save your time (and mine) in case this is not the case, hope you understand :) Thanks~ — Wind 04:31, 16 March 2011 (UTC)
So, good enough? Altrough I don't know if I should've dismark the "Fill black bars" box...--CeInfo 18:40, 16 March 2011 (UTC)

Lvl3dispenser.png Dispenser

How about this:

First: Heavy before Dispenser and he keeps shootin to show his ammo is refilled all the time.
Second: Heavy get shots from Soldier Rockets and will be healed. First Level 1 then 2 and 3 Dispenser to show difference speed(underline the speed of healin maybe).
Third: Dispenser Health shown and will be destroyed
Fourth: Engineer behind Dispenser Repairin it and Heavy before it, how a dispenser can work as an active weapon or stuff. The preceding unsigned comment was added by Godlike11219 (talk) • (contribs)
This doesn't really show the difference between levels.
    • (3-way split-screen, probably in a 2x2 square with a Dispenser image on the blank spot or something) 3 Heavies go to 1 boolet left. Recording start, and they all get rocket'd 3 times or so, then walk to dispenser and show how fast ammo and health is replenished at the same time for all levels. After all ammo is replenished, they can start shooting again to show how a heavy+dispenser can very well replace a sentry
    • Dispenser health differences can be shown by putting a sapper on them at the same time. This shows health difference, as sapping damage is proportional to time, and it also shows, you know, sapping time (which is the most important destruction duration to know)

Wind 07:16, 13 February 2011 (UTC)

Item icon Medi Gun.png Medi Gun

ok, so here's what i'm thinkin:

  • start off showing medigun in inventory
  • exit out of inventory
  • have 2 freindly heavies and one enemy soldier
  • have soldier kill 1st heavy (don't use medigun on this one)
  • on 2nd heavy use medigun and demonstrate how the healing can help save teammates and win the fight
  • fade into next scene
  • ubercharge is at 100%
  • activate it on heavy
  • have soldier shoot rockets at heavy, have medic looking at heavy to demonstrate how he isn't losing health
  • end movie

(almost finished with the critacola and Medic Pack set, all i need to do is find a good program to do splitscreen and i'm set. All i got is wmm atm, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.)
Pictogram wait.png Reserved by Gringo perm

Sony Vegas, it's what all the cool kids use. The Medigun demo needs a lot more information than that, however:
  • Show how healing rate is affected by time since injury
  • Show UberCharge rate buildup depends on healing rate
  • Show that you can keep healing even when not looking at the person
  • Show that you can uber multiple people and show the difference in UberCharge drain rate
  • Show how the medic himself is invulnerable to damage
  • Show that allies (and enemy spies) can read the UberCharge meter
  • Show overheal:
    • Show that overheal depends on base class health (takes more time to overheal a Heavy than a Scout)
    • Show that overheal drains over time at a fixed rate
    • Show overheal effect

As you can see it's a lot more complex — Wind 19:13, 13 February 2011 (UTC)

Note: It might be a good idea to wait until Valve pushes the healing HUD text on the current version of TF2 before doing a Medigun demo. — Wind 05:23, 11 March 2011 (UTC)

Item icon Sandvich.png Sandvich

Pictogram wait.png Reserved by Lancer anti-tank Rocket Plan: Have the enemies damage yourself by pressing F (or manually set your health to 1); eat sandvich; spawn damaged BLU Sniper bot; throw sandvich on the ground in front of him; make him pick up sandvich, showing his health bar go up; taunt with sandvich (same as eating). Use fades to cut between sandvich recharges.

78% Done. Just re-adjusting some settings to suit the guidelines -- Lancer anti-tank Rocket 15:09, 28 January 2011 (UTC)

Ummm...Is host_framerates meant to slow down time? 'Cause when I set it to 30, everything was matrix-style. Lancer anti-tank Rocket 19:26, 25 February 2011 (UTC)

No, it's just your video editing software that's interpreting it as if it was 15 fps or so — Wind 16:33, 26 February 2011 (UTC)

I see you've upped your standarts considerably, judging by the feedback to the Buffalo Steak Sandvich demo. :3 So, is there anything more I should fix in this version of the sandvich demo, which I already posted earlier, except for what you've already told me back then? Namely:

  • Fix the healthkit sound at 0:39
  • When picking up fallen enemy sandviches, play not as a heavy, but as another class (I'll pick soldier) to avoid confusion, and also reload the primary weapon. By the way, should I reload it immediately after killing the heavy and while walking towards the sandvich, or after picking up the sandvich and while standing still?

Thanks in advance. — Zhnigo 13:25, 21 February 2011 (UTC)

Yes indeed they're upped~ But now that I watched the video again, the only extra detail I can think of is to wait a bit before picking up the dropped sandwich. That is to say, don't rush over it (the screen moves pretty fast so it's hard to see especially as a Scout). Move towards it, stop moving, look at it for half a second, then pick it up (for both Scout and non-Scout). And reload indeed, for both the Scout and the non-Scout. When you reload shouldn't really make a difference, just don't reload while picking up the sandvich — Wind 17:44, 21 February 2011 (UTC)
Second version.Zhnigo 10:52, 21 March 2011 (UTC)
There is still a very large audio delay at 0:39~0:40 :( — Wind 20:56, 21 March 2011 (UTC)
Fixed it. :3 — Zhnigo 04:39, 23 March 2011 (UTC)
Thanks, please upload~ — Wind 04:44, 23 March 2011 (UTC)
You're welcome. :3 — Zhnigo 06:26, 24 March 2011 (UTC)

RED Level 3 Sentry Gun.png Sentry Gun

These are just some ideas i have:

  • There is a heavy (or any other class with fairly high health) and have the engineer build a sentry (without getting hit with the stock wrench to build faster) and show how long it takes to kill the target. As it is building the engineer aims to the target and the sentry so they are both in view. Have the sentry kill the target.
  • Upgrade the sentry to level 2, spawn that same class (in a different corner this time, to show you can move the sentry to a different place) and have it kill the target. Do the same with a level 3 sentry also.
  • Then show how someone ubered can not get hurt but can get slowed down and tossed back from the level 3 rockets.
  • Then show a scout under the effect of Bonk! Atomic Punch will not get hurt.
  • Then show how someone with jarate on them can get crit killed and change the sentry kill icon.
  • Then show how the sentry can get controlled by the wrangler.

Now for things that can fit in there somewhere:

  • Show how the sentry can build faster by hitting it with your wrench.
  • Show how the level 3 rockets can get reflected by a pyros compression blast (may need to use the wrangler to empty it of bullets.)
  • Have three different engineers holding a level 1 2 and 3 walk next to eachother to compare the speed of an engineer holding it. (Also while an engineer is holding a sentry have him get killed to show the icon of his death and the sentry gun he is holding.)
  • Maybe if there is enough time left, show how long it takes to kill each class (maybe excluding the class we used up there) Scout-spy.
This would take way too long and take into accounts too many items. Things like the Scout's Bonk and the jarate are best left to their own demo; not sure the jarate is worth demonstrating anyway. For every comparison, doing it sequentially would make the video way too long, so this really has to be a split-screen, even if it's a 3-way one (not sure how that'd look). See the Combat Mini-Sentry Gun section for the list of things that need to be demonstrated — Wind 04:07, 1 March 2011 (UTC)

Telespin.png Teleporter/Telefrag (combined)

Pictogram wait.png Reserved by (nobody) Since Brain-Storm.exe has not responded in a while, may I take over for this one? Thank you! Dr. Huxley 22:47, 14 March 2011 (UTC)

Reservations are merely an indicator that means "someone else is working on it, you should work on another weapon if you can so that we won't submit two demos at the same time". But you're free to override this (without asking) if you feel like it — Wind 23:58, 14 March 2011 (UTC)
Ah, thank you. I'll take all your suggestions to account in making it. So wait, it has to be in 3rd person? I don't recall that being necessary at all Dr. Huxley 02:59, 15 March 2011 (UTC)
Doesn't have to be in third-person view. However, it would be easier to understand how a teleporter works if we could see it from a first-person perspective as well as an external one (from another player with no HUD/viewmodel) — Wind 04:31, 15 March 2011 (UTC)
Okay thank you. So so far, I have me making an entrance, waiting for it to built, making a exit, and wrenching it to demonstrate the speed bonus. I take the level 1 teleporter in 3rd Person, and then switch back to First person to demonstrate the speed of which it recharges. Upgrade it, take the Level 2, go back, upgrade to level 3, take it, and waiting to demonstrate how fast each level recharges. Finally, I take the exit and place it next to the enemy spy behind the boxes. I take the tele, the spy dies, I taunt, done. Hopefully I should get the video up here later today. Dr. Huxley 15:23, 15 March 2011 (UTC)
Do not taunt, as the teleporter has no "taunt". Also, for demonstrating recharge speed, I think the best way to do it would be to make a 3-way split screen, with a teleporter of each level on each. Stare at the teleporter for 3 seconds or so (so that the player may read its level), then take it yourself over and over again. Do that for about 20 seconds (or whatever time it takes for the level 1 to recharge twice, thus teleporting you three times). This way, the viewer can see how many more people each teleporter can teleport in the same amount of time, which I think is a better measurement of "teleporter usefulness" than only recharge time. Also, I don't think you can move a teleporter next to an enemy then use it to telefrag him; I think the enemy has to move on top of it first — Wind 17:11, 15 March 2011 (UTC)
Actually, moving it close to an enemy works. I tried it on the spy multiple times and it proved to work flawlessly. However, I don't think I have the necessary skills to edit a video together that suit what you are looking for. Sorry, I'll leave this up to someone else to complete. Dr. Huxley 18:40, 15 March 2011 (UTC)

I tried the split-screen with the 3 levels. That's what happened: --CeInfo 23:18, 15 March 2011 (UTC)

Please see the technical problems described in the Disguise Kit section; they apply here as well, but also this video doesn't have a 16:9 ratio (there are black bars on the top and bottom). Please fix those before doing a demo, thanks~ — Wind 04:31, 16 March 2011 (UTC)

Here's a list of things that one of us should probably do in the demonstration... (And any split-screen should of course be in sync.)

  • Have a split-screen for the first part. This can go in many ways. Should there simply be a two-split-screen of showing the build time and deploy time without hitting, a four-split-screen of showing the same but with the Wrenching on the last two, or, God forbid, a SIX-split-screen of showing the same as mentioned, but having the last two being Jagged? (Or simply have the first three parts be a two-split-screen with the said methods, or the first part being the standard time and the second part having Wrench and Jag) (Should both Entrance and Exit be demonstrated)
Split-screen with regular build time (for level 1) and wrenched build time (level 1), that should be enough. Then, a 3-way split screen for deployment of each level. Only entrance necessary — Wind 00:00, 23 March 2011 (UTC)
  • Have a three-split-screen of taking the Teleporter 3 times with each level (5 or 10 times would be tedious from the Level 1 Teleporter) to show the effectiveness, as you said, Wind. :D
Indeed, but don't take the teleporter yourself (as the video above does). Have a queue of bots and/or friends take it sequentially as fast as possible, by standing on the entrance as soon as the previous person disappears — Wind 00:00, 23 March 2011 (UTC)
  • If indeed putting NEXT to an enemy works, then have one where a non-Ubered enemy gets telefragged, and surprise the viewers by having an Ubered enemy be telefragged (because according to the Telefrag article, Ubered enemies can die from it).
It does work. Telefragging should be shown for a normal enemy, an ubered enemy, and an ubering Medic — Wind 00:00, 23 March 2011 (UTC)
  • Make another three-split-screen of the Spy sapping each level of the Teleporter, showing how long it takes until they get destroyed from an Electro Sapper (or is that purpose going to be for the Electro Sapper demonstration?)
It should be in this demonstration indeed, otherwise the Sapper one is a bit long — Wind 00:00, 23 March 2011 (UTC)

I could be missing some, if so, remind me. =P (As for the Uber part, I just KNOW it will be possible, but just requires...a lot of scripting in theory) AbeX300 21:22, 22 March 2011 (UTC)

To my surprise, I actually managed to pull all of these off (and a rotating demonstration), but the problem is, it's three minutes, two seconds, and 16 frames long, and there is obviously no "old film styled" music that is even at least a minute and half. How am I going to this... ._. AbeX300 23:32, 22 March 2011 (UTC)
There are many such demos with lengths longer than a minute now, most of them are made with looping the central part of the cp_steel training track. Use Audacity or Vegas, both of them can do the trick. However, since this is a tough demo that I am sure will take at least 3~6 retakes (yeah, I know D:), don't bother with the music until the content is all right. So, please upload what you have right now first~ — Wind 00:00, 23 March 2011 (UTC)
Alright, I decided to be a clever man and artificially lengthened the music: <removed> AbeX300 00:29, 23 March 2011 (UTC)
Music is good but a lot of other things... aren't ><:
  • Never stretch the screen; crop it instead. As teleporter levels are hard to distinguish, you can write on the video as is done with the Rocket Jumper demo: TF2 secondary, in white, in the bottom left corner, thin outline, and fade in/out
  • Can't hear the in-game audio, music is too loud
  • The efficiency part is not just 2 for each level. It's as many as possible on all clips until two people can be teleported on the level 1. This allows the viewer to see how many more people can be teleported by increasing the level, which is the point of the efficiency comparison
  • I should probably define a clear sequential plan for this, because this video seems to do a lot of things at the same time and is a bit hard to follow for a new player. I realize that this considerably cuts on creativity and will lengthen the video, but I think it is necessary given the complexity of this demonstration. Here goes:
    • Clip one: Two-way split-screen. Build a teleporter (show the PDA and everything); one with wrench, one without
      • Still in clip one, synchronized: Build teleporter exit; one with wrench, one without. To synchronize the two, you can make a bind with long wait commands so that the delays are the same in both versions
      • End of clip 1
    • Clip 2: No split-screen. Take the teleporter in first person, to show what a teleporter actually does
      • Still in clip 2: Have a bot take your teleporter, to show that teammates can take it
      • Still in clip 2: Have a Spy sap the teleporter. Observer the sapper, then show that it is also on the other side of the teleporter
      • Still in clip 2: Still in clip 2: Step on the teleporter and look at it, to show that you cannot use it while it is being sapped
      • Still in clip 2: Unsap it, showing that it unsaps both ends
      • Still in clip 2: Repair the entrance, then have the Spy drop a sapper again
      • Still in clip 2: Unsap the exit, to show that it unsaps both ends; then repair it, to show that ti repairs both ends. While unsapping, make sure to leave the the leporter entrance in view
      • Still in clip 2: Grab the teleporter entrance (as in right-click), show that this disables the other side
      • Still in clip 2: Drop it somewhere else, take the teleporter when it is ready
      • Still in clip 2: Grab the teleporter again (as in right-click)
      • Still in clip 2: Drop it somewhere else, wrench it while it redeploys, and take it again
      • End of clip 2
    • Clip 3: 3-way split-screen. Upgrade your teleporter to level 2 on the second video, and level 3 on the third one. Have a bunch of friends in the server, out of view
      • Still in clip 3, synchronized: Have friend 1 step on the teleporter on each video
      • Still in clip 3: As soon as friend 1 is teleported (before the teleporter recharges), friend 2 steps on it and friend 3 takes friend 2's previous place (the queue advances)
      • Still in clip 3: As soon as friend 2 is teleported (before the teleporter recharges), friend 3 steps on it and friend 4 takes friend 3's previous place (the queue advances)
      • Still in clip 3: Rinse and repeat for {insert duration that it takes for two players to be teleported with a level 1 teleporter here} seconds
      • End of clip 3
    • Clip 4: 3-way split-screen. Have a working teleporter (with an off-screen exit), and an enemy Spy next to it
      • Still in clip 4, synchronized: Have the Spy sap the 3 teleporters
      • Still in clip 4: While the sapper is in place, move yourself around to have both the entrance and the exit in view. Careful when doing this, since the video will be severely cropped due to the 3-split-screen
      • Still in clip 4: Wait for the teleporter to be destroyed in all videos, showing that both ends get destroyed
      • End of clip 4
    • Clip 5: No split-screen: Have a teleporter entrance+exit already built before the clip starts, and have an enemy somewhere visible on the map
      • Clip 5: Have a bot walk (other than Medic or Heavy) and stop on your teleporter exit
      • Still in clip 5: Take your teleporter, stare at the enemy's corpse
      • End of clip 5
    • Clip 6: No split-screen: Have a teleporter entrance+exit already built before the clip starts, and have a Charged Medic + Heavy somewhere visible on the map
      • Clip 6: Have the Heavy walk and stop on your teleporter exit
      • Still in clip 6: Unleash the ubercharge
      • Still in clip 6: Take your teleporter, stare at the still-charging Medic, and at the Heavy's corpse
      • End of clip 6
    • Clip 7: No split-screen: Have a teleporter entrance+exit already built before the clip starts, and have a Charged Medic + Heavy somewhere visible on the map
      • Clip 7: Have the Medic walk and stop on your teleporter exit
      • Still in clip 7: Unleash the ubercharge
      • Still in clip 7: Take your teleporter, stare at the Medic's corpse, and at the unfortunate Heavy
      • End of clip 7

Remember to leave at least 1~2 seconds at beginning and at the end of each of every bullet point (not just clips), and longer pauses between clips.

Yes, this is a very hard demonstration, and I don't expect one person to pull it off alone; ask for help/"recording buddies" if you need, record demo files, etc.; you will need them.

You may also want to do only one of the above clips, and upload the video in a lossless format for another person to pick it up. x264vfw has a lossless option, or you can use Huffyuv for the job :3 — Wind 01:53, 23 March 2011 (UTC)

You shouldn't feel humiliated by this D: Making demos an iterative process, just like writing articles on the wiki. It does involve lots of work (drafts) getting scrapped in the end. >: — Wind 02:48, 23 March 2011 (UTC)
Sorry I haven't responded, this looks like more work than I would want to go through. I un-reserve it (even though it looks like that has been done already). I just have one suggestion, don't forget that using a dispenser and a tele, you can get to places you couldn't before. Please do demonstrate that (don't forget moving the tele exit too). Brain-Storm.exe 23:54, 31 March 2011 (UTC)

Need to be redone

Item icon Backburner.png Backburner

Pictogram comment.png Done but needs to be redone (aspect ratio)

The Backburner now has the compression blast, 50 ammo per blast, and +10% damage, and this is not showed in the actual demonstration.

Yes um..Now would someone have to redo the backburner because it has airblast now? THE3STOOGES 03:28, 17 April 2011 (UTC)

If It needs to be redone i call reserving it. Pictogram wait.png Reserved by Awesomesauce THE3STOOGES 03:30, 17 April 2011 (UTC)

Item icon Battalion's Backup.png Battalion's Backup

Pictogram comment.png Done but needs to be redone (aspect ratio)

The Battalion's Backup now need to take 350 damage to fully charge, and this is not showed in the actual demonstration.

Item icon Boston Basher.png Boston Basher

Pictogram comment.png Done but needs to be redone (changed stats)

It seems the Boston Basher's self damage doesn't do knockback to self anymore, and the demonstration video shows this point, so I put the Boston Basher in the "Need to be redone" list. Jay 09:37, 12 April 2011 (UTC)

Item icon Claidheamh Mòr.png Claidheamh Mòr

Pictogram comment.png Done but needs to be redone (aspect ratio)

The Claidheamh Mòr now has random critical hits enabled and -25% damage done ; and this is not showed in the actual demonstration.

Item icon Electro Sapper.png Electro Sapper

Pictogram comment.png Done, but needs to be re-done (show building disabled-ness) First time editing a post, so I hope I'm doing it right. :3 Anyways, I'm pretty sure I can make it to show the disabled-ness by sapping the buildings and then trying to interact with them. For example, sapping a Sentry then undisguising in front of it to show it wouldn't shoot. Nooph 21:54, 24 February 2011 (EST)

Or trying to get cloak from a Dispenser being sapped, or not being able to use a teleporter that's being sapped (might want to use a teammate for that: have a level 3 teleporter, have him take it, wait for recharge, sap, demonstrate that he can't use it anymore, unsap, and then he can.) — Wind 18:47, 25 February 2011 (UTC)
I just realized that TF2 can't go into antialiasing mode for me. Is there any way to force it, like in the Console or the launch options? Nooph 06:49, 26 February 2011 (UTC)
Use mat_antialiasing (or mat_antialias maybe) — Wind 16:33, 26 February 2011 (UTC)
I can't record smoothly enough. Can't do it :( Nooph 22:54, 1 March 2011 (UTC)
I suppose I can do it then, the original video seems to cover all aspects fine other than forgetting to show the disabledness of the sentry. Maybe with a small addition showing a teammate helping taking it down. Ailure 17:38, 13 March 2011 (UTC)
Alright, I'm in the planning stage and hopefully have something soon. I try to incorperate all the things covered in the orginal video plus the suggestions done here. :) Ailure 18:41, 13 March 2011 (UTC)

Item icon Equalizer.png Equalizer

Pictogram comment.png Done but needs to be redone (aspect ratio)

The Equalizer now have its damage formula tweaked, no longer possible to one-hit-kill certain classes when at low health, and this is not showed in the actual demonstration.

Item icon Eyelander.png Eyelander

Pictogram comment.png Done but needs to be redone (aspect ratio)

The Eyelander now has random critical hits enabled and -25% damage done ; and this is not showed in the actual demonstration. Here's my demonstration attempt. --Akuago220, The Jungle Expeditioner 02:46, 16 April 2011 (UTC)

Very good, but will not upload yet for three reasons: a) The -25% crit reduction has been added yesterday and removed today; wait a few moments for it to stabilize / b) The classes now have a "frozen" pose in the loadout view, which is also new and they might fix that to less-frozen animations soon / c) There is that tooltip bug with the tooltip being partially transparent again in the loadout view.

So, thank you for this, but I think it's too early yet D: — Wind 03:07, 16 April 2011 (UTC)

Item icon Dalokohs Bar.png Dalokohs Bar

Pictogram comment.png Done but needs to be redone (aspect ratio)

The Dalokohs Bar now has no cooldown, and this is not showed in the actual demonstration.

Item icon Fan O'War.png Fan O'War

Pictogram comment.png Done but needs to be redone (aspect ratio)

The Fan O'War now mark for death for 15 seconds, and this is not showed in the actual demonstration.

Item icon Fists of Steel.png Fists of Steel

Pictogram comment.png Done but needs to be redone (aspect ratio)

The Fists of Steel now has 40% less damage from ranged sources while active and 20% slower weapon switch ; and this is not showed in the actual demonstration.
I'd like to reserve this. But since I'm new to all this weapon demonstration thing, there is one thing I need to know: How can I make bots switch their weapons (in this case, to their melee weapon)? - Selbi 13:36, 18 April 2011 (UTC)
You must use player not bot because bot can't use melee weapon - Hinaomi
So I need to get a friend changing his name to "Soldier" and do this video with me? Well, that just sucks. - Selbi 15:30, 18 April 2011 (UTC)
You can actually, just use the bot_forcefireweapon command (you need the exact name of the weapon for it to work, like tf_weapon_fists for the Fists). See Bots for other commands — Wind 19:19, 18 April 2011 (UTC)
Sweet, works. Now just for one final problem: I read at the Powerjack discussion, that no new videos will be uploaded until the "Characters not moving on loadout screen" issue is proven to be intentional. Does that mean I shouldn't start with this until I know? - Selbi 23:55, 18 April 2011 (UTC)
You can still do it now, it'll be uploaded when it's "proven intentional" (which basically means waiting a week or so) if it is indeed intentional. Otherwise, it'd still be useful to see if everything matches the technical requirements. In short, do it if you're willing to redo it later (which is often a necessity anyway) — Wind 00:48, 19 April 2011 (UTC)

Item icon Flare Gun.png Flare Gun

Pictogram comment.png Done but needs to be redone (aspect ratio)

The Flare Gun now crit against burning enemies, regardeless of range, and this is not showed in the actual demonstration.

I think I'll do Flare gun Demonstration but I'm newbie about console command. I don't know how to do with this - Hinaomi

Most of the answers should be on the project page; otherwise, just ask if you have any questions — Wind 01:21, 19 April 2011 (UTC)
I'm in the process of uploading this video to YouTube. Will provide URL when finshed. Furiousmac 23:07, 24 April 2011 (UTC)

Item icon Gunslinger.png Gunslinger

Pictogram comment.png Done but needs to be redone (aspect ratio)

The Gunslinger now has random critical hits enabled and -25% damage done ; and this is not showed in the actual demonstration.

Item icon Half-Zatoichi.png Half-Zatoichi

Pictogram comment.png Needs to be updated to demonstrate March 21, 2011 Patch

I disagree; it's not really that important, it's just a usage fix. The demonstration map doesn't have a locker either, so it would be impractical — Wind 21:58, 23 March 2011 (UTC)

Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker

Pictogram comment.png Done but needs to be redone (aspect ratio)

The Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker now has random critical hits enabled and -25% damage done ; and this is not showed in the actual demonstration..

Item icon Loch-n-Load.png Loch-n-Load

Pictogram comment.png Done but needs to be redone (aspect ratio)

The Loch-n-Load now has +20% damage done, and this is not showed in the actual demonstration.

Item icon Mad Milk.png Mad Milk

Pictogram comment.png Done but needs to be redone (aspect ratio)

The Mad Milk now heal 60% of the damage done to an enemy covered with milk, and this is not showed in the actual demonstration.

Item icon Natascha.png Natascha

Pictogram comment.png Done but needs to be redone (changed stats, new animations) Your Enemy 17:41, 16 February 2011 (UTC)

This is good but~
  • Your name is "Your Enemy". While I respect people choosing their own name, it would be nice if you picked another name, because seeing "Your Enemy (Natascha) Pyro" on the killfeed is confusing
  • The damage comparison part has several flaws:
    • The screen should be split vertically so that damage numbers are visible, which is pretty important since we're comparing damage here
    • The font should be TF2 secondary in white with a faint black outline and appearing with a fade effect; see Rocket Jumper's demo at 0:50
    • The Pyro gets killed instantly since he is close. You should kill a farther target to make the different more visible
  • Slowdown effect is now proportional to distance. The demo must show this by showing slowdown for multiple ranges
  • I also suggest to stay in the wooden thingy when demonstrating slowdown so that you don't actually move from the spot you are firing (which would mess up the range)
  • Try having the target move in a perpendicular direction to your line of sight when demonstrating slowdown. I know it's not easy, just saying

That's it~ — Wind 00:56, 17 February 2011 (UTC)

Thanks, I'll see what I can do. Your Enemy 15:24, 17 February 2011 (UTC) Your Enemy 13:43, 20 February 2011 (UTC)

This is perfect content-wise, but some technical details:
  • In-game sound quality is low (has a fuzz to it)
  • There are no transitions between clips (use a little fade)

Slowdown is very well demonstrated though — Wind 18:28, 20 February 2011 (UTC)

Here, Your Enemy 09:22, 21 February 2011 (UTC)

Yes, this is good. Please upload the original. Thanks~ — Wind 17:44, 21 February 2011 (UTC) Your Enemy 18:58, 21 February 2011 (UTC)

(Marked as "need to be redone" due to low audio quality complaints) — Wind 04:38, 24 February 2011 (UTC) I don't like my slow as much as YE's, but the sound quality and splitscreen are better in my opinion. Anyways, thoughts? -Armisael 19:24, 27 February 2011 (UTC)

Muzzleflash glitch is there D: Also, the slowdown is indeed a bit less good. In the second slowdown, the Soldier should start walking right when the heavy starts firing boolets to be consistent with the other 2. In the third part, the Soldier shouldn't hit the barrels but escape like YE's video — Wind 04:07, 1 March 2011 (UTC)

Should someone edit the weapon demonstration video template to indicate that videos are out of date? Because this one isn't just misformatted; it's downright wrong. -Armisael 11:01, 14 March 2011 (UTC)

Well that could be done, but could you... do the demo instead, pretty please? :3 — Wind 12:29, 14 March 2011 (UTC)

Item icon Powerjack.png Powerjack

Pictogram comment.png Done but needs to be redone (aspect ratio)

The Powerjack now hasn't damage bonus, has random critical hits enabled, and +20% damage from melee sources while active ; and this is not showed in the actual demonstration.
Demonstration - Despite the goodiness, like you have said in the Eyelander section, this should probably be held off because of the frozen animation. Not that I have a problem with it, since this one didn't take as long as THE DREADFUL HIBERNATING BEAR... So this could be like a Reference video for when re-doing the Powerjack video after the frozen poses is either confirmed to be intentional (in which that case this video should be added), or gets fixed. AbeX300 20:07, 16 April 2011 (UTC)
Looks like the Loadout Posing WAS a bug, so I guess I'll need to rework on it. (As I said, not even as bad as the Hibernating Bear.) AbeX300 18:44, 22 April 2011 (UTC)

Item icon Razorback.png Razorback

Pictogram comment.png Done but needs to be redone (aspect ratio)

Item icon Southern Hospitality.png Southern Hospitality

Pictogram comment.png Done but needs to be redone (aspect ratio)

The Southern Hospitality now has random critical hits enabled and -25% damage done ; and this is not showed in the actual demonstration.

Item icon Sticky Jumper.png Sticky Jumper

Pictogram comment.png Done bu needs to be redone (new world model)

Item icon Sun-on-a-Stick.png Sun-on-a-Stick

Pictogram comment.png Done but needs to be redone (aspect ratio)

The Sun-on-a-Stick now full crits against burning players and has -25% damage done, and this is not showed in the actual demonstration.

Item icon Sydney Sleeper.png Sydney Sleeper

Pictogram comment.png Done but needs to be redone (aspect ratio)

The Sydney Sleeper now has a 25% faster charge rate ; and this is not showed in the actual demonstration.

Item icon Ullapool Caber.png Ullapool Caber

Pictogram comment.png Done but needs to be redone (aspect ratio) The Ullapool Caber now has random critical hits enabled and -25% damage done ; and this is not showed in the actual demonstration

Item icon Vita-Saw.png Vita-Saw

Pictogram comment.png Done but needs to be redone (aspect ratio)

The Vita-Saw now allows the Medic to see his enemies's health, and this is not showed in the actual demonstration.

Weapon Sets

Backpack The Tank Buster Bundle.png The Tank Buster

Could handle this. Got the whole set so there's no messy File editing. Though my Black Box is store-bought, if that's a problem...Lancer anti-tank Rocket 11:32, 15 February 2011 (UTC)

As long as you've fixed the framerate problem, go ahead — Wind 23:05, 15 February 2011 (UTC)
Change of heart, I sold my Softcap yesterday. I do, however have the Fez again, so I could go with the Saharan Spy. Lancer anti-tank Rocket 17:45, 16 February 2011 (UTC) Comments? Armisael 00:02, 2 March 2011 (UTC)

Framerate also feels a bit slow during weapon switching (but maybe it's just me?). Same comments as Scout one above~ Also, damage should also be shown for each sentry level — Wind 00:38, 2 March 2011 (UTC) :I expect you not to like the level 3 part, because the sentries fire before they're fully built. — Armisael 23:38, 26 March 2011 (UTC)

Indeed :3 Also, the mini-sentry should be last (after level 3), not first, I think... And the wait for showing off the items in-game (from 0:13 to 0:39) is way too long; cut that in half, or look at the other set demos — Wind 00:36, 27 March 2011 (UTC) — Armisael 01:44, 27 March 2011 (UTC)
Thanks :3 — Wind 03:13, 27 March 2011 (UTC)

Backpack The Croc-o-Style Kit Bundle.png The Croc-o-Style Kit

i can test the croc set,but i need record in a diferent map,to test the headshot Walnut gentleman 13:07, 24 February 2011 (UTC)

Why would the map affect the headshot? — Wind 16:52, 24 February 2011 (UTC)

I need to test with a friend Walnut gentleman 16:21, 25 February 2011 (UTC) Comments? The preceding unsigned comment was added by Armisael (talk) • (contribs)

Same comments as the other ones (especially this one since two of the items are only visible in third-person view, so it should be a lot slower). Also, what is that red dot? I've never seen it "on my face" in-game (only on walls), and we've just tested this on a vanilla server and it doesn't show. Is there an option to turn it on, is it a server setting, or a server mod? — Wind 00:38, 2 March 2011 (UTC)
I have no idea. I didn't do anything to the server, so I was a little confused. I assume I should run the DDS on the 'default' sniper for this demo? Armisael 02:05, 2 March 2011 (UTC)
Pictogram nope.png Nope Nah, people should know that a fully-charged headshot kills anything. It might be interesting to show a heavy and a set sniper side-by-side getting headshot though... — Wind 02:34, 2 March 2011 (UTC)

Backpack The Saharan Spy Bundle.png The Saharan Spy

Could go with this. Got a new Fez yesterday. Already got L'etranger and Your Eternal Reward too so there's no messy File Editing. Lancer anti-tank Rocket 17:46, 16 February 2011 (UTC)

Getting around it? I can do it otherwise, what I have in mind is basically showing decloaking with dead ringer and invisibility watch side by side, and then show the increased flicker by bumping into a enemy on purpose. As a little bonus, show how it looks like from the perspective of the enemy. Ailure 11:20, 14 March 2011 (UTC)
Yes indeed, though the decloaking would need to be explicitly not in sync so that both sounds can be heard separately — Wind 12:29, 14 March 2011 (UTC)
Aah, good point. I think a second or so of desync should work then. I probably play around with it as soon i get to it to see what looks best. Ailure 17:51, 14 March 2011 (UTC)
I wonder if could be useful have a clip where the player, as a spun-up Sasha Heavy, has a Spy with/without the set decloak right behind him (demonstration with both IW and DR, of course). But I'm afraid you should have to do it with every minigun.--Kid Of The Century 09:42, 11 April 2011 (UTC)
No, the Minigun noise would cover up the cloak sound... Which I guess is part of the point because there's often distracting sound in-game, but then players won't really hear the difference — Wind 18:49, 11 April 2011 (UTC)

Backpack The Special Delivery Bundle.png The Special Delivery

Needs to be redone: Fish is not jiggly D: — Wind 12:29, 14 March 2011 (UTC)

Aren't the fish's jigglebones broken? -- OluapPlayer (t) Howdy, pardner! 13:56, 14 March 2011 (UTC)
Depends on how you define broken. The fish is jiggly alright, but have a uh... tendency randomly to literally flip itself inside out at times. I think it's possible to show a video of the jigglyness without making it glitch up. Ailure 17:49, 14 March 2011 (UTC)
So it is. Bizarre. I should have a fixed version up sometime today. Any idea why the fish didn't jiggle? -Armisael 21:26, 14 March 2011 (UTC)
The problem with the current video is that there is no jigglebones at all, the fish is all stiff (damn edit conflicts) And no, I don't know why it didn't jiggle — Wind 21:28, 14 March 2011 (UTC)
Apparently fraps is somehow causing the problem. My fish will jiggle, and then I'll hit record, and it'll stiffen up. I stop recording, and it starts jiggling again. I get the same problem with TF2's inbuilt demo-to-TGA video converter. -Armisael 01:53, 16 March 2011 (UTC)
Well, I may understand if it's tf2's demo recording thing, but Fraps really shouldn't affect it, since it's an external program and all o_O — Wind 04:31, 16 March 2011 (UTC)
I was confused as well, but the fish was stiffening and jiggling right on cue, every time. Maybe I have some setting active that kills jigglebones if more than a certain amount of the cpu is being used. At any rate, this looks like a job for someone else. — [[User:Armisael|Armisael]] 10:55, 16 March 2011 (UTC)