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¿Cómo aparecieron los bravos hombres del Team Fortress en un campo de batalla con centenares de años? Simple. El Soldier es un mago — Cartel publicitario del modo medieval
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DeGroot Keep
Información básica
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Vista general
Degroot Keep es un mapa para el nuevo Modo medieval que fue sacado durante las Navidades australianas con la Actualización del 17 de diciembre de 2010. Actualmente es el único mapa para este modo de juego. Los botiquines en el castillo tienen aspecto de carne asada de estilo medieval.
El mapa, de captura y defensa, es relativamente pequeño donde el equipo RED debe defender tres puntos de control del equipo BLU.
Al empezar la ronda el equipo BLU debe capturar los puntos A y B localizados a nivel de tierra afuera del castillo y el equipo RED debe defender estos puntos tireándose de los muros (con riesgo de daño) o disparando projectiles hasta que la puerta del castillo esté abierta y se pueda pasar por ahí.
Cuando los puntos A y B sean capturados la puerta del castillo es abierta, dejando paso para capturar el punto C localizado al final del patio del castillo. Si el punto C no es capturado en un tiempo la puerta se cierra y los puntos A y B son reseteados y deben ser capturados otra vez.
Players can shoot projectiles through the grills of the castle gate or arrow slits in the towers. Braziers can be used to set Huntsman arrows on fire for additional damage are also located by the player bases.
Control Point Timing
Punto de Control A
Punto de Control B
Punto de Control C
- Players are able to clip through the barrels on the shelves above the BLU spawn.
- One of the gates in BLU spawn can become stuck and not open at the beginning of the round.
- The keep gate may appear stuck open or closed although players will still interact with it as they should, getting stuck if it should be closed, or passing through if it should be open.
- Players can stand right at the edge of the tree spot at the cliff to the left.
- If players fall far enough over the cliff edge, they will clip through the rocks surrounding the waterfall.
- Thunder ambience noise can occassionally be heard, despite there being no thunder clouds visible in the skybox.
Previous changes
January 3, 2011 Patch
- Updated Degroot Keep to fix a problem with missing models.
The wooden medieval resupply locker.
- The map is named after the Demoman's family as his real name is Tavish Degroot.
- DeGroot or de Groot is a surname of Dutch origin meaning "the big" or "the great".
- According to the official Australian Christmas event page, the map is supposed to be set during the 10th century but a number of anachronisms can be seen:
- The family portrait of the Degroot family that appears inside the castle is actually a portrait of the Demoman and his mother and father as seen in the WAR! Update comic.
- When entering the keep, a computer terminal can be seen hidden behind a wooden door to the left.
- A second computer terminal can be seen through the sewer grate in the keep's courtyard.
- A third computer is hidden behind a wooden door in RED's spawn.
- Despite the filter in chat, the signs blocking an exit in BLU and RED spawn are in modern English.
- On certain events, like win/lose or final point access, bag pipes play in the background.
- The bagpipe music is a re-use of the Template:W anthem used when a round is won by the British team.
- There is an unused scroll model in the game files. It's intended use is unknown besides that it was to be a pickup.
- There are ways to get around the text translation currently used in the map.
- One of the ways you can get around the translation, is by putting a "!" at the beginning of your message.
- Another is by using the "say" command in the console.
- It's also easier to get the Dodgers 1, Giants 0 Scout achievement on Degroot Keep, due to the Heavy dropping a Sandvich on death from using the Melee slot due to no Primary weapon to be equipped during Medieval Mode.
Degrootkeep battlements.jpg
Battlements of the castle.
Degrootkeep courtyard.jpg
Degrootkeep battlefield.jpg
The battlefield that lays between the castle and fort.
Degrootkeep bluespawn.jpg
The fort that serves as BLU's base.
Degrootkeep redspawn.jpg
The interior of the castle that serves as RED's spawn.
The wooden medieval-style resupply locker.