Team Fortress Wiki talk:Weapon Demonstration
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Weapons that need to be done
Cloak and Dagger
I've started out with a simplistic version of this. I show it in the loadout, then turn it on in First person. After waiting a few seconds to demonstrate the cloak doesn't drain when standing still, I walk around in a circle to show that it drains by moving. I walk over an ammopack both cloaked and uncloaked to demonstrate that picking up ammo doesn't recharge it. I walk around uncloaked a bit to show it recharges when moving uncloaked. Finally, I walk into an enemy medic to show that it will show an outline if you walk into an enemy. How's that? — The preceding unsigned comment was added by Dr. Huxley (talk) • (contribs)
- Take a look at the Invisibility Watch demo for things to show too. You need to show things like the Dispenser not recharging it, that it hides teleporter trails, etc. Also, make sure to demonstrate:
- Drain speed is proportional to walking speed (move while crouching, move while jumping, etc)
- When drained, the cloak does NOT auto-uncloak like the other watches, but stays in the "outline" mode (walk around cloaked until out of it, then keep running)
- Has less cloak than the regular invisibility watch (Many people don't know this one for some reason); do a split-screen walking from one end of the room to the other (and back, if needed), with one side C&D and the other using the IW. Show that you can run farther in one charge with the IW, but you can still keep walking in "outline" mode with the C&D.
— Wind 04:31, 16 March 2011 (UTC)
- Righto, I'll redo that and keep that in mind. I don't see the need to almost completely redo the original Invis. Watch video though, but if that's what you mean, I'll do it. Dr. Huxley 04:55, 16 March 2011 (UTC)
- Before you do that, please post the video you made so far, just to check if it meets the technical requirements. This is just a check, because if it doesn't, then both your and my time will go to waste D: — Wind 05:07, 16 March 2011 (UTC)
- Righto, I'll redo that and keep that in mind. I don't see the need to almost completely redo the original Invis. Watch video though, but if that's what you mean, I'll do it. Dr. Huxley 04:55, 16 March 2011 (UTC)
I think it should have triple splitscreen showing the draining amount when youre falling/jumping, running and crouch-walking. --SandeProElite 18:57, 3 May 2011 (UTC)
Here's my first draft at this video. I thought it might be good to 'throw everything in' so to speak, to make it easier to see which parts to cut; it's intentionally long. i-ghost 23:03, 18 March 2011 (UTC)
- The main aspect of the C&D is movement-dependent cloak drain/regen, and I feel that this video doesn't show that obviously enough. It is demonstrated at the beginning but quickly and without transition between "states". Take your time, wait at least 1 seconds before (and after, if it applies) changing direction/crouching/standing up, etc. Also, it needs to demonstrate that it regenerates while uncloaked+moving.
- As for what should be cut, I think the teleporter destruction part can be left out, as well as the cloak+disguise demo from 1:20 to 1:50. Also a pretty important thing is to show the enemy's vision of the cloak; for the regular IW, it was fine to use the engineer's voice commands to indicate vision/not-vision, but here it is not because the spy can be either invisible, visible, or semi-visible, but what is shown here is from a BLU perspective, so we see the spy all the time. So what I'd suggest to do is to respawn the Engineer mid-demo (while you're not looking in his direction) and record things from his POV; then use that as the central video during the last part instead of a third person view. Yes, this requires him to be a human player or to use a SourceTV demo, but I believe it's worth it :3 Also, since it's a long demo, feel free to do it in multiple parts joined together with fades, too. It's frustrating it is when you do everything right except one small little thing at the end of the take... Doing it in multiple parts helps — Wind 00:54, 19 March 2011 (UTC)
- I believe that two things are missing from your video.
- The C&D decloaks slower than the normal invis watch, and it also makes more noise. Smurfton 18:52, 12 October 2011 (PDT)
- Work in progress
- I need to show the cloak/disguise interaction somewhere, but I'm not sure about when.
- No need, the Disguise Kit should show that. I know the IW shows that too and that's unnecessary — Wind 18:09, 10 April 2012 (PDT)
- Glitchy pistol reload in first clip; arena HUD in the jump clip
- Need to show a comparison of recharge rates when cloaked/uncloaked and moving/not-moving when uncloaked. Not sure how to set up the shot (ie, be at 0 charge at the beginning of the shot).
- Be at almost-0 charge, deplete it, demonstrate rates — Wind 18:09, 10 April 2012 (PDT)
- Need to show the actual crouching motion in the 1:19 clip
- Not obvious which one is the invis. watch in the comparison clip; put labels. Also, keep running past the cloak depleting fully to show how the two cloaks behave differently when they run out — Wind 18:09, 10 April 2012 (PDT)
- I didn't bother to fix the pistol reload, because I couldn't be bothered fiddling with it. It'll require a rerecord, and while easy, it's annoying to set up. Thoughts? — Armisael (T | C) 20:56, 10 April 2012 (PDT)
- The cloak recharge rates clips should perhaps be in a 3-way split-screen (may want to fiddle with the viewmodel offset to get the cloak meter visible; seeing them serially makes it kinda confusing, and while it is possible to draw the conclusion that rating while not moving while cloaked = rate while moving while not cloaked, it requires deduction rather than being in plain sight
- Invis watch comparison clip turns too fast; there is room for less aggressive turning, which will make the movement of the scene less distracting
I think this is it (besides scout pistol thing)~ — Wind 19:21, 11 April 2012 (PDT)
- Still haven't gotten around to the pistol reload. I'll do it tomorrow; I wanted to get this draft out tonight.
- Forgot the labels for the IW/CND clip
- Is the CnD sufficiently on screen for the recharge rate clip? It's close; thought I'd ask.
- I'm using the two way splitscreen HUD for the 3-way comparison clip. I'll use the 3-way one used in the building demos in later drafts. — Armisael (T | C) 21:03, 11 April 2012 (PDT)
- Good, now after all the above are fixed and it has some real editing and some music on it I think is done~ (Also, since the first clip is gonna be redone, might want to walk on that ammo pack once uncloaked to show tha you can't restore cloak when uncloaked. Either that or don't stare at it at the end of the video, cause it looks like you're gonna pick it up but then you don't) — Wind 21:16, 11 April 2012 (PDT)
- — Armisael (T | C) 17:56, 12 April 2012 (PDT)
- Is good, please upload~ — Wind 12:57, 13 April 2012 (PDT)
- The video was very good, nice job :D but may I make a suggestion? Can you also show that the "half-cloak" of the cloak and dagger (As in cloaked status when the meter is drained) does NOT prevent sentries from shooting you? Would that be necessary? Because I think it's quite a useful fact... TFHK 23:40, 15 April 2012 (PDT)
- Hey, I never noticed this... but I agree. It is a kind of obscure scenario, but when (if) it does happen, then I can see how it would be really confusing for the player as to what happened. It should be shown so that people know. — Wind 13:13, 16 April 2012 (PDT)
- — Armisael (T | C) 12:04, 19 April 2012 (PDT)
- Is good, please upload~ — Wind 13:13, 19 April 2012 (PDT)
- — Armisael (T | C) 12:04, 19 April 2012 (PDT)
- Hey, I never noticed this... but I agree. It is a kind of obscure scenario, but when (if) it does happen, then I can see how it would be really confusing for the player as to what happened. It should be shown so that people know. — Wind 13:13, 16 April 2012 (PDT)
- The video was very good, nice job :D but may I make a suggestion? Can you also show that the "half-cloak" of the cloak and dagger (As in cloaked status when the meter is drained) does NOT prevent sentries from shooting you? Would that be necessary? Because I think it's quite a useful fact... TFHK 23:40, 15 April 2012 (PDT)
- Is good, please upload~ — Wind 12:57, 13 April 2012 (PDT)
- — Armisael (T | C) 17:56, 12 April 2012 (PDT)
Saxton Hale Mask
- Enter the map as usual.
- Enter console and write sv_cheats 1 (This enables changing the holiday)
- Afterwards enter tf_forcce_holiday 2 (This enables spawning "hatman")
- Afterwards enter end_create headless_hatman (This will spawn the boss, so make sure to aim correctly. he will not move because this is not a bot-enabled map.. therefore all bots stay in place but he still can attack when you are close to it)
In The Video
The video will go as usual, I suggest you to wait a few minutes before recording as I tested in-game he will usually scare at the first time you come at it if he waited long enough.
- Showing the item in the backpack. (If you can remove the "Crafted By.." that will be perfect)
- A 3rd person view of the hat. (All class are required)
- Split screen with wearing the mask and not wearing the mask. Showing how it effects by not getting scared.
- Do you think we should show how you still get scared from the Harvest ghost?
Yes It's important to know that it only effects the Headless. Atlas
Yes Yes — Wind 18:34, 23 April 2012 (PDT)
- Do you think the split-screen will be with every class?
No It's better if you will, but this is some serious dark work which is not required. Atlas
Nope Nah — Wind 18:34, 23 April 2012 (PDT)
Need to be redone
Ali Baba's Wee Booties
Need to show World Model
- I don't think it's really important but Sniper weapons like Razorback or Cozy Camper show World model. Why this one didn't show?
Hinaomi 10:28, 8 April 2012 (PDT) — Armisael (T | C) 13:56, 14 April 2012 (PDT)
- All good, please upload~ — Wind 20:21, 14 April 2012 (PDT)
Bazaar Bargain
Only one head is lost on misses and bodyshots
Apparently valve merely made public the changes to this back in october, so this doesn't need to be redone. — Armisael (T | C) 09:33, 12 January 2012 (PST)
- I don't think so, I think only do in backpack view and combine it to old video because description was change. Hinaomi
00:27, 13 January 2012 (PST)
- Not sure how I feel about the fade through black, but the shots are way to similar for my standard crossfade. — Armisael (T | C) 19:44, 8 April 2012 (PDT)
- Is good, please upload~ — Wind 19:53, 8 April 2012 (PDT)
Black Box
Done but need to redone (Need Pyro's client view that can get heal when hit enemy with reflect Black Box's rocket)
I think it should show that the Pyro does get the +15 health bonus. Currently you can see the tiny health crosses over the Pyro, but a short demonstration from the Pyro's view would be better imho. — The preceding unsigned comment was added by LeGenD`RaGe (talk) • (contribs)
- Not a very critical change but OK — Wind 20:50, 8 October 2011 (PDT)
- To point out--this is tricky, since it requires two players to do the recording. ≥My two cents≤ 04:32, 17 February 2012 (PST)
- Also the clip at 0:08 is not very clear that damaging more than two players will grant the user +15 health per enemy hit. Upgrade 19:19, 15 March 2012 (PDT)
- To point out--this is tricky, since it requires two players to do the recording. ≥My two cents≤ 04:32, 17 February 2012 (PST)
mine's one Karmacharger 11.19 , 28-4-2012 (PST)
- At 0:45 why don't Pyro and Soldier are Engineer and Sniper? And our request is Pyro's client view, not tiny heal from Soldier's.
Hinaomi 08:47, 28 April 2012 (PDT)
- Not sure what Hinaomi is saying for 0:45, I don't see a Sniper or an Engineer... However, it is true that the reflect clip should be from the Pyro's perspective in order to show the health gain on the HUD. Doing it from the soldier's perspective is bad because you can't see the health gain — Wind 11:26, 28 April 2012 (PDT)
- In another Soldier's Primary Weapon clip (Exept Direct Hit), the victims are Demoman and Engineer instread of Soldier and Pyro (I forget it's Demoman, not Sniper).
Hinaomi 11:35, 28 April 2012 (PDT)
- In another Soldier's Primary Weapon clip (Exept Direct Hit), the victims are Demoman and Engineer instread of Soldier and Pyro (I forget it's Demoman, not Sniper).
- Not sure what Hinaomi is saying for 0:45, I don't see a Sniper or an Engineer... However, it is true that the reflect clip should be from the Pyro's perspective in order to show the health gain on the HUD. Doing it from the soldier's perspective is bad because you can't see the health gain — Wind 11:26, 28 April 2012 (PDT)
On-hit effect applies to buildings
- Is good, please upload~ — Wind 21:47, 25 April 2012 (PDT)
Well, not anymore. JhonnyKiller45 22:41, 27 April 2012 (PDT)
Need to show World Model
- Same as Ali Baba's Wee Booties, why this one didn't show?
Hinaomi 10:28, 8 April 2012 (PDT) If you recognize footage you are not blind. — Armisael (T | C) 13:56, 14 April 2012 (PDT)
- Dohoho, i c wat u did thar. Please upload — Wind 20:21, 14 April 2012 (PDT)
Heals from hitting buildings
- — Armisael (T | C) 06:58, 25 April 2012 (PDT)
- Demonstrates what it needs to, but could be shorter... You don't have to show that it can be charged through damage dealt and damage received separately for example. May want to include the building in there too. Could also show whether you can gain charge from dealing damage to buildings too, and if you can gain charge by taking damage from buildings (sentry) since they now play a role in healing — Wind 21:47, 25 April 2012 (PDT)
- The lengthy opening is to show how much damage it takes to charge both ways. — Armisael (T | C) 11:15, 26 April 2012 (PDT)
- Can see the main menu for one single frame somewhere between 0:44 and 0:45. Also, you can still condense that, for example by showing the taunt during the first Concheror activation (instead of standing around from 0:55 to 1:03). Then, for the second activation, don't show anything (just activate the Concheror, wait a few seconds, and then fade to next clip) — Wind 12:50, 26 April 2012 (PDT)
- — Armisael (T | C) 20:01, 26 April 2012 (PDT)
- Is good, please upload~ — Wind 20:20, 26 April 2012 (PDT)
- — Armisael (T | C) 20:01, 26 April 2012 (PDT)
- Can see the main menu for one single frame somewhere between 0:44 and 0:45. Also, you can still condense that, for example by showing the taunt during the first Concheror activation (instead of standing around from 0:55 to 1:03). Then, for the second activation, don't show anything (just activate the Concheror, wait a few seconds, and then fade to next clip) — Wind 12:50, 26 April 2012 (PDT)
- The lengthy opening is to show how much damage it takes to charge both ways. — Armisael (T | C) 11:15, 26 April 2012 (PDT)
- Demonstrates what it needs to, but could be shorter... You don't have to show that it can be charged through damage dealt and damage received separately for example. May want to include the building in there too. Could also show whether you can gain charge from dealing damage to buildings too, and if you can gain charge by taking damage from buildings (sentry) since they now play a role in healing — Wind 21:47, 25 April 2012 (PDT)
Cozy Camper
Speed description change and lower speed when aiming with Huntman
- After waiting, valve fixed with 90% slower speed when aiming
Hinaomi 17:39, 17 April 2012 (PDT)
- They also apparently increased the move speed from 4.8v to 8v, which is an increase by 2/3s. — Armisael (T | C) 06:53, 18 April 2012 (PDT)
- I take you guys will want me to edit my video so it says what it does in the new update? Zippy 13:55, 18 April 2012 (PDT)
- Yes please — Wind 18:03, 18 April 2012 (PDT)
- Here you are: YouTube - Download — Zippy 18:10, 19 April 2012 (PDT)
- First clip is not 16:9 (has black bars), and the timing is still way too fast >: Wait a few more seconds in the loadout view and in thirdperson mode. Additional periods of waiting would be good the beginning and end for all others, clips but they're not as bad. Thanks~ — Wind 20:08, 19 April 2012 (PDT)
- This better? YouTube - The quality looks kinda bad because I had to save time and uploaded a lower quality version of the video. So don't worry, if you want the download, it'll be the same video but with perfect quality.
- First clip is not 16:9 (has black bars), and the timing is still way too fast >: Wait a few more seconds in the loadout view and in thirdperson mode. Additional periods of waiting would be good the beginning and end for all others, clips but they're not as bad. Thanks~ — Wind 20:08, 19 April 2012 (PDT)
- Here you are: YouTube - Download — Zippy 18:10, 19 April 2012 (PDT)
- Yes please — Wind 18:03, 18 April 2012 (PDT)
- I take you guys will want me to edit my video so it says what it does in the new update? Zippy 13:55, 18 April 2012 (PDT)
- They also apparently increased the move speed from 4.8v to 8v, which is an increase by 2/3s. — Armisael (T | C) 06:53, 18 April 2012 (PDT)
- From comment in youtube, why Huntman knockback part, rocket didn't hit sniper? And why don't you walk until end?
Hinaomi 06:39, 24 April 2012 (PDT)
- The rocket didn't hit the non-Cozy-Camper sniper because he was knocked back (That's sort of the point). And walking to the end would be way too long — Wind 11:01, 24 April 2012 (PDT)
- When are you gonna upload it? Zippy 10:24, 29 April 2012 (PDT)
- I assume that wind's hoping to get the black box demo in before this week's push. It's the only reason I can think of for not pushing yesterday. — Armisael (T | C) 11:09, 29 April 2012 (PDT)
- — Wind 12:23, 29 April 2012 (PDT)
- I assume that wind's hoping to get the black box demo in before this week's push. It's the only reason I can think of for not pushing yesterday. — Armisael (T | C) 11:09, 29 April 2012 (PDT)
- When are you gonna upload it? Zippy 10:24, 29 April 2012 (PDT)
- The rocket didn't hit the non-Cozy-Camper sniper because he was knocked back (That's sort of the point). And walking to the end would be way too long — Wind 11:01, 24 April 2012 (PDT)
No longer maintains overheal
That was demonstrated in the video, so I guess you'll just have to cut that part out.
Additional question: While you're at it, should we put the cursor at the PDA icon in the beginning of the video now? Because, you know, dispensers are built with the PDA... TFHK 00:18, 18 April 2012 (PDT)
- Nah — Wind 18:03, 18 April 2012 (PDT)
Frying Pan
Done but need to redone (Weapon can now be used by the Scout, Pyro, Heavy, Medic, and Sniper)
Already on it thanks to a friend of mine. --Akuago220, The Jungle Expeditioner 16:57, 3 May 2012 (PDT)
Info If the one who is making it not sure what to do just watch the Stock weps : Bat, Fire Axe, Fists, Bonesaw, and Kukri and just add the current video of Soldier and Demoman. Good luck! — The preceding unsigned comment was added by Atlas (talk) • (contribs)
- Not sure what you're trying to say here — Wind 19:33, 3 May 2012 (PDT) Karmacharger 02.32 , 4-5-2012 (PST)
- I would suggest you slow down a bit, especially when there are some kill lines being said. This is just my suggestion, but let's see what Wind thinks. Also, no taunt for the Heavy? TFHK 01:32, 4 May 2012 (PDT)
- it is no taunt for heavy Karmacharger 02.32 , 4-5-2012 (PST)
Now equippable in loadout screen
- — Armisael (T | C) 18:43, 7 April 2012 (PDT)
- Pip-Boy clip should include a brief third-person view. Is all~ — Wind 19:08, 7 April 2012 (PDT)
- — Armisael (T | C) 21:16, 7 April 2012 (PDT)
- A Pip-Boy demonstration video was made already. --Avox 06:44, 8 April 2012 (PDT)
- — Armisael (T | C) 21:16, 7 April 2012 (PDT)
- Pip-Boy clip should include a brief third-person view. Is all~ — Wind 19:08, 7 April 2012 (PDT)
- I am not sure if you're still in need of a video, but I made one too (not knowing that a video was made yesterday already) --Avox 06:44, 8 April 2012 (PDT)
- The point (which was not discussed here but on irc) is that they can be merged into one demo such that the total time is less than the sum of the times two separate demos, much like the Equalizer/Limbricus Lid deal.
- As for your video, it has a lower framerate, is very very fast (slow down, watch the existing videos to get a feel for the appropriate rhythm) and you're holding the wrong PDA at 0:34 (point is to show that you can't destroy it). So sorry but Armisael wins this one~ — Wind 10:27, 8 April 2012 (PDT)
- I have no problem with "losing" (if you can call it like that). My problem was that the music was only 46 seconds long so I had t make my video exactly 46 seconds long too... --Avox 11:09, 8 April 2012 (PDT)
Pomson 6000
Done but need to redone (DR Spy example: 1.cloak drain 2. damage dealt, means no DR can be triggered
Not reserved TheDoctor 17:23, 7 April 2012 (PDT)
- Actually, the DR is triggered. My information was faulty. Apologies. — Armisael (T | C) 18:40, 7 April 2012 (PDT)
- Weird because once it was not triggered on pomson hit maybe laggy fault of server. But it should be shown that first comes the damage and after that the drain? TheDoctor 06:45, 8 April 2012 (PDT)
New taunts
Not reserved by Wind but must have video quality that is on par with or better than the current Saxxy demonstration. This is a weapon awarded for making good videos, so it has to be good too — Wind 11:24, 28 January 2012 (PST)
- Not only new taunt. Kill line is change for some class. Hinaomi 06:35, 23 October 2011 (PDT)
Scottish Resistance
Done but needs to be redone (Custom crosshair)
mah version here : Karmacharger 12.24 , 5 February 2012 (PST)
- Should not have reloaded at 0:47 (only at the end of the clip). For the clip to show that you can explode enemy stickybombs, make sure that you don't destroy them all in one shot (to show that it destroys stickybombs only in a certain area). Also, for the jumping part, Sticky Jumper shows that it is possible to jump all the way across with only one sticky bomb. Can this be done with the Scottish Resistance? If yes, then you should do it~ — Wind 15:26, 5 February 2012 (PST)
hey wind.... i don't think i can making videos easily now because i had a problem with fraps so this won't work at my pc idk why :/ , anything else i can use with recording? Karmacharger 04.05 , 2-9-2012 (PST)
- I'll save wind the ignominy of promoting his own software and say that SrcDemo2 is what all the cool kids use. — Armisael (T | C) 11:31, 9 February 2012 (PST)
- What Armisael said certain'y wouldn't hurt (in fact it would help), but I highly recommend doing demos with Source Recorder exclusively first, as it will be easier (less things to learn at once) — Wind 15:56, 9 February 2012 (PST)
i used it before , when i trying to save my demo as avi file it said " AVI is no longer supported! Make sure QuickTime is installed and use "h264" - if you install QuickTime, you will need to reboot before using startmovie. " these are red text. i already installed quicktime and h264 then reboot and try again startmovie test avi and this the same error i will get :( if save with Startmovie test raw it work for me , is this the only way i can save? Karmacharger 12.44 , 2-10-2012 (PST)
- Yes. SrcDemo2 basically converts those .tga (raw) frames as they get saved, that's how it can convert the output to .png frames — Wind 20:56, 9 February 2012 (PST)
my video is making now and sorry for taking too long hope you won't care. Karmacharger 02.23 , 20-2-2012 (PST)
- There's no rush~ — Wind 12:37, 20 February 2012 (PST)
This job is very hard in my option my pc running alot of problems. i leave this project for other person. sorry about it , i was want the wiki cap this is the reason why i'm here. just wanted to say sorry for let you waiting :( Karmacharger 07.00 , 03-5-2012 (PST)
The current video does not show that the stickies can be destroyed by bullets. Also, neither this nor the default stickybomb launcher show that the bombs can be destroyed using melee weapons, not that it is usually a good idea. I believe there was a patch relating to that effect. Upgrade 11:51, 9 March 2012 (PST)
- The bullet part is indeed important, and since it is demonstrated in the Stickybomb Launcher video (as well as pushing/airblasting) then it should be demonstrated here as well — Wind 12:07, 9 March 2012 (PST)
"i leave this project for other person." forget about it Karmacharger 11.06 , 23-4-2012 (PST)
- Very good demo :3 But missing the bullet thing that Upgrade just talked about. It's not in any Stickybomb launcher demo yet, but could you add it somewhere? Basically need to show that stickies can be destroyed by bullets. Preferably demonstrated from the non-Demoman's perspective (scout using his pistol for example) — Wind 18:34, 23 April 2012 (PDT)
sooooo i added some new clips in the demo as what you said. Karmacharger 06.28 , 24-4-2012 (PST)
- Those are all good clips, and I guess it makes it more consistent to demonstrate it from the demo's perspective if we're gonna show all 3 scout+soldier+pyro. Thanks, please upload~ — Wind 11:08, 24 April 2012 (PDT) Thanks for accept and 1 question , in the Weapon Demonstratio project page in "Need to be redone" the list i saw a Quick-Fix , Übersaw , Concheror , Blutsauger. so why they are not listed in here? i would like to Demonstration them if they are needed. Thanks Karmacharger 06.49 , 25-4-2012 (PST)
- Because nobody created a section for them on this page. Create it if you need it — Wind 19:35, 24 April 2012 (PDT)
Sticky Jumper
Reflected stickies don't blow up enemy pyros
- Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall not fear, for the sticky jumper is always beside me. — Armisael (T | C) 17:59, 27 April 2012 (PDT)
- Make the pyro more clearly step on the stickybombs perhaps. Rest is good~ — Wind 21:41, 27 April 2012 (PDT)
- — Armisael (T | C) 09:01, 28 April 2012 (PDT)
- Still not stepping on it >: I mean that she should step on the bombs when they explode to show that they don't do damage — Wind 11:26, 28 April 2012 (PDT)
- Do we really need to show the absence of a bug? Jumper stickies not dealing any damage is the expected behavior. — Armisael (T | C) 11:35, 28 April 2012 (PDT)
- I don't know if it's a bug or not really, but if it's not then I prefered the previous version because the jump in that clip was cooler >.> So if you still have that one, upload it, otherwise upload the latest — Wind 11:45, 28 April 2012 (PDT)
- Do we really need to show the absence of a bug? Jumper stickies not dealing any damage is the expected behavior. — Armisael (T | C) 11:35, 28 April 2012 (PDT)
- Still not stepping on it >: I mean that she should step on the bombs when they explode to show that they don't do damage — Wind 11:26, 28 April 2012 (PDT)
- — Armisael (T | C) 09:01, 28 April 2012 (PDT)
- Make the pyro more clearly step on the stickybombs perhaps. Rest is good~ — Wind 21:41, 27 April 2012 (PDT)
Effect applies to buildings
- — The preceding unsigned comment was added by Armisael (talk) • (contribs)
- No need to show the second ubercharge all the way through~ And may also want to demonstrate what taunting on buildings does — Wind 12:50, 26 April 2012 (PDT)
- Exciting, that taunt. — Armisael (T | C) 17:29, 26 April 2012 (PDT)
- Like I said, no need to show the second ubercharge all the way through (although on second thought, you may want to do that, but let it go while holding the Ubersaw so that it shows the draining blue liquid thing on the viewmodel). Also, the ubercharge meter and text appear grayed out in the second clip until there is full uber, and the clip ends a bit abruptly — Wind 19:32, 26 April 2012 (PDT)
- — Armisael (T | C) 21:45, 26 April 2012 (PDT)
- Still grayed out — Wind 23:00, 26 April 2012 (PDT)
- — Armisael (T | C) 21:45, 26 April 2012 (PDT)
- Like I said, no need to show the second ubercharge all the way through (although on second thought, you may want to do that, but let it go while holding the Ubersaw so that it shows the draining blue liquid thing on the viewmodel). Also, the ubercharge meter and text appear grayed out in the second clip until there is full uber, and the clip ends a bit abruptly — Wind 19:32, 26 April 2012 (PDT)
- Exciting, that taunt. — Armisael (T | C) 17:29, 26 April 2012 (PDT)
- No need to show the second ubercharge all the way through~ And may also want to demonstrate what taunting on buildings does — Wind 12:50, 26 April 2012 (PDT)
- — Armisael (T | C) 06:55, 27 April 2012 (PDT)
Questions and Proposals
Hat Demonstration: Saxton Hale Mask
Why can't anyone put up a video about the saxton hale mask? I think that since it has an effect, it should be demonstrated... — The preceding unsigned comment was added by Tsvetoslav (talk) • (contribs) 12:13, 22 November 2011 (PST)
Support Yes, there should be one imo. —
Rocket Ship BBQ(
) 13:11, 22 November 2011 (PST)
- I agree that this should get a quite short demonstration video because I didn't know that the Saxton mask had the ability to stop boos from ghosts and the Horseless Headless Horseman and this wiki's job is to spread the information on the game(and trust me videos help). --CaptainSneaky 12:41, 27 November 2011 (PST)
Nope.avi I think no. Because if we do, unusal hat, jigglebone hat and effect hat (e.g. Mining light have light bright when in the dark room, earbud has note effect etc.) must do demonstration too. And I think hats don't have anything interest, have only cosmetics. Hinaomi
15:02, 22 November 2011 (PST)
- That hat, and the Horseless Headless Horsemann's Head, renders players immune to the stun of the ghost.—
Rocket Ship BBQ(
) 15:05, 22 November 2011 (PST)
- Unusuals don't change any real game play only the effects of the hat (same goes for earbuds). Lastly a moving piece of the hat or the entire hat moving doesn't make a huge difference in gameplay. --CaptainSneaky 12:41, 27 November 2011 (PST)
- That hat, and the Horseless Headless Horsemann's Head, renders players immune to the stun of the ghost.—
Support Resurrecting a somewhat idle topic, but I agree that those two hats should show the immunity feature. --Org 23:12, 29 March 2012 (PDT)
Support I guess it does fall under the same category as the Pip-Boy or things like that, so why not — Wind 12:02, 30 March 2012 (PDT)
- If everybody say yes, let do it. But quick question, should we wait for Halloween? :)
Hinaomi 08:30, 6 April 2012 (PDT)
- No — Wind 12:25, 7 April 2012 (PDT)
Festive Weapons
Simple question, do you guys think they're required? Woodledoodledoodle 12:38, 21 December 2011 (PST)
- I think the first person perspective picture is enough — Wind 12:40, 21 December 2011 (PST)
i Think That Would be awesome , When Demonstration Festive Weapons. Karmacharger 01:09 , 8 January 2012 (PST)
- I think this demonstration is not necessary. Because these have same status as class stock weapons, only have festive light blub on it.Hinaomi
22:21, 7 January 2012 (PST)
Since it's just lights, maybe the viewmodel pictures could be animated?KingofKoopas 01:31, 26 February 2012 (PST)
- I'm not sure what you mean — Wind 22:49, 26 February 2012 (PST)
- I think he means show only world model (3rd person) and viewmodel (1st person).
Hinaomi 23:03, 26 February 2012 (PST)
Support I think they need to be demonstrated, they are the same as others re-skins. Saying we shouldn't do them because they have the same stats is like saying we shouldn't do the Wanga Prick because it's the same as the Eternal Reward. Atlas 02:50, 23 April 2012 (PDT)
- I think if we do, the hardest part is festive bat.
Hinaomi 13:19, 3 May 2012 (PDT)
Critical Hits/Mini-crits
Just a quick question: Why aren't the critical( and mini-crits) hits shown? It makes no sense. At least show them on a Medic( the proportionality of damage to distance will be clear by killing a Pyro and a Soldier ). Of course, mini-crits will be shown first, the Medic will be capable of surviving both crits and mini-crits for most weapons. If the weapon doesn't have them, just kill the medic in a usual way. --Hawk18727 06:17, 30 December 2011 (PST)
- It's doesn't nessary and if we do, about 157 demonstrations those need to redone with this reason. Do you think it's easy to do? Hinaomi
08:03, 30 December 2011 (PST)
Of course, i don't ask to redo this, just want to know the reason for that. --Hawk18727 11:01, 30 December 2011 (PST)
- See Archive 20 for this. In short: It should have been demonstrated, it wasn't. The decision was a mistake, but it's too late to correct it now without a huge effort investment which isn't worth it right now >: It's more important for Melee weapons, hence the possibility of reopening melee weapons for crits. But first, it's more important that all weapons at least have a demonstration video, rather than spending time going over all already-demonstrated weapons and add a minor detail to the videos. — Wind 14:47, 30 December 2011 (PST)
Thanks for the reply. --Hawk18727 06:24, 31 December 2011 (PST)
Damage Comparison
It would be enormously helpful to include a split-screen comparing a weapon with changed damage attributes (Back Scratcher, L'Etranger) to their vanilla counterparts (Fire Axe, Revolver). However I realize this will involve a major time investment. --Upgrade 20:24, 16 February 2012 (PST)
- This has already been asked before >: Not everything needs to be a split-screen comparison, especially something that is easy to compare thanks to on-screen damage numbers in all videos. Given that, either a damage comparison would have to be in its own clip (which would be redundant because damage is already demonstrated in the main clip), or merged with the first clip itself and so have a whole split-screen first clip, which I think would look constrained and not give the weapon the screen space it deserves for its own demonstration. — Wind 13:21, 17 February 2012 (PST)
- Ok, I went through the archives trying to find specific topics addressing this, but I've only found few scattered references. However, they all presuppose that the viewer would readily remember the vanilla loadout damage amount.(That or put both videos up in new windows and to a split-time comparison analysis.) Either way, this requires extra input from the viewer. Anyway, going through the archives hit upon another thread regarding weapons and their attributes as they changed over time. Should earlier versions of weapons and demonstrations be preserved as archival material?--Upgrade 14:05, 18 February 2012 (PST)
- The history of weapon changes is already kept in the "Update history" section of all articles, adding weapon demonstrations there as well would probably make it too heavy over time (and not very helpful, since a lot of the content would be redundant with the current demonstration) — Wind 15:50, 18 February 2012 (PST)
- I don't know, but it's the little museum curator inside of me that wants to preserve and look back on how the weapons have changed and developed into its current point in evolution; a visual history that is hard to piece together from the text-heavy update history and to say nothing of the various viewmodel changes.) I presume that all former videos are subsequently discarded. Upgrade 02:43, 28 February 2012 (PST)
- Yes, all videos that are not publicly visible are deleted, so this would be kinda hard to retroactively apply — Wind 19:18, 28 February 2012 (PST)
- I don't know, but it's the little museum curator inside of me that wants to preserve and look back on how the weapons have changed and developed into its current point in evolution; a visual history that is hard to piece together from the text-heavy update history and to say nothing of the various viewmodel changes.) I presume that all former videos are subsequently discarded. Upgrade 02:43, 28 February 2012 (PST)
- The history of weapon changes is already kept in the "Update history" section of all articles, adding weapon demonstrations there as well would probably make it too heavy over time (and not very helpful, since a lot of the content would be redundant with the current demonstration) — Wind 15:50, 18 February 2012 (PST)
- Ok, I went through the archives trying to find specific topics addressing this, but I've only found few scattered references. However, they all presuppose that the viewer would readily remember the vanilla loadout damage amount.(That or put both videos up in new windows and to a split-time comparison analysis.) Either way, this requires extra input from the viewer. Anyway, going through the archives hit upon another thread regarding weapons and their attributes as they changed over time. Should earlier versions of weapons and demonstrations be preserved as archival material?--Upgrade 14:05, 18 February 2012 (PST)
i Would wish to know how to do motion blur in a similar way to Wind in Saxxy Demo and [ATG] Armisael in his recent videos — The preceding unsigned comment was added by Tristan (talk) • (contribs)
- You're probably looking for this — Wind 15:16, 27 February 2012 (PST)
- i use a mac User:Tristan 10:45, 28 February 2012 (PST)
- Then you'll have to use Source Recorder as usual or wait for a few days — Wind 19:18, 28 February 2012 (PST)
- i use a mac User:Tristan 10:45, 28 February 2012 (PST)
Sentry Gun and Wrangler
The current videos don't show that rockets suffer from damage falloff based on the Engineer's distance to the target.
I made video so you can understand what I'm talking about -
ANGEL_UNDEAD 12:06, 28 February 2012 (PST)
- That's pretty interesting indeed. Not sure if it's a bug or intended behavior. — Wind 19:18, 28 February 2012 (PST)
How to give yourself an item by editing game files?
I don't own weapons that I wanna demonstrate. It says on Project Page that it's possible to edit game files to give yourself the weapon. How? Please, answer me. Slicezor 14:28, 24 March 2012 (PDT)
- It used to be the case, now it's harder because the game constantly fetches the schema from the steam servers. You have to prevent it from doing that (disconnect from the Internet or use your firewall to block hl2.exe) and edit items_game.txt to change what item corresponds to what. As for how to edit that, search for items_game.txt on the web and you'll find plenty of results — Wind 11:11, 25 March 2012 (PDT)
I found this topic: But my ...\tf\scripts folder is empty. What should I do? Does this way of getting items even work at all now? Xeoxer 09:23, 28 March 2012 (PDT)
- I actually now about this editor. I use it for editing attributes to weapons I OWN for offline testing. But, Wind said it's hard to give yourself that weapon. Slicezorr
01:55, 4 April 2012 (PDT)
OK, I'll try that, but is it possible to use those items on multiplayer, or just on new game? Xeoxer 10:23, 28 March 2012 (PDT)
- If you don't have items_game.txt in your scripts file, you'll have to extract it from your GCF using gcfscape.
tf2 content.gcf/tf/scripts/items/items_game.txt
items_game is, in my experience, entirely nonfunctional in multiplayer without extensive sourcemod support, and is, at best, barely functional in singleplayer on a local server. Even that requires some funny tricks with your internet connection, if I recall correctly. Ultimately, it's not a particularly effective method of gaining access to an item; you're usually better off simply getting the item the usual ways. — Armisael (T | C) 11:27, 28 March 2012 (PDT)
Wrenches, Sledgehammers, Sappers, and Teleporters.
I think the Engie's wrench and wrench like devices, as well as both of the Pyro's hammers, should be redone to show that:
- That the Engineer removes sappers on both sides of the teleporter and
- That the Pyro cannot
--Org 23:16, 29 March 2012 (PDT)
- That is worth showing yes, but redoing all the engineer wrenches would take forever (especially the Golden Wrench which is a real pain to do) for little benefit. Perhaps this should instead be shown all in the sledgehammer clips as a split-screen of engineer vs pyro both destroying a sapper on one side of a teleporter instead — Wind 12:02, 30 March 2012 (PDT)
- Works for me. Doubly so since the sledges are the edge case, not the rule. --Org 13:01, 30 March 2012 (PDT)
Disguise Video
This article Disguise has a video from someone on youtube. No official wiki video. So could someone make a more informative video with item test like for weapons? Thanks in advance. Btw i added into the article that it needs a new video. TheDoctor 06:13, 6 April 2012 (PDT)
- Wait, why don't we put Disguise Kit demonstration video in that page?
Hinaomi 08:29, 6 April 2012 (PDT)
Making a splitscreen video
Hello there! I am currently making a video for the Cloak and Dagger. In order to compare it to the default watch, I need to make a split screen video, but how? I installed all the scripts from the package but nothing has changed... --Avox 12:53, 6 April 2012 (PDT)
- You probably didn't add the splitscreen correctly. You'll want to drag the
folders fromHUD Storage\2-way splitscreens\splitscreen Demo - <pick one>
into\Steam\steamapps\<username>\team fortress 2\tf
, then restart tf2 (or enterhud_reloadscheme
in console). — Armisael (T | C) 14:42, 6 April 2012 (PDT)
Horseless Headless Horsemann's Head Hat Demonstration
Make a demonstration video for the above item too, because it has the same effect as the Saxton Hale Mask!!!
Yes Agreed. Atlas 03:13, 23 April 2012 (PDT)
- Yes, or perhaps in a combined "Horseless Headless Horsemann taunt demonstration" which would show all affected hats in one shot — Wind 18:34, 23 April 2012 (PDT)
The Equalizer's video.
I really think that at the beginning of the video, you should show the damage parameters of the shovel ( 65 dmg and 88 dmg ) and the health needed for such an amount of damage to apply, just to compare the weapon with a stock shovel.--Hawk18727 07:49, 3 May 2012 (PDT)
Nope No weapon demonstrations do damage comparisons and let us not go there, otherwise every weapon demonstration (except stock weapons) would be a split-screen — Wind 10:51, 3 May 2012 (PDT)