Team Fortress Wiki talk:Weapon Demonstration

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Ap-Sap Ap-Sap

Ham Shank Ham Shank

Rescue Ranger Rescue Ranger

Pictogram wait.png This demonstration has been reserved: - OrangeJuicePanda 10:39, 22 December 2012 (PST) OrangeJuicePanda 23:21, 28 December 2012 (PST)

Pictogram comment.png opinion I question the ordering of the clips--I feel that it would be more logical to display the hauling mechanic first, the primary fire (repairing) mechanic second, and the movement mechanic third. For the repair, you should not have 59 metal--200 or 0, pick one. You should also repair right-to-left, not bottom-to-top in the building list. You should also empty the ammo of the sentry gun first (to show that it does (not) repair ammo). In the hauling clip, you should demonstrate the required metal issue first, not last. I'd reccomend hauling a dispenser, and then trying to haul a sentry in the first clip. Try to only hit attack once, so it doesn't spam the "can't pickup" noise. You could do this after every metal pickup, until you hit or pass 130. Darkid (talk|contribs) 06:32, 29 December 2012 (PST)
Pictogram comment.png opinion Also, show that it can't remove sappers, can be airblasted. (Can it repair friendly sentries when airblasted?) Darkid (talk|contribs) 14:36, 29 December 2012 (PST)
Alright here goes~
  • First and most importantly, there is no backpack view. Did you forget that?
  • Second and also pretty important, the first two clips give no introduction time; the clip starts right away firing or picking up something before the viewer has time to realize what is going on. When making these videos, keep in mind that the person watching them is not you, and has no idea about what the weapon does or how it works or anything, so you can't just start firing during the initial fade-in transition at 0:00. Watch some other weapon demonstration videos to get a feel for the required timing, and try to reproduce it. Leave ample waits before and after each clip, especially during recording, and then later if they turn out to be too long (which is very unlikely) you can just trim them out
  • Transitions between are too slow (half a second is enough)
  • Video quality looks meh-ish, especially the crosshair. It looks pixely for some reason? Check if you can increase your encoding bitrate or something so that it doesn't come out like that
  • I am assuming this was recorded with Fraps because it doesn't have any frame blending, which is fine, but that means there's the possibility that you forgot to record .dem files since recording with Fraps doesn't require them, so I'd like to take this occasion to remind you that .dem files are required (though not for rendering)
  • The clips do seem out of order like Darkid mentioned
  • Inconsistency in how things are demonstrated: The moving mechanic is shown in 3 separate clips while the repairing mechanic is shown in a single clip. Try to use a single clip for each
  • Always start with either 0 or 200 metal as appropriate, and if a Dispenser is built, it's nicer if it's already full of metal (but that's not really required)
  • Remote moving mechanic clips:
    • Don't start at the other end of the room; start close enough to the building**s** you're going to carry and stare at them for a while, so that the viewer has time to recognize them and locate them (and yourself) within the room, then move into position (the position used in the current video is fine) and then grab one. Then move around with it because why not? That way you also get to show the marked-for-death thing that the last clip shows (which again is a bit out of order). Then drop the building and wait for it to finish building/upgrading.
    • Move on to next building, don't grab it from the same place that you grabbed the first one from, move around the room a little bit, drop it somewhere, watch it grow
    • Move on to teleporter, same deal, you can afford moving less since that has been demonstrated well enough by now (but don't stay completely static, it looks like you can't carry it anywhere)
    • Remove what is currently the last clip, since that will already have been demonstrated
  • Remove repairing mechanic clips:
    • Some things to consider: Starting with 0 metal would be good here, because it would show that you don't need any metal to repair things. Then you can move close to your dispenser to grab some metal and show that it doesn't change the repair rate at all
    • Don't fire at buildings from the same distance during the entire video. That will demonstrate whether the repair rate suffers from damage falloff or not, the same way the regular shots do
    • Maybe show that you can still repair things with the Wrench, not sure if worth demonstrating
    • Show whether it restores ammo or not, like darkid said (maybe in a separate clip)
    • Show whether it upgrades buildings or not (maybe in a separate clip)

That should do it~ Good luck, this is not such an easy demonstration — Wind 13:09, 31 December 2012 (PST)

Thanks for the response. I did not use fraps to record it, but instead I used Source Recorder, so I do have .dem files for it, and saved each frame seperately and used me video software to turn them into one file. (I know you can save it in H264 format but I think the quality through this method ends up looking better) Also I do not have any screen capture software as of right now so do you know of any free ones? As far as the clips go, having 59 metal was actually a mistake of mine when recording it. Other than that I will redo the other clips and make any other needed changes. OrangeJuicePanda 12:46, 3 January 2013 (PST)
If you did use Source Recorder then would you mind rendering at a higher framerate? That way it looks smoother when blended down to 30fps on youtube. Yes the quality is better if you don't save it with H264 directly. For screen capturing software, well, Fraps probably, and the usual alternatives (Dxtory etc). Make sure you use something that taps into DirectX for capture, not something that just takes a lot of screenshots (Camtasia Recorder does that for example) or else it won't look smooth — Wind 13:22, 3 January 2013 (PST)
I set host_framerate at 30 frames per second and render at 30 frames per second. Also what format should I render the video as?

The preceding unsigned comment was added by OrangeJuicePanda (talk) • (contribs)

Try setting host_framerate to 90 or 120 and that should already make quite some difference for not much extra render time. As for the format, anything that youtube accepts and correctly converts as HD and that isn't unreasonably large and that doesn't make youtube desynchronize audio/video and doesn't show too many artifacts and not interlaced and and and etc.. basically just put it on youtube, since that is where it will end up, and if it looks bad then change format — Wind 12:07, 9 January 2013 (PST)
In regards to the above suggestion that the last clip should be deleted, it seems to me like it would still be a good idea to demonstrate that the user is marked for death both when carrying things using the special ability AND when carrying buildings normally (at least I know that was something I didn't realize at first). It could probably be shown in the same clip as the teleporting/movement ability, just demonstrate that the gun can pull a sentry, dispenser, and teleporter, then using the wrench pick up the second teleporter normally to demonstrate a) it can still be done and b) it also marks you for death. I'm sure there are other and possibly better ways to demonstrate this but in my opinion it'd still be a good thing to include. -Mizuumi 13:22, 11 January 2013 (PST)
I guess so, but in that case it should be shown in third-person camera, otherwise it's hard to tell — Wind 18:03, 11 January 2013 (PST)

Alright, a few questions about this demonstration:

  • Should it be demonstrated that enemy buildings are still damaged by the bolt normally or is it safe to let that be assumed? And should the repair effect be demonstrated on another friendly engineer's building?
You could do all of those in the same clip, just have 3 dispensers up (yours, friendly, enemy). Shouldn't be a lot of extra time/effort — Wind 21:53, 17 January 2013 (PST)
  • The wrench demonstration doesn't show every one of its effects on every building, so is it safe to demonstrate the repair effect on one building, the carry effect on another, and let it be assumed that both abilities will carry over to every other building? Or does it need to be demonstrated on every building as in Panda's first upload?
Just one building is fine — Wind 21:53, 17 January 2013 (PST)
  • This clip is only of the first part demonstrating the weapon's damage and doesn't include the loadout screen or the background music, so it's faaar from finished, but is the quality acceptable as far as graphics, video, audio, and the demo itself? (I'm a little concerned in that department, specifically the somewhat-jerky mouse motion and, now that I look at some other clips again, the taunt portion, damn box getting in the way!)
Quality is fine, camerawork is fine as well — Wind 21:53, 17 January 2013 (PST)
  • I thought, given that the projectile's trajectory, speed, and trail are all reminiscent of the Huntsman, I'd demonstrate that headshots do no additional damage, but if that's deemed unnecessary and too distracting or something, I can redo it without.
Nah, not necessary — Wind 21:53, 17 January 2013 (PST)

Sorry for the question overload, I just thought I'd get second opinions on things I wasn't sure about before making the clips, recording and rendering take an awfully long time and I'd like not to need to redo more than I have to.

You'll get used to it :3 and hopefully that'll translate into faster turnaround timeWind 21:53, 17 January 2013 (PST)
Alright, thanks a bunch for the answers and feedback! I admit i haven't been in a huge rush to finish, but now that I've got most of my concerns answered I should be able to get it together soon.
There is at least one more thing, though, I thought I had the airblast clip figured out, but I need to have one clip from the perspective of a RED team member to show the effect on an enemy dispenser. I figured I'd just record the clip as a red pyro until I remembered that bots can't hold non-stock items, so the engineer would be stuck with the default shotgun. I looked at the Crusader's Crossbow video because the effect is similar in nature and found that they had a clip from a red heavy's point of view being shot with the airblasts, with the blu medic's view in the lower right corner. This seems like a good approach, but how did they manage to get the demo from both players' point of view? The only way I could think of would be running a private dedicated server with replays enabled, which I'm not sure it's possible for me to do. I suppose in a pinch I could connect the other computer in the house via LAN and show the viewpoint of the red engineer staring at the dispenser, though it's not a very elegant solution and that computer gets extremely poor performance/framerate in TF2, and I don't know whether that could possibly create inaccuracies in the demo file. If there's no other feasible way to work around it I'll try that, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask if there was any other way.
You indeed have to run a server and have two players (one of which can be you) join it. You don't have to have replays enabled, just need to have both players record their own demos. You can also run multiple instances of TF2 on the same computer if your PC can handle it, you can turn down the graphics a lot (and turn them back up again to render), you just have to be quick alt-tabbing I guess — Wind 17:11, 24 January 2013 (PST)
Also, is there a way to spawn buildings immediately on a given team (and maybe at a given health)? I've searched around and haven't managed to find anything that doesnt involve using sourcemod plugins on a dedicated server, so I'm guessing I'll probably just have to use bot engineers for constructing buildings that aren't mine, but again, never hurts to ask.
Not instantaneously, but you can make bots build buildings using bot_mimic — Wind 17:11, 24 January 2013 (PST)
Again, thanks for all your help, and sorry for the wait on this project. -Mizuumi 01:42, 19 January 2013 (PST)
There's no rush — Wind 17:11, 24 January 2013 (PST)
Deleted the first two questions because I think I kind of answered them myself, but I would still at least like to know if the test clip is passable, or if I should do anything differently with the demo or the video rendering. -Mizuumi 11:16, 16 January 2013 (PST)
In regards to the trajectory question, just change the damage demonstration to be similar to the huntsman (or the unscoped sniper rifle). Aim for the head, then the body. Darkid (talk|contribs) 08:08, 17 January 2013 (PST)
Not necessary — Wind 21:53, 17 January 2013 (PST)

Just an update to let anyone watching know that my computer has been busy rendering all the various clips for this demonstration for the past 3 days, I'm on the last clip, and I'm probably going to have to re-record the demo for it (which, coincidentally, is the most obnoxious one to record) thanks to those wonderful wacky demo system bugs that, overall, have probably doubled the amount of time I would've otherwise had to spend on this project. And odds are once the video is reviewed I'll have to re-record at least a few other sections as well, in retrospect I reeeally should've done low-quality test-renders first. BUT gripes aside, most importantly, just know I haven't abandoned this yet and progress is being made. -Mizuumi 03:14, 23 January 2013 (PST)

Alrighty, here goes, first edition of my attempt at this demonstration:

There are already several problems I noticed and concerns and observations I have, but a bit too late:

  • Carry ability clip: Probably the biggest problem clip; the walk from the sentry back to the dispenser looks somewhat drunken; I should have stepped away from the dispenser before picking up the sentry instead of picking it up and walking away at the same time, it rushes the viewer and doesn't give them enough time to figure out what's going on; I should have moved around a bit when I picked up the sentry from close range, and some of the timings are a bit slow. A level 3 sentry was probably unnecessary as well, and just wastes time setting up for no real reason. If any clip is gonna have to be redone, it's this one.
You should have waited until you had a full 200 metal, step away from the dispenser, then grab it. The timing wasn't slow, it was fine, except the initial grabbing which is very fast (grabbing as soon as you get enough metal + start moving immediately is just too much). A level 3 sentry is fone too, there's no rush — Wind 17:11, 24 January 2013 (PST)
  • Damage side-by-side: The splitscreen HUD doesn't move the marked for death icon along with the health. Not a huge deal and I'm not sure I can fix it, but if necessary I could try recording with the ammo & health splitscreen HUD instead of the just-health one to see if that changes anything.
It probably won't. Either fix it or switch to third person so that the skull icon is visible. The timing is also too fast on this one, it's kinda hard to tell which side has the Rescue Ranger on the first watch (it may be obvious to you but that's because you made the video. Try to put yourself in the mindset of someone to whom all of those clips are new) and the rocket arrives a split second after the pickup (not enough time for the player to register why one dies but not the other) — Wind 17:11, 24 January 2013 (PST)
  • Repair clip: Not sure why I moved the cursor away from the dispenser at the end. Other than that, I'm fairly happy with this one.
You need to reload at the end of the clip. It's a silly rule but it still stands — Wind 17:11, 24 January 2013 (PST)
  • Ammo/upgrade demonstration: I thought an un-upgraded sentry dry-firing at an enemy would be the clearest way to demonstrate that neither ammo is refilled nor upgrades applied, at the risk of being a little obnoxious. It could use a teensy bit more rest time at the beginning when aiming between the sentry and the soldier, which would be no problem to fix in premiere.
This clip is fine~ — Wind 17:11, 24 January 2013 (PST)
  • Sapper demonstration: No real issues that I've noticed yet.
Looks good too~ — Wind 17:11, 24 January 2013 (PST)
  • Airblast demo 1: I'm iffy about my approach to this one. I didn't want to spend time setting up a dispenser in front of the eng after the first shot, and I didn't want to have to separate it into 2 clips, but to get the eng far enough away that the airblast doesn't push him and get the dispenser far enough back from there that the eng is out of range and doesn't immediately start getting healed, the pyro and dispenser have to be too far away to see in the same frame. If I redid this one, I would probably have the engineer just set up a dispenser in front of himself so I don't have to keep flipping views back and forth between them. Also, I wasn't sure whether it was necessary to watch the dispenser get destroyed completely, so I tried to leave enough hangtime when he first looks at the damaged building that the clip could be cut thee, but in retrospect it's probably important that one of the airblasted bolts hits the building while it actually is damaged.
  • Airblast demo 2: I used the other computer in the house to record from the red eng's point of view, and the poor performance of that computer does seem to have caused some minor problems, namely the sound of the wrench hitting his hand periodically repeats faster than it should, and from his view the blu engineer appears to twitch around a little bit. I cropped the blu perspective a little bit because a) his building hud display isn't important here and b) I didn't like the "Dispenser built by RED Engineer" box being covered up halfway by the other clip. I don't think the crop makes too big a difference, but if I'm wrong by all means tell me. I stupidly forgot to refill the pyro's ammo, so right after the last airblast (fortunately at least not before that) he runs out of ammo and switches to shotgun. This was a dumb oversight and I understand if it needs to be fixed.
Not a huge deal, these clips are good :3 — Wind 17:11, 24 January 2013 (PST)

Hah, I wish the wiki had a spoiler tag, I feel awkward leaving a huge block of text every time I come back to this page, but oh well. I'd be grateful if Wind and anybody else would watch the video, give some feedback, and tell me what needs to be redone! (I'll upload the demo files once I've got approval on a final version) —Mizuumi 13:28, 24 January 2013 (PST)

opinion Generally, you're doing the whole thing a bit fast, slow down after you do something with the mechanics of the weapon. Also, don't forget to reload at the end of each clip. Consider using teleporters for some clips (like #6) to show that it's all buildings.
Clip #1: Your view was a bit jerky, otherwise fine.
Clip #2: Look at the sentry, turn around, run straight to dispenser. Put the dispenser a bit to the side, or stop in front of it. Turn around, wait a beat, try to pick up sentry. It fails, so get 200 ammo and do it again. Wait a beat, do not go third person and place; do not fast-upgrade. It's just another confusing bit. Don't pickup and replace.
Yes — Wind 17:11, 24 January 2013 (PST)
Clip #3: Again, slower. Set the scene for a good second, pick up, wait a half second, then fire. Synchronize this if possible, using the wait command. It will look much nicer.
Synchronization is optional; the current clip is good enough in that aspect — Wind 17:11, 24 January 2013 (PST)
Clip #4: Speed was good this time. However, you could put the dispensers at different locations, and that would do the trick. That would be much more obvious, as it would take the same number of shots for each. Be sure to zero your metal for this clip.
Not really sure what you mean here — Wind 17:11, 24 January 2013 (PST)
Your dispenser is same position, friendly one is farther away. Demo's the falloff.

The preceding unsigned comment was added by Darkid (talk) • (contribs)

Clip #5: No need for a player there, and lower the health of the sentry too.
Having a player here helps pointing out the fact that the sentry is out of ammo. The HUD alone is a poor indication — Wind 17:11, 24 January 2013 (PST)
Clip #6: Wait until AFTER "dispenser down" to start reloading.
Not a big deal — Wind 17:11, 24 January 2013 (PST)
Clip #7: Don't start with the dispenser. As per Crusader's Crossbow, demo the simplest first, the airblast kill (suicide?). We already know you can't heal other team's dispensers (from #4), so don't demo it.
That is demo'd first. The reflect-to-dispenser thing is not really important but it's interesting enough, is good — Wind 17:11, 24 January 2013 (PST)
Kill icon isn't shown, I thought that was a requirement? I know we've been lax on it recently, though. Darkid (talk|contribs) 17:44, 24 January 2013 (PST)
Clip #8: Start with the dispenser burning. Record as the blue engie, looking at the dispenser. It won't stop burning, so this should be sufficient. Make sure to get both the pyro and dispenser in-shot. Darkid (talk|contribs) 14:31, 24 January 2013 (PST)
Current clip is fine, let's not demonstrate the bare minimum number of shots just because it's strictly sufficient — Wind 17:11, 24 January 2013 (PST)

Comments added inline on both your and darkid's comments. Not easy to follow though, but maybe easier than yet another big list? Regardless, good luck~ — Wind 17:11, 24 January 2013 (PST)

I agree with a lot of these critiques (and thank you for giving them!), though I will wait for the word from wind before I make any final decisions. A few points to raise:
  1. I agree the camerawork isn't perfect, I just don't know that it's worth another 3+ hours of render time to iron it out :V Again, I'll wait for the official word there.
  2. There was a reason for not immediately turning around from the sentry, but in retrospect it's not a very good one and what I meant to show isn't obvious at all. The third person view is for showing the marked for death effect fading in and out, as per the GRU. I know I've seen people who were unclear on whether the rescue ranger still allows you to pick up buildings normally and whether it still marks you when you do, so I don't think the picking up and redeploying should be omitted. I will probably stick with a level 1 or 2, since the extra redeploy time just makes things take longer (the same would apply to a level 2, but idonno, the dual-barrel sentries are just more aesthetically pleasing and visually clear from a distance)
  3. Using wait is an excellent idea here and I feel awfully stupid for forgetting it.
  4. Once again, here I had a reason at the time for not putting one blue dispenser further back, and once again in retrospect it was actually a really bad reason :V so I'll move one back for the next try. I was careful to zero my metal, though some does get picked up as I run past the dispensers, which won't be an issue when I redo it.
  5. Why lower the health? The repair mechanic has already been demonstrated by that point so I feel like that would just confuse things. I agree the soldier might not be necessary, unfortunately I didn't have a precedent to go on as the wrench demonstration does not include its ammo-replenishing ability. (Though just now I did check the sentry gun video, and it is demonstrated there, ammo not fully depleted, but it IS immediately after firing at an enemy)
  6. Even with auto-reload off, the weapon automatically reloads once the clip is depleted. I could only fire 3 bolts, though I feel like 4 is better for making it absolutely clear no damage is being done to the sapper. One thing in a similar vein to your complaint though, I do feel like perhaps I should've waited for "Spy sappin' my sentry!" to finish before firing the first shot.
  7. I'm not sure why the first and last complaints are being raised, since I didn't do either of those things, but if Wind would rather have me airblast kill the engineer first then do the dispenser in another clip then I'll do that.
  8. If it is necessary for me to redo my approach to this clip, that's how I'll do it, if only because it's a heck of a lot less pain for me, in recording, rendering, AND post-processing :P
- As for the note about using a teleporter somewhere, I do agree It's a good idea, the main reason I didn't is because the wrench demonstration never does and it was my precedent for a lot of this. I'm not sure about putting it in the sapper clip, though, maybe replace the friendly dispenser in the repair clip with a teleporter? I feel like it's more clear to demonstrate an effect that it DOES have on multiple kinds of buildings, rather than an ability it DOESN'T. (Side note - should the other end of the teleporter be up somewhere in the room so that the one being shown spins? It would help it stand out more, at least)
Mizuumi 17:42, 24 January 2013 (PST)
The above would make more sense in-line, or numbered so I know what you're referring to :) Yes, other tele should be in-room, visible. Probably. :/ I'd wait for wind's say-so here. Darkid (talk|contribs) 17:46, 24 January 2013 (PST)
Hmm, aren't they numbered? I was labeling everything #1,#2.. until I previewed and saw that the #s were automatically creating a numbered list, at least for me :o but I suppose wiki markup isn't really the most crucial thing to be discussing right now, lol -Mizuumi 17:59, 24 January 2013 (PST)
Ahah, oh boy, simultaneous comment edits, now I've gone and made a mess ;u; But in answer to Wind's comment about darkid's suggestion for #4, I'm pretty sure he means have one dispenser/building further back to demonstrate the lack of falloff instead of having them at the same distance and trekking across the room. Other than that, thanks for the notes! What do you think of the idea of putting a teleporter in somewhere? —Mizuumi 17:49, 24 January 2013 (PST)
This is really starting to be impossible to read or follow. This time I try not-inline:
  1. Camerawork is fine. Not really strict on that except in the Saxxy demo or when it's really really bad or when it's a Portal walkthrough
  2. Alright then, keep the redeploying thing but still do the rest.
  3. -
  4. Yes, move the other dispenser back
  5. No need to lower the health, and the player is a good thing. Keep this clip as it is
  6. Current clip is fine as well
  7. I don't think the weapon has a reflect kill icon from looking at the Wiki page, so might as well leave it out for not wanting to redo the demo once that gets changed... Or perhaps we should show it for the sake of correctness and perhaps to shame Valve a bit. Do what you want
  8. Current clip is fine again
The teleporter thing can be in its own clip or merged in the second clip. Make sure both ends are there and have one or two enemies fire at both ends of the teleporter, to show whether it repairs both ends of the teleporter — Wind 12:54, 30 January 2013 (PST)

Vaccinator Vaccinator

Pictogram wait.png This demonstration has been reserved: - Uufje 03:19, 2 January 2013 (PST)

Should it show the perspective of the healing target? The icon on the HUD? The icon shown over players? The Übercharge shield particle effect that other players see?--Henke37 06:44, 14 January 2013 (PST)
Yes. — Armisael (T · C) 07:50, 14 January 2013 (PST)

Alright, this is a very long and complicated one. I tried to show everything as clearly as possible. In retrospect, I don't really know if I should've included the overheal difference clip with the Medi Gun since that's already sort of shown in the Übercharge buildup clip. Anyway, I did my best, and here it is: - Uufje 13:58, 17 January 2013 (PST)

Yes, please cut out the overheal difference clip because the clip right after it subsumes it. Also, you didn't show the uber effect on the medic. You should record a set of three other demos for all damage types, but this time with the medic being shot (without an uber target present, to keep things simple and to show that it works without a heal target). Rest is pretty good~ — Wind 21:53, 17 January 2013 (PST) - Uufje 11:59, 20 January 2013 (PST)

Do not forget to show whether or not you and your heal target can capture points, payloads and intelligences while under the effect of uber. --JacomeFelg 07:10, 19 January 2013 (PST)

They can capture objectives while under über effects; the Quick-Fix allows that too and doesn't include a clip about it so that's why it's left out in this demonstration too - Uufje 11:59, 20 January 2013 (PST)

This doesn't really demonstrate the effectiveness of the protection. It'd should be two-way split-screens between without-uber/with-uber for each type, like the previous clips (2:40 - 3:19). There's also something else this video doesn't demonstrate which I didn't think of before: whether or not you can view the damage type shield icon thing on enemy medics and patients. Currently it only shows it on the medic as spy, it would be nice to show a Heavy-Medic pair seen from a non-spy's perspective. Rest is good~ — Wind 17:11, 24 January 2013 (PST)

This weapon got patched yesterday, so it's taking a little longer - Uufje 02:58, 1 March 2013 (PST)


Shred Alert Shred Alert

Pictogram wait.png This demonstration has been reserved: Akuago220, The Jungle Expeditioner 09:55, 14 February 2013 (PST)

I got it pre-ordered so I'll cover this once the item comes out. --Akuago220, The Jungle Expeditioner 09:55, 14 February 2013 (PST)

And that should do it for this taunt. And if anyone asks, no, the taunt doesn't actually kill enemies. Download it here. --Akuago220, The Jungle Expeditioner 11:28, 22 February 2013 (PST)
Is good, thanks~ — Wind 15:02, 22 February 2013 (PST)
Due to today's update do you think it may have to be redone or no? Ashes 20:42, 28 February 2013 (PST)
God dammit — Wind 20:46, 28 February 2013 (PST)
^^^My thoughts to a god-foresaken T. --Akuago220, The Jungle Expeditioner 21:19, 28 February 2013 (PST)

Here's to hoping there won't be another surprise update that would render this useless. Download it here. --Akuago220, The Jungle Expeditioner 20:23, 2 March 2013 (PST)

Is good, thanks~ — Wind 13:33, 3 March 2013 (PST)


Is it really necessary to do a video for every single item that shares this gimmick? Wouldn't it be simpler to show this for one or two items in the Pyrovision Goggles demonstration video and list the items that do so on the wikia? --JacomeFelg 03:58, 28 January 2013 (PST)

Probably, but now that it's started then it kinda makes more sense to continue than to suddenly delete all videos but one.
Also the Team Fortress Wiki is not hosted on wikia — Wind 12:54, 30 January 2013 (PST)

Tux Tux

Pictogram comment.png Pyroland assists

Dead Little Buddy Dead Little Buddy

Pictogram comment.png Pyroland assists I have this, the Unknown Monkeynaught, AND the Boo Balloon, so I can field for all of these but first, can I get a quick refresh on the requirements for a Demostration video, particularly a Pyrovision one? Yes I'm Dominating you. GET USED TO IT[UGS 2nd]Lancer @nti-tank RocketYes I'm Dominating you. GET USED TO IT! 00:07, 28 February 2013 (GMT)

here is example. User Hinaomi Hinaomi-sig.png Hinaomi (talk) • (contributions) 16:19, 27 February 2013 (PST)
Ohhhh...Don't think my monitor has the required resolutions...unless I borrow one...still hate that my other one shorted out on me... Yes I'm Dominating you. GET USED TO IT[UGS 2nd]Lancer @nti-tank RocketYes I'm Dominating you. GET USED TO IT! 00:46, 28 February 2013 (GMT)
Aww. It also kind of sucks that Source games can't be played at a higher resolution than the monitor's resolution, even if the graphics card supports it — Wind 19:18, 28 February 2013 (PST)
I could try and borrow a better monitor, but we're kinda banging rocks together at this stage, trying to see what can happen... Yes I'm Dominating you. GET USED TO IT[UGS 2nd]Lancer @nti-tank RocketYes I'm Dominating you. GET USED TO IT! 18:51, 1 March 2013 (GMT)

Unknown Monkeynaut Unknown Monkeynaut

Pictogram comment.png Pyroland assists

Boo Balloon Boo Balloon

Pictogram comment.png Pyroland assists

Deadliest Duckling Deadliest Duckling

Pictogram comment.png Pyroland assists

Reindoonicorn Reindoonicorn

Pictogram comment.png Pyroland assists

Pictogram wait.png This demonstration has been reserved: Writeline 18:18, 7 March 2013 (PST)

Need to be redone

Back Scratcher Back Scratcher

Pictogram wait.png This demonstration has been reserved: User Karmacharger Charger 2.png Karmacharger 4:06 , 2/11/2013 (PDT)

Pictogram comment.png Should show if the health bonus/penalty stays while using other weapons.--Uknownada 20:18, 17 January 2013 (PST)

I guess that's a good thing to show. The equalizer's no-healing effect only applies when wielding it, so by contrast it would be a good idea to show that this isn't the case for this weapon — Wind 21:53, 17 January 2013 (PST)
So need to redo this? User Karmacharger Charger 2.png Karmacharger 11:31 , 2/1/2013 (PDT)
I guess so, since the demonstration as it stands implies the health bonus/penalty only stays when the weapon is being used.--Uknownada 14:25, 5 February 2013 (PST)
Yes — Wind 23:03, 7 February 2013 (PST)
is it how should i do? Example Clip User Karmacharger Charger 2.png Karmacharger 7:13 , 2/8/2013 (PDT)
Pretty much. Don't forget the dispenser part.--Uknownada 19:37, 8 February 2013 (PST)
I hope nobody minds if I try out this one. I didn't see a reservation so I wasn't sure if you were doing it for sure. If you are then feel free to disregard my reservation and do it anyway, thanks. Shougunner 16:14, 10
Maybe you should show the non-BackScratcher case as well in a 3-way split-screen. That way it's all in one shot. Also, at the beginning of both clips, the timer is seen for one frame at the top and a Pyro corpse dropping on the floor can be heard. Make sure these are cut out from the final recording — Wind 23:51, 11 February 2013 (PST)February 2013 (PST)
nobody minds? but i would mind because i am the previous owner of this demonstration so i had to take it sorry. but please read the project rules again before reserve something. Thank you. User Karmacharger Charger 2.png Karmacharger 4:09 , 2/11/2013 (PDT)
There was no reservation so I had no reason to assume I was in the wrong. Shougunner 12:51, 11 February 2013 (PST)
The rule about the previous owner say that the demonstration must only have been up for redo for less than a week. Karmacharger posted later than a week after this was up for redo, so there is no "previous owner" rule anymore. So yes, he should have posted a reservation mark, but so should you. You posted one but you removed it, probably because you assumed he was working on it, and indeed he is now since he has recently posted a video link in this section. So I guess that makes it his demonstration now >: Sorry Shougunner. As you haven't created a video demonstration before, however, you may still post what you've already done so far here, just to see if it matches the level of quality expected from video demonstrations — Wind 23:51, 11 February 2013 (PST)
Here's a sample of what I was doing. In retrospect it doesn't look as fluid as I hoped. Also there's no HD or post editing (such as split screens) Shougunner 14:07, 12 February 2013 (PST)

Things i noticed:

  • Cursor should be moved to the item at the first place just like other demonstrations
  • The second clip you're doing too slow
  • You should learn how to use split-screen on Sony Vegas pro heres the tutorial , if you are using other video editor software search for tutorial then
  • and your video should be at least 720p or 1080p

pretty much that's all i guess. User Karmacharger Charger 2.png Karmacharger 3:08 , 2/13/2013 (PDT)

Some other things
  • You didn't install the yellow damage number HUD thing
  • Your video should be 16:9 (should not have black bars)
  • Should not show the Spy at 0:41
  • Should have transitions between clips
  • What Karmacharger said
But it's a good attempt for a first video :3 You should try your hand at some of the other demonstrations, like those pyroland items ones which are pretty easy — Wind 14:28, 16 February 2013 (PST) User Karmacharger Charger 2.png Karmacharger 12:29 , 2/14/2013 (PDT)

Like I said, try a 3-way split-screen (regular pyro with fire axe, backscratcher pyro with backscratcher, backscratcher pyro with flamethrower) instead (for both medic and dispenser). That'll cut the duration of this demo by a lot — Wind 14:28, 16 February 2013 (PST)

To be completely truthful, part of the reason I suggested this was because I almost expected the Dispenser clip to be level 1, and it would have three different clips with the backkscratcher, flamethrower, and shotgun, and this demonstration would become unnecessarily long. Good thing ya found a loophole, I guess. Heh.--Uknownada 07:35, 20 February 2013 (PST)

Just the last 2 medikit clip , i can't render it because today is full moon or something. All the medikits become Candy , pie , soup? whatever its called but video will finish until the full moon event passed. User Karmacharger Charger 2.png Karmacharger 8:43 , 2/23/2013 (PDT) User Karmacharger Charger 2.png Karmacharger 10:43 , 2/25/2013 (PDT)
For the three medkit clips, the third clip (the one with the weapon switch) only shows the backscratcher for a second or less (the second clip especially is really short). It needs to be longer to make it clear that the Pyro is using the backscratcher. The other clips after that are OK — Wind 19:18, 28 February 2013 (PST) User Karmacharger Charger 2.png Karmacharger 6:09 , 3/2/2013 (PDT)
Is good, please upload~ — Wind 13:33, 3 March 2013 (PST) User Karmacharger Charger 2.png Karmacharger 6:35 , 3/4/2013 (PDT)

Bonk! Atomic Punch Bonk! Atomic Punch

Pictogram comment.png Previous version has UI glitch saying "Reverting capture" in the last clip

Pictogram wait.png This demonstration has been reserved: - Uufje 05:47, 4 January 2013 (PST)

Weird. Already needs to be redone, again. How do I prevent this UI glitch? Ben10508 19:31, 22 October 2012 (PDT)

Yes, I caught it just before I was about to publish it... I don't know how to fix it, but Karmacharger had the same problem and he fixed it somehow so he should be able to tell you. — Wind 19:33, 22 October 2012 (PDT)

Used a different to demonstration the control point clip Ben10508 17:13, 25 October 2012 (PDT)

It doesn't show "Blocking capture" when you're blocking the capture :( You should probably start the deni with both players off the point, then move the Soldier on it and start the rendering at that point — Wind 13:05, 27 October 2012 (PDT)
I can record the clips, but I cannot render because of this different shading as said in the Enthusiasts Timepiece demonstration section. I guess I'll just wait it out. Ben10508 14:07, 27 October 2012 (PDT)

I am dropping this demonstration and the Enthusiasts Timepiece. Feel free to take my reservation. Ben10508 12:59, 14 December 2012 (PST) - Uufje 13:58, 17 January 2013 (PST)
Transitions are too long (half a second is fine). Wait a bit more at the end of the intelligence clip, currently the clip ends as soon as the voice clip ends (you can take some time back fro mthe transition, that way you shouldn't have to record anything more and the video duration is exactly the same). The cap point isn't showing "Reverting capture" which is good because it's what the redo is about, but it isn't showing "Blocking capture" either so it's not much of an improvement. Also, at 1:08, you're standing right on the edge of the point; that would be fine if the clip didn't have to be re-recorded for some other reason, but since it does have to be re-recorded, make sure you are more clearly away from the point when you step off of it - Uufje 11:59, 20 January 2013 (PST)
Probably should have left it run for 2 more seconds for the cap to complete but oh well. Is good, please render at a higher framerate and upload~ — Wind 17:11, 24 January 2013 (PST)
I rendered it at 60 FPS. YouTube must have screwed something up :V Anyway, here's the file: - Uufje 02:53, 25 January 2013 (PST)
The problem is that you didn't blend them down to 30fps. Please render at something like 90 or 120 fps or more (not 60fps, otherwise you get this which still happens at higher framerate but not to the same extent), and then blend it down to 30, otherwise youtube will cut the extra frames and it'd just be extra render time for naught — Wind 12:54, 30 January 2013 (PST)
I don't know how to blend down, is that an option in Sony Vegas? I used the exact same recording and rendering procedure as with the Memory Maker (except I used SrcDemo² for the Memory Maker and stock Source Recorder for this one), so I was surprised this wasn't acceptable yet. - Uufje 13:14, 2 February 2013 (PST)
Vegas has an option to blend down which is called resampling, it's in the clip properties. Not sure why you would want to use Vegas for that though, since SrcDemo does the blending (that's really all it does, and it does it well). The Memory Maker demonstration has quite a bit of blending on it, I count about 12 frames per frame or so (i.e. 360 fps). In any case it clearly has a lot more than this video — Wind 23:03, 7 February 2013 (PST)

Quick suggestion about redoing the demonstration. Shouldn't it also show that you can reload your weapons? Also, it doesn't show what happens when you drink WHILE you're holding the intelligence. Do you drop it?--Uknownada 22:13, 20 February 2013 (PST)

It's hard to show this because you can't drink it while holding the intel. I'm not sure about weapons though, I think you can only do it when you have autoreload on but I may be wrong. That's a good thing to show on the Scattergun I think, as it's quite handy — Wind 15:02, 22 February 2013 (PST)
Alright, here's a retry. I messed with resampling and framerates, so I hope this looks better. I also reloaded while bonked in the last clip, to show that you can do that. Yes, I'm aware the first clip is different, I derped out and overwrote the demo for that clip so I had to rerecord. - Uufje 14:53, 25 February 2013 (PST)
Still not blended/resampled :( Here's a snapshot of 0:50 while the camera is zooming back in on the scout:


As you can see, everything is sharp, there is no visible motion blur unlike here.

Also, you forgot to put on the HUD mod to show damage numbers in yellow (HudDamageAccount.res), that one is not optional. Clips are good though~ — Wind 19:26, 28 February 2013 (PST)

Bleh. I have no idea then. I think I'll use SrcDemo² for this one since it's a short demonstration, and normal Source Recorder with 30 FPS for long demonstrations. Also, I forgot to include the HudDamageAccount.res when I reformatted, so I'll fix that. - Uufje 02:58, 1 March 2013 (PST)

Enthusiast's Timepiece Enthusiast's Timepiece

Pictogram comment.png During the enemy spy demonstration, he uses the standard Invisiwatch.--Uknownada 11:17, 5 March 2013 (PST)

You'll have to be more specific--When (time) did he do this? There are a few clips with enemy spies. Darkid (talk|contribs) 12:55, 5 March 2013 (PST)
2.40 Eels 13:03, 5 March 2013 (PST)
At time 2:39 seconds.
Writeline 14:27, 9 March 2013 (PST)
Its there, Pretty sure to show that both the timepiece and stock invis watch are the same. They are reskins but needs to show they have the same effects Ashes 14:31, 9 March 2013 (PST)
Seems reasonable. However, it's sort of demonstrating two weapons in one video, which I'm pretty sure isn't exactly correct. Writeline 16:26, 9 March 2013 (PST)
Wouldn't say its demonstrating two weapons, More less comparing really. Ashes 16:36, 9 March 2013 (PST)

How did this ever get through QA (huhu)? Pretty hard-to-notice detail though, probably not worth a redo and a reupload and everything — Wind 18:07, 9 March 2013 (PST)

Kritzkrieg Kritzkrieg

Pictogram comment.png The other two Medigun videos shows the longer a target has been hurt, the faster the heal rate. This one doesn't.--Uknownada 19:26, 17 September 2012 (PDT)

Pictogram wait.png This demonstration has been reserved: -- Ragnar Homsar - (Talk) 18:40, 15 December 2012 (PST)

If nobody minds, I'd like to do this one. Uufje 13:30, 19 October 2012 (PDT)

Here's my first demonstration. Sorry it took so long. I changed and added some other things as well to make it more like the Medi Gun demonstration. - Uufje 04:30, 28 October 2012 (PDT)
It's pretty good given that it's your first demo, but sadly it isn't acceptable as it is >: Here's the reasons:
  • Too low framerate (minimum is 30fps). If you recorded .dem files (which is now a requirement) then you should only have to re-render them at a higher framerate using Source Recorder, otherwise you can use a capturing tool as long as it is fast enough to capture 30 or more unique frames per second (i.e. it shouldn't skip frames while pretending it didn't by repeating the last frame). Also make sure that your video editor isn't chopping away some frames while encoding
  • Video is interlaced (visible when the camera is rotating). This should be easily fixable in your video encoding settings
  • Some graphical artifacts (fuzzy textures, etc. as sometimes visible on the Medic's arm with the shadow moving around), probably the result of a low encoding bitrate (increase the video encoding bitrate to fix this)
  • Audio glitch ("ha, ha, ha, okto-o-o-berfest") at 1:58
  • Some lighting inconsistencies between the 3-way split-screen at 2:50 and the one at 3:30, especially around the red Pyro. I think this may be due to the Halloween lighting change released as part of the latest patch, which makes things look darker and different. If so, you should wait until it's reverted and render those .dem's again
  • Disguise menu reappears for a split second at 4:11. The same glitch happens again later in the clip

The clips themselves are pretty good and follow the general pacing nicely, which is not usually the case on someone's first demonstration. Good luck~ — Wind 15:07, 29 October 2012 (PDT)

Thanks! I'll fix the framerate and audio glitch, however, I can't see a bitrate option in my encoding settings, it still interlaces even when I turn that off, and I don't know how to fix the disguise menu glitch. Also, I personally can't discover any lighting problems in the split-screens; I recorded them before the Halloween event so that can't be the problem. If anyone can help me with those things, that would be much appreciated (message me on IRC if necessary). I know next to nothing about video stuff :P - Uufje 03:58, 31 October 2012 (PDT)
If it doesn't let you set a bitrate, it probably lets you set a quantizer or some sort of quality setting. If you can't find it, then use x264vfw as recommended on the project page. Same for interlacing, I can't think of a video editor that wouldn't let you adjust that :( I don't know how to fix the disguise problem, I don't know what causes it in the first place though. The lighting difference isn't a big deal, so it's alright if it stays the same as it is, it's just kind of odd — Wind 22:20, 31 October 2012 (PDT)
I use the x264vfw, it has a quantizer option so I'll change that. The problem with interlacing is that it has an interlacing option, but it still interlaces the video even when it's set to "off". Also, I'm having troubles with Source Recorder, it won't record into a video (instead of frames), it says I need QuickTime installed even when I have it installed... I know I can convert the frames into a video but recording it directly as a video would be easier. Lastly, I think the disguise thing might be caused due to latency issues, but the server I recorded on was in Spain, so that shouldn't generate so much latency as I live in the Netherlands (though I might be completely wrong about this, of course). - Uufje 15:58, 1 November 2012 (PDT)

Alright, I think I fixed everything... Especially the interlacing stuff was a big pain in the butt, but I think (hope) everything should be good now. I haven't re-rendered everything yet though, just the first part. I've uploaded it to YouTube for a quality check: - Uufje 13:09, 4 November 2012 (PST)

The video still doens't look good enough yet. It looks better though, and the lighting/color balance is a bit better too. Make sure not to turn the quantizer value down. The quantizer value is a measure of "acceptable quality loss"; thus, the smaller the quantizer, the less quality loss is acceptable. You can get an idea of whether the video has a better quality or not by comparing the file size, if unsure. If the only difference between the two videos is the quantizer value, then it should be a good metric
The clip still suffers from a poor framerate, which is partially compensated by the ghosting effect that is either a product of Fraps or Vegas (shot taken while the camera is rotating):


As you can see, this need fixing. It's likely to be the source material (Fraps recording?) being too low-framerate, and Vegas trying to stretch it to fit the 30fps it's asked to render the video as, by inserting frames between frame pairs and filling them with 50% the frame before, 50% the frame after. It may also be the opposite phenomenon: A good 30fps (or higher) source material, but with Vegas asked to render it at 24fps or something, thus it has to blend some frames together in order to make things fit in 24fps — Wind 14:10, 4 November 2012 (PST)
Well, I'm fairly sure I fixed the ghosting, but I've still got trouble with the Spy stuff. The disguise menu still reappears for a split second, and it even briefly shows the revolver equip animation. The Knife's crit animation is also messed up, it first shows partly the backstab animation, then a normal swing. Video to show what I'm talking about: :( - Uufje 04:05, 19 November 2012 (PST)
Yes, that is glitchy alright. Don't know how to fix those, but I'm guessing you're using Fraps for recording this. Maybe rendering those demos with Source Recorder would make it not appear — Wind 16:54, 16 November 2012 (PST)
I use Source Recorder, and even when I play the demo without recording, it still shows up like this. Somebody else set up a server for me to record this with him, so it might be latency or whatever. I'll try to create my own server to rerender this clip, although I first need to set up port forwarding and the like for that to work, so it might take a while for me to figure it out - Uufje 04:05, 19 November 2012 (PST)

Uuh...the video got reserved like 3 months ago, and still no video, or even section update. Uufje/Ragnar Homsar, are you guys there? \theguy299\talk\contribs\ 04:12, 2 March 2013 (PST)

It's not my reservation anymore, and I'm very busy with the Vaccinator right now. I still have most of the clips, so when I'm done with the Vaccinator, I could work on it and post my version here (with or without reservation). - Uufje 04:53, 2 March 2013 (PST)

Red-Tape Recorder Red-Tape Recorder

Pictogram comment.png February 22, 2013 Patch changed the downgrade times for the Sentry and Dispenser. Rolen47 21:44, 22 February 2013 (PST)

Pictogram wait.png This demonstration has been reserved: User Karmacharger Charger 2.png Karmacharger 2:39 , 2/23/2013 (PDT)
i'll do this after the Back Scratcher , it's almost done. User Karmacharger Charger 2.png Karmacharger 2:39 , 2/23/2013 (PDT)
for some reason it keep gets me a graphic glitched version after the sony vegas render , no matter what video format i choose it still glitch at the same place. i had no idea what should i do its like 20 times happen and thats 1 of the reason why it tooks me longer. User Karmacharger Charger 2.png Karmacharger 6:26 , 3/13/2013 (PDT)

Questions and Proposals

Note: This section is for questions and proposals that aren't specific to a single weapon. If you think a demo ought to be remade, then make an entry for it in the Need to be Redone section above and it will be dealt with.

Screen Recorders

Are you allowed to record the demonstrations with screen recorders not listed here. Graysocks 03:44, 3 March 2013 (PST)

I think you can, but its recommended to use Fraps (which isnt free, but cracks can be found on the web), or source recorder which is build in the game. \theguy299\talk\contribs\ 07:24, 3 March 2013 (PST)
You can do whatever you want, as long as it looks about as good as the other demos and complies with the minimum requirements defined on the project page. But if you use Source Recorder, then use a high framerate since it doesn't cost you anything to do so, other than extra rendering time — Wind 13:33, 3 March 2013 (PST)