Team Fortress Wiki talk:Weapon Demonstration

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Revision as of 21:46, 12 June 2015 by Hi5TBone (talk | contribs) (Added comment.)
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Grappling Hook Grappling Hook

(I mean, if nothing else, it is able to kill players.) Dogman15 (talk) 02:26, 24 December 2014 (PST)

I don't know, but, Grappling Hook is having several changes each update, so every time an update releases, it would be need to re-made the entire video. In my opinion, I would wait until Mannpower to release it completely before doing a Weapon Demonstration video. User Gabrielwoj Signature 1.pngUser Gabrielwoj Signature 2.png - User Gabrielwoj Signature 3.png 08:37, 16 March 2015 (PDT)
Yeah I agree with Gabrielwoj, otherwise we'd be constantly doing this demonstration :( User Obilisk Demo1.png Obilisk 13:32, 17 March 2015 (PDT)

Pumpkinbomb.png Pumpkin bomb

does it really need a video? User Karmacharger Charger 2.png Karmacharger 4:52 AM 10/19/2014 (PDT)
Not really. That or the other mechanics would need videos too (ghosts, halloween bosses, spells, etc) — Wind 19:59, 27 October 2014 (PDT)


Gift Wrap Gift Wrap

Does this still need to be done? I can do it. ~Hi5TBone 4:45 PM 6/12/2015 (CST)

Upgrade to Premium Gift Upgrade to Premium Gift

I'm not quite sure if this one is necessary User Karmacharger Charger 2.png Karmacharger 9:12 PM 8/24/2014 (PDT)
Nah, probably not unless someone just happens to run upon that item — Wind 19:59, 27 October 2014 (PDT)


Boston Boom-Bringer Boston Boom-Bringer

Pictogram comment.png Demonstration of how the sound effect works

Pardon me if I'm putting in the wrong place, but I noticed that Infernal Orchestrina includes the demonstration. I know that was for a pyroland item, but what if the Boston Boom-Bringer had a demonstration video where it shows the sound effect that is played when taunting? Just like the Orchestrina had (albeit the Pyroland thing). There is several sound effects, though, so all of them has to be played. User Gabrielwoj Signature 1.pngUser Gabrielwoj Signature 2.png - User Gabrielwoj Signature 3.png 21:32, 26 March 2015 (PDT)

Infernal Orchestrina was demonstrated because it turns pyroland vision on by itself, not because of the sound effect it adds. This item has no such dramatic change, so no need to demonstrate — Wind 15:08, 29 March 2015 (PDT)
Alright, thanks. User Gabrielwoj Signature 1.pngUser Gabrielwoj Signature 2.png - User Gabrielwoj Signature 3.png 15:12, 29 March 2015 (PDT)

Need to be redone

Disguise Kit Disguise Kit

Pictogram comment.png Disguise kit menu appearance has been updated.

Is this still needed? I didn't notice any significant changes from before(If any) JamesCatty (talk) 12:10, 30 October 2014 (PDT)
Yes, I believe so. "Modified the Disguise Kit menu. It now has a Spy Mask icon in the upper-left corner and a white line above the class portraits." - Quoted from the June 11th patch. User Obilisk Demo1.png Obilisk 18:01, 30 October 2014 (PDT)
Alrighty, I guess I will go ahead and do it when I get time (a few hours) JamesCatty (talk) 18:15, 30 October 2014 (PDT)

Would it be worth also showing that being undisguised and invisible won't let you use an enemy dispenser, but being disguised and invisible will? User Obilisk Demo1.png Obilisk 03:27, 10 February 2015 (PST)

The cloak demonstrations already show this but it's not a bad idea to show it here too — Wind 16:24, 16 February 2015 (PST)

Eureka Effect Eureka Effect

I suggest showing that teammates with other wrenches will still upgrade and repair your buildings at normal rates. If this is wrong, pardon me, but please do include that in the Weapon Demonstration regardless. Green5 (talk) 04:54, 2 December 2014 (PST)
Equivalently, with the Eureka Effect you upgrade other Engineers' buildings at the slower rate. I think it's pretty clear from the item description that the lower upgrade rate is a property of the weapon itself, rather than a property of the buildings that the Engineers equipping it can build. If someone thinks that's not clear though, then this demonstration is OK to redo. — Wind 18:00, 7 December 2014 (PST)
Is this good? Please read the description of the video. Here it is. Luiz7578 (talk) 14:34, 16 May 2015 (PDT)
Excellent, not bad for your first start but here's what i noticed (pardon me if i have made any grammar mistake)
  • At 0:41 kick the red Spy if you don't need him for your demonstration, unless you are demonstrating an taunt kill
  • At 0:43 the clip ends and change too soon, after you taunt, wait a few seconds then change. Same as for other clips.
  • At 1:27 video glitch
  • At 1:45 when you look at your dispenser, pause the video and look at down-right corner, you can see there's a Pyro corpse and obviously there are bloods. Type r_cleardecals on your console and it will clean up all the bloods and bullet holes but not the corpses
  • At 1:50 Missing wrench hit sound
  • At 2:11 Your own corpse on ground
  • At 2:37 during the video-changing effect there's a half second video glitch
  • At 3:17 again the clip ends too soon

That was all i found, currently User Karmacharger Charger 2.png Karmacharger 11:38 PM 5/17/2015 (PDT)

All of what Karmacharger said is good. Other things I noticed as well:
  • The field of view seems off. Did you run weaponref.cfg?
  • 1:16-1:19: Clips start/end too quickly
  • 2:01: Poor music mixing
  • 3:47: Clip ends too soon
  • Please use the splitscreen HUD for splitscreen clips so that we can see the engineer's buildings in the top left of the clips.
  • Video quality is indeed not really good. The final review version needs to look good, and for first-time demonstrations it's also useful to have the first review version be at high quality as well for quality checking. If your bandwidth is capped, you can take a 10-second part of the video, render that in 1080p, and upload just that part. If the rest of the video in the final version has the same quality as that 1080p 10-second sample, then you can upload further review versions at low quality. Please don't do this if your bandwidth is not limited though.

Wind 16:59, 17 May 2015 (PDT)

Whoa, I was not even expecting a response. I'll be working on these problems and sending the full quality 1080p videos. Luiz7578 (talk) 19:11, 22 May 2015 (PDT)

Power Up Canteen Power Up Canteen

Pictogram comment.png Doesn't show Canteen Specialist upgrades like Battery Canteens demo does Toomai Glittershine 10:04, 26 June 2014 (PDT)

Loch-n-Load Loch-n-Load

Pictogram comment.png Current video doesn't show the new stats for this weapon

The weapon now has 3 grenades per clip and no-longer deals 25% more self-damage than the normal grenade launcher, but it now has a 25% smaller blast radius than the grenade launcher. This weapon's demonstration must be redone to reflect on these stat changes.

Don't worry, I can assure you that the demonstration has already been redone with the new stats. We just need to wait until the Wiki channel uploads it, as well as a few other demonstrations. Also, don't forget to sign your posts by typing "~~~~" User Obilisk Demo1.png Obilisk 04:48, 27 May 2015 (PDT)

Questions and Proposals

Note: This section is for questions and proposals that aren't specific to a single weapon. If you think a demo ought to be remade, then make an entry for it in the Need to be Redone section above and it will be dealt with.