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Mossrock main.png
Información básica
Tipo de mapa: Punto de Control
Nombre del archivo: cp_mossrock
Lanzamiento: Parche del 20 de octubre de 2017
(Actualización Jungle Inferno)
Desarrollado por: Freyja
Michał «AsG_Alligator» Byczko
Andrew «Dr. Spud» Thompson
Jake «Xi.Cynx» Handlovic
Aeon «Void» Bollig
Neal «Blade x64» Smart
Harlen «UEAKCrash» Linke
Información del mapa
Entorno: Jungla
Escenario: A la luz del dia, soleado
Peligros: Trenes, Pozos
Compatible con bots:
Objetos del mapa
Healthico.png Botiquines: Smallhealth.png ×4  •  Mediumhealth.png ×8
Ammoico.png Cajas de munición: Smallammo.png ×2   •   Mediumammo.png ×9   •  
Largeammo.png ×3
Imágenes del mapa
Imágenes de la pantalla de carga.
Vista general
Mossrock overview.png
Sello de Mapa
Item icon Map Stamp - Mossrock.png
Mossrock es un mapa de jungla con dos puntos de control (Parecido a Gorge), con pozos de la muerte, trenes, y estaciones de radio que controlan la mente.
Descripcion de la Steam Workshop

Mossrock es un mapa de Attack/Defend Control Point hecho por la comunidad publicado en la Actualizacion Jungle Inferno. Toma lugar en una jungla que alberga estaciones de radio que controlan la mente.

Una parte de los ingresos obtenidos de los contratos de Jungle Inferno van destinados a los creadores de este mapa.

Mossrock es una recreacion al estilo de jungla del mapa Whiterock hecho por la comunidad.


Desde la base de BLU hasta la base de RED hay tres estructuras para que los equipos controlen, cada una separada por un pequeño patio de terreno roto para luchar. Cada estructura esta al nombre de una de las compañías generalmente no alineadas. El ataque principal de BLU continua por la derecha para ganar control de un lado del puente. ya capturado el puente, Los ataques de BLU se dividen por varios angulos en El Cabellete justo afuera de la base de RED.

Hay dos Puntos de Control:

Punto de Control A: "El Puente"; en un puente techado a traves del Abismo. Si se captura este punto de control antes de que se acabe le tiempo, el spawn de BLU avanza hacia el Edificio Casali y añade tiempo al reloj del juego.

Punto de Control B: "El Cabellete"; en la plataforma a traves del cabellete de Tren de la Base de Red. Si se captura este punto de control antes de que se acabe le tiempo,BLU ganara la partida

El diseno de este mapa hace que las posiciones mas facil de defender, sean las mas lejanas del spawn de RED: A lo mas lejano de su spawn, Red tiene un frente mas angosto con posiciones mas altas para defender. Pero despues de la perdida del edificio Casali, RED tiene que dividir sus fuerzas para contra-atacar 2 o 3 posiciones diferentes, dependiendo de las decisiones de BLU. Capturado el puente, BLU tiene tres rutas principales desde su spawn delantero hacia el edificio Jenkin, Que esta en medio de las tres rutas. El punto final encara 3 rutas en las cuales BLU se puede preparar para atacar el punto de control, posiblemente cuando el tren bloqueé el spawn de RED.

Base de BLU

Esta estructura es un centro de control pequeño perteneciente a BLU, conteniendo el primer spawn de BLU, con las tres salidas cubiertas con las altas defensas de RED por izquierda y derecha.

Captain Dan's Wood Pulp

Este edificio controla los caminos derechos e izquierdos desde la basde de BLU y tiene una posicion de batalla en el camino central.

  • El edificio al lado de la colina tiene unas scaleras que llevan hacia el Paseo fluvial que lleva hacia una de las entradas del edificio casali, y tambien hacia la estacion de radio.

Casali Shafting Co.

Este edificio contiene un Entry room and a large Main room with a large doorway opening directly on the The Bridge point, a Balcony opposite with BLU's forward spawn, and a smaller Side Door that flanks both ways depending on who controls the building and The Bridge. Typically, BLU secures the Main Room before attempting The Bridge.

  • Chasm: A deep but expertly jumpable gorge separating the approaches of The Bridge.
  • Riverwalk: A boardwalk below the rim of the Chasm connects the exit stairs from Captain Dan's, the Casalli Side Door, and the narrow "Low Bridge" to the Island Flanks. This path is protected from direct fire except from both ends, but is vulnerable to fire from players who have gotten up on the roof over The Bridge.
  • Pond: BLU must attack up a single ramping bridge across a Pond with a medium Health Kit against two facing exits and two flanking exits (Garage and Backdoor) held by RED.

Jenkin Coal Co.

This is a complex of three buildings connected by Corridors that controls the final approaches to The Trestle.

  • Radio Shack: Balanced on an island bluff, this is the base of the "mind control" radio transmitter. It commands the far end of The Bridge should BLU capture the Casali building. It is connected to RED Base by straight and relatively protected Corridors, and a RED Engineer nest is usually set up with a Teleporter exit nearby.
    • Radio Room: This room is the main RED defense across The Bridge from the Casali building.
    • Patio: This open deck is an alternate protected location for a RED Teleporter Exit. Skilled jumpers can also jump from or to the Patio across the Chasm.
    • Backroom: This is an obvious flank to the Radio Room.
    • Island Flank: The Riverwalk continues beneath the Radio Shack, splitting into the Downstream Flank to the Back Porch and the Upstream Flank to the adjoining Backroom.
    • Back Porch: A relatively short technical jump can reach the broken stairs in the corner to the corridor roof and from there gain the roof over The Bridge.
  • Main Building: The 2-story main Jenkins building cuts across 5 paths from the Casali building.
    • Loft: An upper platform at the junction of the Main Building and the Corridors, this can be flanked through the ground floor Backdoor.
    • Garage: With two wide automatic overhead doors, this is a low route into the final yard.
      • A Trap Door in a corner over a platform connects the Garage with the upper floor near the Stairwell.
    • Stairwell: A forward cover on BLU's right that helps secure the Alley.
    • Alley: A very narrow passageway under the end of the main Jenkin building between the Pond and the final yard.
  • Shipping: The last Jenkin building is against The Trestle and is the closest cover BLU has to the final point.
    • At the opening of Shipping is an elevated Dock that is across the track from the Platform.

RED Base

The RED Base contains the satellite Data Link inside a mining facility and faces the final yard the teams have to fight over. The Trestle and final yard in front of the RED Base is naturally RED's "last stand" should that team be driven from the Jenkin building.

  • The central exit from the spawn opens on an Entryway that exits to the Platform to RED's right and the Lean-to on their left. The lower left exit opens underneath The Trestle and into a defensive Trench. The upper right exit is an exposed door onto the Platform.
  • One Tree Hill: The One Tree on the boulders on the hill in the center of the yard provide cover for players on both teams, especially those playing between the Alley and Garage on the BLU side or playing from underneath The Trestle on the RED side. It also blocks direct fire between the Alley and any Sentry Gun on the Platform.
  • Trench: The low ground in front of and beneath The Trestle offers much protection.
  • The Trestle: The passing Train briefly reduces RED's access and fire support to the final yard.
    • Players can pass under either end of The Trestle at any time.
    • The Jumping classes can easily jump over the gondola cars and all classes can cross the flat cars.


Artículo principal: Estrategia de la comunidad para Mossrock

Control Point timing

Punto de Control Multiplicador Segundos
Punto de Control A ×1
60 ,000
40 ,000
32 ,727
28 ,800
Punto de Control B ×1
20 ,000
13 ,333
10 ,909
9 ,600


This is the changelog of the map before it was added to the game.
Registro de cambios:
Jul 4 @ 2:17am
  • Added soundscapes
  • Fixed cubemaps
  • Improved 3d skybox
  • Added some foliage from Pear
  • Fixed exploits where engineer could build outside the map
  • Improved clipping

Jun 27 @ 4:42am

Jun 27 @ 3:05am

Update history

Parche del 20 de octubre de 2017 #1 (Jungle Inferno Update)

  • Added Mossrock to the game.

Parche del 17 de noviembre de 2017

  • Fixed small area where Engineers could build in initial BLU spawn.
  • Fixed area where you could fall in the pit and not die.
  • Fixed cases where you could block the train without dying.
  • The train now doesn't kill you if your toe touches it.
  • Optimized FPS around the last point. Should be significantly better.
  • Brightened the underside of last point slightly.
  • Improved clipping around the ramp to last point.
  • Fixed a case where your view would glitch out on the sign near cap A.


  • The Radio Room features a poster that lists various radio broadcasting frequencies and their purpose, most of which reference other offical maps:
    • "404Hz - Frenquency Not Found" is a reference to 404 error messages.
    • "502Hz - Contact Moonbase" is a possible reference to Asteroid.
    • "600Hz - Japanese Outpost" is a possible reference to Suijin. It may also be a reference to Teien or Tensai, other japanese-themed maps created by the developers of Mossrock.
    • "650Hz - Arctic Research Station" is a possible reference to Snowycoast.
    • "750Hz - Contact Train God" is a reference to Trainsawlaser.