Bounty Hat

From Team Fortress Wiki
Revision as of 20:44, 8 December 2010 by Balladofwindfishes (talk | contribs) (adding clarifcation from Valve)
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That one's for me, boys!
The Sniper on finding precious treasures.

The Bounty Hat is a promotional headwear item for Team Fortress 2, earned for completing 5 out of 28 objectives in The Great Steam Treasure Hunt. It appears as a worn tricorne hat with a closed treasure chest in the center. Users who complete the required number of objectives must go to the promotion page and click a button to have the hat granted to them. When the user obtains 15 achievements, the Bounty Hat will upgrade to the Treasure Hat.


  • Currently, Soldier and Spy wear this hat backwards. It's currently unknown if this is a bug, or an intended feature.
