Benefactor's Kanmuri

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Revision as of 01:39, 8 April 2011 by Stevoisiak (talk | contribs) (Update history)
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Now that is how it's done!
The Sniper after making a generous donation

The Benefactor's Kanmuri is a promotional headwear item for all classes. It is a Shinto priest's hat with a team colored band tied near the back.

As part of the Japan Charity Bundle update, a set of hats introduced in the March 23, 2011 Patch, this hat could be purchased in the Mann Co. Store for $19.99 through April 6, alone or as a bundle, with all proceeds, excluding tax, going to funding the Template:W relief operations in Japan following the Template:W.

Update history

March 23, 2011 Patch (Japan Charity Bundle)

  • The item was added to the game.

April 7, 2011 Patch


  • A Kanmuri is the formal head attire for Template:W priests, and is worn for important ritual occasions.


See also